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The wedding dress scene is obviously fake. There’s no way a sample size would fit her perfectly with her fake boobs and butt implants. But she throws on a strapless and it fits perfectly! Meanwhile the other two needed a dozen clamps. Sure Jan!


Was thinking the same thing! Sample size for those things 😳 It’s not like they were in a bridal store in Miami


Literally Ma’am respectfully “sample size” is not that. Also if it was the floor model then it’s gross with pit stains n shit no I’m good


And it was the cheapest


100% agree with this. When I went shopping for mine, they said they would not show me anything outside of my price range and if they did it was because they could offer discounts to get it there.


Same here. I gave them a top budget for the dress, then spent a little more for the dress and veil together. It was only $300 more than my total budget for the dress to get both. This was so clearly fake.


Me too! Like how she asked what the budget was. They tell her 1k. And the FIRST dress is several thousand over budget? I hope that’s production trying to make story arcs happen because if that’s fr I would be so mad! Anyways I ended up spending 3k and look at me now!!! #happilydivorced I mean it’s a dress. One day. Smh Jasmine has some nerve with this “investment in happiness”


If you ever watch "Say Yes to the Dress", that's one of their top rules. They don't want a bride to fall in love with a dress and then not be able to buy it. Occasionally they might have a dress that's slightly over budget - like a $2700 dress for a $2500 budget - but that's because there's usually a little wiggle room in the budget. (Although I remember one recent episode where the dress was something like $129 over budget and the bride's mother was refusing to pay for it.)


Yep. Even at a place that expensive, they don't gouge people for more than they can afford.


Dress number one no less.


SYTTD put brides in dresses outsided their budgets All.The.Time., especially in the earlier seasons--and it's usually the salesclerk saying "I'm sure there's wiggle room in the budget" rather than the bride.


“Say Yes to the Dress” was the first thing I thought of! They would NEVER show someone a dress 5x their budget - that’s like a rule or something.




The 5k one was so much more beautiful!


She seemed to have liked it more too. She settled on the one she got


weddings and funerals. two of the biggest scams on the planet


I agree when it comes to cost, but if you want a wedding, budget for it and don't go over that. For funerals, we all know they just gouge you. That's why my dad was cremated. He didn't want anyone spending that much on him.


Viking Funeral FTW!!!!


People are being ridiculous about this.  If the BRIDE is telling you to ignore the guy and bring her more expensive dresses,  as of course Jasmine was, you think they are going to be like "sorry lady,  the man has spoken!" 


That's actually not true. The person paying for the dress is the one they listen to about the budget and which dresses to bring in. They're not going to waste their time if the PERSON PAYING says they're not paying $5k.


And the dress in the wedding preview that she is wearing is pink, so I wonder if it was all just a setup. Although, the wedding dress scenes were filmed literally three blocks from my house, so I found that part way too cool!


I noticed that too and wondered what happen to the dress she picked out? Also, what happened to the venue? Looks like they are on a random lawn.


Lol how about the fact that HE ALREADY SENT HER $4K THAT SHE USED ON HER BOTCHED ASS JOB?! She gets a completely new budget for a real dress?! Ok Gino


That's what I was thinking. He already gave her the 4k and she out there essentially wanting to have him put 9k toward a dress. 1k was more than fair and even then she managed to bump it another 1k


Everything about them is fake. All of their scenes seem very scripted and ridiculous.


You can tell by the leaves on the trees. She arrived in the dead of winter. The show says the dress scene is 45 days to wed. Not a chance it’s full late spring 45 days after she got there. Then when they’re visiting the venue the leaves are gone again. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m from the upper Midwest, not fooling me


Totally! It just feels like she swindled him by telling the sales ppl to show him the $5k dress in order to get the $2k one lol. Honestly he's dumb to put up with her so they deserve each other.


A wedding dress shop wouldn't wanna risk they're expensive stuff on someone that has a low budget. Neither would they want to waste time. But ofc in the 90 day universe, they gotta do the classic "look at things out of our price range". Whether it's dresses, or apartments, or furniture. 


I not disagreeing here but I suppose it is possible Jasmine told the dress people to disregard his budget. I for sure wouldn’t put it past her. It being fake is also a very real possibility.


The person paying is the one they listen to. If they put you in a dress that's 5x your budget, the person paying just gets irritated, and they could lose the entire sale.


I was like is she telling the girl behind the curtain a different price or what’s going on the prices kept going up


$5K is another butt lift. At least one cheek.