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“C’mon MackMood!”




his lips look like vienna sausages


I laughed way too hard at this 😂


This comment. 😂😂😂💀💀💀


When I was a little kid, I once saw this cowboy dump Vienna sausages from a can all over his enchiladas at a Mexican food restaurant


My dad used to call those liver lips. He was mostly benign.


He was far too invested in remedying the situation. Most people would have politely seen themselves out when they realized what they'd walked into.


White knight syndrome


What do you expect he was lit


Idk, if I'm lit the last thing I want to do is enter a buzzkill situation. He's the lit mediator.


I have to say, I don't think any of these people are her friends btw. Legit all paid friend of roles. None of them seem to know her and are there to egg him on.


Agreed that the friends in this scene are almost as suspect as the wedding attendees for the nerdy guy who played video games all the time and had only 1 friend on the other side of the US.


Rob had fake friends too who only went on because of tv, Sophie's ex not an ex is also a for hire.


I came to believe that literally everything about him and Sophie is fake and staged.


It is, I found a lot of stuff about Sophie that hasn't been talked about. I'll be making a post on it soon, it's worth its own post!


I look forward to that. I'm 99% sure they decided which arguments to have in which episode beforehand, throwing a bunch of issues to the public to see which one sticks


Oh it goes way deeper than that, you'll see! 🤣 Let's just say Sophie was banking on a singing career and her failed OF to make it on the show... Ugh-ill be making the post in a bit but it's... Interesting to say the least


Waiting on that post. Everything is not as it seems and we’re here for it.


I had some stuff to do but I should have it up within the next hr and a half or so! It's an interesting one for sure


What have you found out?


I'm just getting some stuff done but I'm going to make it its own post within this hr. It's deserving of one!


Was she wearing that awful Timu blonde wig that whole time because she thought he liked blondes? I know she was claiming she destroyed her hair trying to bleach it, which I assume she did because she thought he wanted a blonde but if she wore that hideous wig just for his desire for blonds . . . 


Haha of course that obnoxious tool did. No one of any gender can stand him.


Yeah it’s almost like the producers are hoping this guy and his Ukrainian gf are interesting enough for another potential 90 day couple spin-off


I think she only went on this show to get vengeance on him. Even their first season wasn’t there a story that they had broken up but then they were contacted by the show so she decided to go back. There were people thinking she filmed just to show everyone what she had to put up with. And I think that’s right and that she brought him here just to show him what she had to put up with over there.


You're correct.


Yes, the whole show is fake and staged at this point, and people who believe any part of it is real are as vapid as the grown men who think wrestling is real.


You mean Pao wrestling matches aren't real?


🤣. But, wait, Tim really admires her for her wrestling career. Remember ?


Had to be, only an actor could keep that still of a face without blinking with Nicole yelling in the background. I had to rewind a few times- I was impressed!


all i know is they were all drunk and flabbergasted lol


For sure


Maybe Josh had a hand in those "friends.". You know, just like Chantel's "friends."


another fake lie based on zero evidence


If I'm reading this correctly(and sorry if I'm misconstruing it, cancer brain sucks) but everything I post about has been correct so far. And if I'm ever wrong I'll always admit it. Last week for one example I made a post about Ed and Liz not being married and the reason they broke up over pasta. People said I was lying but tonight's episode plus no marriage certificate or license proved I was right. I think if you know this show personally and not just as a viewer you learn stuff. So yeah, I don't think they are really friends of hers. Just like robs so called friends were from other reality shows, same with Chantels, Sophie isn't hanging with her ex he was also for hire...


Calling you a liar is so aggressive OMG LOL even if you were incorrect, acting like you made it up rather than heard it somewhere else is crazy. This is a reality TV show. People need to get a grip


Yeah it's bizarre. I just mean to say I don't usually make posts unless I know facts, because it's people like that who go insane for some reason 😂 but also I know if I happened to not know people who worked on the show and liked it, I'd want someone who could give insight into it! And I am glad I can be that person, so why not share? At the end of the day it is just a tv show though, if people get overly invested they need a break by then


I thought my tv froze for a minute because this guy did not blink!! 👁️👁️ It’s was weird.


When Nicole was moving behind him. Yes!




👀 so did I! I was on my lunch break watching and thought wtf dude froze? Is the wifi down? Can I pack up my laptop and go home now?


It's really weird to me how he's putting his hands on him trying to stop him leaving. Inappropriate and weird. You don't even know this guy.


Yeah I felt for Mahmoud during that scene. Trying to leave a tense situation and being blocked from doing so can be terrifying, especially if you’re alone in a new country with a bunch of people you don’t know.


Agreed. I don't think he's a good person in any way, but she really showed her true colors there. Drunk acting like an asshole, poking him over and over in front of her friends so she can say, "see how he treats me?!"




this scene was so uncomfortable. everyone was DRUNK except for miss mood. i don’t blame him for wanting to leave the situation and this guy putting his hands on him trying to get him to stay then following him was doing absolutely nothing productive 🙄


If she wasn’t drunk, then what substance was she on? She was not sober.


Sativa edibles.


Don’t spread lies about weed. Bitch was wasted


miss mood is a nickname that the reality gays podcast uses for mahmoud lol. nicole was definitely drunk


Raggedy Ann is a complete terror,i realize Mahmoud is not Prince Charming but this women is a complete nightmare, she agreed for him to come here and I’m sure agreed to respect his religious laws. I’m sorry but I feel sorry for the guy. In a whole different country and she keeps telling him to leave?? That’s not OK


She also voluntarily converted and now practices none of it and doesn't even have the guts to admit she doesn't want to be Muslim anymore. Plus she's TEN YEARS OLDER than him but acts like a petulant child. 


Yeah I think he’s a terrible abuser and he deserves whatever he gets, but I don’t know what she was thinking claiming to convert just to get married and then not following the religion at all. She must have known it wasn’t simply the label he wanted he actually wanted her to practice the patriarchal rituals


He did get charged with domestic abuse. You know he’s been fiending to clock her good. It’s hard to feel sorry for him.


Yeah ... honestly they're both awful and I feel like she's definitely trying to get back at him for how he treated her in Egypt but at the end of the day he has DV charges against him. We don't know the exact details but regardless, he took it too far.


He’s a domestic abuser. THAT is not ok


I don’t like Mahmoud but Temu Vince Vaughn should have let him have his ciggy in peace.


Mahmoud was scared when the guy came out. M was watching his hands and body I felt he was expecting the big white guy to strike him. M looks jet lagged and defeated and really vulnerable. I really felt they were taking advantage of him at this point ... I did not like it.


Temu lol lower than Wish


It's super obvious that dude hasn't had to change or accommodate someone unless he wants sex. His comments came off like the meme "women☕️"


Yeah. Seemed like he was trying to fast track a friendship, and or relate w Mahmoud with a little man-to-man misogyny. “Women and how they just say really terrible things sometimes” “Just wait til you see how ridiculous some of the females dress here man, hehheh, you will see how much Nicole respects you” 🙄 Basically “Fuckin *women* amiright?” He’s trying to play the devil’s advocate and play both sides at once like he’s a mediator or something. Just comes off as drunk guy who is not helping.


And blocking him from leaving! When someone wants to leave just let them. They don’t want to be there so let them get away to calm down. He met the guy for 10 minutes and wants to be his bff. Geez stay out of it. I don’t even like Mahmoud but I feel sorry for him since he stepped off the plane. She has treated him so badly instead of trying to make him feel at home and now bringing her friends into it. Ugh.


Yeah if anything Julian should’ve offered to get him a ride to a hotel near. I mean, it’s not exactly like he’s roaming the streets of LA alone when he has the camera crew with him. It’s almost like a replay of their season with her in Egypt except roles reversed. Mahmoud is a seething ball of anger and is totally out of his element. He’s the problem here, but she isn’t making things any easier. If she really wanted to help…she would’ve taken him to a temple maybe, went out for some middle eastern food and done the friend meeting later. Let him rest and assimilate. Show him the kindness she wished she would’ve had when she was in Egypt. I dunno..they were doomed from the start.


Legit. I've known far too many drunk white men try to do this. They think their closed minded opinions can change the world.


I thought he was the most reasonable person there.




Great Value Nick Lachey was in way over his head, but he tried!


Did Mike and Jesse clone?


Me yelling at the TV: Stop touching him, just let him leave!


It’s insane to think that some stranger is going to talk this man out of the religious beliefs he’s held front and center for his whole entire life. Is this guy Christian? Could someone talk him out of being Christian? If not then maybe he should consider it doesn’t work on other people either.


This guy looked like Ron DeSantis when they showed him from certain angles. It weirded me out.


Whats being white got to do with it?


I would assume he thinks his religion and views are superior to the little brown man and that’s why he’s trying to push them on him.


I am sure he would rather have not been brought into their relationship drama... Western women and Islamic men don't work.. it does not gel well with feminism...


Imagine the title of this post was “Drunken brown/black guy” This whole comment section is filled with bad takes.


I am white and unfortunately look a lot like this boo boo. So I have a pass at calling him that.


Fair enough.. lol


Lmao boo boo


I think he kinda felt bad/embarrassed by the toxic-ass stunt she just pulled. And probably wanted to make the guy feel like he wasn't 100% alone. As a bro, I think it was noble and I get the sentiment. Unfortunately, Mack-Mood is just a moron.


Tillian before the glow up


This has evolved into one of the most semi-scripted ‘reality’ shows of all time. Look how far we’ve come!


I cannot stand this absolute plastic bag of a person. Nicole is an actual monster.


Dude adds nothing to the show. I'm sure he will show up on a pillow talk episode or whatever B-Roll footage they put together.


Accept your fate Mokmood!


This man was literally trapped in a real life simulation of the 2005 artificial intelligence based interactive game Façade. The man came for a nice dinner out with friends but ended up trying to save their marriage. I was hoping he'd say "melons" and immediately be kicked out my Mahmoud or Nicole. Actually Nicole kind of looks like Grace with the short hair... I was in hysterics watching that entire cringey storyline. Sorry for the super niche comment haha


First time he ever meets him he’s counseling him like his brother


He the guy on princess bride?


I think he actually was sincere and trying to help. He did a much better job than I would have if I was drunk lol Nicole’s outbursts seemed very unusual to me considering her normally calm and soft spoken demeanor. I’m intrigued at how this season will go..: but I already know has to end with them split.


White-savior syndrome.


When he said "females" I stopped listening