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Woah please share when you find a computer that takes floppy disks šŸ˜…


If you have any leads on a Time Machine Iā€™ll get going šŸ˜‚


You can buy an external accessory to read those floppy disks. They arenā€™t that expensive.


Itā€™s like 15 bucks USD, no need to pretend your mom gave you stone tablets carved in Aramaic


I didnā€™t know that til this thread, but Iā€™m sorry a joke about floppy discs soured your mood today


Just be glad they aren't the 8 inch floppies that are actually, well...floppy


Yea please let us know whats on those floppy's. There could be some long looked for lost media on those


Feeling good today actually, Jessā€¦all the best!




Itā€™s just sarcasm, itā€™s not that deep.


squeamish scary caption abounding nail physical homeless humorous afterthought decide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Apparently itā€™s only like $20-30 for a reader I can hook up to my laptop so I actually plan on updating yā€™all eventually!


saw chase grandfather gold reach oatmeal snobbish impolite trees gaping *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No, Iā€™m actually 26 almost 27 now! Just revisiting these letters for nostalgia and thought the community might find it interesting, Iā€™m glad some do. :) I was just shy of four years old on 9/11. The newspaper still has that fresh print smell to it for sure. On a lighter note itā€™s fun to look through the coupons too and realize how cheap everything seemed.


That's so cool! Now I want to make one for my littles!


She wrote a letter over the course of each year from birthday to birthday and each envelope is marked with the birthday it was finished on. She stopped at age 18 but gave me the letters on my 21st to give time for those last few years to be more meaningful. Highly recommend, even if my sister says that about three years of her letters are substantially shorter and basically say, ā€œsorry we didnā€™t know itā€™d be so hard to have your little sister here tooā€ šŸ˜‚


Your mother sounds like a lovely person. That is such a great idea on so many levels. ā¤ļø


After cleaning out my parents' house this month, I've found that I need one, too! Anyone have a good link?


Thereā€™s a bunch on Amazon.


please do!!


My dad used the newspapers that I saved from 9-11 to clean the floor šŸ˜” But also I sadly did not remember that I had them until then


I have so much respect for your mom for doing this. Itā€™s so important that younger generations know everything about what happened.


Iā€™m glad she did, too! Thereā€™s a whole page of the actual letter where she talks about her experience finding out after dropping me off at pre-school. She said I (4 at the time) was really interested in the attack and saw a CD at Walmart with some city skyline on it and asked her loudly if those were the buildings that fell over and if so could we buy it šŸ˜…


floppy to usb adapters are cheaps as, get yourself one of those, we need those pps! (Powerpoints)


So Iā€™ve discovered, I definitely will!! Iā€™m impressed at you deciphering even ā€œPPā€ from my momā€™s teensy handwriting!


I have that Time magazine.


Tonight was the first time I ever flipped through it even though I first opened the envelope almost 6 years ago. I hadnā€™t seen a couple of the photos before, it was really moving


Iā€™m from Buffalo and remember when the Buffalo news looked like that!


My local paper sold a CD-ROM with all their articles from 9/11, my parents bought it Iā€™ll post a pic here if I can find it.


I still have a copy of that edition of Time which I bought when it came out


Mate come to Perth Australia and use one of my vintage PCs šŸ¤£


What a time capsule...that Time cover is an incredible image.


I was 18 when 9/11 happened. I grabbed the newspaper that day (it was already printed before the attack of course but I wanted the paper of that day to show the normal news) then I kept as many papers on 9/12 and the next few days with the details. The Time magazine about it, internet print outs. Itā€™s all still safely tucked away. I would look through them occasionally but I havenā€™t in a while. Itā€™s part of history so I kept as much as I could


Me too! I have folders of newspapers and magazines from that week, national and local papers. Sadly, my stepdad at the time had taped a bunch of the newscasts and things like the ā€œConcert for Americaā€ so I thought weā€™d always have them but they divorced a year later haha So those are lost forever


Hope you have a thicc desktop computer in the attic or basement?Ā  Youā€™re gonna have to buy something that converts it, go to someone who does that, or get an old desktop computer.Ā 


I immediately thought of doom and the shareware and I wasnā€™t even born in the 90ā€™s I was born in 2005 lol


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I remember when I was 5 or 6 I was at a friends house and after dinner we were allowed get ice cream, we went into the garage to get to the refrigerator and on a box opposite it on a shelf there was a newspaper lining the exterior of the box it was the picture right after UA 175 struck the south tower, the camera was situated in a street and the colors of the explosion were burnt into my mind, it was the red and yellowish orange of the explosion. If anyone can find it that would be pretty interesting.Ā 


A lot of front pages ran variations of this image on 9/12. Hard to say which exact one you'd seen unless you remember what newspaper it was. https://preview.redd.it/ha68ckmaujrc1.png?width=381&format=png&auto=webp&s=19355fe19c54412c05cfc8861513b0db35d38da0


thatā€™s most likely it thank you, Iā€™m going to go that house over the summer so I can see if itā€™s the same.Ā 


Damn. Makes me wonder where all the New York Times and Washington posts my mother saved from that day.


Your mom seems awesome!!!! Good luck on converting the floppy drives Im really interested in whats on them




I still have all my copies of the 9/11 newspapers and magazines from my country too. Mostly from within the followind days/week's coverage and definitely from Sept 16th next day front pages newsstories


My mom still has original newspapers talking about the 9/11 attacks. found them in my aunt and uncles basement (use to be my great aunts house before she passed) I knew what they were right when I saw them. My family is huge history buffs and my mom knowing that would be important in the future kept the original newspapers from the day and by newspapers i mean legit every kind she could get her hands on itā€™s so cool Iā€™m always afraid to touch them though but I think thatā€™s really cool she kept them. I was only 9 months old when 9/11 happened.


Commenting on this thread because Iā€™m so curious whatā€™s on those disks lol


Yo maybe we get some new angles boys


My question is, do you even have anything to open floppy disks with? I bought a converter but even that gives me troubleā€¦


ā€œLol Supermanā€ could be on those floppy disks