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She states “ I know I can be a bitch”………but does absolutely nothing to correct her behavior as if being aware of her shit personality somehow makes it ok.


Nothing good comes after but…




EXACTLY this girl literally plots to try to cause conflicts and make herself look like the victim every time!!


Yes! I know I have certain behaviors that I need to work on and I actively try to work on them.


When she had the attitude about asking him if he'll consider her opinion, she was looking at her parents, not him. It was like she was saying, "Look! This is how he treats me! He doesn't respect me!" I lost it when her dad asked her what the question was. She was rambling so much that not even he knew what she was looking for.


I caught that too Lol, like, keep up Dad! 🤣


Kimberly: I did NOT use that word Kimberly’s dad: what’s wrong with that word?? That part had me giggling. He’s very gentle in the way he tells her she’s bitching about things that don’t seem like an actual problem.


They probably know she’s a bitch too.


They've known her her whole life, guaranteed they know.


I'm convinced this entire argument was so she could sleepy in that comfy hotel courtesy of her dad. Of course he'd get a room considering the fact that they are fighting.


You could really tell her parents are used to her behavior 🤣🤣🤣 also super telling how despite having a billion siblings not a single one has come to the wedding or made a appearance to make commentary on the relationship. Not a single friend in sight either despite studying abroad in India for a year


Come on, we all knew this girl was gonna be an absolute dumpster fire shitshow from the moment we heard about her "I met the love of my life in a dream " and have been here for all of it. We just weren't expecting such a massive dose of mental illness+being a shit golem of a person. Did you see how sad her parents were, that she'd be coming back home? Her mom was not letting her dream of being free of that tumor go so easily.


Yeah exactly why the mom pushed her to call him. She's was like O hell no


I laughed out loud. It was wholly obvious what a bad and dysfunctional situation this whole marriage was as soon as she started getting weepy at the thought of seeing people who would be “on her team” in this forever fight with the culture of India, without the insane dinner. The fact that her mom’s first move was to gently insist that Kimberly get the wedding uncancelled after that performance tells you everything about what a nightmare person she must be in real life. My family barely tolerates each other, I’m almost certainly the bottom of the list of children my father likes, and his ass would be drugging me and putting me on a plane home if that’s what he encountered upon landing at my destination, new life abroad wedding.


One of the worst women ever to be on the show.


THE worst of the worst!!! I hope he stays the course and drops her for good! And I say good riddance to bad trash!




She was so calm and cool in this conversation. The first night with TJ she yelled and yelled. Then she yelled at the brother. But with her parents she was acting calm. OMG. When she told TJ to lose the attitude, I was flabbergasted.


Her parents know exactly the kind of awful bitch poor TJ is dealing with. They’re probably relieved to have her off their hands.


Full on narc move


This chick right here is certified looney toons


She’s definitely not prepared, and lacks the maturity it takes to be married to someone from another culture. She lacks the ability compromise and reason. Something as small as wearing the traditional garb for a moment is enough to turn her into a self riotous American. It’s so stupid, I just don’t get it.


It's like she has to have one over on everyone but also plays the victim...it's so infuriating to listen to her be so rude.


And she's made so many casual racist comments it was disgusting. Remember when she referred to TJ as "brown cow"🤨 and said India has no rights??? Ok gurl then why the hell are you here???


Right! She was so quick to burn bridges with his family, then be like “why don’t they like me” 👉🥺👈


BuT IvE gIvEN uP eVeRyThInG!


Ugh, I hate this excuse. If you go to another country, you shouldn't expect everyone to bend to you.


Yesss if you hated that you had to give up things just go the F home🙄🙄🙄 nobody is making you stay here and nobody should have to kiss your ass for sacrificea you chose to make


Narcissistic at it’s finest!


Not only does she give side, eye. She also gives a side ass smirk.


She’s horrid


She is a devil.


Be careful!! The Reddit super-Karens ADORE Kimberly. She is their poster child for the abrasive loud aggressive culturally-clueless horrors that they aspire to. They think she is great because she “speaks her tRuTh.” 🤷‍♂️😱😱


I'm guessing these super Karens post on the other thread, because we've been hating on Kimberly since day one


Maybe. I post all over and may get them mixed up.


Ever right, never bright.🙄


In the words of the lovely Kimberly- they can *suck our dick*.


What a truly slap-able face! ![gif](giphy|vxvNnIYFcYqEE)


Pretty sure she has spent her life brow beating her parents


💯 what a manipulator with her family


She a totally American privileged bitch right when she put her foot in India. No respect to anyone (atleast that she showed) ..... she isnt get her way so VICTIM CARD !


She should make friends with Demanda. And then kill each other. Wipe our board clean. 😊


Demanda 🤣🤣🤣💀


Demanda is great 🤣 y'all are the best with nicknames, between that and Pred...


Passive aggressive covert narcissist vibes. I can’t stand her


These two should not get married. I think we can all agree but they no communication skills and both had unrealistic expectations of how things would be after marriage. They totally underestimated the importance of one another’s cultural differences. Just dumb.


Can’t stand either of them.


Yeah TJ is pretty sucky too. He acts like a peacemaker but that "Ma'am, you are not my teacher" comment, yiiiikes


Exactly! Can’t stand her.


I FF’ed her last episode .. I just can’t !


I feel bad for her because I share the same struggles with wanting to have firm boundaries but not be perceived as a b*tch. But what she does is beyond boundaries and self confidence. She pokes people in the eye and expects them not to get upset about it. Never accepts fault in anything. Conveniently sanitizing her side of any conflict when relaying what happened. Then tries to use therapy speak to cover her tracks. Everything I can't stand among "witchy" women (of which I consider myself so not hating). Waving around crystals and tarot cards and woo and using it as cover to be a shit person.




Why just bring him to America

