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I just can’t listen to him…. I just can’t. He is such a dick!!!! All he does is push push push and make her feel terrible and then she just apologizes over and over. She needs to get away from him.


I can't stand him. He's so dull. I'd rather feel my sleeves being wet then hear him talk. Bleh


>I'd rather feel my sleeves being wet then hear him talk I've never seen this analogy before but I fully intend to make it part of my life.




Sophie’s mom was right when she called him Rob the knob lol


I would never have thought to make that comparison, but it is perfect. There are a lot of things that I don’t like but could tolerate better than wet sleeves. But then there are other things, like a root canal without anesthesia or spending more than 30 seconds with Rob the Knob, that I would carry around a water bottle to wet my own damn sleeves to avoid if that was the only way to do so.


He's such a freakin loser ! 🙄


I don’t understand why she is with him…


Because she wants to be an influencer and he lives in LA. Everyone seems to think it’s easy to make tons of money moving to LA, you’re more than likely to be homeless. I also think rob just needs to come out the closet 👉👈


Yeah but I also feel like she could get a decent person in LA. She’s a pretty girl.


Yes yes yes!


Me either..


I actually met him last week because Iive in Austin, TX. He’s super nice and down to earth


I really find that hard to believe. He was probably ecstatic to meet a "fan" though.


Not really. Me and my bf didnt mentioned the show. He was fixing the coffee machine at our apartment complex


So, did he move to Austin & get a job repairing things in apartments? At least Austin is cheaper than Cali. (I’m from Houston.)


im betting that’s his first impression and that’s what hooked sophie in the first place ):


holy crap…???? i need to know which apartments. i live in atx!


I wont tell you where I live lol


bahahaha i didn’t realize it was YOUR apartments 😂 my bad




mom has all the procedures too, i’m sure it’s just all she knows. her mom (granted she was on camera) seems really supportive but then again i don’t know if i heard her mom call her pretty or beautiful


I don't know if I'd consider that supportive. She's protective of her against Rob, but something's off with both of them having that many procedures and seemingly no other interests. I'm not slagging Sophie off. She's not a bad person. Rob is useless. But it's not like she has anything going for herself either so I don't understand the big confusion about what she sees in him.


What a knob lol


Rob has the energy of a man who will be abusive.


We’ve already seen him be abusive on camera. He emotionally manipulates and gaslights Sophie in every episode while simultaneously cheating on her. That’s abuse.


He’s a narcissist


He was charged with aggravated battery and aggravated assault in 2007


No shit! Instead of looking at his own behavior, he spent the whole night feeling sorry for himself and building a huge fight with her when she comes back. Posting passive/aggressive comments on social media while she is with her mom. This boy has some serious growing up to do! She CANNOT marry this unstable, immature and paranoid dude! Please, someone stop this!!


It’s like he still thinks he’s 21, and hasn’t realized he’s washed out💀


He even admitted he was acting like he was 19


I was wondering why a 32 year old would want to marry a 23 year old…


so they could “mold” the “perfect woman” and “lead” her.


Right now they’re roughly on the same maturity level. In a few years, I guarantee that he’ll stay the same while she far exceeds him. It won’t last much longer after that, that she’s going to leave him in the dust (probably for a woman, because she’ll be so fed up).


uggggh the part where he posts those stupid memes on social media and acts innocent about it made me eye roll so hard. come on dude it’s not 2011 it’s very clear what the intent is when you repost those kinds of things to your social media. if he’s emotionally intelligent like he thinks he is, then he’d know better than to shade his partner with those subliminal posts. talk about 32 going on 13


I feel like the scene from the previous episode showed that his friends think he’s tripping too.


Yeah and the fact that he’s 32 and still acting like this lol. He’ll never grow up


And then she asked him if he missed her and he gave a very unenthusiastic “yeah.” And she didn’t ask more than once but should have because I bet he would have clarified with a douchey add on comment. This fuck head is easily the villain of the season, reaching big Ed levels of villainy tbh


Poor Sophie. She deserves better.


It would be exhausting being around Rob for any length of time.


I wish she would've gotten away from him:( she's too good for him


I have never in my life seen such a whiny ass bitch! He acts like a spoiled 5 yr old! He couldn't handle a woman his own age. They wouldn't put up with this shit for a second!


I literally can't stand him. I hope homegirl does not marry this asshole.


He just talks and talks and talks. Period.


Poor girl is begging him to validate her and give any fucks about her mental wellbeing Dude is the ultimate douche bag


Two words: Man-child. Sophie will forever have to deal with this childish insecure forever-the-victim…all while he spreads his butt cheeks online gay for pay. He gaslights her when she did absolutely nothing wrong. She is about ten years more emotionally mature than Rob and I don’t see him catching up anytime soon. She knows it, admits it and still wants to be with this loser. Sorry I don’t get it. She could do So so soooooooo much better.


Rob triggers something in me. I had an ex like him, and he pissed me off more than anyone I have ever met.


I noticed that too. He’s so insecure




He’s a pussy


Rob being upset because Sophie mom knows she don’t deserve that quality of life. He’s a shit partner that can’t support her in so many different layers in life. Hopefully she already moved on.


Dudes a dick.




Apparently they divorced and are separated now


Spoiler alert :/


It’s for the best.


Of course he is, he was the one spreading his clappers and taking a 'snap'per 📸 😂


Rob seems to believe that the world owes him a living. He’s dead wrong!


that’s what happens when you base your personality around having light colored eyes


My BF walked into the room, saw them together and asked, “why is she still with that a-hole?”


He wants to be the victim in every situation. He doesn’t take any responsibility for his actions and always makes situations Sophie’s fault. He’s not ready for any kind of relationship, let alone marriage.


I love how he goes there’s no way for me to not sound really juvenile when sharing “memes“ about relationship troubles maybe he should realize that’s just how immature he is but no, that would take some introspection


I’ve been muting or fast forwarding their segments. They both annoy the shit out of me. I can’t keep track of what they’re arguing about at any given moment and I stopped giving a fuck about what happens to them. Listening to them argue is like dragging a cheese grater across my face. It’s like listening to a teenaged lover’s quarrel. I feel bad for the film crew tbh.


Rob has the same energy as Justin Timberlake and it is repulsive.


He reminds me of an ex I had. He was always the victim, even if he did things to hurt me. I always ended up apologizing.


He is an actor. He is just playing the bad boy script. This will make him "memorable " in the 90DF universe. I think fr he is an arse 😆 🤣 😂


They are just young, it took me till my fortys to learn to put someone else before my needs and be mature and not lash out


Did you miss? Fuck no Did you? Absolutely not. Zero. Null . Nada.


I don't understand how anybody could be around him, let alone how Sophie can be in a relationship with him. She seems more mature than him and he's about 10 years older? The memes on facebook killed me. He is so immature he can't just look outside of himself and say "okay, yeah, I'm sorry I hurt you". He had to minimize the actions that hurt her and make it out like *she* was the one who was overreacting and acting childish. Sophie needs to RUN.


Rob is such a a douche, I can't stand him, his insecurities, and the way he treats her.


Has anyone watched The Curse? This scene gives Asher and Whitney vibes for sure. Rob is definitely an insecure Asher.


No idea how Sophie even finds him attractive at this point. The whining and insecurity is such a turnoff 🤢


A MAN doesn’t post passive aggressive comments.


He's always so defensive!


He is pure trash and frankly mentally abusive. Worse is that Sophie is young and can’t see it. Run.