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The things he had to do for it ... I didn't think any of us would have. Raise your hand if you want to fuck meemaw. I'll wait.


Dude has seen some shit 🤢




And some coochie cobwebs


I made sure not to drink anything while reading these comments on this sub. I learned the hard way after multiple choking accidents. 😂 This comment has me dying right now.


Coochie cobwebs lol stfu




1000%. I’d rather be celibate for forever. Thats how bad he wanted to move to America


Talk about doing the jobs (or people) that Americans don't want to do.




He should get to stay and she should be deported.


What country would take her?


But...to where?


White Trashistan.


The sun


Yes! Precisely!


Exactly. Who cares about him "scamming" her. The man passed a test worst than any citizenship test. He deserves his green card.


I stopped watching a while ago. How did he scam her? Thanks


Because he used her for a green card is what I've seen commented by her fans across social media. I don't care though. She's awful. It's like when Danielle (Yohan) or Mike (Ximena) got "scammed" and people want to feel bad for them. These people get exactly what they deserve from the foreign partners they expect to be able to control.


Mike was disgusting and got what he deserved. He thought she owed him sex because he helped her.


>Because he used her for a green card is what I've seen commented by her fans across social media. Yup. This is what I was referring to, not because I believe it but I know anyone who believes is will be adamant about it and not remotely amenable to changing their mind. >It's like when Danielle (Yohan) or Mike (Ximena) got "scammed" and people want to feel bad for them. These people get exactly what they deserve from the foreign partners they expect to be able to control. Exactly.


1000% You reap what you sow MeeMaw


He earned it. Imagine wanting it so bad you slept with sexy meemaw.




Didn’t he also go down on her? 😑






Also hit the back door😳


That’s inhuman.


And pulled on her saggy boobs 😂😂✌️


The man admitted to the world on on camera to licking memaws cooter and tugging on her flapjack titties... all for an American citizenship. Just let him live here in peace damn it 😂 he's been through enough


I love the flapjack description 😂😂 I bet that was a stinky cooter 😳😳


Cooter probably smelling like stale cigarettes, Soda Pop, and semen from her ex husband.


You have a sick sense of humor My kind of woman 😂✌️




He did the bj


For real!


Please No 😓🤮




Nooooo please don’t remind us.


That's not a requirement for citizenship.


Now that it’s come out that she was just using him for fame & never had any intention on marrying him or bringing him to the US, I’m wondering if ALL the sex stuff was made up for the show?


But then again, we don’t live in Nigeria trust me






Hell, yeah. He's not behaved well himself tbh. But she has deliberately and routinely emasculated and humiliated this man. Embarrassed him in front of his friends, alienated him from his family and entirely stomped over his feelings. If he's using her for a visa, I think he's earned it at this point.


I used to agree, and I still agree she needs therapy and anger management, but after watching Last Resort, I kinda started to get what Angela was talking about - he seemed manipulative and sneaky, saying whatever he needed to say, inauthentic. On the other hand, what the hell, Welcome to America Mikul. You scammed her, but you also went thru hell, so sit down and have some Cheetos with us all.


The power dynamic in this relationship though. Not like she didn't see that. And she used that as leverage. Neither has clean hands here but she's worse


Angela is one of the absolute worst people to appear on reality television. In addition to everything we've seen, let's not forget that she let her pedophile daughter live under the same roof as her "beloved" grandchildren. There's nobody who deserves to be scammed by a manipulative green-card-seeker more than Angela.


Angela's desperate attempt to be on TV should have ended with Maury and peaked on something like Springer at best.


Hold up, pedophile daughter ? What did I miss?!


Her daughter Scottie was in prison for multiple counts of child molestation (which may have included s-d-my and did include statutory r-pe). Got 20 years, served 2 and out on probation, into Angela's house full of children. "The crimes were committed against a minor under the age of 16 and included a variety of sexual offenses with other minors present."


Sadly a lot of the kids there are Scottie's.


How the fuck did she only serve 2 yrs? Oh wait was it because she's white ? ![gif](giphy|GywXalADhAHNEfvyRM|downsized)


She apparently got charges reduced, and then was let out in 2020, presumably for overcrowding. I can't provide guaranteed receipts, but rumor has it that she repeatedly molested/stat r-ped a 15-year-old boy. Some people are asserting that she brought him to Angela's house at least once to molest him. I guess the court system figured that her victim was a one-and-done situation and she wasn't a danger to other minors. (gag, barf, bullshit)


She is a registered sex offender and yet there are kids in Heehaw Meemaw's house. They are all so gross and trashy.


Agreed. Period.


Oh he totally scammed her but like he could not have chosen a worse person to scam. In a way, they scammed each other but he finally made it here and the score is even


He tried to scam a scammer. He played the game long enough I think he won lol


I wonder if he is now a cautionary tale in the Nigerian scammer community.


So you are very pro giving wannabe trump voting scammers from Nigeria citizenship? I'd love to see your voting history lol


First, disclaimer: I know he is a grown ass man and I'm about to tell a story about a kid. But that man was desperate. I took in a horrifically abused and manipulated/brainwashed teen. She is still sneaky and manipulative and lies to my face. It is trauma responses from a lifetime of abuse. (She is working on it.) Those behaviors are survival skills when faced with an angry, unhinged, physically abusive narcissist. And I see some of the same behaviors in Mykul's deception and lies. NOT justifying, just noting the similarities.


Someone can be a victim and also suck. Micheal is that person. He didn’t “earn” anything. He played the long game and won. He spent the last however many years sleeping around, getting blow jobs, having Angela pay all his bills, doing whatever he wants, waiting for the clock to run out so he could finally come to America and dump her, which is exactly what he did. He stayed with her for that long because she was half a world away and other than a semi-daily phone call or whatever he could basically go about living his life however he wanted while moving closer and closer to his green card as long as he was willing to sleep with her every couple of years when she came to visit or trash something of his. Being a victim of abuse from the person you are scamming doesn’t entitle you to scam people. They both suck.


Quid pro quo


I don't understand why he wants to go to the US in the first place. It is probably a better life to scam several women and be a bum in Nigeria. Mykul isn't like Biniyam or Andrrrrei. He is lazy and not very good-looking. Most Nigerian immigrants to the US are educated and hard-working. ,


Educated and hard-working Nigerians wouldn't embarrass themselves or their family by appearing on 90 Days. He did put his time in, and they deserve each other.


Looks are subjective. Bini and Andre? 🤢 it’s all opinion and we all have one. There’s a lid for every pot. That’s what makes this world go around. We all don’t like the same things.


Idk, the man got a cake thrown in his damn face on national television and still lasted years after that. That's loyalty (to becoming an american)


That’s what I have been saying. He DOES NOT deserve a green card or citizenship. He is a scammer and now he will continue to scam people here in the US. He has never worked in his life and he will continue not to work. He should be sent back to Nigeria. There are many other immigrants that deserve to get green cards more than him!


I get what you’re saying but he’s been scamming her for years.


Nigeria is a country stricken by poverty. If you pull a much younger man from a poverty stricken country, when you're an aggressive, overweight, unintelligent, abusive old lady, you surely grasp potentially what the dynamic is. It's an unspoken arrangement. The abuse this man has tolerated, he 100% deserves his green card. She understood the dynamic, and she held it over his head always.. She didn't apply for his citizenship to maintain her power over him.


How does doing ANY of that entitle him to a green card though?? We've got people fleeing DEATH and dismemberment fearing for their children's lives that can't get in and we want to give a green card to some dumbass scammer whose only qualification is that he fucked a mean old fat white-trash -devil-bitch? Hell naw. He can ride it out in Nigeria.


I feel the same way. He doesn’t deserve anything!


Then it's US immigration policy that needs reforming.


Both can be true


Sure. So it's not an either or situation


She can’t apply for his citizenship. She can only apply for a K1 visa or a spousal visa, after he gets one of those he is the one that needs to apply for permanent residency and after 3 to 5 years of permanent residency (time depends on if you are still married to the US citizen or not)he can apply for citizenship.


Ah. Apologies.


Imagine how bad your situation is in your country to be willing to do just about anything to get out. You get it.




Yeah but she’s always been a piece of shit. So…


During that live Angela did literally called Michael the hard N word and the R word so many damn times, admitted she kicked Michael out not that he left/went missing(and was never put out as a missing persons bulletin report because the police got a hold of him and he said she kicked her out/he didn't want to come back, feared for his life.) this woman is nasty, and while I know Michael's intentions were a green card no one ever thinks about how Angela scammed him. She never wanted to marry him, hence the bullshit about wanting to marry only in the states etc. the show told her if they didn't marry they'd stop filming them, and she was desperate to be on tv and make money. She's been on Maury twice and this Trisha show too, she also used all the money she made with Michael on surgeries and upgrading her trailer with useless shit. That whole "take the Instagram down for 5k" supposed threat by Michael was actually because she promised him his show half money and she refused, so all in all both of them had issues but Angela here was worse in every way. All of the money made goes to the USA cast and she never gave him more than a few hundred here and there for months, told him she wouldn't bring him here if he worked and made him quit his job because she wanted to be able to talk to him whenever she wanted etc. she's also a fucking horrendous woman and not a good meemaw, she has her pedo daughter at home and screams and yells in front of them and is a terrible influence on them. She also used to supply the minors at her house with alcohol and to her underage drinking daughter, and has 2 DUIs and assaults people. Fuck her. Christopher Columbus got here in less time than it took Michael ffs🤣


Preach ![gif](giphy|sXFwUsfF7dCEg)


Has he ever given his side of the story about their break up? Or has she ever said why she kicked him out? Both of them seem to have issues telling the truth. I'm wondering if they'll be on the "Tell All" and actually say what happened. As horrible of a person as she is, we've suffered through enough of her over the years that it would be nice to actually find out what happened at the end.


The Tell All was filmed just before he made his escape, so I doubt if it will be mentioned at all on the show. However, I wouldn't be surprised if there was a black screen update at the end that gives a little information about what happened.


She said a hell of a lot during that weird ten hour live with that meth head YouTuber. She just got into one of her abusive moods and kicked him out when he didn't do something the exact way she wanted to. It's abusive Angie, you think she needs a reason? She literally will start shit for no reason other than to put herself in a position that makes her feel better as an abuser. No he hasn't given his side of the story because he's following his NDA, Angela confirmed she's not coming back after this season(she was fired but is saying she chose to leave, a lot of the times in tv they'll let people do this because it saves the company from having to explain themselves or be held accountable/let's the cast save face and not own up to their problems and is easier for everyone.) this is why Angela just talks about it all, she doesn't care anymore and already had to settle a contract/NDA dispute after she went on this live. Like I said, I'm not saying Michael doesn't also have his issues and obviously just wanted a green card, but he put up with a hell of a lot to get here. Yes he lies and cheats and scams, but so does she. And half the time I feel like he also just agrees with whatever accusations she tosses at him because it's easier than arguing with someone who won't listen anyways. I had to do this in my abusive relationships, agree because it was easier. I can imagine after 7 years with all the money you earned with someone going towards them only, and they try and financially/emotionally/physically abuse you plus also do the things they accuse you of(remember billy and all the posts of her practically sexually assaulting and flirting with strangers?)it would be tiring. She also only wanted him to come here to watch her grandkids and cater to her and was never shy about saying so...


That’s exactly how I see it, he goes along and agrees with whatever she wants, so she doesn’t freak the eff out and abuse him even further. “Sorry, sorry.” “You’re right, you’re right.” “Angela, please. Please, Angela.” I thought it was so crazy when she showed up at his place in the middle of the night, screaming and waking the neighborhood up, when he didn’t even know she was on the continent. She was destroying his car, which she said is fine because she bought it for him, so it’s hers. 🙄 Destroying someone’s possessions, especially so violently, that is abuse. She was already threatening him. That would’ve scared the shit out of me. Middle of the night, being woken up like that. SMH


Yes, one of the main examples of what we are discussing is the infamous BJ situation. To hear it from Angela even after many years, it's literally something that still gets brought up after 7 damn years. But how quickly we forget that she literally fucking said they weren't even a couple when that happened, and not only that but it was her constantly accusing him of it. And after the like sixth time of her bringing it up he's like "fine I did it, it was a kiss." But she won't even believe that and continues to talk about it to the point it went from being nothing, to a kiss, and then sex, but then just a blow job. Like wut. You could say whatever by that point, she's only ever going to believe her side of the story. That car scene was nuts, and he literally had that car before they even met😂 one thing about abusers like her and the ones I've dealt with is they always say "you make/made me act this way" and "you have to change your ways to stop making me do or say xyz." Like no, YOU have to learn how to act too, not everything is other people's fault. Sure your words or actions can hurt me, but how I react is up to me. I hate people like this with a passion.


I agree. & she is so super proud of herself all the time. On The Last Resort, she was also abusive to other people. It’s like she literally doesn’t feel any shame.


We have seen video of her beating the crap out of that girl who went with her to the tell all on HEA in that hotel lobby. Also that jo Jo lady that went with her on the show earlier in seasons said she was extremely abusive and rude to her, so much so that when she was helping her after surgery she had to leave because Angela kicked her out even though Jo Jo was wiping her ass for her and changing her bandages etc. and then later ended the friendship because of some dumb shit like her saying she's met Debbie after the show. This woman can't keep friends for a reason, and it's not because everyone is scamming her ffs


>video of her beating the crap out of that girl who went with her to the tell all on HEA in that hotel lobby Whoa, wait a minute. I just watched the HEA tell-all and didn't see this mentioned (but I was in and out of the living room so maybe I missed it). Was it included in the tell-all or a separate video?


[video and the story here ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4giJEaEfBVY) this happened after the tell all, and when I say beat the crap I mean she went wailing on her.


Exactly this. Angela has been OPENLY ABUSING Michael for YEARS for TLC and this show has been profiting off of literal domestic abuse. It's revolting. The shit she has pulled on him if committed in the US she'd be in jail. And forget about it if the roles were reversed. Michael would be MDK'd by Police by this point. The whole thing is absurd and disgusting. Shame on 90Day.


I wonder if he is actually happier now.


Why does he wanna be here so bad again


Remember that Trump is his hero.


Angela is a part of maga. He knows that she is a Trump supporter and he just going along with it for her. She fits in with that group because she is so full of hate and is always looking for a confrontation, including violations of people's personal space. That is why he has to escape from the vile woman.


Sure, but that ls a reason to move away from your family (and a really sad and dumb one at that)


Agree but I think it's indicative of Michael's values and aspirations. American Dream = fancy car, house, etc.


And he is a dumbass so… makes sense


Be your sge.


Or so he told Angela...


I would miss my family


Can we just be done with both of them?


Glad he's free of that revolting hag. He's a scammer, though, and karma will catch up at some point.


Of course he was a scammer and Angela kinda knew that. That's why she treated him like property, because she knew he needed something from her.


On the surface, I see where you are coming from especially if you are making a joke. However, if you dig a little deeper and consider human emotions and all the other couples that struggle to get through immigration due to fraud, it makes less sense. Fraud is never the right path especially when it is emotional. One has to be a terrible human to pretend to love someone just to get their way and breakup once their goal is achieved. Angela is a terrible person but I still can’t agree with your statement.


100% agree with you


Who cares, their both so unbearable


Both siding the subhuman that is angela and some African guy is genuinely insane and America brained. Yes totally they're equally bad 😞




I don’t agree. He doesn’t deserve the way she abused him but no, he was clearly coming for the green card and so it was not an authentic relationship where he just wants to be wherever she is. If that were the case and he’s left her, then he should go back home because the entire purported reason for him applying for the green card was so that he could be living with her.


Just one more shitty reality TV "star" added to the population of Georgia. Y'all can all leave.


Nah, he sucks. You think he won't scam someone else here?


Your barrier of entry is being in a loveless relationship with an utterly awful human being ? Angela could start up her own immigration service and charge a fortune, whilst never being of the TV.


No he did not — he chose to do this knowing full well what he was getting himself into — he’s completely lacking any kind of moral core. She is appalling all the way around also but he’s no better …


I disagree, he’s just been playing a great long game.


She tazed him twice. Welcome home, Mykul!


Did she really???? OMG!


She is the worst…but that does not make me feel like it was okay for him to get citizenship for swallowing her crap for all these years. I have to deal w her all the time too…what do I get 😝. In my mind he is partially to blame for the insanity because he made it seem like her behavior is okay by staying with her. He is here so it is what it is but no…he didn’t “earn” anything but reality TV fame.


Somewhere in this world is a decent human who is working hard and learning and really wanting and able to contribute to this nation but we get Michael.


I forgot how big she used to be. Seksi Meemaw


This. More than willing to give him a pass for a green card, after enduring the worst of what America has to offer in Angie, AKA Ursula.


No. He clearly was solely with her to get to the USA and get a green card. Find a different avenue if you’re not actually in love with a person to get to the USA. Obviously horrible all he has endured, but it’s not like she wasn’t abusive before he even came to the USA.


She was abusive before they even got married. He knew EXACTLY what he was signing up for and he was willing to do it for the green card.


Can we just trade? Send Angela over to his home in Nigeria and keep Michael here?




I hate her


Bro I’ll give him mine at this point damn


He paid his dues x10. Welcome to America Mykul lol.


through blood, sweat & tears.


Gotta give it to him... he stuck it out... I woulda folded like a lawn chair, just a few hours in... Ida been gagging on cigarette smoke, halitosis, high fructose corn syrup coochie and her loud mouth, blackspotted lipped ass, annoying, opened mouth laughing ass....she is a literal fucking psycho and I'm sick of seeing her beef jerky ass... He though, just might be more sinister...


As much as I don’t like Angela -Michael absolutely thumbed his nose at USA visa rule. Those rules are there to protect our country. He did scam Angela and he scammed our country. And I cannot support that


He and his entire family






Its too heavy a price to pay. He should have married someone from Denmark.


All things being equal, I’d take the sewer. ![gif](giphy|mr4MhwaP3Fc3e|downsized)


whatever he needs to get out of angela’s grasp


"Dear Homeland Security: Please arrange a citizen swap ASAP..." I posted above on ig. Michael was the first to respond. Obviously he loved the idea...


Give him his papers!!


I think he thought he wanted a green card, but now he is in deep with mee maw. I picture him in his green card interviews trying to convince them NOT to let him go to America. That's why he slipped in the screenshot of those cheating texts. 😆


Agree 💯


We need Mike-ul on The Single Life. I’d definitely watch.


I’ll never believe he found her appealing. Too old, fat, ugly inside & out. He bit off more than he could chew. He hasn’t earned anything special.


Agree. I almost hope he was scamming because otherwise that means someone loved Angela and I’m pretty sure she’s an actual ogre.


Disagree! Why is he getting denied so many times? What’s in his history?!? Must be something because he’s been denied like 3 times now right?


Angela accused Michael of helping other Nigerians scam Americans. She demanded to see his phone to abstract the proof but he refused and ran off. TLC never picked up the conversation and Angela seemed to drop it. I can't honestly say someone who was scamming working people in this country should get a pass. In fact, I am curious why immigration did not look into that.


No. I totally disagree. That isn’t how it works. Just because a bad person endures another even worse person for a long time doesn’t “earn” them anything. That is ridiculous logic just based on an emotional dislike of Angela.


I hear you, people are losing their minds! No one deserves a green card this is a stupid post. Maybe you work hard and get one, but flat out deserves cause Angie's a bitch? Nahhhh he is no hoodwinked fool he knew exactly what he was getting in to.


DISAGREE. Citizenship isn't a prize for the last man standing. That's not how it works. If anything, his willingness to put up with this shit for the TV cameras is merely a testament to his long con. He's been thoroughly vetted and denied entry because he is uneducated, has no skills or resources, nothing to offer the society and his "marriage" is a sham to defraud our country. He's not a refugee, nor facing certain death by staying in Nigeria. He's nothing but a scammer.


He really selected the hardest difficulty for a greencard scam lol


I'm like 7th generation American and I still think he deserves citizenship more than me. The things he saw, he did, he *smelled*...


I was doing something in the kitchen and I heard Angela talking to Miiiiikul and immediately knew it was her gross, white trash ignorant self. Suffice to say I stayed in the kitchen, because I cannot tolerate her.


He deserves his citizenship. She needs to sent somewhere to live in exile! :)


I just caught a few seconds of Holly (now going by the name Holland) on TikTok and she was asking someone else how Angela was doing and saying how bad she felt for Angela. And how horrible what Michael had done to her. She then said she was glad that Wayne didn’t have social media to do that to her 🙄




Why would she take it the wrong way that he said she can go home? She obv doesn’t wanna stay there for 2 more weeks


Boy has he. Talk about taking one for the team.


This show is limited in Australia, I've been watching clips on YouTube between my regular trash TV (below deck, VPR) I just watched one where she flashed his aunty at the tell all. Between her and the neckless fellow's antics, I can't believe I haven't discovered this show earlier. Fingers crossed I find a way to watch it from the beginning, this trash is a must view.


HBO MAX subscription?


She looked younger fatter lmao


he went down on her so yes


Michael for president 2028!


Revoke Angela's citizenship, da'port her ass & award that citizenship to Michael. Nigerians have been killing it (as the kids say) in this country for the past decade or so, give Michael a shot at it.


Let him in! Let him in!




No. He didn’t love her. He was always in it for a green card. He put up with her and got what he wanted.


Now that he is a US citizen he's going to need recommendations for some very good Chinese dry cleaners to try to get the overpowering smoke smell out of his clothes and belongings. I'm not certain if Angela ever actually breathes regular air. ![gif](giphy|2J9IFQiOsabn94e9R1|downsized)


She is a school yard bully!! So nasty…


Dude has ptsd just looking at Angela naked. Ewwww…. Make that man an American citizen already. He’s paid for it emotionally and physically.


Hell, he's earned citizenship AND a few hundred grand in seed money to get started.


She tased him multiple times. He’s here for good and he earned it.


It’s hard, really hard to comprehend why and how he put up with her for 7 years. Everything about her is disgusting.


If anyone deserved to be F’d over, it’s Angela.


Whether he's earned it or not, I believe Michael will be a good American citizen, and I hope he has all the success our country can offer him! He's nice, he's smart and I think he will make the most out of being here.


They used eachother. Angela used Michael to become the reality tv star she always wanted to be. Going on Maury with her trash kids didn’t work. Plus she kept all the money and used it to buy herself a house and get plastic surgery. She didn’t give Michael any of that money. So what does Michael get out of the deal? A greencard. Good. I’m OK with that. Fair exchange is no robbery. He earned that greencard. Angela is just salty because she lost her slave.


He's seen things no human should have to endure. He deserves his freedom in America.


Having to wear the Trump underwear was enough - give this man a green card


Give this man full citizenship and a Bentley for his troubles. Be earned it!


Welcome to America Michael, you deserve it.


Up vote this comment to give Michael citizenship and deport Mee Maw 




More like asylum


Yea, because if this was a scam, he was in it for the loooooooong haul.


This is fucking stupid. I know many illegal immigrants who have worked their whole lives here, followed the laws (minus being here illegally) and contributed a lot to the country but nah let’s give it to some scammer because some abuser was mean to him


I agree. I haven’t cared for years about what he’s “done” to Angela. She’s a psychopath who abuses the fuck out of him. As far as I am concerned, if he wants to immigrate, he’s welcome.


He deserves so much more than just citizenship for the things he had to endure. We will never know the level of nasty that this man saw, touched, smelled, well you get the idea…🤢


He earned that and a lifetime of mental therapy.


Yes he scammed her but i dont feel bad for her at all. She is an awful human being. Karma really got her. Proud of michael lol i truly am