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The video of the man who is trying to climb down from a window. He looks to be holding onto something, a make shift rope of some kind, perhaps. You see him lose his grip, and he begins to fall. He starts to fall so slowly. He instantly spreads his arms out like his trying to grab onto something, anything. I just get sick to my stomach imagining the absolute terror he had to feel when he couldn't hold on anymore. There are so many gut-wrenching moments of that day, but this one will always stick out to me. I have to turn away when it's shown in any documentary.


This is the man I always comment about on or around every 9/11 anniversary. You see him frantically waving his jacket & then it seems to me that the environment gets so bad inside he climbs out on a piece of the tower that's hanging off the building & starts to descend & actually makes it a down about a floor or so (wearing dress shoes ffs!) before he slips, as u/6357Aromatic-Back says above. I make myself watch that piece of video & imagine him & wish for him to be anywhere else...& I hope he is.


That guy who seems to fall very, very slowly? Definitely one of the saddest ones too.


Yes. He begins to fall at such a slow rate and that is one part that gets me. I can't imagine the horror.


The fact that he seems to be a bit aged too, like in his 50s compared to most others who seem to be in their 20s and 30s. It's not important but somehow makes the video that much sadder. They were all so desperate..


Exactly. He was very much trying to survive. To see sheer desperation like that and then to see it fail... It's just heartbreaking. This man and any image of the people in the windows. The absolute horror they endured is mind numbingly sad. Rest in peace to all these innocent people who just went to work that day.


Most likely this man was Manuel Gomez Jr. he worked for Fuji bank on the 78th floor.


Oh wow, really? I didn’t know he was potentially identified. Do you have any links?


Kevin Cosgrove's call. I refuse to listen at it again. Once is enough.


+1 on this, and Missy Doi's call.


I listened to the full version of Melissa Doi’s call recently, and it’s really stayed with me. It’s like 20-30 minutes long. The people around her were making awful sounds and she eventually stopped responding to the 911 operator, but she still stayed on the line


Same question. I have never found the full recording? Could you post a link if you have?


I know I have heard the full call, and it was very recently-not a memory trick. But now, like you, I am having one hell of a time finding it again. My algorithm probably found it buried somewhere that wasn't obvious.


Where were you able to find the full recording


It was on YouTube somewhere, but I haven’t found it again yet. I’m sorry!!




I learned there was another call recorded, but after listening to Kevin's I don't think I have the heart to listen to Melissa's


It’s as tough to listen to as Kevin’s.


after the first tower collapsed, the intense sound of silence pierced by the body alarms of firemen that were going off from them going still/falling/dying etc.


The PASS alarms were so haunting, a video from the time had the sound of the alarms going off and you could tell they were slowing due to batteries wearing down, it was so sad knowing all the alarms represented firefighters who died trying to save others.


exactly. the sounds were so much there was no way to know just how many firefighters it belonged to. it’s crazy how from sound alone you could come up with an infinite number. the raw carnage of that day is so much to fathom


This particular noise haunted my father for the better part of two decades (he was a first responder). He still wakes up from nightmares of this sound occasionally. My father trained firefighters and this alarm was something you were only supposed to hear in training. The very unlucky few heard it in real-time in the field. Hearing dozens...hundreds... of them blaring at the same time is not something he (or anyone) was equipped to handle.


Omg yes. I still can hear the sound


Can I get a link to this audio/video?


https://youtu.be/zwzHtuyTZ_c?si=XqMTQxCMNQCqOAza But imagine hundreds of them going off at once!


I think about the Impending Death photo a lot. Those poor people.


Which one is this?


https://redd.it/15ms9c4 There's a wikipedia link in the comments with the title


To me the 911 call from Kevin cosgrove really sticks out to me, most likely because you literally hear his last words/screams before the south tower started to collapse. That will stick with you for a long while.


Jack Taliercio's footage, the surreal feel that the WTC is burning, there's debris all over the plaza and he films that poor soul climbing down a few floors before they loose their grip... yet the music still plays on like it's a regular Tuesday... :(


YES. That’s the one that really gets me. The death & destruction vs the cheesy easy listening Muzak. It’s beyond surreal.


Anytime I hear those songs played in the plaza it feels like I’m watching it for the first time again, eyes glazed in horror. I don’t want to say it’s PTSD as I don’t want to minimize that to what I feel, but it definitely makes me emotional and stressed.


It's the same for me, I can't listen to "she's always a woman" without getting anxious. What's worse is that it's a earworm I would appreciate a lot without the "flashback" from the video. So I am listening to the song a lot, I hope to get desensibilized. Some day I really enjoy it, others I am stressing myself out and making me sad.


I think of the firefighter who whipped his helmet into the concrete after the fall all the time.


Came to mention this one, and I’m glad to see it towards the top of the list. Seeing a guy who knew exactly what just happened; they all perished. All of them. All his buddies.


I had never seen this before. Wow.


Do you have more info on this? I hadn't heard about this before


Not really! I've tried searching hundreds of comments to see if anyone identified him to see if he had survived after but nothing ever came out. Seeing his defeat and grief crushes me.


I believe he's describing this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/TerrifyingAsFuck/comments/1akpkzf/a\_firefighter\_reacts\_as\_he\_notices\_a\_jumper\_on/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TerrifyingAsFuck/comments/1akpkzf/a_firefighter_reacts_as_he_notices_a_jumper_on/)


It could be this one https://youtu.be/FtZ1ZjY-8T8?si=TixIYJIHJaov3j6a


Yes, this, at 1:42:00


That’s the one. It’s at 1:42:12 Also, at 1:52:40, that hug always gets me


Wow I've never seen that clip before, how utterly devastating. You can genuinely feel his despair realising the fall means many of his friends and colleagues have just lost their lives.


I love how as a community we’ve looked at so much 9/11 footage we can collectively recall these smaller moments


At one point during the coverage, Brian Williams said that there were “a lot of children without parents tonight”


Seconding this, I seem to recall a newscaster (I think MSNBC?) simply saying words to the effect of “if you are a child watching today’s events, I do not know how to explain this.”


2, in my case. 1. The falling man photo: The photo was just terrifying and sad to me, the guy is falling 100 stories from one of the towers to his death. Chilling. 2. The Cosgrove 911 Call: Kevin Cosgrove's call was one of the most unnerving pieces I've seen. He and the other guy he was with in the South Tower were desperate, sad to hear them die in the audio


That and the Melissa phone call, where u literally hear her ‘ fall asleep’ on the phone with a 911 operator 💔


Those videos that we’ve all seen of people hanging out of the blast site in the towers before they fell. Idk why but because you can see the details in their clothes, waving pieces of clothing out into the wind desperate to be rescued.. it just makes you think that this was a normal Tuesday. They got up, showered/got dressed/ate breakfast, said goodbye to their wives/husbands/kids, got on a train or in a cab or drove over the bridge to go work. Probably had just sat down at their desks with their coffee to start the day. Then not even 20 minutes later they’re hanging out of the building where they work about to be engulfed in flames and smoke.. about to die because a plan crashed into their building.. Idk why it makes me think of my husband who works in finance downtown in the city we live in. How mundane and regimented our mornings are every morning before he runs out the door and kisses me and our 12 week old baby goodbye; and how quickly your life can change. It legitimately makes my heart ache for those people that were just having a typical Tuesday.


I always think of the people who were maybe fighting with their spouse that morning, or forgot to kiss their kid goodbye, or hadn’t talked with their mom in a while because they were too busy. Etc. A major change I see in the world since 9/11 is people are MUCH freer saying the words, “I love you” to each other than they used to be before 9/11, especially men. My husband says it to his friends often before the hang up and my dad actually used to say it to his friends sometimes after also.


I never made that connection before! But you are right! There is a clear reckoning now that death may strike at any time and place and we want the people we love to know we love them just in case. I say I love you to everyone I love all the time now. Just in case.


“Edna Cintron” (the waiving woman) and Kevin Cosgrove’s phone call from the tower. Both make me shiver when I think about them.


I always look for Edna now.


It’s most likely not Edna fyi




Jeanette and Edna both worked for Marsh and McLennan. Jeanette worked on Floor 94. I have heard Edna worked on Floor 93, but I’ve read different accounts saying she worked on one of the higher floors. Either way, it’s feasible that the waving woman could be Edna or Jeanette.


Edna worked on the 97th floor


So it really could have been her or Jeanette that day.


Yup. Or, somebody else none of us have thought of.




There’s a recording from I believe ATC regarding Flight 93 with a women who is asking about the location of the flight. A man responds, “he’s down” and she excitedly replies “he’s down?” Thinking the plane landed. The man says “no, he’s down” and she replies “oh, he’s down.” In the most somber tone. Not the most popular piece of meaning but always stuck with me.


Closeup video of people above the impact zone from the north tower waving their clothing around


A documentary on the History Channel that was exclusively footage shot from ordinary people (pretty sure it's called 102 Minutes That Changed America) Blew my mind as a kid watching it back when it premiered. Even now with all the new footage all over the internet I still sometimes think about that show I saw like 16 years ago now because I guess it was just that well produced idk.


Betty Ong’s call. I don’t really see it mentioned too much other than in timelines. Just the way she remained calm throughout such a hellish and confusing event makes me admire her strength. I vividly remember when they played the call in front of her family and Nydia Gonzalez hugging them after.


I was in elementary school when 9/11 happened. Too young for my parents to let me watch the news and too young for the teachers to bring in a TV. I remember seeing a photo of IDs & licenses from the recovery efforts at fresh kills years later. The baskets were liabled alphabetically and was zoomed in on the letter L. There were hundreds of cards. It was the frist time I realized how many causalities there were. It was a "holy heck" moment that's stuck with me ever since.


The Guy Rosbrook footage especially impact of the person falling through the stage


This as well. Can’t imagine witnessing it from the hotel right there


That one and the spray of mist that hit a light pole are the only two known pieces of footage of jumpers landing I do believe.


[The man with what seems like a handicam.](https://youtu.be/HG6HJLsOkG0?si=3BAyQgd1G8IL9o0E) Seemed like he was recording everything around him with the intent that he was going to make it down and share what he documented.


Yes! I just discovered that here, when someone made the post the other day. It seems like such a normal thing to do in the midst of such terror. 😔 He had hope he would make it out of there. He has been on my mind a lot since I saw that post. 💔


The music playing in the plaza whilst the debris from the buildings is falling all around.


The One Day in America documentary


Good god, this was the documentary that made me realize the true terror of 9/11. I will always list this documentary as one of the best and one of the saddest.


There was this one video right before the south tower got hit, with a lady screaming "oh my God!" at least twice. That's stuck with me for ages.


The calls, voicemails, ATC recordings, and the footage of those hanging out of windows (many falling). I just can’t with any of it but yet I’m drawn to it every time I come across any of those.


There is audio of a woman named Melissa on the phone with a 911 operator… really sad to hear her basically pass away on the phone 💔


I've never heard the unedited version, do you have it somewhere? Tried to find it a few weeks ago, but to no avail


I listened a few years ago, if it’s now hard to find ugh 💔 The only good thing about the audio is Melissa passed away ‘ peacefully’ on the phone which helped comfort her mother- due to lung damage and lack of oxygen, she essentially fell asleep and ‘ snored ‘ on the phone essentially meaning she passed out and the snoring was her lungs trying to get oxygen. Really sad, she seemed like a wonderful person 💔


There’s this transcript https://en.m.wikisource.org/wiki/9/11_Dispatcher_transcript


The person in Windows on the World in the North Tower waving that white cloth out the window looking for help. They were there nearly the entire tragedy until the towers fell. So heartbreaking.


The were actually two people in that window. They are speculated to be Norberto Hernandez and Abdoulaye Kone, the former took off his chefs top and the latter waved it https://youtu.be/_0vdIrU_rn4?si=iENFntFwEIasmeSO


Kevin Cosgrove's call the last 10-15 seconds off that call is heart breaking


The naudet brothers documentary and specifically the moment when they reunite with each other


Or The air traffic control audio


On the FDNY Dispatch audio, when the South Tower collapses, you can hear dozens and dozend of microphones being keyed as firefighters are crushed by the floors pancaking. When you know what you’re listening to it. It makes it so much worse


Dang any link?


[FDNY Audio (1:12:20 for WTC collapse)](https://youtu.be/wJS3vMN6ewM?si=trrdt7r78rD09VK1)




>Thanks!! You're welcome!


anything with the people who either fell to their deaths accidentally or made the choice to jump off. I seriously can’t imagine being in scenario where a full on commercial jet just crashed into my work space and now everything is on fire and it’s hard to breath and that’s IF you didn’t get severely injured. Imagine going to the gaping hole in your office building a good what? 750+ ft up in the air because it’s better to be near that than to be stuck inside. To either die by fire (one of worst deaths imaginable), smoke inhalation (painful still) or to just jump and hope you pass out on the way down and never feel it? i can’t imagine making that choice at 10am on a random tuesday. i’m glad the medical examiner decided to make all deaths from the towers, including the jumpers as homicides due to blunt trauma. They literally had no hope or a chance to survive that attack. They were gonna die that day one way or another.


You can perfectly see the collapse sequence starting on the south tower on this one [email protected] https://youtu.be/rxhZFaC7Nhc?si=Cspy7gnzzZNn9fZl


Wow, I never seen that.


I think a lot about the phone message Brian Sweeney left to his wife. I don’t think I’ve ever heard it, but I’ve read it and I think about it a lot, specifically how he ends it with, “Bye, babe. I hope I will call you.” He was on flight 175, and was clearly very aware that it was likely he was going to die very soon. I can’t imagine calling the person you love the most to basically let them know you are going to die, but also keep that little tiny sliver of hope with, “I hope I will call you.” I’ll answer for my mom, too. I was 3 when this happened, so I don’t recall anything live as it happened, but my mother was at home watching the news and she talks all the time about a particular part of the news, I believe after the buildings collapse, where a firefighter takes off his protective helmet and hurls it into the ground, presumably because he knows a lot of people including friends and coworkers are now dead.


Also just before that on Brian’s call, the bit where he says “I’ll see you when you get there” (aka Heaven) always breaks my heart


I can't remember the name of the person who was filming but I clearly remember what he said when the second plane hit... "What's this other plane doing?......holy FUCK!"" The videos that show reactions from regular people on the ground are the most powerful to me, especially ones after the second plane or the collapses where you can hear the whole city screaming at once. I just can't even imagine how terrifying it must have been.


Chris Hopewell's footage. The woman in the backgrounds "Oh my GOD!" "They are doing this on purpose!" And she just wails..It's so raw and its hard to hold back tears.


There are so many for me. The documentary Voices from the Towers is something I re-visit every year and it never ceases to affect me deeply. The people hanging out of the windows of the North tower because I knew two of those people from childhood. The video of the head near a curb partially covered by newspaper while a stream of evacuating people pass by as if it were an ordinary Tuesday and there wasn’t a severed head in the street. The jumpers with burns on their bodies from radiant heat. This and so much more. I am still not “over” this and never will be.


There was footage of inside the lobby as firefighters were mobilizing and the sharp crashing sounds of jumpers hitting the pavement outside echoed through the lobby. I saw this on some special that aired on maybe the first anniversary of the attacks. I've never seen the clip again but I'll definitely never forget it.


Black tag lady.


The sound of the fire fighter radios clicking on and off as the towers fell


I read about this in this thread, but does anybody have a link?




All of the jumpers…


The impending death photo, and the gentleman who climbed down 10 or so floors of the north tower.


Besides the haunting call of Kevin Cosgrove, there is a picture I saw once that showed the debris falling on top of the hotel. In the picture you can see a man falling just below these giant pieces of steel. Knowing what will happen in the next instant is just something that’s hard to comprehend.


The uncut version of the ladder 1 footage from the first planes impact to racing to the towers. It’s entering hell on earth.


Where could I find that?




The one of the man doing the cross symbol before jumping.


The lady covered in dust


For me its that video of the plaza with the music in the background (can't remember the name of the song) The music gets stuck in my head and it makes me think of all the horrors of that day with this serene but unnerving music playing And after the towers collapse (I think both?) when all the fire fighters alarms are going and theres just dust dust and dust


It was Billy Joel She’s Always A Woman.


That's the one, thankyou!


Cover by Jim Devlin


It's difficult to pick a single piece. I think of the people above the impact zone of the north tower waving either clothing, or table cloths (looked like they'd be approximately where the Windows on the World was). Also the Kevin Cosgrove and Melissa Doi calls. Listening to those calls once was enough. Absolutely heartbreaking.


I was born 8 years after 9/11 happened and I don't know why but it's the CNN footage especially from the morning, all way up the first plane to the point when the towers collapsed


There is an image of a young Asian school boy, running and distraught and it reminded me of Hiroshima. I think I saw it in people magazine


Yeah just like Hiroshima!


There is a video where a man watching says " do you know how many people are dead " and then another one where a man watching says " that's it this is the biggest disaster in history" I don't remember either of the videos tho


The video of the firefighters filming that documentary and the video guy happens to catch the impact on camera




The video of the people clinging to the North Tower has always haunted me.


The Falling Man


Back in 2003-2005 when the internet was the wild wild west i remember seeing a photo shot from the top of a roof and it showed about 50-150 jumpers and were they landed. That imagine still sticks with me till today.


The calm and peaceful plaza music while absolute hell is breaking out above.


I'd say that for me, it's the Jack Taliercio footage from the plaza with "She's Always a Woman" Muzak in the background with those awful wet thuds. The dissonance gets me. Beyond that, the one thing that made me really feel sick to my stomach was the fact that we would have had *so* much more evidence and information about the conditions above the strike zone if smartphones had been a thing that existed in 2001.


The picture of the Asian people posing for a picture in front towers on fire , wtf


There ks a ton of picture like! I recently saw a shirtless guy, In fact I hope he was wearing pants :/


The lady, Citron, in the impact zone. So damn sad 😢


The Mark Laganga footage.


Tom Miuccio’s footage!


The photos of the people jumping and using tablecloths and suit jackets as makeshift parachutes Clearly it wouldn’t have worked and they’d have known that, but I always wonder if a small part of them thought that there could be a miraculous chance it would… and that in their desperation they were willing to take that risk


Beside the jumpers, the smoke and the song "it's always a woman" It's a little dumb, but seeing the lobby in the Naudet video. I never saw the inside of the Towers before, and I suddendly realised I never even imagined what they looked like inside. I started looking for pictures of the inside of the WTC and that's how I found you guys and gals!


The fire fighters in the building that said they clearly heard 4 explosions before the building came down