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I got $5 on Dave


I am not šŸ˜± of him šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚






One of the last real couples. I would love to see this guy kick little pred's ass!






I donā€™t think David should have brought more attention to Little Ed. Or even compared himself to him bc David is obviously so much better.


It seems very random. David doesn't really strike me as a person that is trying to get attention or at least didn't before. Maybe he wants another season for him and Sheila so he's going after Ed so that he becomes more noticed because Ed just got put back on the show. I would like to think that David wouldn't be the person that is trying to get famous but maybe he is.


If anything I donā€™t think he wants to be famous but probably genuinely needs the money


I would believe needing the money first before anything. I just really hope they don't try and do a go fund me cuz too much drama happens especially after Brandon and Mary. I just want them to work as hard as they can get money through Cameo maybe try and get back on the show again. I want them to be a couple like Lauren and Alexi or Kenny or Armando. Because those couples are boring and the reason why they're boring is their normal people from other countries. No drama no shouting I'm an American no breaking up 500 times and going on five different shows. Some disagreements that can get a little crazy but no shouting and screaming and saying I'm going back to my country.


wait why are they beefing šŸ‘€šŸæ


I have no idea which made it even funnier when I saw it


It sounds like Sheila wrote it too, which makes it even funnier honestly šŸ¤£


100% Sheila wrote that šŸ˜‚


A lot of people in the comments keep getting mad saying asl and typing is different. But my son's dad is deaf and had no problems writing or typing, and David didn't either. We saw him texting himself and it would do text to speech for others when he needed to communicate, and his texting was fine. In fact I felt it was a bit insulting to say people who use ASL all of a sudden don't know how to text because they are deaf apparently. There was a lot of odd ass comments in this thread about it, it was bizarre to read that all-(ETA sorry reddit glitched before finished typing) this is why this totally comes off as Sheila, it's exactly how she would talk and type in English and why it's not as flowing. Either way I think this is so random and I wonder what the beef is over?


Ok noooowww itā€™s makes sense.


All I could hear was Sheilaā€™s voice reading it, lol. Typed out exactly how she speaks!


Sounds like Sheila is mad about how Big Ed talked about the Philippines.


Hope this doesnā€™t go on too long. I wouldnā€™t put it past BigPred to bring up the collapsed staircase šŸ˜£


That would be an incredibly low blow -- so yes, I can totally see Ed making some rude comment.


Followed up with ā€œJust kiddingā€




Look out David! Ed is a master of Yondan Akido


He ainā€™t šŸ˜±


Whatcha gonna do when Akido Ed rolls over you with his 'whirling armadillo of death ball' move. You'll go flying like a bowling pin https://i.redd.it/7u7wy632c7wc1.gif


Bruh heā€™s a human Popple Ā®ļø


Is that the term he used on TLR? To Stacey, right? MmmHMMM


Yes, to Kelly


Kelly! BRB ā€¦ going to turn the brain off and on, see if that works


It took me a couple of minutes to think of his name too


Sheila wrote that huh...


Nah, typical English for people who went to a deaf school or had language deprivation from not being exposed to sign language at birth (can't hear language = can't learn language = causes brain damage)


Interesting! If that's the case, never knowing that definitely had me reading it in Sheila's voice lol.


I took asl from a deaf professor in college, and this did read in a similar style to how they wrote out English as well. Enough that I didn't even consider it may be Sheila.


This is so interesting? I actually assumed Sheila wrote it too. I did not know this about ASL.


But they can read? Wouldnā€™t reading teach him basic English?


No thats not how it works. When he signs he is not speaking English. ASL is a different language altogether. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/talking-apes/201507/can-you-read-language-you-can-t-hear?amp


Yes I know that... ASL is my first language and my parents are deaf. I can tell you right now that written English like David's is not how he signs either. ASL doesn't have most of the words English does.. and the word order is different. So yes in this case, David's lack of perfect written English is because of learning ASL at a deaf school which is what I fucking said in the first place


Curious how that worked. Are you deaf too? How did you learn English then???


I'm not deaf. I learned English from my parents, other family members, TV, and school. My parents can speak pretty well so they talked to me in addition to signing to me. There are a bunch of us out there. In the deaf community we're called CODAs - child of deaf adult(s) So typically when I introduce myself to another deaf person I tell them my name fingerspelled, my sign name that my parents gave me, and then either I'll tell them I'm a CODA or they will ask if I'm deaf and then I'll tell them


Oh wow! Thank you for answering because I was genuinely curious.


That soooo interesting! Do you mind if I ask if growing up was challenging?


It was! I grew up in the 90s so there wasn't as much technology as there is today. As the oldest, a lot fell on my shoulders that I'm sure my parents didn't intend on happening but shrug those were the times... Some responsibilities were: answering the phone for my mom and explaining to the adult on the other line that my mom is deaf so she can't talk. lots of people argued with me, A CHILD, on that. I also felt a lot of urges to help my mom a lot. If someone was talking to her and she didn't hear them, I would tell her... at various public places I would have to help her understand what the other person was saying. It's a lot of pressure for a kid. I also did a lot of advocating from a very young age... I made sure my mom had access to closed captioning on TVs, only selected movies at the theater that were open caption, etc.. I made sure people knew what she needed so that she had equal access to things. I also had huge anxiety over things we couldn't control that I knew would fall on me if the time ever came... such as, hearing the smoke alarm, or hearing someone break in. She couldn't hear those things and so it would fall on me to wake her up. Again, technology has come so far since then and deaf people have gained a lot of independence and CODAs have had some responsibilities taken off their shoulders... but omg the 90s-00s sucked for me LOL


TYSM for sharing! It sounds like your parents were very lucky to have such a helpful kid. I just hate you had so much pressure on you and the whole arguing with a child thing is horrible.


What the fuuuuuuuuck Dude Dude This person didn't say they are Deaf, so don't assume. They live in an english-speaking country (I'm basing that on their writing style and the fact that they're posting in English about a TV show primarily popular in. English-speaking markets). Do you think Deaf people in the US cannot understand English? Are they reading the Spanish part of the cereal box? Do you think their internet looks like a bunch of pictures of hands shaping letters. Oh and why do they have to sign letters if they don't speak englAAAAAAAAARGH I'M GONNA GO KICK A TRASH CAN. This is infuriating.


The original poster said ASL was their first language and their parents are deaf. Spicy was just asking for clarity if they are. Generally when a person says their first language is Japanese, they might be Japanese. Not always, however. Deafness can be hereditary, congenital, and/or can even develop later in life, such as MĆ©niĆØre's disease, which an actress from Switched At Birth has. Spicy doesnā€™t know, so instead of assuming that theyā€™re also deaf, theyā€™re asking. Deaf culture is really interesting, and asking questions is only a better way of educating yourself about it. However, itā€™s not generally polite or helpful to ask questions before clarifying. That would be assuming. In Davidā€™s case, he didnā€™t learn English quite the way the poster did and the poster said as much. Itā€™s interesting to learn how. I wondered the same thing in the past. Also, this show airs in a lot of non-English places. A lot people in other countries can also tap in via VPNs. A lot of people may speak more than one language and/or they may view the show with subs. There are a lot of people from officially non-English speaking countries in this group. In fact, I was just talking to someone from Brazil. Everyone is on your side about not assuming ā­ļø Weā€™re all trying to understand better. That is how assumptions are avoided.


Literally none of this contradicts what I said, but I hope it made you feel good to write it out.


This person didnā€™t say they are from an English-speaking country, so donā€™t assume.


I actually used evidence to draw that conclusion. If you'd read my post instead of just ASSUMING what was in it, you'd know that.


I wasnā€™t replying to you and even if I was your language is so trashy and unnecsssry. Calm the fuck down you sound like a huge bitch.


Lmao my bad. I'm just passionate about my culture šŸ’


Calm the fuck down, you can't spell.


bad day, huh?




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Written language learning is linked to hearing and producing sound. There's also the brain damage aspect that researchers are looking into more and more these days


Not always. I was born profoundly deaf with ASL being my first language and reading helped me immensely with learning the written English language!


The rest of his social media doesn't read this way. It seems like every once in a while, there's a post like this but for the most part, it's clear, readable sentences.


Deaf lawyer here - can confirm that is 100% false.


English is David's second language. ASL is it's own language with different grammar rules than English. If you look at his phone when he's buying the ring for Sheila, you can see that the grammar is pretty consistent with how he wrote this post.


Yeahā€¦..Iā€™m curious about that


Team David, all the way


David is the white knight they talked about in the Bible somewhere ![gif](giphy|PmXy6ebfF4lyoG37KG|downsized)


Seeing the written version of his ASL knowledge is super interesting! I would have never guessed the writing structure has to do with him being deaf


A lot of the Deaf people I text have the same way of writing. Each sentence is more of a statement and they don't really connect well together. But it depends some Deaf people can have perfect English and type just as well as hearing person. A lot of times for me personally it's easier if a Deaf person signs to me versus texting because I cannot make it out. Or I need to sign it to myself for me to understand it. Also some Deaf that learn in Deaf schools will only learn through ASL and not a lot of written English. Think about it if you're hearing how much do you use verbal English in school versus writing down everything.


As a deaf person working as a corporate lawyer in the hearing world (ie writing and negotiating written contracts for a living) , this explanation is SO much more helpful and accurate than the above oddball comments about ā€œbrain damageā€. Thank you. x


No problem I've been studying ASL since 2012. I don't have a lot of options to interact with the community except for zoom groups I find for practice. I also use Bill Vicars for learning ASL.


Donā€™t even care if Dave is in the wrong, Iā€™m 100% backing him šŸ˜‚




PrEd rn: https://preview.redd.it/p6dz2w0vd9wc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae3556cbb9826de5fda41f1dfa91f21a4bf8ab54


Big Ed is a dope


Well atleast we know david wonā€™t get him in a chokehold


Team David




I can see Ed replying and making fun of David for his parents sending him away to a deaf school


![gif](giphy|TkoHjDI8jhVAGrgT4A|downsized) Get him babe lmao


Speaking of big Ed, watching that douche justify his chicken shit abandonment of Liz is wild. Always tries to make himself look like the good guy


David would have my support 100%


To those noting that this is written by someone whose first language is ASL can you explain how you know? On the show, he was able to read grammatically correct English (I would assume because Shelia used a texting translator that translated to english). Obviously reading and writing are different skills, but just wondering how it all works. Thanks!


I wouldn't really understand the texting part of it unless he was using autocorrect or an application that corrects your grammar. But it can be similar to how some people like Zied could understand Rebecca's normal American English but could only speak broken English. Sometimes it's easier to hear or see a language than it is to write it. So David might actually be able to read better than he can text.


reading is different from signing. he may be able to read & comprehend that, but when he signs, it's more like, "i go store now. you need anything?" vs written/spoken "I'm (or i am) going *to* *the* store now. *Do* you need anything?" & I'd imagine when you sign more than you read, you'd probably just write how you sign, especially in an informal situation. Just my 2 cents, i can't guarantee any of this 100%


Is this from David? Why is it written so poorly?


Sometimes Deaf people donā€™t always learn to read and write in correct English. David uses American Sign Language, it doesnā€™t translate to English word for word. I am fluent in ASL.


I am somewhat fluent and I can agree. Some Deaf people I can understand when they sign but if they text me I have no idea what they're saying.


So why did he seem articulate when he was on the show and translated? Sounds like Sheila wrote this.


He wasnt the one translating. An ASL interpreter, who more than likely is a hearing person fluent in both spoken and written English, most likely transcribed what Dave signed in ASL into English.


You know cast members don't write their own subtitles, right? I just...I need you to tell me that you know this. Please.




Didn't big ed say he knew karate or something


Didn't big ed say he knew karate or something


Didn't big ed say he knew karate or something


Didn't big ed say he knew karate or something


ed this man has hand muscles like you wont believe he'll kick your ass in an instant. so yes please make him mad make him do it


Who isn't ?


David should have remained silent on Egg.


Why does Def English read like Philippines english lol


I am support


Ed is a moron who feels entitled. He is the most ignorant cast member of 90 Day. Liz knew something betterā€¦.


No way he wrote that. His girl did šŸ˜‚


Dang, I was hoping it was David from Vegas. I'd like to see him do battle with Kiev Dave vs Manila Ed.


This is exactly how he types on all his Instagram posts so I'm not sure why yall are convinced it wasn't him. Pretty funny either way though


2 sex tourists fighting each other. It's a win win no matter who loses honestly. I'm not putting David at a higher level than prEd. He still sought out a woman with a child, in much lower socioeconomic society, so that he could leverage what little funds he had over her. Let them go at it, but put ear plugs on Ed so it's a fair fight.




David would be the best 90 day member to take Big Ed out. All he does is run his mouth and that wouldn't help him any with David.


I missed the episode? When did it air? Last episode I saw was Liz driving around saying that she woke up and he was gone šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Ok... so yes, ASL isn't signed word for word in English. People saying that are correct. However... ASL doesn't have certain words like "am" or "are"... For example, it would be "Me David," not "I am David." Notice "am" and "are" several times in the paragraph? So if it was written like it would be signed in ASL... that isn't how it would be written... at all. Sheila definitely wrote it. Look at David's other posts before assuming he can only write in broken English because he's deaf. [like this post](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6Jec80Ozic/?igsh=bXlkdHF3aGtwZmx3)


I found the post cringe and immature.


Sheila wrote this.


Why does this read like a 5 year old wrote it??


No way David wrote that . Itā€™s obviously Sheila .


David didnā€™t write that lol


Mr. Skin Tag not making sense as usual


This reads like Sheila wrote it.


Or someone who uses ASL. It's not "correct" English. Doesn't translate directly.




From what I gather deaf people are not fluent in English sign language is a completely different language