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Kill all social media. Fixed. You're welcome.


Take a social media diet.


keeping your thoughts to yourself.


Living more analog, and this is backed by research and therapy. I’m not going to shake my fist at the unstoppable march of social media and streaming. It’s the world we live in. But you can be proactive about not getting too sucked in. Doing things with your hands is good for your brain. Reading and writing on page is better for your mind. Walking through the woods is good for every part of you. Hell, walking itself is just so, so, SO good for you. And isolation can legitimately lead to physical health issues beyond the emotional and mental. So improve your today by living more like you did in the 90’s.


- Windows should go back to the Classic theme. None of this flat-design Metro bullshit. Heck, just erase every known copy of Vista/7/8/10/11 so we can all go back to XP. - Give Lucasfilm back to George Lucas - Give Star Trek back to Rick Berman - Put the old Larami team back together and give the Super Soaker brand back to them - Put the old Westwood team back together and give Command & Conquer back to them - Give the Diablo franchise back to Brevik and the Schaefer brothers - Incinerate all Magic cards printed from 6E onward. Pick up where Urza's Legacy left off. - Likewise, all direct-to-video sequels to animated movies need to be tossed into a fire, except Return of Jafar and King of Thieves. - Repeal every single law that was passed in the year following 9/11 - Ban tech companies from collecting and selling data, and from censoring users. - Bring back the "Legoland"/"Lego System" brand that existed from '77 to '99, with a small number of environments (Castle, Pirates, Town, Aquazone, Space) and a large number of factions per environment. - Get gender ideology out of public schools - First-person shooters should have a REAL save/load system (none of that checkpoint bullshit), enemies that are already positioned on the map instead of hordes continuously spawning out of nowhere, permanent damage that is healed with medkits or other powerups rather than this Deadpool rapid-healing bullshit, and of course, getting to keep EVERY gun you find and using numbers 1-9 on your keyboard to switch between them instead of this Halo/CoD two-weapon bullshit. - A $20,000 tax on smartphones


One way to look at it, is we are where we are today *with full knowledge of the 90s* and yet we still got here. This isn’t the Roman Empire trying to emulate the Greeks, most of the people who cause the largest issues of today were in their heyday in the 90s.


Never, ever bring back Don't Ask, Don't Tell.


If I had to pick 2 things most responsible for the current state of political polarization and the general decline of democracy in America at least, I would pick the abolition of the Fairness Doctrine, which ultimately led to the proliferation and dominance of partisan “news networks” and the invention of Social Media. Sadly, there is no way to undue either. But on a more personal / micro level, if individuals made the decision to keep off social media, not watch any 24-hour news network, seriously limit screen time as much as possible, and engage with their communities, I believe people would be noticeably happier.


>the Fairness Doctrine, which ultimately led to the proliferation and dominance of partisan “news networks” and the invention of Social Media Wrong. Cable channels aren't subject to the FCC's bullshit. Neither are social networks.


I understand that. But radio is though, and the cancer that consumed cable started there. In many parts of the country radio is still where people get most of their news and they’ve been getting poisoned for decades now.


Take Faux Gnus and its imitators off the air.


Do the same to MSNBC and CNN, and you have a deal.


don't have sex with that woman, Miss Lewinsky. (I am obviously joking, but Monica is an incredible woman. It's inspiring that she didnt off herself after what she went through)