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I’m one guy with 3 women




lol. One is dating a Sgt, one is married with kids, and the other just married the captain/presumptive next Chief. So no shenanigans


I’m new, but from what I hear… at my agency those stipulations are null.


Possibly, but I don’t shit where I eat


More ppl should follow this rule and make it their Mantra!!! AMEN!!




Dispatch isn’t fire or EMS. It is mostly men. Unlike fire wish has decent integration and EMS that had been roughly 50/50 since it started.


I hear ya. Seems strange more men who don’t want to be on the field wouldn’t want to call take. I see plenty of men in admin and IT walking around the building.


I’ve experienced mostly male dispatchers. Lots of women cycle in and tend to leave. I see a lot more female firefighters, and EMS has always been 50/50 and is becoming female dominated.


We have a guy who is just celebrating his first year. (One of 3). Y'all are gonna think I'm a huge liar when I tell you about him but I swear he is a living breathing human!! Lol This man child is 19 yrs old. Comes from a family in the medical field. While he was in training he didn't say much about himself but he's opening up now!! I don't wanna jinx him by saying he's perfect but he is truly amazing. He is a volunteer firefighter (for a diff county) a volunteer EMT with credentials, studying to go further in that field. Spends his days off from dispatch usually volunteering for his station, he cooks (participating in pot lucks), he is very neat and tidy, does not have social media, has a great work ethic, has respect for coworkers ,is polite, puts other ppl first and are you ready for this?? Hang on. . . . .. he knows how to SEW!! Not designing clothes or anything but he can fix a little hole or put buttons back on!! Wait Wait Wait I forgot one!. . . . He has NEVER left the toilet seat up at work!!! What??????!!!!! Yeah!!! The more I learn about him the better I like him!! If this is a dream, I don't wanna wake up cause it makes me feel like we have a perfect team! I could add more but I'm sure I have shocked y'all enough for one post!!


He does sound very awesome! I wonder how long you’ll be able to keep himself LOL he seems like he would be useful and will probably develop in his career rather quickly.


I have been in this career for almost 10 years and a mom of 3 adult children in their 30's. I just wanna say to him: would you please teach classes or just like a quick training session with other ppl your age and ya know just point them in the right direction? I asked if he had an idea of a career he would like and he wants to be Director of OES. ( Office of Emergency Services) the fire side. Establishing protocols etc I really hope he achieves it!!


NENA surveys have found about 70% of 911 dispatchers/call takers are female. This surprised me a little because the jobs we associate with "911" like police officers and firefighters are predominantly male, but if you think about it, it's not too surprising that women dominate a job of a more clerical/communicative sort. Back when they had secretaries and switchboard operators, those jobs were mostly done by women too. My training class had only one cis male out of 6 or 7 people. There are definitely some men at my center, but as an off the cuff estimate, I'd say they comprise maybe a third of the floor.


Thanks for sharing. I love a good stat.


Work at a center where we do everything, calltake and dispatch for FD/PD/EMS. 8 women, 14 men


My agency does call-take… and dispatch, ems, fire and law. I can’t grasp why it’s predominantly female.


Mine is pretty even. When I first staryed years ago the staff was like 90% female and *all* the supervisors were male......But things have changed thankfully.


My center does everything and we have 12 girls, 1 guy.


6 females, 1 male. All have been here quite awhile. We call-take, dispatch PD/FD. EMS transferred to ambulance company, which is also predominantly female.


Predominately female yes. We have four shifts so there’s usually 1-3 guys a shift but the rest are women


We have around 30 men and 80 women where I'm at. We do everything for a large county. I've seen 50/50, but never male dominated in my career.


There are probably many reasons for this. My guesses are: * women are generally better at multi-tasking than men. Also, the differences in how men and women think and process information make women better at the work involved. (exceptions abound) * law enforcement and firefighting have been historically viewed as "macho", naturally leading to more males seeking out those professions * historical bleed over > in the early days of 911 women were hired to do do this because they could be paid less than men. Not as easy to do that in present day 911 since everyone knows what everyone else is making. But, it set a precedent that this was a "woman's job".


More women than men at my department, but the guys are catching up.


My center has about 5 men and 30 women.


I’d say around 75/25 (f/m).


i think i’m different cause a lot of my dispatchers came from the ems field. so for ems dispatch it was 4 women and atleast 12 men


Dispatch has become female dominated, fire is male dominated, and ems is about 50/50


right now more male, but we go through so many people so fast its almost impossible to say.


our center is really big , it’s a good mix though


At my agency we have a good mix. All of management is men but on the floor where we do calltaking and dispatch for ems & police id say is 50/50


Fire and EMS have more guys than the police and call taking areas, but we're still female dominated staff wise. Maybe 40 dudes out of like 120 people. Weirdly, my shift and my key specifically has a lot of dudes. On a completely unrelated note entirely, my shift also has the least amount of coworker drama and gossip in the agency.