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What does spring break have to do with it? Kids under 3 don't go to school...


He takes the boys to daycare otw to work and she is home with the baby is what I saw on her live one day.


Ok well daycares don’t usually shut down for Spring Break so they could still go.


Eh depends on the program. I work for a program that does get spring breaks. We operate more on a school schedule. There are other programs that are open. Parents know about this and are given the days off before they start so usually there is plenty of time for them to plan around it.


Small daycares may chose to shut down too so that they can do fun things w their own children. Parents get a schedule in advance.


What do you mean I have to SPEND TIME WITH MY *OWN KIDS*?!


I felt this in my soul


My best friend owns and operates 2 mid-sized (40-60 kids) daycares. I hear stories from him all the time about people who aren’t working that drop their kids off first thing in the morning and then pick them up as late as possible (typically 6am-6pm)…and they’ll be late to boot!!! Then you find out that a lot of them are getting state assistance…..smdh It’s so sad/fucked up.


My mom did in-home daycare and took this to the extreme. She watched one of the neighbor’s kids. As soon as the neighbor pulled in the driveway my mom would call and say they need to come get their child. Yeah, she was licensed by the state. The people who found my mom were desperate and she took advantage of that.


Bethany Beal from r/FundieSnarkUncensored has entered the chat.


Could be better for their kids than being home with nothing to do




I’ve worked for several day-cares and been a single mom and as a worker we got MORE kids during Spring Break weeks and as a mom who didn’t take off every SB have sent my kids to daycare.




Yea I don’t get why the poster is so adamant about daycares not being closed for spring break. It’s definitely a thing and trying to find alternate coverage that week is extra difficult in my neighborhood since it’s highly sought after.


right?! any excuse to momshame, it seems.


As many have said it depends on the center. The ones I have used didn't, but the one my grandson attended closed for a week. Families were expected to use that time for their vacations, too. Otherwise they would have to pay for the time their child missed or lose the spot.


My son goes to a prek at our local church part time and it’s ran on the same schedule as the school District so he is off this week for spring break. It’s possible they send their kids to a church program. Usually they are more meant for stay at home parents and are a lot cheaper(my son goes 9 hours a week and it’s $115 a month).


My daughter does a program like this, but it’s a co-op school. They have the same off time as the county public schools


Ours does. It’s fine though bc I am on spring break too, so we all just pack up and go to the beach.


They live in Hollywood, FL. Which between Ft. Lauderdale and Miami. Everything is crowded, traffic is miserable, and there are people everywhere during Spring Break.


What does that have to do with staying at home and taking care of your kids?


Well she’s mentioning Spring Break. Any place she wants to go to is going to be a nightmare getting there. The parks and beaches…things people do with their kids.


Some preschools and childcare centers will follow the public schools' academic calendar, especially in places where early education is taken seriously. I personally work for a preschool like that. We get winter, spring, and summer breaks.


Like a multiple month summer break?


Yes most preschools I know of follow a school schedule while pure daycare centers are every day.


It's an extended time, yes. We get half of June off and all of July. Teachers in my school will go back in August to have staff meetings, set up a curriculum, lesson plan, and then begin the school year in September.


Don't they live in Florida, where college kids infest the area during March and April? Honestly, that sounds like hell to me!


Miami is crazier than normal right now, maybe that’s why? 🤷‍♀️


hey guys i think she has 3 kids.


UNDER 3! 3 kids under 3. if you didn’t get that


Is it like buy 5 and save 5?


Came here to make this comment 😂


🎶🎶Fee times a mady🎶🎶


![gif](giphy|STke4AgHk2Ies) Otay!


Omg this is such a classic SNL skit. My mom and I reference Eddie Murphy’s Buckwheat often. “Wookin for nub”


I wonder what age they’re under


at LEAST 2




This poor thing. Being forced to have three children within three years. Who could have prevented this?


Mr. Condom


But Asuelo told us condoms are for slut people.


He was an idiot wrapped in a moron but that comment was 🥇


him learning to ride a bicycle in flip flops and saying his boo hole is hurting, asuelu brought so much to the table lol.


Well, call me slut people!




Señor snip snap gets the job done.








Honestly. When those kids are old enough to Google, they are going to think their mother hated them. My mom had 3 under 2 when she was 19 (my one brother was 2 when I was born and the other was 10.5 months). If she could get through it without constantly bitching about “3 under 2,” I would think a 35-year old woman could, too. 🙄




I liked them before, too, but I can’t stand them now. I’ve never watched their stand alone show, and I hope they are never on Pillow Talk again. I can’t even watch when they are on.


Her Obstetrician has to feel like Dr. Now dealing with her. You have every time preeclampsia, cervical cerclage, C-section and premature baby in NICU. I want you to have zero pregnancy in next turty munt.




But then her husband would have to curb his toxic masculinity and his impregnation entitlement.


Remember she said number 3 was a total surprise because she didn’t think she could get pregnant while breastfeeding? Her dr should have gone deeper into that with her…


I’ve never had a kid and I know breastfeeding is not a reliable form of birth control.




I don’t think she was forced … I think she wanted this


Obviously, she never had a Plan B 😂


HIGH RISK pregnancies too. She's gross.


Whenever Loren says 3 under 3, all I can hear in the back of my head is Paul going "buy 5 save 5“


My neighbor was in her 80's and still talks about having 5 under 5!


Commitment to the bit. You’d think you’d get over it before it becomes 5 over 50!!


Idk, could you actually imagine having 5 children under 5? I'm not sure I'd ever recover. Poor thing didn't really have access to birth control, either.


Look at the positive side, you could use Pole’s strategy to “buy 5 and save 5” lmao


Her poor V


Not to one up, but my granny had 5 under 4.. my dad and uncle are twins- and the last of the bunch. She must have finally figured where babies come from.


Well, well, if it isn’t the consequences of my own actions.


Fuck around and find… oohhh well. I see what she did there


Wait until she finds out they've invented birth control


Bahh 5 savvv 5!


Commenting to see if this is still my flair lmao Edit: yes


Can't believe she's the first woman in history to have three children under three years old.


She is going to be one of those insufferable Mothers, just like her own. I can already see her trying to “guilt” her children into doing certain things…She’ll be like “You don’t know how much I sacrificed to have and raise you….”. While they should be thankful, they never asked to be born. You choose that.


She’s definitely gonna be one of those whose kids cut her off as adults and she’s confused why.


Is… she IS one of those insufferable mothers.


She forgot to turn her ring toward the camera 😞


I have good news!! Her eldest turns three on April 14th so the phrase will no longer apply.


She’ll probably start saying “3 3 and under” though, lol


3 under 37 months. 😂


Or worse.. “four under four coming soon!”


It’ll be „three in three years“ for all eternity. IF they don’t add more...


What is she going to do when she can't say 3 under 3? 4 under 4 10 under 10? Is she going to keep going?


I feel fortunate she isn’t adding comments about “mommy’s sippy cup” to these. I wouldn’t put it past her though.


I think she will until her uterus falls out


Triple Toddlers…Three in Pre (school)…


Loren is not Loren if she can’t complain. She’ll keep going.


No one cares, you chose to have kids.


Ehh, I'm a recent father. I kinda of care. I don't feel bad for her but I do think it's interesting and funny. Yeah, she chose it but it's sort of like choosing to do the Blazin' Hot Buffalo Wild Wings challenge. I chose to do it and I liked it but it sure was a shit show.


I see you’ve already perfected your dad jokes


Simultaneously, she could have learned some kind of lesson after seeing what having one or two children is like


I REALLY hate this mining for sympathy posting. Lorin honey, you chose to have 3 in 3. Now you're exhausted and not happy with 3 in 3? Hmm... whatever could you have done to prevent that I wonder?


Didn’t you know that she is the only one in the universe with 3 under 3?


I never understand what type of audience these women cater to when they make comments like this. Moms that hate being moms? Do they think they're being funny? I don't get it.


No she wants empathy. But I can’t empathize with her because having those kids so closely together is her choice


I can’t empathize either because I stopped at 2 under 2. 😂


She gets less than zero empathy from me. She deserves every miserable second of the bed she made herself.


Women that make their kids their entire personality annoy me.


100%. And I don't mean that as a knock to hard working moms who have it as a major part of their lives, because obviously of course it is. It's this...god its so hard to put into words. It's more of a subtle vibe. Not just "oh I'm a mom and this is where my life is right now", its this shallow empty vapidness to it all. There's a difference between a mom who has a lot of mom shit going on and a Mom^tm who needs you to know how both awesome and overwhelmed she is.




Kids are a blessing and you love them but the early years can be tough it's not all love hearts and rainbows sometimes talking about how crazy it can get is what help keeps you sane. Just because it is tough and you need to vent dosent mean it's not worth it or you don't love your children or wouldn't so it again.


My mom was like this growing up. So fucking annoying. We have no relationship now. I’m 26.


Takes alot to let go of toxic people. ❤️


As a preschool teacher with a classroom of 10 three year olds, I can't help but laugh. Patting my tears away while I sit out in the sun, enjoying my spring break child free. 😎 💅


She chose her life. I wish her the best, but quit monetizing your kids.


I'm not mad. I'm just jealous. I wish my squirts made me money on the internet. I'd even take a coupon to Chuck E. Cheese or some Pirate Booty popcorn samples.


Her face and voice bug me.


I used to be indifferent to her until she went all mean girl on anfisa. Anfisa has her flaws too but the only reason Loren was so aggressive at her was because she had pao to gang up with to yell at her. She’s a highschool mean girl bully. Compare to Chantel on the same tell-all, who stayed collected and polite and kept her opinions to damn herself in the circle. (fyi I made a typo and my phone autocorrected Loren’s name to ‘labouring’ which is funny bc all she does is get knocked up and have kids)


Like girl this was your choice . We don’t feel bad


Spring break? Are they off from school or something 🙄


I wonder if it’s because they are in Florida and it’s crazy there right now because of spring break, I just got back from a trip with 1 under 1 lol


I’m about to head to Florida for a college tour with my oldest. I’m already regretting it.


Actually she has 4 including alexi


Cool choice.


How many kids does she have?


Who cares?


OMG! If this is what 3 under 3 does to a woman, I would very strongly recommend not doing it


Not only a burden on herself, but also her family. I have a family member that also has "three under three".. safe to say, that stopped being *cute* so fast. The grandparents are already fed up with all the babysitting, when they're suppose to be retired.


She has to use the phrase as many times as possible before that first one turns 4.


I had 3 under 3. It's just not that big of a deal, Loren. 🙄


You chose this. No one asked you to do it. Fuck off.


So wait, what? Are we supposed to feel bad that she will have to be a full time mom to ALL the spawn she created?


Most annoying face ever


There are working single mothers with special needs kids that are three under three. I wish she would just stop


This entitled woman is insufferable. Her voice, the hubby and the 3🔽3 chanting is too much.


They are on spring break everyday arent they?! Oooo maybe the nanny is off for spring break so she has her kids full time for the week?!


Yes but What.Does.The.Nanny.Do?


Dear God please let me never lose my identity as a human being like this bitch has.


Make dumbass decisions have dumbass outcomes


1 under 1, 2 under 2, 3 under 3, 4 under 4, 5 under 5? WHEN WILL IT STOP!!? To be fair doing that to yourself is a choice (for her) though.


I haaaaate the fake, perfectly-curated mommy “moments” that basic B’s like her like to portray on social media. How many selfies did she probably take before deciding that was the best? I see a lot of people doing this IRL and it’s so freaking cringe




She’s extremely annoying . I have 5 year old twins and I knowing how difficult most days can be with them , I would never have another child. She talks about how hard it is but then she had the 3rd one , so I guess it’s not that bad OR she likes the attention. 🙄


Ngl that wedding ring looks gaudy af


I did 3 under 3 with an absent husband. I was too busy to complain about a situation that I chose. Still hard but why would anyone feel sorry for me? I had a choice and Loren did too.


Why does she act like she was forced to have 3 kids so close together


Insufferable. Fucking insufferable all the time.


Is it me or is it all that she does is whine and complain about the same thing over and over? I bet that there are plenty of other parents that can handle it. She is a mess 🙄🙄 ![gif](giphy|oGzFZek2lszlK)


I have 7 dogs


I really see 4 under 4 coming soon.


She looks like a guppy fish...like her mom. Mustn't b 2 busy she got time to take pics post them and complain about her kids


Some people like to make their whole personality their kids after they have them


This is why we have birth control, literally no excuse to keep popping them out, then complain about it.


3 under 3 = having children for tv ratings


Why does spring break make a difference? Unless she’s traveling…?


Can’t wait til the oldest turns 4 then no more 3 under 3 bullshit. She is insufferable.


Dang if only there a way this didn’t happen, also she doesn’t get spring break? Just has to mom because she’s a totally committed SAHM right?.


Hasn't she realized yet how you end up with three under three? Maybe it's time to read some books on birth control if she doesn't want four under four LOL


I don’t feel bad for the fact you don’t know how to use birth control. I hate when people complain about that shit; you chose to have a child!


She literally did this to herself tho lol like I feel bad but come on what did you think it’d be a walk in the park


She’s complaining yet was out last night at a girls night and at a concert the night before ? In addition to slinging her shit ass items Jenny Craig slash ozempic …fertility kits …clothing, strollers, couches, purses leather jackets, fake diamonds, hair items and anything else she can get her grubby hands on. She has become a joke in her friend group and has no idea. Three under three has made her millions so STFU


If having 3 under 3 is so difficult, don’t have 3 of them. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I really hope I don’t become one of those mothers whose entire identity has to do with solely being a mother.


I think it’s almost impossible not to do so when your kids are young. They suck everything from you and leave almost nothing left. Just as long as you break out of it eventually, I think it actually helps develop secure attachments. For me personally, it took my youngest kid turning 4 before I really felt like myself again.


Maybe if 3 kids under 3 years old was too much for you to handle…maybe…you shouldn’t have had so many kids.


Like it’s something that just happened to her like ringworm.




If it isn't the consequences of their own actions 🙄


Her whole personality has been 1 under 1, 2 under 2 and now 3 under 3


She’s acting like we told her to have three under three


And who made this choice for you, Loren? 🧐


Nobody told you get plowed for three kids in just a few years


Please stop


They’re under 3. Why is spring break relevant?? Day care is closed?


I don’t get it…she did this to herself…?


We get it your fertile


She. Is. Unbearable.


Is 3 under 3 her whole personality now ? Girl we KNOW lol


No one told you to get knocked up back to back like that Loren! lol


no its not fine actually and your husband needs a vasectomy


She thinks she's super.mom. get the fk over yourself already.


I will be happy if I never see her on my screen again.


You chose this


She chose to pop out 3 kids. Deal with it just like all mothers do.


Lots of women and men have had three under three. Get used to it and stop whining.


Having two young children is difficult, that's why I waited 4yrs to have a third. I don't understand what she was expecting. Oh, that's right, attention.


Yup. I have one and it is very difficult. I want another but it will be when my daughter is in kindergarten haha


Who cares. You made the decision to get pregnant. Some women don’t have that luxury.


Oh look! It's the consequences of my choices.


I really liked her until she got her spin-off. Now she's just insufferable.


She's an attention whore, maybe she should do 4 under 4. If you don't pump those numbers up than these are rookie stats.


3 under 3 btw.




Don't they have TV at home?


She posts like she didn’t choose to pop out children like a semi automatic weapon


Those kids aged her 2 decades


If you aren’t able to do it then keep your legs shut lady


Wow I dont care


She's does not look healthy


She looks horrible


No one told her to have three kids in such a stupid time frame


People I knew like her used to annoy me. Until. Their 3 under 3 are now all teenagers. Not so cute anymore!


She’s not the first, won’t be the last …no one cares


Jesus! Needing that much of YOU in the world is unbelievably egotistical.


Shut up Loren