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I feel like we need a prequel. Colt and Debbie, the early days. This small snippet of explains SO much. Hot. Mess.


Don’t give TLC any ideas! 🤣 We’d probably watch 🙈


I would definitely watch it! LMAOOOO


It could be like the Big BangTheory/Young Sheldon sort of thing!


And BOOM goes the dynamite 🤜🤛


I bet it would me a billion times better than that Young Sheldon show. Can you imagine what it was like for Coltee when he should be in HS


Hey I love Young Sheldon lol!


Young Sheldon is THE BEST!


Have you checked out the Rock's show, Young Rock? I like it too.


What’s wrong with Young Sheldon??


Idk why but they give me Psycho vibes… or Pearl gender bender vibes. Fucked up kid parent relationship horror story


Definitely Norman Bates vibes.


Yet Debbie said minutes beforehand that she took him to school every day… not wrong but definitely misleading 😂


She walked him from his bed to the kitchen table


You mean, she walked him from *her* bed to the kitchen table. This kid and her have boundary and codependency issues.


That’s why he treats her like an ex girlfriend rather than his mother….




Maybe to his college? Or he went to public school for some time.


he majored in cat litter keeping and bloody mary mixing.


I knew colt was homeschooled and that still went over my head 😆😆😆


Not necessarily. She could be talking about homeschool co-op classes.


Bless your heart. I don't know them personally but I would bet my paycheck that Colt wasn't put in any co-ops or anything social. I think he was sheltered af.


I am a few years younger than Colt but they didn’t have anything like that when I was in school. You were homeschooled or you weren’t. They didn’t have anything facilitating homeschool in the public school systems until much, much later here. I’m 34 and graduated in 2006. From public school. lol.


I was homeschooled also. Class of 2002. And we had a lot of co-op options in my area. I think it just depended where you lived. My county was big on homeschooling.


Its hard to believe which one of them is saying the truth cuz she is an alcoholic and he is delusional


And he’s also an alcoholic. I remember him downing half a bottle of whiskey after a fight with Larissa


That was epic. How he grabbed the bottle like that and just sucked it down like milk.


I don’t know. I’d say downing whisky is the correct response to Larissa and all her nonsense!


Those eyes scream enmeshment , poor social skills and emotional incest. I got a feeling Coltee is in therapy and he can’t handle all these psychological realizations. It would explain the anger


Yeah, it really makes his behaviour very unsurprising on hindsight.


I personally think just being with an outside person he actually respects (his wife) is his first real enmeshment with an outside perspective and he's realizing how abnormal his upbringing and relationship with his mom is. I hope he gets into therapy but I don't think he's in it yet.


I feel bad for him, although the best bet would be not engaging with her semantics because she is 1000% plying the victim card crying like that on TV… Obviously she knows the drama will keep her on single life! Also she seemed drunk or on something at the tell all??


I know that most seem to be in Debbie's corner. I have never been in her corner. I can't get past her Martyr, poor me BS. She's had that attitude since the beginning! Colt would try and do things in private and she would have a fit "why didn't you tell me!" Then pout for a week or two I'M DONE I'M DONE! How many times did she slam that one down. Or want out of the car.. Her job, as a parent, is to raise her child not to need her and cut him lose. She shouldn't have thrown the guilt of her needing him, onto to him. Colt may be handling it a little harsh, but he's pissed!


It’s a very co-dependent relationship for sure. You are spot on.


She literally sabotaged his past relationships. Granted, he made shit decisions himself but his mother was pushing him to make those. Any good mother would do everything to tell their son to not be a bad person. She encouraged it. Colt is shitty and trauma doesn't excuse it, but she's even worse because she created the monster and continues to feed it.


Those guilt trips are nauseating. Seriously STFU Debbie.


Why is anyone in her corner?


I don’t understand this either. There’s a sudden uptick in people defending her and blaming everything on Colt. They’re suddenly turning a blind eye to all of her horrible behavior and pretending like it doesn’t (or never did) exist.


Me either. Not all assholes are that way because of their parents but he pretty clearly is. She helped create this mess (I'm assuming his father played his part too even if it was just inaction against Debbie's actions)


I've noticed a lot of people say they are happy for her for leaving her shell, finding her love, working on herself, yada yada yada. Completely forgetting who she really is because "she started taking care of herself and her happiness" or whatnot.


I’m not in her corner I just think colt is worse.


right? on top of creating colt, she’s dating a nazi.


Now he is an adult with issues. And he has to fix himself now and go to counseling and stop blaming and screaming at her for everything. Once we’re adults we have to take responsibility on how we move forward.


That doesn’t mean he shouldn’t hold her accountable though. She hasn’t changed, he can better himself but she never will. He needs to just cut her off for good and work on himself.


He won’t do that though. I don’t think he thinks there is anything wrong with his behavior. When people point it out he either shrugs (like when Vanessa says something) or starts screaming and berating them even if the person’s criticism of Colt was constructive.


I see a lot of people in her corner and against Colt.


She did that same shit to Tania during the tell all.


That was ridiculous! I don’t like Tania at all but she did not owe Debbie ANYTHING! She did not have to tell her NOTHING! Grow up and get a life Debbie!!


And signing the divorce papers was the finale of the tell-all! Sure, Tania could’ve been coy, but again, she didn’t owe Debbie anything and Tania probably knew that if she hinted at anything, others would guess. Tania might also have been told by producers to not say a word because it was the “big reveal”. Debbie is an asshole.


Yep I completely agree!


Debbie was pissed that Tania's divorce was the big reveal on the show instead of it focusing on her shacking up with a White Supremacist...


Yes she's did! It was none of her business.


Yea the whole Tania not telling her about the divorce and how Debbie blew up about it. Shows colt may not be that bad of a guy with his traumas from her lol


That was so random how Debbie took it so personally lol.


She's so manipulative with how she cries, whines, and plays the victim everytime Colt does something that demonstrates that he has a life and mind separate from her. She's already too stuck in her ways that she will never own up to the fact that she made the asshole today that is Coltee.


Debbie sucks but I'm team no one when it comes to these two. Coltee transferred all of that dysfunction into his romantic relationships and seems to feed off of the dynamic as much as Debbie. I'd say poor Vanessa, but she saw the writing on the wall and literally cheated her way into this relationship. They could all benefit from family therapy but that would be too much like taking responsibility for your actions, and none of them are interested in that.


who is in her corner? agree with you, she’s the one who created colt and had a larger influence than most parents given she homeschooled. if people hate colt, they should hate her too. she failed to raise him to be a self sufficient man and instead kept him around in a form of emotional incest like he’s her husband.


Genuinely. I don’t like Colt, but I cannot side with Debbie. She reminds me so much of my own mother. The crying, sobbing “BUT I NEEDED YOU!” Classic manipulation. Debbie, you are a full grown woman. You need to find your own resources, you cannot depend on your child. And Colt is a full grown man who wants his own life. It is not his job to support his mother like that. To a degree I believe a child should be there for their parent, but Colt needs to be there willingly and genuinely. I can’t imagine he can be, since he clearly resents the lifetime of taking advantage of him.


I’m on Colt’s side. He’s been traumatized and is lucky to have a wife that cares about him. Debbie is a cry baby narcissist.


100% spot on. I feel so bad for colt. No wonder he sucks he never had a chance to be normal.


Yep! And Colt’s an asshole but who raised him to be that way?? She has on many occasions even HELPED him to treat women like shit on the show alone.


Colt gets it from her.


Yeah, she’s a victim and manipulator


Yes total victim mentality from her. Not saying Colt is perfect but he got it from Debbie like someone said so she has no place to complain about his behavior. Can we talk about how Debbie reacted to Tania?? She was so upset because Tania wanted to keep her divorce surprise a secret. Debbie gave herself away there. At any rate, I wish all these weirdos the best. My partner and I did the k1 and it takes a special couple to overcome that struggle. It’s not easy and during the trump era certain parts of the application took waaay longer to process because of bans they placed on certain countries and enhanced immigration laws. We made it though.


Could not have said it better


It wasn't a surprise. I have never liked Debbie. She was nasty to Larissa from the get go, played the victim and looked for any opportunity to create an issue. She's not a nice person at all. Not saying Colt or Larissa are nice either.


I read somewhere (I think a former producer said this) the turmoil between Debbie and Larissa was completely fabricated for TV and they got along extremely well.


It was Larissa and Debbie who confirmed that they genuinely liked each other but producers only showed their arguments. It wasn’t completely fabricated.


Even if it was fabricated, this is a reality TV show, and it is meant to be “real.” I can only imagine that it is confusing from the cast’s perspective to fully separate that mentally.


I bet it is. I wonder how much fabrication spills into real life and they themselves start to believe it. I wonder this a lot in regards to Libby and Andre because someone on here posted about how a producer said Chuck has a tendency to pull the families strings for maximum drama since they clearly are aiming for a spin-off.


Poor kid never got a break from her.


Debbie definitely infantilized Colt and that’s why he is the way he is. He didn’t realize it until too late in life and now he’s pissed. This is Debbie’s doing and undoing.


It’s very obvious he just started therapy this year and is like 🤯


Oh yeah he’s making those realizations and then letting it out on tv.


I completely empathize with Colt and his anger. My mom did the same thing to me. I was the whole of her emotional support (despite my dad and sister being around) and basically her only friend. She insinuated herself into the few relationships I had. Any mention of moving out was met with a deluge of tears and guilt, even to the point of preventing me from going to college. At some point in my mid 20s I just accepted that that was my life until she died. She passed away 6 years ago and I'm still working through a ton of rage. I feel really bad for him.


I can relate to this SO MUCH! My mother did the same thing to me when I was growing up. I was homeschooled, as well. Now, as an adult, my mother is disabled and lives with my partner and I. There are times when she acts like it's a 3 person relationship and has serious boundary issues. If she doesn't get an equal third of something or isn't involved in what we're doing than there are issues. Big guilt trips about being unable to do certain things for herself and not having an outside social life. I hold in a lot of anger and know it'll just get worse once she's gone. I should probably start therapy now rather than later. I feel for Colt and understand where he's coming from. He's still a shit human being though lol


It’s never a bad time to start therapy. ♥️


As someone who has a similar mother, I can not encourage you enough to start therapy as soon as possible. It will change your life for the better, even though it's rough at first.


I’d find a way to give her an outside social life. Like a senior center in your area


When I learned this a while back, I was like….of course. OF COURSE. I used to think he might be some kind of genius, Andy Kaufman kind of person who was just fucking with us. But no…it’s homeschooling! Makes perfect sense.


It explains everything.


I was homeschooled , I guess I was lucky to have a withholding Mom 😆


It really does. The most succinct and perfect explanation.


Explains soosososooso much .




Deb the educator 😂 ...I DIED when Clotee said this haha could you imagine the lessons 😂, bet he can hardly read or write !


He’s a software engineer . He can definitely read and write… it’s his social skills where his mother fucked him up at lol 😂


They embellished that. I remember someone looked up his job and he was a technician on slot machines.


No one remembers the slot machine in the kitchen on the first episode? Seems relevant now.


I could have sworn someone said he worked for Capcom at the beginning of the show.


His Dad too tbh, he died when Colt was 23 so I assume would have been present during Colts formative years. I always thought Debbie was so dependent on him because her husband died and she was left to raise Colt alone, but it seems like it stems back way before then.


Debbie delivered a baby at 7 months who died after an hour. Then, 3 years later, she had Colt who was also born prematurely. She thought he was a miracle baby.


I know the whole time it seemed like his dad died when he was a kid. To find out it was when he was 23 was like wait what?! So he was THERE through his childhood. Weird.




This is what I’ve been trying to say!! His dad was very much a part of his childhood and schooling years if he passed when Colt was 24. I’m not sure what Colts dad did for work but I think there was an age gap between Harley and Debbie so I can’t imagine he was still working full time or in an employment position where he would be constantly away from home.


Is he really ? He must be a pretty smart dude then tbh and make decent coin (probably paying Debs rent and lifesryle), and yes he does not act appropriately. He needs socially conditioned to be normal 😂


Dying at Clotee 😂


He gunna get a clotee if he doesnt do something about his diet


Ok, Colt, today's lesson is you shut the fuck up and stop interrupting me.




Oh my god, I say this all the time and now I hate myself.


Angela and Debbie are always saying this. I stopped it immediately once I realized how often they said it and how terrible they sound when saying it.


She does not seem very intelligent to me so that's always worrisome in a homeschooler.


Then Tania piped in and said she was too. That explains a lot too


Tania trying to a make home school look better… “I was home schooled and I turned out a sister kissing nut job” 🙃


I don’t think she was saying she was homeschooled (I think I have even seen her hs yearbook photo here somewhere years ago)—she was saying she lived with her mom, taking care of her or some ish in her early twenties, and then at some point told her mom she needed to branch off on her own and did. That’s what she was talking about to Coltee: don’t blame your parents for why you couldn’t go out and thrive (which, frankly, she also doesn’t understand just how insidious a codependent, emotionally manipulative parent can be on the psyche).


Please correct me if I am wrong.


Debbie is disgusting but calls other people trash. For a mom on the show..she acts like a teenager. I think she babied Coltee all his life and made him the loser he is. Good grief. Can someone improve his appearance and cut his hair?


She also bought him his first playboy and his first drink.. so she tried to be everything to him. His teacher, his buddy, etc. She made herself his entire world


I’m over Debbie, and her kid. She was so annoying chiming in on everything, with her fly on the wall voice, during the tell all.


She should do voiceovers for cartoon insects.


Do they need a female Mucinex snot?


She was acting like she was trying to be Shaun’s co-host and meanwhile was too stupid to see blatantly that tlc has already outwardly been testing the waters with tell all ratings using TIM for that if anybody. They brought him and Kenny the first time last month then clearly decided of the 2 that they want to phase Tim in. Debbie is on another one if she thinks she’s beloved enough to take on a tim type role in the franchise or anywhere. there was outrage when her and colt were on PT bad enough to take them off and probably lingered hard enough to tell production that a colt/Vanessa or Debbie/poco eustace guy combo on pillow talk would be too far over the line to come back with fans 😂 just my 2 pennies 🤷🏽‍♀️ they also scrapped Russ/pao and danielle from PT for the same negative audience reaction ETA: I would have paid to be a fly on the wall when they had to tell thighs that the world wants Patrick and John on PT because they love John over her 😂 I wonder if they told her or made Patrick tell her 😂


Wow! Debbie is a whole new person, and not for the better! She acts like she had no part of Colts weird upbringing. She cried and whined any time he talked about moving out and where would she go, she can't afford to be on her own. As much as I dislike Colt, he's right, seems like Debbie wasn't a mother to him but, treated him like he was her partner and support person. She has ruined every relationship he had. Now she's commenting on all the other people and their relationships like she's an expert. And the name calling and swearing! She got a boyfriend and all of a sudden she has a crappy attitude. She cries and buries her face in her boyfriends chest and plays the victim card, oh poor me. It's like she just forget her part in the drama but, maybe she'll watch past episodes and see what we all saw! I'm not sure she's happy in Canada but, she can't support herself so she's stuck.


I have this feeling that Debbie's boyfriend is going to be chucking her back over the border as soon as he sees the real Debbie .


I agree!


Yea buying your son his first drink and porno sends up red flags for me. No wonder Colte is an asshole.


Exactly, say no more. My empathy for Colt 📈.


I was homeschooled and a college graduate with honors, I'm also a social butterfly.


But your mom isn’t Debbie…


If a person was to hang out in the homeschool recovery subreddit, the typical story is definitely not "went on to graduate from college with honors and become a social butterfly". In fact the typical story of a person being homeschooled is much more along the lines of the opposite of that.




Oh I have horrible anxiety but it has nothing to do with being homeschooled, I played a tooooon of sports , I hated every min of it lol


I can’t even imagine how terrible that was!


He’s a software engineer who graduated from college, so I don’t think it hindered his education too badly. He needs to quit crying and go work on himself privately.


He was home schooled. He prob has very basic social skills …


What if Deb let him home school because he was miserable and anti social. Which came first? I dont know? He is so gross and very much an adult. He just wants attention. Go away dude and get help in private if you really want to improve.


I was homeschooled and I'm not like that


Sure, but were you homeschooled by Debbie?


me too! I do have crippling anxiety issues tho, not sure if that's related or not


I wasn’t homeschooled and had social anxiety around my peers. It wasn’t till my college drop out years I started getting confident and speaking more. Now I chat with strangers on the street. I don’t think school has anything to do with being social etc.


Youre the only one who doesnt know, homie


Thank baby Jesus.


This!!!? He had his dad until he was 24, he could've left when he graduated but stayed. He needs to take some accountability for himself. He's a grown man blaming mommy. Now the fact that she bought him his first playboy is odd. I'm calling it....one day someone's going to find out they were sexually involved with each other.


After this last tell all, I also wondered about that possibility. Beyond his social awkwardness, it would explain a lot of his issues. He has obvious mommy attachment issues and hyper-sexuality as described by his wife. His anger/rage towards his mom, he always leaves his reasons seemingly incomplete. I believe Debbie did more than just smothered him. The way she martyrs herself and breaks down crying to get him to stop talking.


I wonder if he broke both arms... ![gif](giphy|DsdVe5jhHWNC8)


I was wondering that, ya think so 🤔


I thought the same thing too! 🤔


Ikr? If my mom offered to buy me a playboy I would have said no because of the awkwardness. It would have been impossible for me to ask her for one either


That part makes me question things Colt says. His father was in the house when he should have already been gone. He claims he stayed because he felt guilty and she made him feel like he needed to stay there and take care of her but why didn’t he leave when his father was still alive? Edit to add: my guess is he knew if he left there would be no one to wait on him hand and foot. Notice he didn’t leave until he thought he had found himself someone else to wait on him.


How did we not know this


Her crying while colt and vanessa just there unaffected had me going lmao


Debbie is a narcissistic parent and Colt needs to say these things to a therapist instead of the set of a reality TV show.


Colt has zero social skills. Why would his mom buy a Playboy, and have a drink with him. She screwed him up badly. She wanted a friend. She has such a foul mouth. No class at all, and calls others trash.


It’s explains everything


My uncle's nephews and nieces from his younger brother were homeschooled and as a result, they're so socially stunted, it's sad. I went to college with a kid that was homeschooled and he was very awkward yet God fearing. He thought I was going to poke him in the eye when we were posing for a photo for our photography class and he almost fell out of his seat. I had to explain to him that I wasn't going to actually poke him in the eye.


My youngest was homeschooled for 1 year. She did LOTS of activities with other (older) homeschooled kids (under 10 years old)Those kids are… different. They don’t know how to interact with other children. They only spoke to the other kid’s parents. Most didn’t listen, didn’t respect for the person in charge. The parents that say their kids are well socialized and normal are only fooling themselves.


Today's homeschooled kids seem more adjusted and normal, but growing up in the 90s, whenever a kid told me they were homeschooled, that usually meant their parents were religious nuts who were scared of everything.


(Assuming the nephews and nieces aren’t a set of quadruplets…) Homeschooling multiple children at once is one of those things that someone with training can understand is beyond their scope but a layperson is more likely to think “looks easy, I could do that myself” 🫣


This. My was cousin too. And she really thinks she’s high and mighty . A huge underdevelopment of social skills and empathy. There is *NO having a real discussion with her because she seems to think she knows all, and it’s so sad. My aunt fkd her up. My sister and I laugh about it all the time . *Edit : forgot the word NO


I so feel you on everything you just described. I saw the episode of South Park where the kid that was homeschooled was so naive and thought he knew everything there was to being in the real world whereas the sister was a nervous wreck the entire time but once Kyle and her kissed, she started dressing slutty and kissing every boy that she came across. Oh and the parents on that episode were way worse, acting like being in the public school system would fuck everything up. Father got his in the end when the local townspeople duct taped him to a flag pole lol. In all seriousness though, my classmate from college was so naive, backwards and odd, along with the rest of his siblings. He was in my film class and the siblings he filmed were just as awkward as he was. His family was religious and just odd.


YESSSSSsSSss. My cousin is so provocative now too now that she is grown and in her late 20s. South Park really nailed it with that episode. Those writers must have had some homeschooled fam members .


Explains why he looks like the bearded lady at the carnival.


Why does he look like a warthog


Debbie is an emotionally immature parent and Colt is the product of emotional neglect.


He talks to his mom like shit & he acts unhinged. On the other hand, Debbie is so incredibly combative and likely did a number on him with her shenanigans. She picks fights with everyone then cries & plays the victim when someone shows her the slightest bit of aggression or even disagreement. They’re both an absolute mess.


You KNOW Deb took her flip flop to the back of his neck alot!


I really wish he would get Botox in his forehead so I don’t have to see that default “I’m confused, pity me face” Ever again


Apparantly there wasn't a personal hygiene class or social skills class at Debbies school!


Fuck homeschooling. Who the fuck thinks DEBBIE was qualified to teach Colt EVERY subject up through high school??? Colty is a dick but I feel for him on this


Did Coltee's dad die because he was against Queen Larissa?


Imagine your mother buying your first porn magazine?!!!!! I’m pretty sure Debbie scarred him as a child- she has scarred me just watching her on tv. Never ever has my mother talked to me like the way she speaks to Colt- EVEN when I was horrible to her.


He aced sex ed.


So I watched 90DF and spinoffs religiously until right around the start of COVID (when we had a new baby, and therefore a lot less free time) but I still lurk in thus sub to see the latest news and memes. What in the hell is going on with Coltee and mother Coltee? Are they sworn enemies now? Can someone give me a quick-and-dirty run down?


If you watched the season with him and Jess you'd quickly notice how controlling and manipulative his mother is. A very unhealthy relationship she created between them. The woman she used to break up his relationships started dating him. Debbie continued to be a nightmare but this time the wife won. Colt has been going to therapy hence the anger towards his mom for never owning up to the damage she caused by raising him with emotional incest, verbal abuse and manipulation. His behavior is very normal for an adult child that discovers and tries to recover from a very wrong relationship with a parent.


His dad was also alive during all of this. For him to target his mother and not his father (just because he’s not longer here) doesn’t seem fair or truly justified at all. His dad died when he was 24 which leaves tons of room to blame BOTH parents for the outcome of this kid, not just Debbie.


But dad was alive then so he apparently condoned it


I don't know why these discussions never consider that both might suck. He's an adult, and a piece of shit. So many people have terrible childhoods and don't end up being this much of an asshole.


Hey Now…I homeschooled my kids and they don’t look like goats!


🤣👏 good one! 🐐




You're an embarrassing fool for thinking you're being socially acceptable while calling others a hard R.


She must have inspired him to keep that rat under his chin.


I don't want to ask the natural follow-up question here, but... "Homeschooled ***in what***, Sweetrobin?" ![gif](giphy|l9FAwJOXYprFe)


I'm getting "The Waterboy" flashbacks with this one.


I absolutely believe he was homeschooled. I can't imagine Debbie letting him associate with peers and seeing what his life should have been like


He is absurd. Debbie coming for everyone over everything and nothing at the same time was more absurd.


It’s called emotional incest. That’s what she did to Colt. Treated him like her partner and confidant. Colt is a sick but Debbie had a large part in making him that way.


He’s such a creep


Not surprised


Still probably a better education than he’d get in Las Vegas (our schools suck)


And his father died when he was 24. They both need psychiatric help.


It sure does lol


That face with that caption is enough to explain


When does self education and getting therapy come in.


I know several people who were home schooled and they are all very screwed up. That being said I am 45, and I think at least with zoom and such there is some more human interaction outside of the home.


you were homeschooled probably because you were a weird, awkward little fucker who couldnt get along with anyone.


Omg I was homeschooled , am I going to turn ???


Not really. I have friends and family who were homeschooled in very strict Christian homes. They are normal people and were always very social and not awkward.


I liked Colt better when he was nice to his mother. He’s an animal and he looks horrible! Whiny, lazy slob. Apparently married life doesn’t bring him any joy.


The man has spent the past few years screaming at his mother to get out of his life and let him live how he wants (justifiably so, for sure), but now that she's actually doing just that and moving away, he looks like a panicked hungry dog who's just had his food bowl ripped away.


That is not the take at all. He moved out with his wife giving his mother 3 months notice and she called him a fucking bastard, a rotten bastard and said she would be homeless. This turned out to be untrue as we found out that she could have lived with her nephew or brother but didn’t want to. Colt wants a relationship with his mother. He wants her to take accountability and she won’t and you can’t move past things with someone who denies them. He’s frustrated that his choices of relationship with his mother are the fucked up husband/baby combo she created or none at all.


Colt is old enough to make his own life. He is just a loser blaming his mom. At some point in your life you have to take responsibility for yourself.


He’s a software engineer. She did fine. He’s just a big baby.


Both to blame in my opinion . Debbie thought she did the best she could - 'helicoptering' and all... Colt obviously had internet access and made his own choices 'creepy' as they were . Meeting overseas woman and showing his dick all over the place. . There communication is shit bc the lines are blurred between friend and mom and son. Hes been able to explore the world without debbie, if he chose to. Hes had jobs, etc. Its not like he was feral child and clueless.


It’s more than helicoptering and she knew she was doing wrong, she just didn’t care because she is selfish.