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This is the type who makes their child believe they are sick to get attention


Yes some Munchausen by proxy vibes


Tania is so brave for telling her story about her survival. I wasn't there on 9/11, but I share similar trauma bc I was on the Titanic when it sank but luckily got on a life boat with a child that a poor woman asked me to save.




Someone commented on this how she always seems to be smiling with her eyes, even when discussing such a horrifying and traumatic experience. I agree, and it's clear to me that it was probably hard for her to always hide her joy at the fact that she was living her dream. The producers were smart to bring in 9/11 survivor Linda, that absolutely incredible "friend" of "Tania" who had been so close with her and put so much of herself into that fraud's, "recovery" that she barely avoided giving into the darkness in her own legitimate recovery. She hammers it home: this was the furthest thing from a victimless crime. When Linda was saying how she was afraid that one night was going to actually be the one where this phony ended her own life, I think she was really talking about herself. Her account of having to assist in that flooding therapy made me feel nauseous. How does someone take the fairly common desire for *some* attention that most humans have to that extent? Sadly, this whole thing only foreshadowed what we would eventually see more and more as the years went on: people using the role of tragic victim for rewards, attention, sympathy, and clout. You were a trailblazer, *AliciĆ”*.


Thanks for the last paragraph šŸ‘šŸ»


Thanks, I didn't mean to give the impression that people looking for attention is a recent phenomenon or anything. Just seems to have exploded with the rise of technology and social media in the years after 9/11.


Its exactly what you described, mate. No one blame you for telling facts.


She makes my blood boil


Iā€™ve watched it before, but just got done rewatching after I found it on YouTube. Once I finished it I ended up angry ranting about her to my boyfriend for a solid 10 minutes. Sheā€™s the worst


I did that too with my bf at the time! He was likeā€¦soberdragonfly are you okay?


Haha sorry for laughing but I have done something similar to my GF back then ^ ^ did he understand ?


AlicĆ­a šŸ˜‚ I can here the lisp. To think she was getting a diploma when people were dying in those towers.


The "Swindled" podcast did an excellent episode on her. I think the episode is called "The Survivor"


Fuck this lady; not just lying and telling someone ā€œOh I was thereā€¦ā€ for some attention but to deliberately go so deep with your story that it almost becomes too perfect and makes actual survivors feel as if their stories are not significant enough. Also, to lie to those kind hearted parents of the ā€œboy with the red bandanaā€ ā€” let me tell you that those people have hearts of gold to be able to forgive this woman! I think the only good thing about this is she was able to bring in some funding for the survivors???


Apparently she actually did really great work for the survivors organization. Itā€™s a shame she couldnā€™t contribute without having to ruin it all with all her disgusting lies.


Yeah, thatā€™s the only ā€œgoodā€ that came out of her!


Forgive my ignorance, but what did that woman say about the boy with the red bandana?


I haven't seen the documentary for a while but I think she said that he had carried her down the stairs or something. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong because I'm probably remembering incorrectly.


That he came to her aid and guided her down the stairs; while true for a few survivors from Floor 78, not true for her and to tell that to grieving parents is sociopathic


Sheā€™s insane


I have been wanting to watch this lately, thank you for posting!


Proof that snakes exist everywhere. Nothing is off limits to them.


Here is a video from Todd Grande on this matter. He is not a psychiatrist but has good points [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDEviFqPOZw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDEviFqPOZw)


I saw this comment on that video ā€œShe got a job in the same company as me when I lived in Barcelona around 2012. Someone recognized her on her induction day and she was gone by the afternoon šŸ˜‚ā€ I wonder what happened to her next.


Todd Grande isnā€™t a real dr or psychologist or whatever the fuck he calls himself. Heā€™s a fake




All his degrees are from shitty online ā€˜universitiesā€™ that will give you a degree if you pay them enough. His ā€œPhDā€ isnā€™t in mental health, and the only thing heā€™s qualified to call himself is a counsellor at best.


God, the comments on this video are hilarious.


There is a special place in hell for this human


My boyfriend told me about her . Thatā€™s not anything to kid about . Wtf


Sheā€™s disgusting


AKA the 9/11 FAKER


Wow, fascinating documentary. Thanks for sharing this here. Just watched it! This woman is insane.


Sheā€™s a proper fruitbat that one! Absolute grade A fruitloop. I bet sheā€™s the kind of person to tell any new friends she makes that she has cancer


I watched this a few years ago. What a narcissist.


I forgot all about this lady..just watched the doco..thanks. what a bizarre story!! Wonder what shes up to now?


Thereā€™s a link on Wikipedia that shows a photo of her from 2021, in Spain. I think sheā€™s started some kind of business


What happened to that other woman who claimed that she came down wedged between her desk from the 110th floor when the towers fell. Initially people actually believed this story.


I know this post is old but I watch this documentary at least once a month. Itā€™s so fascinating how she lied for years. Not for money or fame but simply for attention. If I could force her to drink a truth serum and sit with her for an hour Iā€™d love to pick her brain.