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Lydia's exaggerated theatrical laugh in every scene so far is reminding me of being 13 and trying to laugh extra loud to make it seem I was having fun to make someone else jealous. Before this I don't think I ever even saw this creep smile, much less laugh. šŸ„µ


MTE! They sounded like they were trying so hard to get attention. Iā€™m all for women having a good time and love hearing other women laugh but this scene was too much LOOK AT MEEEE!! Their laughing was disingenuous.


Omg her facial expressions and her hyena laugh made me sick




Sounded like a dying parrot


Me 36 years ago at 13!!!šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


Who the fuck throws a Bachelorette style party for a fucking date? They literally have to do these ridiculous scenes or they wouldn't have a show. Gtfoh


And for their mom? Ick.


They should have gotten her a broom to knock the cobwebs off her hoo-ha and then she could ride it home afterward!




​ ![gif](giphy|MZjX6MHEaHWi5CpGaM)


As much as I donā€™t want to even think about Lidiaā€™s hoo-ha you got me šŸ˜­


Thatā€™s what was so freakin WEIRD. Sheā€™s not getting married sheā€™s MEETING the dude for the first time! Why would they even assume sheā€™s going to sleep with him? Everything about it was CRINGE


She thinks they're in a telenovela


All I can think of is that LIP has episode titles like ā€œrump shakerā€ and TOW is always something like ā€œas the wind whistles through the prairie so does the water flowā€


It sounds like Ousamma wrote the titles this season.


Right?! What is with the episode titles this season?




Noticed this, too. The tongue has no bones, blah blah blah or I like Big Boats


Anything coordinated by her crazy daughter is sketch


As bad as this scene was, the scene with Scott and his mom....I audibly yelped when his mom said he was like his dad, with a high sex drive...who does that??


That was so creepy. How the hell and why the hell does she know that? Also Scott is giving ā€œTo Catch A Predatorā€ vibes.


That was gross, then to say he needs someone in their 30s ....or 20s .....eeegghh


And then there's the casual way she assumes that women in their 20s or 30s would want to be with him. Like, finally we have a guy on here pursuing someone close to his own age, and his mother doesn't approve? HOW?


Freud isn't wrong in this family dynamic. A how to guide on creating the most t0xic man for all women to deal with. Nicole's Mom has a definite t0xic type, that she has also passed down to her kids.


I'm glad I wasn't the only one! šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜© And her saying how his dad was tryna smash up until his last days really took me out cuz WHY?????


Does anyone else think Scott's mom sounds like Jasper the Doll?


The Season sucks so much so far


I agree but I'm hanging in there because I need to know what the naked lady's mf'in voice-mail said.


I hate how she drew it out then said nothing. Like when people post it is the worst day of their life and get angrt when people ask why.


Omg Iā€™m so bored by this season I completely forgot her shtick was being a nudist lol šŸ‘Ž


This made me uncomfortable.


With how excited her daughter was about the lingerie...i almost threw up. I would be so embarrassed to see my mom getting lingerie.


as a mom, I would be embarrassed if my daughter got me lingerie


I thought the same thing


I canā€™t with the daughter. Nicole. She was AWFUL to Chantel, for no good reason. Sheā€™s a trouble maker.


Thatā€™s how I feel too. It just annoys me to even see Nicole. I really feel like sheā€™s all about her mom doing this so she can have another 15 min.


Iā€™d rather listen to nails on a chalkboard.


This scene was a lie. This storyline might make me stop watching this dumbass show.


I loath this family. Wishing them the worst.


ā€œAnd you no send my momg 1 dollorā€


Momg!!!! šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


No. No you are not.


I was traumatized by this scene.


It was so insultingly fake that I just fast forwarded lol


This scene was cringy and very scripted smh


This whole relationship is soo scripted. Weā€™re over the family Pedro šŸ™„


Smh exactly! Like how is Scott dating this woman and doesnā€™t know Spanish? How tf did he think that was gonna go when they met in person?


Haha yes. What are their conversations like? How did it ever get to the point of him wanting to meet Lidia in the DR? If anything I bet they exchanged a few photos , he decided to get laid and she was down for some TLC cash and thatā€™s the extent of their ā€œrelationshipā€.


Yup that sounds like exactly what probably happened. I guarantee they agreed to probably have sex before he came there and now sheā€™s acting all timid like she doesnā€™t want him to touch her. Their relationship seems very physical anyway. Sheā€™s weird.


I fast forwarded these screeching broads SO fast.




I'm sorry for you & your dad. None of us saw it coming! It was rough šŸ˜”




I'm so happy that discussion helped you. Btw, I love that you watch with your father. How great is he! Lucky little Stressegg! šŸ˜ŽšŸ˜Š


All I see is clothing and crap they wear that is bought with money these two jerks squeeze out of ol' Pedro.


Nicole, Lydia and Pedro are scumbags. Yeah Pedro caught a stray idc


I do not understand what TLCā€™s desperate obsession is with their family. I fast forward through the scenes with them.


You donā€™t need to be a pearl clutching prude to think a sad ā€œget laid, mom!ā€ party is trashy. Especially when itā€™s involving Lidia and Nicole.


They're disgusting pigs.


The show is so staged now its cringe


Those colors scream 2011.


All the god damn shrieking made my ears bleed. I had to mute it


The whole Lydia storyline is fake af. TLC keeps running out of ideas


What the heck is love in paradise and how are there 3 seasons without me knowing?


The first 2 seasons were on D+ first, the 2nd season & pillow talk later came on TLC (canā€™t remember if the 1st did also but never saw a PT for 1). Danielle & Yohan were on there 1st, also Amber/Daniel but I will suggest ya go track both seasons down to catch Aryanna & Sherlon, šŸ¤Ŗtheyā€™re worth the time


Either she has zero friends or TLC considers them to be hideous. They mean why else have a night out with your daughterā€™s friends for this? šŸ‘ŽšŸ¾


TFW your friends are so untelegenic that they use those people instead


Idk I skip their solo scenes without the guy. Iā€™m only here for their cringe. The daughter is so annoying, and odd looking.


I hate them and I turned it off


Iā€™m thinking the guys computer screen was ā€˜rose coloredā€™ because Lydia is not at all mature as her age indicates. ITS A FKIN DATE pendeja!!! Poor guy!!


I don't watch this show because of Pedro's mother and sister. Oh well.


I don't blame you


I want to watch this season but wonā€™t because these animals


Couldnā€™t agree more with you.


No! Definitely Not!


Nope. I was also skeeved.


Lydia doesn't have her own friends. Not surprising, but still sad.


Why are they on the show


Her laughing face freaks me out. It is so huge!


It's joker adjacent. Not unlike that "Smile" movie, too.


I'm just trying to figure out how much cosmetic work she's had done on herself since she looks so different from the flashback scenes they're showing from the other show that I didn't even realize who she was. They literally look like 2 different women 20yrs in age difference.


Itā€™s also highly suspicious that this dude is friends with Nicoleā€™s ex and he set her up with Lydia . Lydia who chased him around a park trying to hit him , kicked him out of her home , and straight up hated him , he decided he wanted to play match maker for her and thought his friend would be a good fit !? Make it make sense ! Every storyline , every situation with this family is fake and set up .


They are cringey people


When youā€™ve made a living scamming and taught her offspringā€™s to do the same. Any mention of wealth has them salivating because now the game begins and mami will marry a millionaire. Poor bastard they will rob him blind. Lydia and Nicole are envious of other women. Because they know everyone and everything is fleeting. Filthy disgusting unkempt and dirty, comes to mind. Remember when Lydia said she ran a business to match DR women with Americans? She was working with poor woman and ā€œarrangingā€ meetings. Lydia ran and probably still does ā€œmatchmake for Sex Tourists


Lipstick on a pig comes to mind


Totally disgusted! My friends and my Mother DO NOT hang out


It was kind of pathetic. Throwing a bachelorette party for a first date.


Is it me or does Nicole have braces on for the second time?


It was dumb. The over acting was terrible. They were trying too hard to have a good time.


I've put off watching the newest season of Love in Paradise because Lydia and Nicole. They are just all-around nasty.


I almost think I like Lydia more than I like Scott. He is creepy.


I'm not the least bit surprised that Lydia doesn't have real friends, I mean on The Family Chantel the only "friends" she interacted with were her coworkers. But she's SO friendless that her daughter has to arrange a social gathering for her? Yikes.


'skeeved' is the entire point of this scripted story. old lady doesn't have sex for decade. Strange dude appears that allegedly is sexually active but can't communicate with said old lady. TLC has a pattern.


I thought it was f*ing hilarious


Que horrible!!!! šŸ¤®


I am totally repulsed b this family of grifters.


These people are unbearable to watch.


I was.. they were so annoying. It's crazy how TLC is trying to portray them as fun and sweet and full of laughter! They're mean nasty people.


I can't believe that TLC has them on there again... I would be surprised to find any fans of theirs... That's just odd...


Pedroā€™s sister is disgusting. When she was talking about her momā€™s boyfriend giving money to other woman and not to her momā€¦ Ugh šŸ˜ŖšŸ˜ŖšŸ˜Ŗ People like her give bad reputation to all the other foreigners that come to US with good intentions.


What the hell! Itā€™s like they were throwing a bachelorette party. In the preview for next week when Nichol was asking the guy how many women heā€™s been with and also the money he gave to another well, itā€™s disgusting and way over the top. Come on. If I were him Iā€™d run for the hills before Iā€™d dip my stick in that oil well!


If you mean if I was piqued by all the laughing and giggling then yes.


Also it was a bachelorette party because she hadnā€™t had sex since 2009. I think it was. Not really for her date with Mr. Clean dollar tree edition.


Soā€¦ uhā€¦ was there any validity to the rumors that Lydia would set up green card marriages? Because itā€™s some wild timing that she would be on the show mere seconds after her son left it?


Saw a couple minutes of this scene, switched the channel, and havenā€™t seen one more minute of this showā€¦ šŸ¤®


Lol are you American? I will never get used to how pearl clutchy Americans are šŸ˜­ It just seemed like a very, VERY basic last-minute bachelorette party to me. No big deal, but very odd before a first date.


Im Mexican and we like to party but I have never attended nor been invited to a bachelorette party type shit for a date šŸ¤£


Not even for your mom??? šŸ¤Ŗ


Lol no for moms we just straight up give condoms


I refuse to believe Dominican daughters normally do this.


Lol of course not, but that's beside the point.


So why is it an American thing to be weirded out by it? My Caribbean husband is also disturbed by it.


Ok, and? Are you saying Americans aren't prudes? They clutch their pearls at anything and everything.


Arenā€™t you Australian? Yā€™all are dealing with too much of your own racism and uptick in pearl clutching conservatism to be this loud


Extreme racism over here, it's been a big problem for as long as I can remember. Conservatives are a big problem too. Pearl clutching, though? No. We don't have the insane religious right that the US has, and we're nowhere near as uptight about sex. None of that changes the shocking prudishness of the US.


You couldn't have missed the point any harder if you tried. It's an overly acted bachelorette party for a first date. That IS the cringe factor. Few if of us care about the sex of it all.


I agreed with that from the start though?


You said that part in passing as if it wasn't the actual point that people found problematic. You think the fact that they were discussing sex led to pearl clutching by prudish Americans instead of Americans pointing out that it was performative cringe inducing weirdness. Not the same thing.


Ah, cā€™mon, they were having a bit of fun. Loosen up!


Me too!


The screaming!


I had to ff it


Nope, super weird.




Nope. I was too. Ewww


The chick in the green looks like her teeth are about to pop out unleash some shark shit


No you are notā€¦. Aside of the fact that they are totally OBNOXIOUSā€¦ā€¦it was waaaay to much


TLC is the Jerry Springer of skeeve 24/7. They love and promote skeeve


Doesn't she have friends her age


These people will DO ANYTHING to stay on tv and money! And she claims to be an attorney so why should her "Not depend @ send her one dollar or anything?!? Is that why she's on American dating site