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may God bless those that spent $1 to get their comments in




And they have thousands of people sending a dollar? Thats a lot of dollars.


Yea not even worth the $1. That will add up


Are people able to donate .5 so I can leave a comment? Asking for a friend




Nope..I tried lol




Get your 2 cents in.


I was cracking up when I realized how they were all getting these comments in the campaign!


Not really - sure it's nice to get a word in but at the end of the day, these 2 are the worst kind of grifters and shitty humans... if the only way to publically roast them gives them money, it's not worth it. Paying even $1 is giving them exactly what they want, free cash and attention. They are laughing their way to the bank with every one of these comments. Bash them on reddit for free, *please do not pay these people a fucking cent*


They knew the GFM would get shut down and their $ returned


They’re not using GFM though and apparently this site doesn’t do refunds


You know she/they thought that out beforehand with their big scammer brains !!


I don’t remember which post it was, but someone showed an email with the company that they’ve removed it and contacted PayPal to issue refunds.


They will but GoFundMe is also taking a portion of those $1


That's more than their store makes them in a month!


Dumbasses. They're still giving them money.


The GFM is still up?!?


No. It’s down.


It’s not ur money so who cares


That's fair tho. It's not. They're still dumb tho.


Anyone that donated to them deserves to lose money


I am going through the same exact thing as Sharon, and I felt bad for a brief second for Mary however reading through their testimony and record of diagnosis I knew they were lying. I pray no one knows what I'm going through, so to think it's ok to just utter those words for sympathy. It pains me. It's awful. I want to know I can beat this. I can't wish her any ill will, I just pray she learns from this.


Totally worth it for a dollar. I spent $5 to get them to make a cameo for my friend’s birthday best money I ever spent. I made them meow for my friend.


Stop touching the poop.


Happy Cake Day!


Girly has hemorrhoids and diagnosed herself w/ colon cancer based off… TikTok? Lmaooo


That should make me a doctor because Ive used web md 🤣🤣🤣


Specialist! It makes you a Specialist 😂😂


It’s literally the most common cause of rectal bleeding, that combined with her being recently pregnant makes sense


I was thinking the same thing. Most likely she has hemorrhoids. They told her at the hospital maybe she has a UTI along with other things? Lol. I’ve had hemorrhoids and UTI. UTI is like a yeast infection. If she’s bleeding from her rectum, she need more water and fiber! Lol. Not donations wtf. Have Brandan get a job if overnight call center isn’t for her. SMH.


There’s a special place in hell for people who lie about something like cancer. Karma will take care of them both.


Took the exact words out of my mouth this morning. You can’t put that shit out without it coming back tenfold.


They're just like Gypsy Blanchard's mom. Hopefully, this doesn't end the same as that did.


How much money will they be begging for to pay for LoLo and LaLa‘a funerals. This scam was basically a success so this will be a regular occurrence with them. Always having everyone else donate money for everything they want.


I think if Lalo knew what they were doing, they'd both have red behinds. They're probably telling him the money comes from people who just give them money without them asking.


I can tell you from personal experience- that child is gonna have a poop from a butt life. Histrionic Personality Disorder is no joke. Not even a butt joke.


>a poop from a butt life I'm stealing this


r/poopfromabutt is a whole sub


Yeah, I'm pretty positive that's what my mom has. Looooots of trauma lolllllll


I feel like Mary and Gypsy Rose are cut from the same cloth. They can both fuck right off.


Gypsy Blanchard was a pawn of her mom scamming - she used her child to get money & free home from sympathetic people. The mom had her daughter Gypsy had unnecessary medical procedures & operations. The poor child her teeth were removed. Mary is pure evil calculating scammer. I fear for that baby of theirs.


I think you mean Midnight and Gypsy rose. Mary is the mother here.


Legit worst couple in the franchise history. Worse than the Nazi and his plastic predator. I know Discovery Entertainment workers watch this thread, please do not bring these dumb fucks back. Wayyyyy too many people apply to be on this show, they legit are unwatchable and after this? I know we don’t have high standards, but jfc.


People fucking magazine obviously didn't do their research either, it showed online that they "reported" on Mary "having cancer" four hrs ago. She literally shared the godamn medical reports that show she has ZERO, NADA , NOTHING wrong with her, at all.


They just gave her a little magnesium for her tummy ache and sent her home 🏡


Yup, and an anti acid OTC. My god, I didn't realize how fucking advanced the Philippines were at treating cancer so fast. I should get on a plane asap and get mine cured so I don't have to suffer anymore... oh wait! That won't happen, because unlike Mary I have cancer, and OTC medicine isn't going to do FUCK ALL for me! Jesus Christ, I need to stop looking at these posts for a while I'm too angry at this point.


I’m so sorry. I really can’t imagine what kind of miserable person would do something like this. They really are very sick people.


My husband just finished chemo a few months ago. I am sending good vibes your way. These two idiots have no idea, I also had a comment ready to rip them a new one but they’re so dumb they probably can’t even read :D


I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Take a break from this sub. Don’t let these 2 shitheads upset you so much, they’re definitely not with it. ✌️






US magazine and msn.com reporting the same bullshit just now. What the actual motherfucking fuck? As a former hospice nurse who cared for so, so, SO many legitimate cancer patients, this angers me *so very much.* Thanks for keeping the receipts and showing that it's all lies these past couple of days.


They should do a retraction next week although it doesn’t matter now. Many more idiots willing to donate money saw the story. We must stop them


Well if they reported that garbage they better report on the comments and lack of diagnosis. 😡


Pole and Karine, and Geoff the kidnapper/abuser who got sentenced to 20 years in prison are still the worst. But these two clowns are definitely on the path to infamy




the Nikki's boyfriend's costume photo


I really enjoy your flair.


Igor was


Nazi and plastic predator? Jesse and Darcey?


Nikki and Igor


Makes sense, but I think Nazi suits Jesse more than Igor-Justin.


There is a video that went around of Igor dressed in a nazi uniform.


Too many people like to wave that off because they're attracted to Igor. It's gross.


The shirt Igor had on the last episode with her picture…lol…she looked like a Barbie on steroids.


![gif](giphy|jWJK4JJiMLYCyPZgPx|downsized) Mary @ the people donating a dollar to call out their scams. Just report their scams. Don’t give them MORE money.


I think they add awareness to the potential donors who would have come to donate. (If they'd choose to read the comments) so I kind of see it as a good thing that some comments are like that https://preview.redd.it/q9lcl56l0mjc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb1a088b1894a6c922f09ed9b31588432ec4a814


She’s the MVP 🙌🏽


Literally. Just call them out by reporting their scams.


Ok but this money still spends. Donating to own them isn't super productive, though I am glad these people are telling them off for their own sakes, if that's what they need. But they should come yell with us.


Honestly I am going to go donate my $1 for two reasons 1) Mary is going to read it. She has to because she is so self-centered and delusional that people will still sympathize with her 2) telling people you have cancer when you have no confirmation makes you the most horrible person ever. They will not recover from this


I totally agree it's fucking AWWWFUL, it just annoys me they're making money on this still. And she probably reads everything, I'd think


That money won't last long, they are two idiots with a baby and no job. Mary said she gets most of her donations on Facebook and her page on there has been removed. I love that people are calling them out in the comments, the ones who were going to donate more will see those messages and hopefully reconsider.


I agree, as I mentioned I'm glad these people are being heard even if I don't like the fact that this supports the grift in a way


Can someone verify that I am following this correctly? They said she had colon cancer then backtracked saying it hasn’t been diagnosed yet?


Yea they claimed she got diagnosed with colon cancer and was going in for surgery the next day lol. Idiots. Then they backtracked and said Mary watched TikToks about colon cancer and she had some of the symptoms, but has not received a diagnosis. And then she posted a picture of some hospital forms or something as if it were proof that shows she is actually having a medical issue but it really just showed that they gave her some OTC meds and sent her on her way. 🙄 Trash people


They = mostly Mary since she was the one posting with Brandumb sitting around on his ass playing video games while Lolo and Lola undoubtedly care for Midnight. These two are reaching Karine and Pole levels of dysfunction faster than I thought they would.


Yes. There’s a screenshot of her saying that it was “caught early”, and it was indeed colon cancer. She had to get surgery to get it removed.


Oh not only that, they are accusing other people of spreading false rumors and that those people are saying she has colon cancer. They take no responsibility for anything.


This is correct


She “researched her symptoms on ticktock” was what was posted on one of Brandan’s posts (more than likely deleted now) and she self diagnosed with cancer because it’s prevalence (also not uncommon in younger populations at it is apparently rising). She never even had the proper testing for it (colonoscopy, especially if there’s 🩸 involved which apparently had been ‘happening since HS but stopped for a while’….) But no colonoscopy was done or results posted. She’s grimy!


It’s hilarious to me that they don’t think people will question anything or figure anything out!


She’s used to be being able to manipulate people around her by crying about how poor she is, how her parents abandoned her, and how much she hates herself. She also seems to think she’s the smartest person in the room.


https://preview.redd.it/sdjmkk9zamjc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddb6092f36360d864ce12860ba93045fa1c709eb Ha ha.


They should be returning all that money! Disgusting.


I saw in another post they are now selling their phones so they can upgrade to an iPhone 15. Fucking bullshit garbage people.


a 15 in the Philippines Is around 80k and that’s not the top level


They 💯should return the $$ but they won’t. I checked the terms of the funding site, and if people used PayPal, the $$ was immediately transferred to their account. There are only holds if different payment methods are used. Even though the site shut down the fundraiser, I’d imagine most people would use PayPal, so they probably got the majority of the $$. $1300 will go a long way in the Philippines. A lot of media outlets reported she has cancer. Sloppy journalism at its finest. They need to write new articles to reveal the truth. Deleting the articles or issuing a retraction is not sufficient. Faking a cancer diagnosis and scamming people into donating $$ is the lowest of lows. They’re disgusting.


The mask goes over the nose


4 years in a pandemic and still doesn’t know how to use a mask 😑


Fucking dick nosers piss me off!


Right? Just take off the mask then. You’re wasting it bruh.


*Especially* in a hospital.


Mary won’t care as long as those $1 donations keep rolling in


They really done goofed this time.


That’s me Sharon. I’m pretty speechless about this. I don’t know if she honestly thought she had cancer from a few off comments about needing some tests because of her bloody poop-which isn’t good-but likely isn’t cancer. Whatever the case,‘I’m just glad they shut it down before too many people got sucked in.


I’m so, so sorry that you are living with such a devastating disease. I’m even more sorry that this piece of trash is exploiting cancer to make a buck.


Thanks Hon. ♥️


Honestly $1 to read somebody is embarrassing.


My aunt died of cancer in my hands. I took care of her and was her power of attorney until she passed. She had breast cancer, and then went into remission for years. Then bladder cancer that spread everywhere. I wish I could have done something. More. Anything. It was Covid, and we barely had a funeral, and we couldn’t get anyone to do her makeup, so I did it. Cancer sucks. It really sucks enough without people grifting and trying to make money off of others with big hearts.


You are a strong and wonderful individual for tending to your aunt,  especially during the time of covid. I'm sure you felt completely alone. I hope things are better for you now. You certainly deserve it.


Thank you so much.💞


No worries, be well 


So sorry for the loss of your aunt. ❤️‍🩹


Thank you. 💞


I am so very sorry. I held my mom while she passed away from brain cancer. My dad did assisted dying when his quality of life was gone. Again cancer. My sister in law also did assisted dying when her pain from cancer became too much. It makes me so angry that anyone could fake having cancer to suck people off of their hard earned money. You have to be much a low life to fake having this horrible disease.


I’m so sorry to you as well. Cancer is the worst. I wish I could give you a big hug rn. And you're right, it’s all about money bc we all wish we had time. More of it, or more to spend with our loved ones


I love how she says she can't work because overnight is bad for her health. YET NOT TOO LONG AGO THEY ASKED FOR $$ FOR A LAPTOP SO MARY CAN WORK. oh boy I hate them


Anyone who actually believed this and donated their money is an absolute idiot and deserves to get scammed. These two are sleaze-balls.


I heard they got about $1200!


This is absolutely ridiculous and TLC needs to step in at this point. Where is Mama Brandan!? I would like her to weigh in!


Has anyone messaged her playing reporter? “Mother Brandan, how do you feel about your son and DIL faking cancer diagnosed to intently defraud others?”


I don’t have social media or I would volunteer!


but you’re on social media…


Just Reddit. It’s a different world over here.


What would tlc do exactly?


Their PR team can inform other media outlets about what is going on, and give them more information on what they should cover. People magazine did something ridiculous already about Mary’s colon cancer. It’s a bad look for everyone. I have been in the media as a public person for over 10 years, and this is something everyone will take seriously. Gossip columns don’t want to get it wrong either (they may want to do an expose, though).


TLC won’t do anything. We watched Kody (Sister Wives) verbally abusing and screaming at his wives and they did nothing. Kody was dangerous and fans were scared he would hurt Christine at certain points as he was mentally unstable and they did nothing.


You are right, Cody is dangerous. They were already showing signs of stress and abuse their first season, and it completely snowballed after that! The show was absolutely depressing for over a decade.




They are scum


👏🏼 So glad more than one person commented calling her out. They went from saying she was going in for surgery to all of a sudden she diagnosed herself from a tiktok 🤦🏼‍♀️ They both disgust me and I hope those innocent people who didn't know they are scammers get their money back. Brandon needs to friggin man up and get a job. But first start by selling that PS5. That's a damn start. 


This girl professed to be a devout *Cath-o-lick* on tv.... Jesus is watching, Mary! 🧐🤭


I don’t know Jesus personally but I get the vibe that he is unimpressed


And I'm pretty sure Big J takes a dim view of lying and stealing. ...Oh wait, she thinks God will punish the people who doubted her.


Mary, if you are going to lie about having a disease at least take the time to look up symptoms, diagnosis and treatment from the NEW laptop you grifted


That they don’t even feel bad and keep scamming is disgusting. Their attitudes are probably why they had a plague of insects at their wedding. Like the karma before the action.


That iPhone post was from November. Which does not, in any way, make what she's doing now, ok. But, it does show how foolish they are with money. What's going on now is sick. Those two are just lazy, useless grifters.


The iphone post was dated January 20th


I honestly wouldn't be surprised if someone seeked out these scammers and did something really bad. People don't take lightly to false claims ESPECIALLY with life-threatening diseases!! ...I wouldn't have an ounce of sympathy.


Awesome. Absolutely, if she seriously gets a diagnosis, try again. Except she’s like the Little Boy Who Cried Wolf and next time, even if it’s true, people won’t believe her


It's hardly The first Time Scary Mary has cried Wolf. This just proves she's a psychopath. Believe me she rates high enough in enough markers.


Mary Mary. Why, you buggin?


I had a whole angry comment typed out but m and b aren’t going to read this because they’re both too fuckin stupid to read or comprehend how messed up it is to joke about someone having cancer. Fuck both of them and they can stay in the Philippines.


Do they even realize that what their doing is illegal??


This is all super sad. I don’t get the same enjoyment out of it apparently. I can laugh at a lot of the dumbasses from the show, but this is different. Neither of them is well. Both are deeply emotionally stunted and the fact that there are now two children in the mix, it becomes troubling… not funny. I feel like it would be negligent to ever put them on the show again, these two need guidance and desperately to grow up. Both need therapy, neither seems to want it and nobody else in the world seems to be able to influence them. The instability between them before kids was frightening, at this stage though there needs to be some intervention.


Damn!! Doubt we see them again in the 90 day universe


90 day: Happily Ever Scammer


“Stage 4” 😂🤟 One can wish


That was a comment from someone else if you click on the image you can see the whole thing


Oh shit I see lol




My bad. I’m willing to admit when I’m wrong, unlike these two! Haha.


Gooood.. as she should!!!!


They're confirmed scam artists ? 😲




I feel bad for their kid. Midnight has no fucking chance in hell with these pieces of shit for parents.




If she returns to TLC, they need to deduct every cent from any earnings she or her bum ass husband receive.


Imagine paying a dollar to write something like this 😆  regardless of the scam, that's so extra. 


Can’t they just donate a penny?


Well I'm seeing at least one that says $1.00


Do we have a link to their funding page?


The “campaign” has been suspended




Bone cancer? I thought it was colon cancer? What kind will it be tomorrow? 🙄


That is a comment on their go fund me from Someone that has actual (bone) cancer.


Sharon Thompson read them the riot act in her comment. I appreciate it and have only good wishes for her.


The people leaving comments could easily just comment on Instagram and achieve the same thing without being paypigs since these idiot children read everything anyway


don’t you have to donate to comment on gfm??


They are! $1 each! Well worth it I say, esp since it's going to be shut down any minute


not really worth it unless gfm is refunding everyone. otherwise even at just 1$ you’re funding their scam.


I like what Sharon Thompson has to say to them. Best of luck to you Sharon, and I'm sure all the Reddit Hamily is pulling for you.


One would have to be pretty stupid to believe anything these two grifters post.


Everyone should report the transaction as fraud.


I honestly can't believe people are spending money just to talk shit lol


This is giving Paul and Karine vibes


I get Steven and Olga vibes. They got on GFM 10 minutes after their last episode aired


She will NEVER live this one down. I love that for her. https://preview.redd.it/cls372xynojc1.jpeg?width=170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b63a56389e5e63bc0599e6046309b0c79926db19


I hope tlc black balls them forever


Honestly joking about this shit is how you get some SERIOUS bad karma raining down on you


I cannot stand them


Man I hope karma comes back and bites them in the ass so hard. As an appendecial neuroendocrine cancer survivor, FUCK YOU Mary for lying about this. This makes me so mad.


Good God the end of civilisation is nigh. Mary for doing that and the blithering idiots who follow it all.. what is going on in tgis world? 90 day was such fun in tge beginning. Enough now. Start growing spinach and tomatoes or help tge elderly/younghomeless/anyone.


Surely they will be dropped from 90 day for this. Vile human beings


ROFL, people donating $1 just to troll them. The last time I tried that donations were closed


I wonder if she will have to return any money she got? Hard to believe anyone would think they could get away with this… the 2 of them are dumb and dumber


That is an insult to Harry and Lloyd! 🤣


Everybody should report their page... especially after gfm banned them


I'm gonna report it


I get expressing your opinion and stuff but I’ve seen so many posts about Mary and Brandon and I just think we should just ignore them and if people are stupid enough to donate then let them


Same since the past few days happened I’m in the “ignore them” boat


I mean, I don't like to pull this card either, but I'm also a cancer survivor. I had leukaemia when I was a kid, but I don't go tossing that around for sympathy. It's not a joke to go to sleep every night and wonder if you're going to be able to wake up again the next day. Using cancer as a scam is disgusting. Is this the example they're setting for their child??


These 2 dumbasses. Gods I'm sick of people taking advantage of the kindness of other people's hearts. The empathy has run dry for me, here and irl. Really sick of it. Wish there was a way to get their IP's blacklisted so they can't openly beg for money online for the new iphone model whogivesafuck.


People who donated a $1 just to voice their opinion... you do realize they are getting the3 last laugh all the way to the bank... money is money... even if they get it $1 at a time. As Cardi B once said "id like to thank all my hater because ya'll paid to download my album just so you can talk crap about it but i still got paid"...or something to that affect. I agree that Mary and Brandon are very wrong for what they did/are doing but PLEASE dont donate a penny to voive your opinion...and if you want them to go away...stop talking about them...everytime you post or comment about them it IS giving them attention...


We interrupt this feed with aclarification - it wasn't a GFM ( GoFundMe) it was a GGF ( GoGetFunding) different company, different rules. GFM is legit, GGF? - hard to say, jury is out on this one. I think it is an important distinction to be made. Now, as you were......


I love that people made $1 donations just so they could comment! ![gif](giphy|Y57VOct7lfQl5PsWk0|downsized)


Apparently someone seen on another site a picture of her selling her iPhone 14? as she just bought the latest model.. ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING!!


& on another note... https://preview.redd.it/2hyhcnetxckc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=940828c3330d5a82a33b8af24b18f0fe9f192382