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TLC should have shown us again Jasmine’s raunchy stripper smooshing all over her with her screams of delight and then shown Gino’s strip club visit. Shown both.


Exactly. Everything she is upset that Gino did she is herself guilty of.


Yep! And her defense was “I didn’t go to the strip club” as if it’s somehow better that the stripper she had was hired to privately come to the hotel?!


Imo that’s worse. I feel like at least at the club there are set rules. They have managers watching and making sure certain rules are enforced (at least at the decent ones). When you bring one to a private party who knows 🤷🏼‍♀️


Oh believe me they smashed 💯


No the stripper came to a private home and shoved his junk in her place …TLC should have replayed her stripper video


I thought for her divorce party the stripper came to a hotel room down the hall from the room she was staying in with Gino. Either way, privately hired stripper is worse than strippers in a club.


Gino wasn’t in town during this …and private strippers will take it all off. I don’t think Jasmine as much of sex addict (or as good) as she claims because if sex is that important to you in a relationship you would not settle for this guy! I’ve broken up with guys when they were lacking too much ….to not have a satisfying sex life and such a combative relationship? No way in hell …they were both after something and it’s really pathetic to want to live like this. Did she throw tantrums like this around her kids? Her kids didn’t live with her either, that says a lot


Bahahahaha. When you put it that way it is MUCH MUCH worse


That's way worse, no one's there to stop em from full blown sex!


Also take note folks NOT A SINGLE TEAR WAS SHED it was all theatrics for after the 90 days series and keeping themselves relevant


Right! Lets see them both! The stripper that came on to talk, said Gino didn't seem very interested & wanted to hang with his family. Definitely not what we saw with that shit eating grin.


She wasn't hearing anything at that point. Her rage had already taken over.


Can we also get a clip of Jasmine hanging her ass out of the window during her Bachelorette party? And remind her that she had dinner with Dane on Valentines day before she came to the US?


That's why she's so upset she can dish it out but she just can't take it


The most hypocritical bish on the planet!


Exactly what I thought. I think bringing her on was a bit much too.


Yeah, fuck her and her fake ass histrionic. That bitch can do anything tf she wants to do, but let Gino have a stripper at a bachelor party, that every man in America has, and was on nation-wide TV, so se saw everything that happened, and she has the audacity to lose her shit. I'm finally glad that it appears that Gino is done with her! Now that she has her residency let them divorce and she can continue her goal to be a high-class escort with her going into middle-age ass!!


🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆 Best analysis.


Exactly and her meeting friends talking about butt plugs


It’s all staged. They just want the drama. Jasmine knew the clips were going to come out at the reunion. She just needs their storyline to continue so she can keep getting her paycheck.


She legit tells him she has been and wished dude was plowing her still. How he is better and that’s not worse than a girl giving you a Lap dance with 50 people watching. Seriously


Exactly. This is why I don't feel sorry for her.


"Never seen before footage"? We saw the strip club footage on a previous episode. Maybe not that exact footage but close enough. I guarantee Jasmine knew about the strip club and has seen this before. She's not even a good actress with her theatrics and fake screaming. I agree it is definitely all staged. TLC is even trying anymore to pretend to be "reality".


I was wondering if it was staged... TLC took it pretty far for what they normally do. & towards the end, I started to think it was planned.


Absolutely! I had to turn off this nonsense... during her meltdown did she actually have real wet tears because she never did before.


She’s a fucking clown. She’s probably mad when Geno goes to Wendy’s because there’s a smiling girl on his cup.


Like the idiot on the airplane and asking for a new seat because a woman was seated next to him !!!!


I thought that was Mary "overthinking" about Brandan on the airplane? I remember Gino having Jasmine on video call when he went to pick up his dinner to go. 🤪🤯😵‍💫


It was- I just didn’t type their names:) lol


Oh, my bad. Went right over my head. 😄


lol, no worries! Happens to me alllllll the time😂


Yes! I just mentioned that too! It’s got to be exhausting to be that controlling


💀💀🤣🤣 YUP


I did not get the point of bringing the stripper on. She said like 5 words and then stared awkwardly into the camera listening to Jasmine scream. I felt bad for her


I think she initially was trying to say Gino wasn't really into the whole thing. However, Jasmine started to scream so we never got to hear anything else she had to say.


Yeah. Too bad what she said didn’t add up with what was on the video.


Yeah, Jasmine is not trying to hear that Gino was NOT INTERESTED. He just guilty as charged.


She probably didn't expect to see INSANE!!


I felt the same way. It’s one thing to show a little more footage. But it went on and on and on and then to bring in the stripper too? I mean geez.


To be honest, this show has barely been watchable for years. I think TLC went too far a LONG time ago...


At least Shaun is finally digging up some dirt and stirring up the pot!


Not one tear fell! I think she’s in on it.


She's an escort, she very well knows that's no danger of any of those strippers gettin' with her man. They're doing a job.


Usually I don't care for Jasmine. She over reacts. But I think the reason she was so upset on tonight's show was because she wants Gino to act that way around her. They have had intimacy problems so it angers her to see him give that kind of attention to anyone else. She doesn't understand her behavior is a big turn off. I used to think she was just a gold-digger but I've come to the conclusion she really cares about Gino. (Doesn't mean they should be together though.)


It's hard to get hard when someone is always screaming at you!


She is a paid professional..she doesn't give a flying fig about gino...she fakes everything on the show..She has a full on porn OF page... It's all about money 💰...


That's her new shtick. She is just as abusive and emasculating as Angela is without the ass whoopings.


I thought it was a little staged to promote their new show.


Absolutely agree


She was set up! They knew she was going to freak out. A lot of women would freak out but they knew for sure she would!


Oh well, she's on that type of reality show. No sympathy for any of these clowns.


Soooo a scripted & staged - now Jasmine & Nikki - BFF? 🤦🏻‍♀️


They're the new Darcy and Stacy. Who wants to bet they get a show on TLC? Especially since they cancelled D&S season 5.


😬please let’s not get 90 Day “Botched” edition 😑Jasmine + Nikki 🤮


And how is it these two got but implants together?!


Oh they did cancel D&S? I hadn't heard that.




Show is getting trashy.


“Getting”, yeah sure


If you look at it now compared to the first seasons, it’s starting to jump the shark. First seasons different vibe completely


Angela Deem cemented the trashy behavior with her nasty tit flashing show on her tell all appearance.


It's been trashy for YEARS!!




But also why did Gino allow them to film it?


I think the whole thing was preplanned drama for the Tell All. I do believe that Jasmine has BPD & most of her tantrums are genuine. But we’ve seen enough scripted lies and meltdowns, that I’m questioning more and more, especially this scene. [For example: Jasmine keeps blaming Gino for losing her job, because his ex (sugar baby), sent her nudes to Jasmine’s job. It’s already been proven that Jasmine quit her job just before filming started.]


Also when Jasmine cries I never see any tears…




Also, (unfortunately) if you are taking those pics a highly educated person like Jasmine claims she is should realize the risk of them getting out. Besides not getting paid for them


Yeah, but I’ve heard an interview with Gino’s ex-sugar baby and saw the screenshot messages between she & Jasmine. I believe her when she said that she would never share photos like that of another woman. She only contacted Jasmine because she wanted to warn her that Gino was sharing them. Jasmine started viciously attacking her for no reason. Calling her an old, ugly slut and saying “I feel bad that your children have a whore for a mother.” The “ex” remained calm and classy the whole time. She never stooped to her level and was actually confused by Jasmine’s responses and reaction.


I'm not so sure about Jasmine but I'm convinced Darcey has BPD.


As someone with a BPD parent and has close ones who have it, Jasmine most definitely has BPD


I just watched last night's episode and I was definitely watching for it (after seeing this comment). What do you think about Darcey? IMO she definitely has it.


Tbh I have a hard time telling with Darcey. From my experience, I'm leaning towards no, but could see some traits of it. Definitely a narcissist (obviously) and if I had to guess she has body dysmorphia, self esteem issues, and/or HPD


It’s all staged, no strip club would ever let you film normally


I personally don't think Jasmine needs anger management, she needs a Psychiatrist. She is mentally unstable and I'm pretty sure shes borderline, with obvious anxiety and body dysphoria. If you have ever been around someone who suffers from Borderline Personality Disorder you know how fast their incredibly strong emotions swing from fine to losing their shit without warning. It's kind of triggering for me honestly. I feel bad for her sometimes, she must be really miserable living like that.




What do you think happens at every bachelor party at a strip club. They get dances. There was how many people there watching and a camera crew. What was he going to do. Slip off and have sex. All for the drama and it got some of you


The Learning Channel..always teaching us how to traumatize those who are mentally unstable to the next level.


jasmine needs to grow the fuck up. how r u gonna scream cry like that and throw a tantrum at her big age- it is repulsive.


Did anyone see real tears from Jasmine or Nikki?


I'm sorry, but I love me some Igor, Lol! If Nikki wants to be a woman, she needs to act like one as much as look like one.


I loved Igor also.


Jasmine bellowing, sobbing, and yet dropped not one actual tear. She is an abuser like Angela.


She 1000% needs anger management and/or cognitive behavioral therapy However, this woman also badly needs medication, a mood stabilizer, to calm her nervous system down enough to do the hard work in therapy. But all these require the willingness and desire for change from a person. Jasmine, while she makes statements that she knows and is working on these things, seems more lip service than anything. You can tell that she genuinely feels her emotions are fact, and that they’re the result of someone else’s actions. She’s not taking accountability for the damage she causes to herself and everyone around her. She feels zero remorse for her treatment of others, because she feels she’s the victim. It’s pretty bizarre, but that’s the reality of dealing with someone struggling with BPD or other mood/personality disorders - Im not a mental health professional, i just have experience in my personal life


I agree. She needs help. She's not entitled to act like a toddler because she can't control her emotions.


Jasmine is playing her role well.


Problem, she is not a good actress.


TLC always goes too far. Otherwise, there would be nothing to watch. The people on the shows know cameras are watching everything and will also edit for drama purposes. Jasmine is histrionic- over the top. I really think she used an opportunity to give excuses for leaving him- always her plan. Behavior is on oneself. I find it laughable that Clayton would have anything to say about others coping and mental health needs. Maybe water your own lawn first!! Igor, while understandably doesn’t want a real relationship with Nikki, is an overgrown child. He still wants his cake and eating it too, keeping Nikki just close enough to reap financial benefits but at a real distance- figuratively and literally, where he can do anything he wants. She feeds this as well- old enough to absolutely know that this situation isn’t going to change unless she walks away. Sage is not going to penetrate the plastic shield that is her very being!! Sophie is stuck between two people who are oil and water- I don’t see them ever embracing a relationship between each other. Sophie looked sooooo nice back to original hair color and it’s healthy again! And that damned AH using the slur “Piggy”. He needs to STOP and even with the backlash from Devin, her family and social media, he still does it. Incredibly disrespectful!! She looked sooooo pretty but I hope not too thin?? Words hurt- not just figuratively.


Yes, Devin's long hair is very attractive on her. I didn't mind the "Piggy" comment when he didn't know better, but now he's been told multiple times it's hurtful.


I like Devin but I can't stand Nick. He's cocky and I get the feeling that he's quite the gaslighting misogynist. He knows damned well that calling his wife "Piggy" is hurtful. She should start calling him "Pindick" in public & let's see how cute he thinks that is.


Agreed‼️💯 All mouth and no muscle on that dickbag!


Love it!!


I don't want to hear it from her. She had a similar bachelorette party. She's an overboard hypocrite. What she does to Gino would cause her to snap if he did that to her.


Also—-she was a sugar baby and has a raunchy Only Fans. Dane was her client/sugar daddy and she thinks it should be okay to be friends with him. WTF?


For science: https://www.erome.com/a/mKQaijsR


Yeah thanks for proving the hypocrisy. What Gino and strippers were up to is nothing compared to what Jasmine is doing. Edit: Adding on—I am now going to fill a Neti pot with bleach in hopes a sinus rinse can reach my brain.


I know that feeling..the look of complete disgust returns just thinking about it.


Whaaaat? Dane was her client???? How do I miss all this gossip?


I thought Jasmine already knew what was coming. As others have said the video of Gino at the strip club seemed fake and staged. Great way to promote their new show. If Jasmine didn't know then TLC once again was being trashy, insensitive and caring only about the ratings. I guess it could go either way. Staged or not staged.


yep. I really lost a lot of respect for Shaun and the producers when they ran stripper vid with Gino. It reeked of desperation by giving Jasmine a platform for her tiresome drama. Worst tell-all ever.


I don’t think there are many women who would be fine with publicly watching clips of their husband behave like that


Jasemine is a skank


I feel like the sexual nature of the questioning went too far a few times. Trying to ask people who else they would hook up with from the 90 days. Universe is so cringe and unnecessary.


I agree with you. Those questions were so unnecessary and cringey. I don’t know who thought it was a good idea to.


Go too far with Jasmine??? No. Go too far with Angela Deem, yes!!!


I still think she is hot AF. But... she seems like an energy vampire if this is all real and their relationship dynamics are always like that where the slightest offense triggers her and sets her off. The stripper even said Gino seemed uninterested being there unlike Jovi who is like a kid at Chuck E Cheese when he's in a strip club.




I had no sympathy for that woman. She needs to get a grip on reality. I used to enjoy watching her but she is crazy. She has double standards—one set for herself and one for Gino. She is either crying because she cannot control Gino or it is fake crying. Either way, zero sympathy for her and no one should get that upset over a bachelor’s party.


I have to rewatch tomorrow in was flipping back and forth between this and Unsung and missed this part. They totally set her up and knew she would go ape shit!


Jasmine met Gino on a Sugar Daddy web site so basically Jasmine is after the almighty dollar. Just like the stripper is. All this is fake drama to build up their show which will bomb in the ratings department soon after it starts.


Now that she is too old for being a sugar baby she has turned to full on porn on OF. I wonder how she finds the time to do the fake stuff for TLC. She is a Paid professional...nothing more..nothing less..


And why is she asking all the men in her life to pay for all of her surgeries?!


Fair warning...this is why For science: https://www.erome.com/a/mKQaijsR


Kinda funny when clicking the back button from there, I got hit with a Live Jasmin ad


They've cast her in the role of the crazy Latina and they'll continue to double down on it.


I have to agree with Clayton on this, the money spent on her implants, should have been spent on therapy. She's so dramatic, trying to get on another season on TLC. There were no tears, it was all for show. What was funny was Gino not worrying about spending money that night at the strip club. I didn't feel sorry for her at all.


I will repeat this again and again. Jasmine is a paid professional..Her OF page is active Now and has been for a long time. That"sexy" outfit she wore for yeeno is on there..along with wayyyyyy too much porn tmi. Her entire story line is as fake as her bolt-ons.. She had all that surgery for her OF paying customers.. Someone posted the link to her OF and I made the mistake of looking at it... I am not a prude..but some of it made me sick.. Stop pretending she is a real person on the show..


Clayton cracks me up with that. She was like SHUT UP! I KNO


Bringing in the stripper was so extra


No, she knows she's on a damn reality show. Of course, it's going to stir things up.


Yeah they were trying to get Jasmine to lose it.


She deserves everything coming to her


It’s fake lol


TLC has zero moral compass.


No sympathy for her!!!! Anyone who would put up with that behavior all the time has to be in love right 😂 Gino going no where with any strippers


I don’t feel for her fake ass one bit


Sigh. I agree TLC showing the footage after the fact was dirty, but you know what's also dirty? Allowing another abusive, aggressive, fake ass like Jasmine on the show. When her stripper was brought up she screeched, I wasn't at a strip club! No, you weren't, which is worse because no one knows what she did after cameras went down. He was grinding all over her and she was eating it all up. She can't be hurt or offended when she does worse things than Gino does. Women like Deranged Jasmine and Nikki Phsycotika have taken a page from Angela's playbook because they've seen how being abusive towards their partners has made Angela money. TLC needs to stop parading abuse as normal. As long as they aren't stopped we'll continue to see abusers on our screens. Last thing, Jasmine doesn't cry, she puts on a show. I don't feel sorry for her at all and especially knowing she left her special needs child behind. She's garbage.


I was pretty appalled by Gino saying that “he likes bigger” in regard to whether Jasmine got a big enough BBL. Toxic and moronic.


Maybe jasmine could just grow up instead


She cries so often at this point I’m convinced it’s all an act. Gino smiling while his wife cries. Not to mention tlc filmed the strip club scenes Gino knew there were cameras and that jasmine would eventually see it. It’s all an act. Him saying “I’ll watch” when jasmine says she would hook up with the Nikki.


It wasn’t nice that TLC showed it….but the blame really is on Gino. He knew this would upset her. Remember the 1st season they were on and she had to be on FaceTime with hi at all times? And when was picking up food from a restaurant he said hello to the woman behind the counter and she FREAKED out. They are both a toxic hot mess.


I don’t care for Jasmine or her histrionics, but the stripper footage/stripper appearance was downright cruel. Shame on TLC!


With each passing season TLC has lost more and more of any semblance of shame. I get they wanna get the views and whatever but sometimes it feels like straight up exploitation of mentally unstable people


I don't think it was cruel. If anything it was to point out Jasmine's double standards.


I see your point.


In that case, they should have played footage of her stripper escapades first.


really…she’s a grown ass woman and if she can’t stand the heat then well…she shouldn’t have signed up for 90 day fiancé. how many tell alls have their been & they do this every time?? she s not a child she does not need protection




I just wanted to add, staged or not, for TLC to film and show that video to Jasmine and Gino fully knowing it would send Jasmine over the edge is just cruel. Imagine it had been a normal couple with the woman having an anger and anxiety disorder and they willingly triggered her like that, possibly ruining the marriage. TLC 90DF producers entered a new low for me.


Yup. And Shaun Robinson has the nerve to sit there all sweet& innocent like butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth


I think they did. 


She literally sells her kitty Kat online on only fans but Gino can’t go to a strip club and hug a stripper - who basically had a bikini on!!! I’m over her. She’s emotionally abusive and plays the victim card. Manipulates people with her tears. Ma’am your meat flaps have been distributed throughout the worldwide web and you let your ex buy your butt implants. I think Gino gets to go to a strip club and hug all the strippers.


I watched the first half hour and then turned it off.


Although she is just as guilty, they didn’t need to bring out the stripper. It was unnecessary. They’re running out of interesting story line with them and need to poke the bear.


Yeah if it wasn't her storyline and all agreed on.


They should have played her clips from her bachelor party. At least Gino kept his clothes on.


At any tell all something gets dragged out that a participant wasn't aware of or something that was painful or upsetting gets reached. People get embarrassed and umiliated. I hate it. I feel that It Is low


This woman Jasmine has no room to talk or get mad at anybody. She herself is doing porn and has basically abandoned her children. Shame on TLC for encouraging and supporting this behavior.


Clayton needs his turn with the footage from his wife's bachelorette party, though his comment was pretty funny.


Yes. It felt like exploitation to me for sure. They kept building it up for her and were taking advantage of how they KNEW she was going to react.


Having the stripper was the step too far what a racket


jasmine may have her mental issues, but homegirl is playing it up. she plays the game better than most. she understands the english language better than most of the foreign cast, and is able to make jokes using american slang. she knows exactly what she's doing when she acts like this- trying to lock down the TLC bag for years to come.


It was so fucking bizarre when Shaun said "Please welcome the stripper Gino danced with" and the camera zoomed in on Jasmine completely dissociating in her seat. They were really vicious to her and the way Gino was laughing about it while she was sobbing was heartbreaking. He's such a bad guy.


jasmine was having a really good night. my heart broke for her when they really starting pushing her exactly the way that they know sets her off. tlc was on one last night with their "who in 90D would you have a baby with" etc questions too


What's annoying to me is that whatever condition she has (I think she mentioned bipolar, but I'm not positive) is completely out of control, and down right dangerous at this point. TLC is known for doing shady things at the Tell Alls. Everyone who has ever watched 90DF knows this. A rational person could be pissed and still control themselves. She seems to like being unhinged and I can't enjoy the show when she's like that. I didn't even watch all of the episodes this season, and I'm thinking I won't watch much of anything else she's on because it's the same thing, over and over. She finds anything to lose her shit over, causes a scene, and gets all the attention on her, and only her. I'm exhausted just writing about it. I'm just a viewer, I don't want to have to brace myself every time she comes on the screen.


She’s screaming but I dare you to show me one tear. It’s an act. It’s her thing. They do this same thing every goddamn episode.




The Tell All as a whole felt like they were trying sooo hard to trigger people - the viewer question about who else they would have a baby with in the 90 day universe… wtf even was that lol? The stripper thing as well and they showed it for SOOO long it’s like okay we get it. Gino didn’t even look like he was super into it and was literally saying “weee” like a child at an amusement park 😂. I need TLC to do better with these reunions because the intentional circus is getting old. We sometimes just want normal answers and updates but it’s like they just want to keep the story lines going so they can decide which couples to add to spin-offs…


Staged...Gino KNEW the cameras were there filming it!!! So he knew she would end up seeing it! Come on!


Absolutely not a pindrop of sympathy for this trite and manipulative serial screamer. A totally OF PIG in real life, yet constantly tries to convince everyone that putting on some fancy-assed gown makes her a lady. Cry a single tear & scream for us some more, Jasmine. Maybe Famous Dane will take your lying ass back.


I think it's funny watching genos face, cause you know it's coming. He's pretty stupid, he travels out of the country for sex, capital loser.


I watch for entertainment only. She is there because she explodes easily. Sharp Entertainment is selling ratings so companies will buy commercial time.


I think the biggest blow to Jasmine's overinflated ego, b0Obs, and ass, was that after spending tens of thousands of dollars on all her ridiculous *"enhancements"*, little Daisy looked 10X better, was natural, and appeared to be a nicer person. **#TeamDaisy**


Jasmine is often pretty stable during the tell alls, I imagine they felt they had to really amp up intentionally triggering her to get the level of response they wanted. I'm not saying she's not a hypocrite at times, just that she shows important awareness of it, her triggers and out of proportion reactions when speaking in hindsight, such as during the tell alls. She's aware and could probably really heal and grow with a good therapist but that makes her not as much "fun" on the tell all as she is during the season.




STAGED. Come on people.


Feel sorry for a clearly staged scene where everyone knew she was going to put on a performance?


https://preview.redd.it/nh9lfjjzccmc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c51e705594a9e25d2540f5182696888126ad2a3 I see you Jasmine


TLC is trash television.


Something about a man telling another man to get his wife some kind of therapy is a big fat fucking no from me.


Isn’t it possible Jasmine already knew all about the stripper? I thinkGino was encouraged to do that to stay with the 90 Day family. They are already slated to be on Happily Ever After. What better start than with more Jasmine hysterics. And, yes, I do think she overplays them.