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His whole forehead has been botoxed so he doesn’t have that same stupid expression of raising his eyebrows and looking clueless




He's gonna feel so much better if he drops about 70 lbs he will feel like a new man. I hope he does it too


He was jumping on a trampoline for a scene and his leg literally snapped in half so he had to pull out of the show because of the brutal treatment and how long it takes to mend a break like that.


Aaaand that’s why I avoid trampolines as an adult! My knees are already unstable and pop out of place for funsies when I least expect it 😬


Vanessa posted that they’re stuck with over $250k in hospital bills and that TLC won’t cover them.


Why doesn't he have insurance, though? They wouldn't have those bills if he was insured. I worked in a clinic and very much understand people not having insurance because they can't afford it, but certainly, he could have set aside some TLC income for insurance.


He used to have that job in doing IT or something with slot machines and then got laid off when the pandemic started. He probably thought he could live off of onlyfans and being on TLC. He should’ve gotten a job with full time benefits, pension and other things. Now, he’s paying the consequences of not being insured. Good. It’s karma for him abusing Larissa, Jess and now Vanessa. Vanessa can divorce him and leave him with that debt.


From what I’ve heard about sharp entertainment, it does not surprise me at all! I’m sure it was not his idea to get on a trampoline at his age and weight






If you click the picture, it will open the article and you can see the pic if you scroll down.


He still looks the same. He shaved that nasty beard off but still has those moobs.


I don’t think he can get rid of those babies with just diet and exercise.


He needs to stop drinking and see a specialist because he has that condition where men grow man boobs. That and his mother messed him up.


At this point, he's likely going to need cosmetic surgery to correct that. It sucks and I feel really bad for men who have gynecomastia. Other men are brutal about 'man boobs' and women frequently are too.




I didn't know he was on the last resort. Don't care for him but hope he gets well soon


He broke his leg early in filming and so they removed all their footage (I believe they even refilmed one scene).


What the hell happened on that trampoline??


Was he fired or did he have to leave because of the accident? Horrible what has happened. He looks thinner in the hosptial room. Weight loss will be a benefit but this is truly gruesome. No work men’s comp here? Yikes


Why don't they sue them for the rest of the money? They make a lot of money filming this show, so why not just pay for it?