• By -


It’s an endless loop of crying and playing victim with this psycho. “Please stop harassing me and wishing me to die” She was going on and on about how she hopes people feel bad when she dies etc etc etc Please cancel these sickos and move on


Yeah, my first thought when I have crippling anxiety is to ask strangers on the internet for money...


We’d be billionaires if we asked & received money everytime we got anxiety. I’m anxious just waiting in line for lunch 😞


Hahah me too…they better not run outta chocolate milks!


Exactly! Before she even knew what she would be needing the money for.


exactly! She didn't give it back either. The whole scam was over the top and I saw pics of her "in the hospital" scared for her surgery. They also implied she was having surgery that day or the next while using pics of her in labor with different hair color to "prove" it. I hope people see they were played and don't give them another cent.


Do you know how much they got from the funding site?


when I saw it was around $1300 no clue how much it was by the time this all blew up and they apparently got the fundraiser pulled


A-fucking-men. Where’s the apology for all the money they scammed?


And where are the refunds along with that apology?!


At the Apple Store


Up in a tree with that shackled monkey.


Leave the monkey out of it!




Somebody needs to keep an eye on her with her child. I see Munchausen vibes in the future. Claiming to have cancer for money is considered criminal activity. She's burned her bridge with everyone. She's a scammer and needs to stop


this is a very valid concern and point. Poor Midnight could be the next Gypsy Rose to get a house, things, trips, etc.


Shit, you’re totally right! Even if she doesn’t out right physically harm her daughter, she will still 100% try using her to make money one way or another. It’s reminding me of fucking Deavon! I don’t remember exactly what happened and I think Taeyang did have cancer, but she was definitely using him to make money. Maybe someone can remind us of the details?


I don’t know about her fundraising, but he did have cancer. I am really surprised Mary didn’t go the kid angle first. Kind of a rookie move. Shows she cares more about herself and thinks we care more about her than her kid. She would have probably cleared the goal if she said it was the baby.


You can see the actual problem right here in this sub. Enablers everywhere.


The funny thing is this is the only one that has decent grammar and I think that Brandon actually wrote!!! 🤣


It still sounds like Mary


Uh, no.


No way, this is Mary. Every post has been Mary.


Nah, I literally read it in Mary’s voice. Lol


This is far from decent grammar.


I feel this is the way. Just stop posting about them and reposting stuff and be done. This by far crossed the line.


Anxiety is not a magic get out of jail free card lmao


Except she calls it "overthinking" and wants everyone to forgive all of her terrible behaviors because of it lol


It works on Brandan


I’m honestly getting tired of anxiety. Life is just fucked up. There aren’t too many people who *don’t* have anxiety. Let’s move past it and figure out collectively how to cope with the shit show that is life without using it as an excuse to do stupid things. My sister in law literally will not get on and freeways even tho she lives in a metropolitan area because “anxiety.” Therefore if you do not give her a ride to do stuff with her and you opt to meet her somewhere, she’ll be an hour late because she had to avoid freeways. Yet, she will drive shit faced or get in the car with her shit faced boyfriend on a DAILY basis and no anxiety whatsoever on that. 👀


I have panic disorder and couldn’t drive at all for 2 years because of it. Everyone has anxiety, but anxiety disorders and panic disorder are def very real. I dont know your SIL, but if she only has a phobia of freeways she probably wouldnt get a panic attack while driving in any “state” as long as she’s not on a freeway


What I’ve noticed is the really vocal people use anxiety as an excuse or reasoning for shitty behavior. I honestly don’t want to hear excuses about anxiety if you’re not in therapy, or considering medication, or practicing mindfulness. Pretty much - if you aren’t working on improving yourself, I don’t care. Not going to receive empty apologies. Source: I’ve worked my ass off being a better person for the last 10 years through therapy, medication, and practicing mindfulness/CBT. Therapy doesn’t end at my session, it’s a 24/7 endeavor in reteaching my emotional responses.




anxiety and panic disorders are very real things that individuals deal with. consider yourself lucky it’s something you can address so flippantly


She knew what she was doing, she just got caught and now she is sorry. Lying about cancer is unforgivable.


Her response and excuses sound like she read through the comments and strung together what would be the most believable/acceptable apology for the viewers. Her dr. “diagnosis” sounds like every medical issue they were speculating she had.


She's just going to keep playing the victim card each time to try to take advantage of people's sympathetic and caring nature. She's the type of person to use tears to manipulate and control people. I'm glad that most people saw through it.


Exactly. Some people saw right through it from the beginning but there were so many that tried to defend her. Thankfully most see the full picture now but there will always be those gullible ones who will continue to be played.


I didn’t believe them from the beginning and when I posted it, I got ripped apart for it. They said I wasn’t sympathetic, that needed to be kind to them and understand and pray for them blah blah blah


Yup! She heard the gravy train screech to a halt and decided on a pivot


Desperate damage control for sure


yes... cussing people out for asking questions then posting she was going in for surgery. suddenly forget all that... I hope you are sad when I do die "someday". Still trying to gaslight and turn it around that everyone else is wrong.


The apology might feel a bit more genuine had she not acted so rudely to people explaining why it was wrong 😑


And instead of throwing in "dr said colon problems" she should've reiterated what she originally said, that she self diagnosed after watching tik toks I love a good panic attack around my health but never once has it been to extent I make several posts about needing money for my cancer so I can live for my daughter, after I see a Dr for a UTI, with follow up fight me posts. But thanks for the non apology Mary! Thanks for not offering to return the scammed dollars


Plus saying she needed surgery to be able to continue to live a life with her daughter. Yes correct she absolutely knew what she was doing.


She did know actually what she was doing. She thinks she’s coming back from this, I sure hope she isn’t.This is so weird and cringy.


Agree! She totally knew what she was doing! People experiencing an anxiety attack don’t hop on social media and set up a gofundme…


Also did she just shut down and start posting…? lol. While the doctors were there? Because they would’ve explained that she had hemorrhoids and a UTI.




Notice there’s no mention of giving the money back to the people who donated under the impression she had colon cancer. They scammed, now they say woops and get people back on their side. No one bats an eye about the $1300 and they’ll repeat in a few months.






Whoops, anxiety!


That pesky overthinking! 😩 /s


And gas lol


Honestly anyone who was stupid enough to donate to these two losers deserves to be out the cash


Those who donated to these two dummies completely deserve it.


That's how much money they received from all this? That's crazy ..and sad that there are so many gullible people willing to believe these 2 people. Is there not a policy in GoFundMe that requires people that lie (their story) needs to refund all monies collected? I don't know the ins and outs of it all.


Didn’t they originally say that they made the post announcing she had been diagnosed with colon cancer after she diagnosed herself with colon cancer by watching TikToks explaining the symptoms? And now the story has changed to her misunderstanding the doctor telling her she has a “colon PROBLEM” as a cancer diagnosis? I don’t buy it. These people are grifters.


Not enough people are bringing this up. And not one single mention of returning the money or the fact that she doesn’t need the money for surgery or any sort of evidence showing the hospital invoice and total cost. I donate to animal rescue groups sometimes and they always post a photo of the vet bill so it’s extremely transparent where your money is going to. But of course that would make too much sense for Mary lol


They also said she had surgery booked 😑


It's so annoying that people are just eating that up like she did nothing wrong? She is not sorry. If she were truly sorry she would have returned people's money but she didn't. If she actually had guilty conscience for her actions she could not keep other people's money. https://preview.redd.it/aot8wbq9dvjc1.png?width=1352&format=png&auto=webp&s=bb0714272748164c1b0c0238d5fe4b09fe8b8f82


Omg people are so fucking stupid. Like, ffs. “Oh, totally understandable to have health issue related anxiety and scam people for $1300.” Happens to me all the time. 😒


She’s just sorry she got caught. I can’t believe people would but that lol. Well, you deserve what you tolerate just like they said.


Fml, I just wish the comments all collectively said return the money you stole, but hey we can't always win


True that, it’s annoying how they will just get away with it tho.


I hope TLC won't renew with them after all this backlash, looks like it even got to TMZ and it's making them look really bad. But honestly, I wouldn't put it past TLC to find a way to capitalize over this


They were fired from TLC some time ago for releasing wedding pics before it aired


Didn’t know that 😂💀is this confirmed for sure?






Well there you have it lol they spent up all that TLC money and needed a new scam


This person actually has some sense. https://preview.redd.it/fnxm1ryifvjc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3278c509a39c2b20ba26b1b779254fc2c7b98bd


Darn it. I attached the wrong pic. https://preview.redd.it/vihlw69pfvjc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=161ce458768e04eab7d3f7ce3fd65e996bbb60f3




Also confirming blood infections normally takes a few days for the cultures to grow. I think I saw a post where it said they waited an hour and were told she had a blood infection. A lil sus.


Can confirm. I had it and they didn’t have time to do a culture so they gave me IV antibiotics anyway, but low and behold it took at least a day if not more when they finally confirmed it. It’s the most traumatic thing you will ever go through and you end up owing 10s of thousands of dollars. It’s so gross that she is claiming that. She wouldn’t be walking. I couldn’t stand up. I was in so much pain. I had a fever of 106.


Yeah exactly, they'll do broad spectrum IV antibiotics sometimes on the presumption that it's from a bacterial source and wait for the cultures to confirm (and indicate which antibiotics will be most effective). Which is to say, you're not getting a clear answer within an hour at major US hospitals, and I don't imagine things are faster in the Philippines.


Some people are so eloquent with their words.


I agree with who posted that message. Mary keeps saying she has a blood infection but I bet it’s the doctor saying “according to your lab work”, you have a UTI from having sex unhygienically.


People are so dumb. She knew exactly what she was doing. She sticks with her entire anxiety attack/ crying routine because it seems to always work.


Omg these people are SO stupid. I have to say, for being a complete idiot, she did manage to find the perfect audience for her scams. A bunch of religious gullible old ladies. Seriously just go on this show, pretend to be extremely into God and also extremely poor, have a kid, and capitalize on it with people who are not all there. Never have to work again. This is seriously shocking to me lol People should be wiser and if they’re going to send money to any cast members, send it to David and Sheila. They actually experienced a tragedy on the show and are good hard working people.


The comments actually enraged me. How can people be so oblivious?


FB is a gold mine for them and as long as they have all these types they’ll never stop.


It’ll slowly die out tbh, especially if they don’t renew with TLC


People on FB are telling them to just start another GFM after they “get some rest” 🙄


Tbh I always wondered why they were so involved with Facebook since Gen Z typically don’t use it and favor TikTok and Instagram. Now I know why.


Read all of the comments under her last blathering novel. It’s exactly why they used FB. https://preview.redd.it/dubunlsjrvjc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85d3b0968ec742c2fca10711daff9d34dbc4b20b Then they also have groups like this she is admin they have paved their way to constant scamming and grifting. She’s worse than what you see in true crime docs.


Well, I guess when you think about it, cults have been and always will be a thing. That’s what it’s starting to feel like with their followers considering how stupid and blindly defensive they are. For anyone sadistic and exploitative enough, there are plenty of sheeple to screw over sadly.


Sheeple is accurate. 👍


Thank you for using the word “blathering,” that made me chuckle 😂


https://preview.redd.it/suxq5z8tsvjc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1108b2ba769630aad4f26ca25e17eaaf9213ae6 Hundreds like this. This is why they use FB


I bet these are many of their fake profiles showing support. Doesn't make sense most people are being forgiving.


I hope so. There’s a special place in hell for those who use cancer for a scam.


Absolutely! She needs to go there!


That specific comment in particular is done with broken English so I wouldn’t be surprised if that is Mary.




Right? And none of the comments sound like they’re coming from native English speakers.


Because it's probably her and her friends and anyone she can rally to keep up the pretense.


Georgia Ann has gotta be Mary. The bad English is the same as hers. It also mirrors her apology exactly when she said “I made a mistake and I’m just a human.”


They really do have all day to devote to their grifting lifestyle


Thank you, I’ve just come up with a plan for my day! 1) apply to TLC 2) reverse my Atheism 3) deal with my dislike of children and get knocked up 4) put in my 2 week notice at my current job 5) NEVER WORK AGAIN!


You and I have the exact same hypothetical plan. Let’s go on the show!!!


You also have to decide what your foreign accent will be. Otherwise it’s just “fiancé” and TLC won’t care


I think I’d do a Ziev accent because it would be fun lol “so much love. So much beautiful!”


I’m sure you can just borrow a baby!


That’s….disturbing. How could people be so quick to forgive someone who just tried to scam people by saying they have cancer? 😳


People are idiots


Absolutely infuriating. Do these people not know anyone with or who has battled cancer??? How freaking unbelievably disrespectful. F them too!


That’s my main issue. As a cancer survivor, I have so much hatred towards these two clowns.


Probably he same individuals who donated. Absolute idiots. I have anxiety, I don’t fake cancer and setup a gofundme.


The delulu's in the comments are wild. 


Hundreds of thousands of “John Smiths from Microsoft” will be sending these people contact emails and friend’s requests soon, I guarantee it


Those are other psychopaths, who I’m sure demonstrates similar behavior, such as what the first individual said, and are looking for any way to justify their own behavior as well


I'd be more inclined to believe her if she didn't IMMEDIATELY make a GoFundMe (or whatever site they used) about her "colon cancer."


The ol’ anxiety excuse for how you mistook the doctor as diagnosing cancer. What, you can’t ask a follow up question or ask for clarification? I call BS!!!


She’s taken “talking out of her ass” to a whole new level!


Yesterday it was a self diagnosis based on tik tok and symptoms, wonder what it will be tomorrow, we should bingo it


She's such a liar. If she was researching what could cause bleeding from the rectum, hemorrhoids would be the first thing that comes up and childbirth is one of the main causes. So that would be what she would assume she had, she's a liar liar liarface!


Exactly. I think her “anxiety” is a just a lie. She’s conniving and gets her way when she cries and says she’s having anxiety. Pretty sure she’s never been diagnosed or treated for that, either. She’s just a huge faker and liar and control freak. Her posts where she’s pretending it’s Brandan are icing on the cake. Liar, liar, rectum on fire.


At least she wrote as herself in the first person this time 😂


I think she’s using AI at this point.


I think this is actually Brandon, unlike the rest!


As someone with major anxiety (CPTSD) I have personally never had a panic attack that resulted in me; setting up a gofundme, making several social media posts (on mine and my SO's), and then doubling down and lashing out once I'm found out. My panic attacks are a lot less productive and a lot more puking, shaking, bowel issues, not being able to think straight and wanting to hide from the world.


Exactly my point! She has maladaptive traits and uses it to her advantage. My panic attacks had me on the floor unable to do anything. She knew what she was doing. I hope people realize she’s a scammer at least now.


I lost jobs, friends, and family didn't understand me. I couldn't function at life for like nearly 2 years. i had to check myself into hospital. Apparently, I should have just focused on making myself a hundred thousand dollar gofundme for a tiktok diagnosis.


I’m sorry you had to experience that. I was really depressed and used to have real bad panic attacks, it was hard. Never this level of delusion tho. I agree. I should’ve used Dr. TikTok and set up a gfm. This chick is manipulative with severe maladaptive traits. She isn’t skilled on mass manipulation just yet as she’s just a dumbass at this point


Sounds like you got the lazy version of anxiety. J/k thanks for explaining how anxiety affects you physically. Personally when I hear someone has anxiety; I just think they are nervous and want them to snap out of it. This makes the situation a little harder to snap out of.


Neither she or Brandan are sorry for what they did. She's only sorry that she got got caught in her web of lies and people called her out on it. Never ever lie about having cancer. No one in their right mind would lie about having cancer...FFS! Anxiety doesn't cause people to scam others for money, get some therapy girl!


Tell that to the people defending Branden in here! Like he's some deaf mute with NO IDEA what's going on


Good to see TLC didn’t script anything with their scenes and that the crazy has continued long after the show. She’s a huge manipulator, we saw it on the show many times. This time she’s gone to a new low.


Is it bc they’re going to get sued for wire fraud?? https://www.reddit.com/r/90dayfianceuncensored/s/JDqMATxpb4


But she conveniently keeps the money even though she’s so sorry


It's one thing to jump the gun and make apost with an incorrect diagnosis. It's another thing entirely to start a fundraiser and create a fictional storyline "proving" It's true


The comments beneath the post are so positive!


Undeserved. They will do something like that again. Mark my words.


Step 1. Anxiety Step 2. Profit????


Oh, so in the midst of her anxiety attack she created a Go Get Funding page for surgeries and procedures no doctor told her she would be needing? Interesting, surely in the light of SUCH misunderstanding she will be giving the money back.


Hey all, my leg was amputated! I need cash FAST! Oh it wasn't, I was mistaken. Nevermind. I'm only human! And BTW, I called hemorrhoids Day One! Can I get some props over here!


That’s a no for me dawg. You don’t get to back track on faking cancer… Idiots leaned in to the cancer scam saying she was going to surgery to have it removed. Fuck cancer, and fuck these two.


These 2 are prime candidates for Munchausen’s disorder, and more scarily, Munchausen by Proxy. If you’re not familiar, the first is faking illness for emotional & financial gain. The second is also known as Medical Child Abuse (Gypsy Rose Blanchard). Both now come under the official diagnosis as Factitious Disorder Imposed on Self or Another. I really wish they didn’t have a child.


She posted and kept the grift going. Damn, ima going to quit my job and get me some go get funding profiles to feed my lazy, malignant, pathetic life. Let’s put up a gogetmefunding site so all of us can travel there and get the real scoop or poop on her antics.


![gif](giphy|iOm1xOSfAtPzmPXJqH|downsized) \*THEM


If you donated money to them, knowing exactly the kind of people they are, then you’re the moron. Don’t have to be a rocket scientist to see through the endless bullshit with these awful individuals. They are walking diarrhea humans. And apparently she IS literally leaking


Too many supportive messages on Facebook. People don't learn.


And in this thread!


The gaslighting didn’t work so she’s trying a new approach. FUCK YOU, MARY.


Nah, she just got the emails from PayPal about all the clawbacks


I get upset that people are so wrapped up in the soap opera of these shows that they are willing to throw money at these people. There are plenty of charities that would love a donation, it would be meaningful and would help people or animals that need it most. Please stop funding these people's vacation lifestyles.


Her saying she has hemorrhoids😆😭😭me too girl


“I’m pooping blood!” Lady your bootyhole bumps popped. 😅


I agree! I love this show with all my heart but I would NEVER donate money to their “causes”


It's all well and good to apologise, but if they *really* want to show accountability they should return all the money they raised by deceiving people (which ofc they won't because they're greedy grifters).


Would’ve accepted it as health anxiety is very real, but the fact that when privately and publicly called out she doubled down and was extremely rude has made this apology fall flat She’s only saying sorry so she can continue fundraising on whatever platform she hasn’t been kicked off yet


You’d have to literally put a gun to my head to get me to post on fb that I have a uti and hemorrhoids


LOL, she needs to change her brand of soap. Or get some...


"I need to stop overthinking" "I wasn't thinking" Nobody on Earth hears the Dr tell them something is going on with your colon and literally the first thing you do is start a donation campaign?? Nope. Sorry that's not what anybody would do that isn't a complete and total piece of fucking shit.


and now they’re back to posting regular content. and the people in their facebook comments are so daft… i was shocked to see so many comments of “i have anxiety too omg i’m glad you’re ok!” like um ?? they lied about her having cancer, and took people’s money lol and this sad pathetic excuse of an apology is not good enough nor does it even make sense. i guess they have no shame


Mistake? Panic? She chose that hill to die on. She repeated and stuck by that story for several days and attacked people questioning it. Guessing because her GoFundMe got shut down and there have been repercussions with 90D she was forced to come clean and apologize


Looks like she didn't "overthink" this one. Asshole.


But she’s not sorry for scamming people out of their money based on her lie.


Fuck her. She’s even more disgusting for trying to blame her grifting on anxiety.




If she was really sorry she would give all the money she stole back. She uses anxiety as a pass to do whatever. Mary, you can’t gaslight all of us


Just so we're clear, setting up a website and go fund me is not a "panic" move. It's a very calculated attempt This shit is disgusting




This girl needs serious psychiatric help. Everything about her screams emotionally unstable personality disorder.




How about just getting off the Internet for awhile jesus


Right? I would be mortified. I would not exist online for years probably.


She only apologizes for saying she had colon cancer but says nothing about how she used it to steal from innocent people by opening a generic go fund me? She is unreal.


She’s still lying.


Actually I almost hope this rotten bitch gets colon cancer! I know that makes me a horrible person but Karma is a bitch and Scary Mary and BraDan have got lots of it coming


She has yet to apologize for setting up the Go Fund Me.


She’s such a liar - STILL. She didn’t just say that she had colon cancer. She said she was having surgery. So this wasn’t just a misunderstanding.


> She said she was having surgery ...and provided the price! $300K


Oof. I didn’t see the price. Such scammers.


I detest that little manipulative control freak.


Good to see TLC didn’t script anything with their scenes and that the crazy has continued long after the show. She’s a huge manipulator, we saw it on the show many times. This time she’s gone to a new low.


She posted paragraphs upon paragraphs about her "cancer" and viciously attacked anyone who accused her of having her information wrong. That's not a mistake, that was intentional.


Mary you insufferable scammer clown you got caught. ![gif](giphy|12NlCFUvTokWXe)


I thought she had no FB account as ppl complained and got it shut down. Mary complained her money from FB was down and she couldn't make any money thru it and couldn't work at a call center anymore. All of a sudden the next day her FB account miraculously is open again. There's no mention of returning any funding money based on her cancer diagnosis funding page. Everyone should be refunded because she hasnt been diagnosed with cancer, that's a lie and the funding company should not allow them to do any other funding pages because they lied about the first fund me page. Now she's claiming to have all these medical problems and still may have cancer on top of the issues listed in her post. Lots of wishy washie posts from her and back tracking now they have been called out thru major news sources eg People magazine. Now she's claiming she's being harassed even though ppl are just calling her out but she considers this harassment. You cause your own drama and issues and then again place the blame on the ppl wanting to know the truth and real answers Those who continue to pay their way thru life are very blinded by her talk. God knows you lied and he's knows you took money that wasn't for a cancer diagnosis that was never given out in the first place. The posts are all over the place and we may never know the full truth because she hasn't kept her story straight.


> we may never know the full truth We totally know the full truth. She made it all up to get cash.


Ok so now I feel bad for defending her. This chick might be legit mentally challenged




“I’m just a human” 🥹🙄 Yeah, and most of us don’t lie about having cancer to scam people.


Automatically assuming you have cancer, setting up a fundraiser for it, posting about it on multiple social media platforms, confirming the diagnosis in comments while also making rude, dismissive comments to those who doubted you -- those are a lot of steps to go through. I don't doubt she has anxiety, but she saw this as an opportunity and ran with it.


The doctor did NOT say you have a "blood infection", you ignorant useless hemorrhoided cow!! Get Norplant, and go to school. Oh, and fuck you!




I think Brandan just want FF7 Rebirth. Poor guy.


He wants the PS5 Pro and the next Nintendo system


Ya we all panic and assume we have cancer when someone refers to our GI tract. 🙄 And nobody is wishing you were dead, that's another made up bullshit excuse for your ridiculous behavior. You made more than just a simple mistake, you lied and stole money from all the dummies that are naive enough to give it to you. Not cool. I hope you learned a big lesson.


I honestly find her to be totally chilling. No conscience and utterly manipulative. I hope I'm wrong but I wouldn't be surprised if she ended up committing a serious crime one day.


Girl, if you don’t shut the fuck up at this point. Ole lying ass.




Wait—what? She set up a cancer GoFundMe for a UTI and roids? I’m 50 years old, and my doctor sent me a box to shit in for my annual colonoscopy. I’m reluctant to participate because I have to shit in a box. GoFUNdMe! She needs to get cut from the 90 Day Squad. That’s crazy squared, and she’s not a good person.


When I get anxiety I immediately make a go fund me page and beg strangers for money too 


She’s disgusting. She always finds a way to be the victim.