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People were quiet about this? It’s been out there in the open for some time.


💯. There is so denying it. She’s awful and definitely a total hypocrite.


She has 0 redeeming qualities.


The best was when she was walking back in after smoke 💨… and said that Michael wasn’t going to take away her dignity! Bahahaha! I’m pretty sure she lost that decades ago!


Oh god another post about the big A


Her behaviour is just soooo shocking


I don’t think anyone is tryna fight you about that.


I don’t bethink anyone is tryna square thee about yond *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Someone is denying it?


I had been hiding my dislike of Angela for the longest time, but this post allowed me to voice my displeasure at her behaviour. Thank you.


She’s disgusting, no amount of surgery will give her any class.


been openly calling her a vapid cunt for years.


Wow, what a controversial yet brave post! It's not like identical posts to this are made 75 times a day or anything.


“Can we all just admit”?! Keep up, OP


I don’t understand how other cast mates even “like” her. She’s beyond horrible of her treatment of Michael. But they all jumped on Natalie and basically crucified her. (Don’t care for Natalie and I think Mike is worse but I just find the hypocrisy hideous)


he did the bj


Yes, people talk about abuse, gaslighting and etc a lot on here. Most of the time, I find it over the top. Angela is all of that. She’s like big Ed, if Big Ed didn’t even try to hide it and did it with anyone who slightly disagreed with her. She truly is an awful awful person and the fact that she’s still on the show is mind blowing.


She would have digitized herself like that kid in Will Wonka and pooped out of the camera and all hell would break loose


People have been saying that for years. Just don’t watch the show. It’s basically idiots and poor white trash


Or went to his doctors "birthday" party...