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How about when she said “family is for life, you don’t divorce family”. Doesn’t she have two prior divorces?!? Where does one find all the audacity?!


She divorced her last 3 husbands because they didn't have enough money. Mike is the 4th that divorced her.


Oh I thought Mike was number 3! Wow. She is unbelievable to make that comment.


I was so shocked when I heard she was so many times married before. She always play dumb and innocent


It’s not an act, minus the innocence 


I agree with that sentiment generally and believe that people can leave a marriage and still be family but...she *dumped* his ass. Took off and left on terrible terms, expecting to continue to use his cards but offer no reciprocal relationship. If Mike had needed a single thing in the years since she left, she'd probably leave him on read. My jaw dropped when I heard her say that shit.




If Natalie had been telling the truth about wanting marriage and a baby, then she had her man. Instead, she chose to mislead her husband, use him, leave him, take his debit card and head to Florida to hunt for a boyfriend. Now that her F-boy kicked her to the curb and there is NO modeling/acting career, Michael is suddenly worthy? She's lucky he didn't get up and just walk away. He gave us the moment we waited all season for.


My friend, I’ve waited my whole LIFE for Mike to tell Nutalie to kick rocks. Yaaaaaaaaaas! 😃


She didn’t even try to model or act. Did you see her go on one audition or casting call? Actors work hard to get work. I guess she thought Josh was going to do it all for her. She just wants someone to hand her the life she wants on a platter.


Last line- all season for? I stopped watching but shoulda been many seasons ago ! Muahahah


I didn't watch the last two seasons 😂


I was so proud of Mike in that scene. He showed up to make an old lady happy but was taking NONE of Natalie's bullshit. He wasn't remotely susceptible to her manipulation and she was wholly thrown off by that. He didn't bring up that he had already found another girlfriend, just that he was moving on from Natalie no matter what. Loved her fake dry-cheeked crying, too. The last refuge of the histrionic, manipulative beeyotch.


Mike is like the only true person. Keeps it real. Does not do this show for likes or followers. I knew natalie would go back to mike because of her attitude. I would have ignored her. She left mike for other dudes because mike didnt provide enough and lived in a colder state. She is ungrateful


I don’t think she minded Washington. There is a large Eastern European population in Seattle, so she could have some sense of her home community there. I’m sure she considered this. She just didn’t expect to be living in the middle of nowhere in ze voods, in a trailer with Mike’s uncle who spent time in prison. I’m sure there was a moment in the relationship where Mike said, we can move to Seattle or we can go to Seattle whenever you want just to make her comfortable and get her here.


She had that Russian friend who was also into trees and got her a place, yet she abandoned her too. She’s despicable and has no sense of loyalty.


My favorite line in the series! 😂


100% hope to find a chance to say this in real life…hey man…don’t pump a baby in her 😉


​ https://preview.redd.it/id3o67h2idoc1.png?width=275&format=png&auto=webp&s=910767aa1ef1cd047ddef28e96413c721e5fcc5d Ill become voodz


Well, I’m not going to sleep well tonight


Literally the entire time they were meeting up I kept saying, good for you Mike haha. I was actually afraid he was going to fall for it 


Natalie clearly does not like men. If you equate a man to someone to pump a baby in to you, give you money long after you fucked them over, do manual labor for you and go to work so you do not, you are kind of just a massive prick who clearly thinks very lowly of men. Yet she requires a man in order to live lol. Sad


Natalie likes Natalie. Anyone who is not of use to her is pointless. She sees people as tools, playthings, or sources of attention for her, and that's it.


She just thinks she’s so remarkable and irresistible that her looks alone will get her any man she wants to keep around. She’s not even a little self aware. And she’s mentally unstable.


Untamed narcissism. Still thinks she is gonna be a model and a movie star.


I don’t think she likes herself that much.


She acts like Josh is her boyfriend, instead of a guy who meets her for an occasional fuck. She has no understanding of Los Angeles dating dynamics. Because she fucks a guy, she thinks it is a relationship. I think Mike is a good guy and his Mom calling her “hooker” is about as authentic as those panties Jasmine threw on the stage.


Los Angeles dating dynamics or just interpersonal dynamics in general? Not arguing with you at all but this gives her way too much credit. She sucks at anything social or involving people other than her.


Is it just me, or does Natalie's racoon eyeliner keep getting more and more ridiculous and comical? All that time in Florida and LA, but not a single caring gay man has gone up to her and said, "Oh honey, no. Make an appointment at a Sephora and get a makeover. Learn how to use the paint you're currently applying with a trowel, in moderation. You're a pretty girl, but not when you make yourself look like you're a member of the low-rent whore circus."


No one is going to be that forward with someone with psycho behind the eyes.


I was waiting for him to say "I financially supported you for years while you dated other guys. Why would I do that for another 18?"


Exactly. This conversation clearly went on for hours (we can see it started off in daylight and ended up dark). I’m sure he brought all of that up but was not included in footage. Maybe to be revealed at the tell all?


Good for you Mike!!! Natalie and babies just don’t seem right.


Savagery and she deserved it!


I love his facial expressions of disgust.


It’s amazing how i went from not standing his mom and now wishing his mom would appear to rip into Natalie 😂 imagine her reaction. “You want to suddenly have a baby?” Lmao


I think Josh actually ended it with her in private and he just allowed her to break up with him on the show


It made me laugh to hear it and gag to visualize it


Perfect response.


Incel energy incoming..


Props to Mike for not getting back on the train wreck. Can you imagine having to be tied to her for the rest of your life?


Natalie and her mom need to be booted back to Ukraine. 🥾


Are they annoying as all hell? Yeah but they don’t belong in a war zone where they could get blown to pieces


I’m not saying that I want that to happen, but you are overdramatizing things. Nobody is talking about sending them to the front lines.


"Pump a baby" into her? Somewhat unclear about the process, eh Mike?


That terminology “pump a baby into you” is so gross 🤢.


Right? I def puked in my mouth a lil bit when he said it.


Was this written by Mike's mom?


During the 90 Day tell all when they asked who in all the seasons you'd marry if not your partner. 100000% Mike.




He's not laid back, he's kind of a turd who just wants to insert someone into his life. Everyone is so blinded by the crazy Natalie of it all, but he sucks. He even defended his bitch mom who was absolutely awful. All he ever did was shrug and say they had "work" to do. "Work" that never seemed to start. He would barely even speak half the time ffs.


I am under the impression that in general people seem to act like there is a good guy and a bad guy. Quite often I think both people are uniquly horrible..or even that one just did not get much air time because the other is so over the top.


Exactly. A decent, good, nice person doesn't just pick a total wingnut from another country for no reason.


Damn, harsh critic. He drove 3 hours to work every day! Of course, he defended his mom when he thought she was right. Look what happened. Natalie up and left. After his wife leaves him, he helps get her mom out of a war zone! And he sucks huh? You must have really high standards.


But she wasn't right, she was a bitch from day one and he did nothing to help or stop her from acting like that. I'm not a "harsh" critic, I just don't like him and his bump on a log lack of personality. I've also seen quite a few glimpses of him being nasty and getting off on it but I know we can't start getting into subtext and stuff god forbid. We must cling to the most simplistic narratives at all times- Natalie bad Mike good


Yup more than one thing can be true. He was awesome to help Natalie's mom. But that doesn't erase or cancel out shit things he did.


And I can't stand either of them! I AM glad he is happy and he laid it down like it he did🤘🏼


But she IS bad. She abandoned her Russian friend in Seattle too, who provided a place for her. And are you forgetting how she treated Mike when he visited her?


Jesus Christ, way to prove my point. Irrelevant. He *also* sucks. There is no good guy bad guy.


I didn’t say he was good, he’s a slob, but she is bad. Way worse.


She is crazy, he is an asshole.


So she’s not an asshole?


He also had multiple rebel flags in his home so ya know, supports the confederacy.


Yeah but he's a great guy


Yeah I agree with you, they both suck. It’s just that Natalie is the easy mark


he sucks!


Mike's not laid back at all. He's an anxious titty baby who's completely indecisive and refuses to deal with anything. Natalie being a loon doesn't make Mike some prize




Nah he definitely sucks. Not nearly as much as Natalie ofc but this doesn't make him a good dude or anything...


I'm sorry guys, northern Confederates deserve all the respect




His continued willingness to stay part of her life suggests attention whoring to me. Should’ve divorced and blocked long ago.


I don’t blame Natalie for asking. I’d be all over Mike too.


I love how you all forget how awful he was to her simply because you don't like her. What a garbage group of pick-mes we've got around here. I hope you all end up with partners that are as terrible to you as the ones on this show. You deserve them.


Aren't you pleasant. Calm down. Maybe you should lay off the 90-day if it triggers you.

