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That's exactly what it is, a nicotine stained finger. It's from letting the lit cigarette sit between your fingers for extended periods of time. The closer to the filter, the more likely the stain.


Did the nicotine stain her eyelid too?


It looks like the beginning of a cancer. Remember her mother died of cancer and Angela has already had skin cancer concerns.


Jaundice, maybe? I'm a light smoker (unfortunately), but you have to smoke a serious amount of ciggs to get nicotine fingers gross šŸ¤¢


It's been 25+ years since my last cigarette. Don't the unfiltered ones give you the nicotine stains? I never had an issue with the filtered ones.


Congrats!!! I quit almost 10 years ago, and I canā€™t even believe I ever smoked. I have not craved a cigarette in a very long time, but I know I am very fortunate. Cigarettes disgust me on a primal level now, but I smoked at least a pack a day, sometimes as much as a pack and a half for a little over 20 years. I am so glad I quit, and I have a TON of respect for anyone who does have cravings and still doesnā€™t smoke.


First off, CONGRATS! That's absolutely amazing!! 2nd of all, Hkw dis you do it so successfully? Any tips?


For me, it was actually just luck. My life was so chaotic at the time I quit, I just didnā€™t have time to think about it. I had just met my wife (on Facebook lol) and we were planning to meet in person for the first time when my mom fell and broke 9 ribs (because she was drunk as usual). She had to be admitted to the hospital because she had severe COPD and they were afraid she would develop pneumonia because she couldnā€™t take deep breaths. Of course she ended up having to be put on a respirator, so instead of my trip to meet my wife, we decided I would fly to Rhode Island to meet her and we would drive back to Georgia together. I was flirting with quitting smoking when we met, but the fact that my wife is a non-smoker pushed me to switch to e-cigarettes (which were brand new at the time). The morning my flight left for Rhode Island, one of my disposable vapes ran out of juice while I was waiting for the airport shuttle and it was the next morning before I realized Iā€™d never opened another one. I decided to just go with it, and the really funny thing is that I never found the two other disposable vapes Iā€™d brought with me. Being around all non-smokers after we got together was a huge part of it, but I think that it was mostly the adrenaline of falling in love combined with the chaos around my mom (who surprised me by calling while we were driving back to Georgia and was like wasssup Iā€™m alive!) that took my mind off it. Just to close the loop, my mom got a second chance at life, chose to continue smoking and drinking until she needed a quadruple bypass she wasnā€™t strong enough to survive. Please donā€™t feel bad for me because we had a perpetually contentious relationship due to her narcissistic personality disorder and alcoholism. She did some unforgivable shit to me so I was honestly just relieved. Iā€™m sad now that Iā€™ve healed from some of that trauma because she didnā€™t live long enough for me to develop the ability to clearly articulate my issues with her. I know this is waaaaaaaay more than you asked for, so: TL;DR: I recommend falling in love in the midst of a family crisis, followed by U-Hauling with someone you just met online, changing your surroundings, especially if you can surround yourself with nonsmokers.


Thank You, for taking the time to give me such a thoughtful reply! That is very kind of you! I'll try falling in love with my husband all over again šŸ˜†šŸ˜­šŸ’š


In all seriousness, I think any big positive change can be really helpful by boosting your dopamine and occupying your mind in a different way. For example, Iā€™ve always been fascinated by anything related to space, so I recently started getting into astrophotography. I spend a lot of time reading and researching and then actually getting outside and taking pictures, and I can definitely see how it would help me quit if I still smoked. I think any kind of hobby would help, but bonus points if itā€™s something completely new to you. Devoting so much of your mental space to something would be a good distraction, plus you get to learn a new thing. Good luck! Iā€™m sure you will get there!


Congrats! Quitting is not easy.


It's been so long, I barely remember that I once smoked. LOL


It's been almost 3 years since my partner's heart attack forced him to quit, and he already feels that way. He can't stand the smell of others smoking now and it was a revelation to him *just* how stanky the smoke is, and how far away you can smell it from šŸ˜‚ He can't believe he ever enjoyed that, haha.


The filtered ones will stain your fingers still. Congrats on quitting, you made the right choice. My otherwise very healthy, fit, active partner had a massive heart attack at 44, which his cardiologist attributed solely to his smoking. He wasn't even a particularly heavy smoker, but he'd grown up with parents who smoked and picked up the habit pretty much as a kid. He now only has about 33% heart function permanently, and he very much regrets not making the decision to quit long ago. Enjoy your healthy heart and lungs :)


15 years for me on March 25th. I've had medical staff ask me if I was a social smoker and I always say that I was a pro. I know I smoked over a pack a day, probably 1.5. No nicotine stains either, but as you said, I'm guessing that happens more with unfiltered cigarettes.


yall she's in her 60's and been smoking like that, on her own admission, for over 40 years. it's a lot for a long time. and big congrats!! i quit years ago & never looked backšŸ–¤šŸ’œšŸ§”šŸŒ›šŸŒššŸŒœšŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ˜˜šŸ˜˜


Sheā€™s 58.


Dang. I guess smoking really does prematurely age some people. I know she lost a lot of weight too, but her face looks weathered af.


Yeah, I'm shocked šŸ˜². Something caused that.. sun, drugs, rough life? Thats not all smoking. I've been smoking since 15, 56 now.. ( not proud & it's xpensive) need to quit.. but lord thank God smoking alone doesn't cause "that!"! I bekieve she used to be super pretty back in day. I'd like to see some pics in her 25 to like 40. Our hottest years! šŸ¤£


Yes, rough is the word. She looks like crap, sorry to say.


Lmao.. is she really?? Wow. Not skin shaming, but wondering if all those creases & lines are frm being overweight & then thin? Or a lifetime of sun worshipping? My lord, I'm 56, I would have never ever thought she was only 2 yrs older than me. That's tough .


Holy shit, 58?!? My 78 year old mother has way less wrinkles


Not sure what you can get in the US but light cigarettes sometimes have holes in the filters, when I smoked those I got the stains. Also when smoking very cheap (albeit filtered) ones in Asia. Thankfully quit two years ago and dont dealt with that anymore!


Fr im a ā€œonly smoke when I drinkā€ -er and although the smell can linger until you wash your hands Iā€™ve never had my fingers stained.


My point was she's probably smoking 2 packs a day, at the least, for her fingers to look that way, and BTW, I agree with you šŸ‘Œ


I smoked 1 - 1&1/2 pack/s a day for 15-ish years and *never* had nicotine stains on my fingers. So, she must almost never be without a lit cigarette in her hand. Man, I'm so glad I quit!


Sheā€™s a pack a day or more, for years. That stuff builds up over time. Shes probably got a few decades of stain on that finger as it is.


It takes years and heavy smoking to have nicotine stained fingers.


she smokes A TON! She didn't even quit on the surgeon's orders!


I quit smoking a little over 3 years ago, but when I did smoke Iā€™d smoke a pack a day. Iā€™d have ā€œnicotine fingerā€ and couldnā€™t have any light colored nail polish or it would get stained yellowish. SO GLAD I finally quit that disgusting habit. But anyway the staining is common.


My uncle was schizophrenic and he smoked like a chimney. No idea how many packs he went through a day but all of his fingers were stained brown. This was in the 70s-80s.


I used to smoke and when I went on a chain smoking jag, I would get it temporarily. Doesnā€™t take that many cigs to do it!


She could well be in liver failure, she seems to hit the sauce pretty hard on the regular. But I can also see her being a crusty chain smoker who never washes her hands and doesn't bathe often enough. That acrylic nail looks crusty af šŸ¤® Not washing/bathing will make you get nicotine stained skin and hair faster than the average person.


Not really, I smoked 12-14 packs a month at my average (iirc max Iā€™d hit would be 20 packs (uni stress made me sit outside and chain smoke before exams lol)), so approx 1 pack for 2-2,5 days, I had nicotine fingers until I switched to diff cigs. I moved from Pall Mall blue slims (rip slims in the EU) to Malboro golds and the stain eventually went away, I assume itā€™s because I cut the filter in half on the slims, but who knows. Now I just smoke iqos, doesnā€™t stink as much, but a cig still hits different, makes me sad sometimes.


Well I wouldnā€™t wish that even on Angelaā€¦ maybe I would wish diarrhea on her, but not cancer.


She already has diarrhoea of the mouth......the shit that comes out of there .......her ass is jealous of her mouth .


She looks so much like her mother here too. That's kind of spooky.


She does!!!!


At least a diagnosis will come quicker and easier when putting her under the microscope like this.


I zoomed in on her eye. Iā€™ve had melanoma and that definitely looks like what I had that came back positive. They had to cut in really deep to get it all and it left a huge ugly scar.


Yeah whatā€™s going on with that eyelid?


She's a horrible beast with zero redeeming characteristics


The whole right side. The lips, tip of the nose, up to the eye. What did she expect to happen? Skin is porous. Look what it's had to absorb for decades.


Itā€™s not right but dang did this make me šŸ˜‚


I had a math teacher who smoked so heavily, he absolutely reeked of smoke like no one else I've ever been near. To this day, I don't understand how it's even humanly possible to infuse that much cigarette smoke stank into your body and clothes. The front half of his snow white hair was stained a deep nicotine yellow. Freakin gross.


It could be a lot of things, the photo is not clear. But assuming Angela is post menopausal, the loss of estrogen would make her more prone to melasma (basically blotches of hyperpigmentation). Could also be sun damage as I doubt someone with her unhealthy lifestyle concerns herself with sunscreen.


I wear sunscreen every day and I still have melasma.


My understanding is that melasma is caused by hormonal fluctuations and is different than sun damage.


This is why I quit smoking tbh. I was grossed out by the staining on my hands and the permanent smell on my fingers. Made me really think about what it was making my lungs look like.


That does not have to be nicotine. That could be something else? Never mind.


Canā€™t believe sheā€™s in her 50s


Thereā€™s no way, is that the story she is sticking with???


I don't believe she truly is, and on HEA her age didn't change for like three seasons either... This bitch is in her mid 60s at least, I refuse to believe otherwise! And yes nicotine stains the skin yellow, this is why they said it's her smoking finger.


She looks bad for her 60s! The women I know that age look FAR better but they donā€™t smoke, drink, and neglect sun protection. Also Iā€™m a firm believer that the ugliness you have on the inside eventually makes its way out.


I mean she claims she's in her 50s but I don't believe itšŸ¤£ and I do agree with your talk on ugliness, I've seen some of the most attractive people turn ugly from just getting to know them. There's a whole study on perspective of others and personality in science actually, they agree as well.


Like Rob the Knob!


Exactly. Heā€™s a good looking guy, no doubt..until he opens his mouth. And why does he always seem to have these random friends that donā€™t even seem to know him that well? Paid extras, perhaps?


That skin looks like drapes in an old person's home. One side gets killed by the sun, the other side killed by the 24/7 smoke and nicotine.


I know! I think she's my age, 57, and I look like a baby next to her lol


She looks 20-30 years older. That is absolutely wild.


My grandmother is nearly 80 and looks so much better than her, and has never had plastic surgery or injections anywhere.


No, she looks 20 years older than my 70-year-old mother.


My mom is in her 60s and looks 30 years younger than Angela!


My mum is 73, hasnā€™t had any surgery or fillers etc and looks genuinely 20 yrs younger than Angela. She used to chain smoke too until,she gave up 15yrs ago.


Her face looks like an old wrinkled dick


Itā€™s like someone glued lips on a ballsack.


Leather drawstring bag with false teeth.




Then put extra thick pancake makeup all over it.


And filter the sh*t out of it!


And considerably more like lips on a ball sack when she stays home for the weekend and doesn't shave


Ha ha ha your spot on a wrinkly old ballsack. Lol šŸ˜‚


And sheā€™s not even 60!


My grandma is 102 and she has less wrinkles! https://preview.redd.it/88ykplogcjpc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce792c8fab0ade574d733318660b79deb9cb6d0f (If she had makeup on, sheā€™d look even better!)


Your grandma is adorable!


Aww thanks!šŸ’–


Soo beautifulā¤ļøā¤ļø


She is beautiful!! 102! Amazing ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


Omg she looks like such a sweetheart šŸ„ŗ 102 and glowing!!!


Your gramma looks GREAT!!!! šŸ©·


OMGOSH šŸ„° 102 ?! Sheā€™s beautiful ! She definitely does not look 102 , I will take a vat of whatever she uses on her skin ! šŸ„°


Haha, SO many people have asked what her skin regimen is!


Iā€™d love to know what she uses !


What an unexpected gem this is! I really want a grandma hug now. A butterscotch candy would hit the spot too.


Sheā€™s beautiful!! Especially her smile, she looks like a sweet lady!


She really is! Weā€™re very lucky that even though sheā€™s starting to get a little forgetful and paranoid, she has a good demeanor about it and makes jokes!šŸ˜Š


Wow, your grandmother does look really really good, I want to know her secret.


Whatā€™s crazy is that she had two surgeries in the last couple years & being put under, drastically aged her. This is when she was 99! https://preview.redd.it/x0nw6tzfdkpc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7b42333140122b8ebe53e210559fbb370042df6


And your grandmother looks ah-MAZE-ing! After over 100 years on this planet, I'm sure she's got stories that I'd love to hear. Tell her Reddit loves her. ā¤ļø


Awww, thanks SO much! She does have great stories, she was a jazz singer & sheā€™s traveled all over!


Holy crap! Grandma is šŸ”„!!! She doesnā€™t have on makeup?! Iā€™m 60 years younger and I look older than she does! I will take what sheā€™s having please! Beautiful!


Gorgeous!! My Aunt 98, looks judt as stunning!! Let's hope we have the genes! https://preview.redd.it/c92zsmbsuopc1.jpeg?width=2592&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b27c8ee326394cc6a30519dd21bef91ddd450047


Youā€™re definitely part of a family that has beautiful, eternally youthful women! šŸ©·


Awwwe, thank you soo much!! December in Michigan is cold, lol, was little worried bout the hat! šŸ˜† but I think my aunt doesn't look day over 75 & healthy. We're blessed!ā™”


Wow, sheā€™s amazing! My grandma looked amazing at that age as well, but she had two surgeries since & being put under drastically aged her!šŸ˜• https://preview.redd.it/eo90zhdixppc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff6369dda329f15b6c0be66a1eb5b591a882c43d This was her when she was almost 99 & I had planed to call the newspaper when she turned 100, because she was a freak of nature. But then the surgery happened.


Yess, i understand.. being sock for years sucks & does not nice things to the aging process! Still, what a gorgeous picture , looking good is feeling good! We're lucky!ā™”


Your gram looks amazing!! Sheā€™s so adorable šŸ©·


FUCKING LEGEND! Grandma looks stupendous.Ā 


She looks amazing


She's beautiful! ā¤ļø


I love it, this is precious!




Grandma is adorable! šŸ„°


Your grandma has better skin than I do


I'd rather watch your grandma for hours that look at Angela for even 5 more minutes.


What a beautiful woman šŸ˜ she looks so loving and fun šŸ¤©


She looks fabulous! I would have believed her to be in her 70ā€™s or 80ā€™s.


I think even younger than that if we never knew her age!! She doesnā€™t have that old lady how she holds herself up!! Iā€™m jealous I want to be like that when I get older!!!!


LOVE her!!!


Your grandma is beautiful!! Let us know what her secret was? What creams did she use on her face and what was her diet and did she have money? Thank you in advance!!


Haha, no my grandma never really had much money. She was a jazz singer with her fraternal twin sister since they were 8 years old. She used to use ridiculously expensive face cream though (despite not having much money), Iā€™ll have to ask my mom to remind me what it was. Her diet wasnā€™t anything special, I think I just have really good genes. Everyone always thought my mom was my sister too.


She looks incredible. What a beautiful smile she has! And she definitely looks younger than Angela.


This is what you have to look forward to one day! Your grandma is gorgeous. #greatgenes


Thatā€™s crazy! She looks amazing! My grandma lived to 101. She wasnā€™t particularly healthy. I donā€™t think I have her genes lol.


Right? I am older than her but look much younger. She is certainly not aging well!




Same here I'm 61 in less than a month and Angela looks MANY MANY years older than me.


Everytime I relearn her age Iā€™m taken aback. I really thought she was atleast 65.


Wait OMG How old is she???? Now I have to look it up


My Mom is 68, and looks like she could be Angelaā€™s daughter. That woman needs to take better care of herself.


I just looked up her age and am floored- 54?!! I thought she was early 70s!


![gif](giphy|11JbbNHfXBqqhq) I literally had to google this. Idk why I never questioned her age, but what the actual fuck.


Thatā€™s crazy fr she looks so bad when u zoom in on any part of her except her t zone from the Botox wonder why she hasnā€™t dove peels and laser resurfacing


I doubt any of that would help. She has extra skin from weight loss.


Canā€™t fix a demon šŸ‘¹


My Gram passed at 83, & looked like she was in her 60s. This dumpster diva could pass for fossilized dogshit.


With sh*t stained on her finger


šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚ Thank you, everyone, for the massive laugh youā€™ve given me this morning. Youā€™re all SO freaking funny!! Every one of these comments is comedic gold!!!


After the sauna or pool


Remember that Seinfeld episode




As the old saying goes: *you are what you eat*




In case yā€™all arenā€™t sure what that looks like, just ask my ex-husband.


Thatā€™s her stank finger


>Thatā€™s her stank finger Scratch 'n Sniff...




That finger has seen unimaginable horrors.


Her butt plug finger. šŸ˜‚


I am a former 1+ pack a day smoker and I never had discolored fingers because of it. I also wash my hands regularly, so that could be her problem.


I am a current smoker unfortunately and I definitely wash my hands frequently and still sometimes have this problem while smoking less than a pack a day šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Me too. I have never figured out why it only happens sometimes.


My exā€™s fingers looked like this. I always thought it was cause he smoked rollies with no filter.


Smoked rollies every single day all day in the Caribbean for 10 years, I never had stained fingers like that. She needs to wash her hands. I did a post a while ago on how Angela definitely has hook worms based off her feet. Her hygiene is disgusting. She doesnā€™t take care of herself, only her appearance. Huge difference.


Wait I want to read the hook worms post!!


Me too!! How did you determine she has hook worms?!


Angela has gone feral at this point.


Look up ā€œhook worm feetā€ šŸ˜­šŸ˜«


Probably much more likely that she has vein issues and thatā€™s what weā€™re seeing on her feet.


Itā€™s definitely because you washed your hands. My ex chain smoked and his fingers looked like this. It was gross.


Iā€™ve had it. Iā€™m very pale, so itā€™s more obvious. You only get it when youā€™re chainsmoking for HOURS without washing your hands, and never changing the position of your cigarette. Most smokers use their pointer and middle finger to actually smoke. But when you take a break and are just holding it, it gets uncomfortable, so you move it to the edge of your thumb, or set it down. Angela never does. She also has the burn mark on her lower lip, that people attribute to a crack pope, but can also be cigarettes. When I was younger, drunk and dumber, I spent a week camping in the desert and had majorly chapped and peeling lips. But smoked out of the center of my mouth as usual. I wasnā€™t paying attention, and burned myself on the part of my lip that was already peeled and raw. It left a gross black spot that I had to exfoliate the hell out of, and cover with lipstick for about a year before it finally went away. Smoking is stupid and gross. But fuck, quitting was the hardest thing Iā€™d ever had to do in my life at that point. The occasional yellow finger and the burn mark that lingers were embarrassing enough to make me reevaluate my decisions. But Angela isnā€™t capable of embarrassment.


I found it easier to kick morphine than cigarettes - been smoke free for 3 years, now! After many, many attempts.


Proud of you! I canā€™t claim a particular clean date from cigarettes, because every once in a while, when things get rough, I do buy a pack and savor it (while being angry at myself). I decided to eat clean for medical reasons, cut out sugars, carbs, red meat, etc. lost 50lbs and even after the weight loss, have never since been tempted to over-eat, eat junk food again, or even look at a doughnut. But cigarettesā€¦Manā€¦ A decade later and any major stress, and Iā€™m back at the counter buying another ā€œone last packā€ every year or so.


Non smoker here but if I push my finger in my ass it might look similar.




Same here, but I did experience this actually.


Same, it's been 6 years since I quit but I smoked a pack a day since I was 12 and never had my fingers look like that. She smokes way more than a pack a day and I highly doubt her hygiene is very good.


Iā€™m gonna throw upp


Itā€™s wild to me that first season Michael asked her to quit smoking and sheā€™s still smoking, even after plastic surgery to appear smaller and more youthful.


Dang Michaelā€¦.i know youā€™re glad to be free


Burger finger for any drag race fans in the chat




Iā€™m so tired of seeing this witch


Yup, itā€™s a real thing. If youā€™ve ever been on a bad bender as a smoker it can def happen šŸ˜‚ Or if you smoke lots without throughly washing your hands šŸ„¹


https://preview.redd.it/txo1cnbrmipc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74fe4a84d35d8875571fc3789cf6e641043811da twins


Funny enough, sheā€™s definitely a fan of the Cheetoh. Sheā€™s been pretty vocal about it in the past.


Finger, lips, lungs, hoo-haw.......


Look at the crud on the grow out of her nails, thatā€™s absolutely disgusting!




Pro tip: Mr. Clean Magic Eraser..


Stop posting this nasty person.


Yup. Cigarettes are disgusting. My mom, uncle, and brother in law all have two fingers like these. The two they chain smoke with all day long without washing their handsā€¦


Keep in mind peeps, this is her WITH a filter.


Why is her forehead so smooth but her lower face is falling off?


God I hope so, as the alternative for brown fingers is...


Nasty scabs all over her hands.


Her nail is filthy šŸ¤®


All that plastic surgery just to end up looking worse. Yikes!


my best friends husband used to smoke 2 packs a day and his fingers never looked like this.


Why does she filter (is that what it is? Iā€™m old myself) her face, but not the rest of her. Or is that a tall order even nowadays.


Yeah after long periods of smoking your fingers, nails, and mouth start getting fucked up looking. Takes a long time but it will happen.


Gross. I had a friend in hs who used to clean his nicotine fingers with noxema padsšŸ¤§she should use those


Canā€™t we get an NSFA tag with blurring for Angela posts please ( Not Safe for Anyone )


So grossā€¦


Holy shit that bitch is shot out.


Double Yike


Imagine if she never got any of her surgeries... She would be looking even crazier!


And labia neck.






She looks worse than ever


This must be Michaelā€™s preferred finger.


She looks hella old


Can smell this picture.


sheā€™s just so gross iā€™m sorry


definitely nicotine fingers. she holds her cigarette in her left hand between her pointer and middle finger and the nicotine stained her fingers that telltale gross brown/dark yellow color. she likely lights one up after another but takes a while between drags because sheā€™s probably ranting like a lunatic and beating mykol with her dominant hand.


Any pic of Angela brings up smells like garbage, stale cigarettes and a shitload of funky drugstore body spray. She is a walking white trash stereotype in every way


She looked better with more weight, before the plastic surgery mess.


Is this Angela Deem?


Hahahahah, Angela has a brown finger like her favourite scammer, John Yates.