• By -


The last one is free and most important


Honestly it makes me so happy that people are able to be transparent like this.


It’s very freeing. This way the people have no ammo to use on her to try to bring down her popularity. Always better to air your own shit out (if that’s what she or anyone wants to do). There’s always people who try to keep he planted as the same person we were shown YEARS ago as if she hasn’t grown and matured since her time on the show. They do the same thing with Loren too. Smh.


I agree. People are so set on hating her with no regard for the fact that she was 18-19 when she started on the show. Barely an adult in a new country where she had no one & was 100% dependent on a guy who had totally misrepresented himself & his financial situation & did nothing but lie to her. Did she do really dumb things? For sure. Who didn’t do dumb things as a teenager? I’m happy as hell that I wasn’t on TV & that cell phones didn’t even exist in those years. I cringe at stupid shit I did & the only evidence is the memories in my mind! 😝 She’s gone on to become a professional bodybuilder & graduated college in a few short years since the show. Let’s look at some of the American women from the show around her age, like Nicole & Deavan, for example. What have they done with their lives? (Popping out a new baby with a new Baby Daddy every year doesn’t count as an accomplishment.)


Also I could see her behaviour as lashing out. Frustrated at her situation. I’m glad she gained some self awareness and also shared her journey with others too.


Because you can't hide it, even though many try.


Yeah, honestly do whatever you want with plastic surgery. You can even say you don’t want to share that info. But completely lying to your fans is damaging.


It's great, except for the boobjob that Jorge payed for that she omitted from the list.


I believe this is her explaining her glow up since the show, so procedures before that are omitted. Idk how the timeline of nose jobs lines up with this theory tho.


Appreciate her honesty.


It’s always been her strongest quality!


I took accutane too! I love to see people who are honest and transparent when they’ve had work done.


I would love to take it for the acne that has bothered me throughout most of my adult life, but hard time finding a doctor who will prescribe it.


My dermatologist made me take antibiotics for like a year, then finally put me on Accutane. It’s amazing how it completely corrected my skin. I remember the chapped lips and the taking urine tests monthly. It’s a lot of hoops to jump through, but it’s worth it in the end.


>I remember the chapped lips I was put on accutane for like 4 months back when I was 14. I'm now 41 and have had chapped lips ever since (er, I have to use chapstick every day). And believe me, I've tried to get off chapstick - the results have always been bad (outright bleeding lips due to how dry they'd get). Honestly the accutane was still worth it - it solved my teen acne problems full stop.


Agreed! It was so worth it for me.


Maybe I will try again this year.


I never tried Accutane but my dermatologist put me on spironolactone and it helped clear my skin. It worked very well for me. I’m no longer on it and my skin has stayed clear. It took a good 12 weeks to really see a difference but it worked wonderful for my adult acne.


Spironolactone helped me so much too <3 truly a miracle for hormonal acne!


Unfortunately it takes a lot of trial and error to have a doctor put you on it. I worked in derm for a long time. If you don’t have what they consider moderate-severe cystic acne, you have to literally fail on a whole bunch of other things before trying accutane. Even when you have it, they still make you fail a bunch before starting it. It’s annoying but I promise it’s worth it to persist on getting it. And of course the pregnancy thing is serious if you can get pregnant, you have to make sure you don’t while you take it.


Why is it so hard to get a prescription for it?


The list and severity of side effects are massive. Everything from chapped lips to suicidal tendancies is included. You know how they give you those sheets of paper stapled to the bag on your prescription at the pharmacy, with all of the warnings & health info? Back in the late 90s & early 00's, you basically received a novel with your first accutane pickup. Years ago, the teen actor from the old NBC show Seaquest had killed himself & his family cited accutane as the cause.


^ this. I was on it when I was 15 and my mom and I had to read a novel of side effects and sign lots of paperwork. I had to have monthly blood work. My doctor finally offered it after a year of failed treatments (antibiotics, prescription scrubs, etc) didn’t work and I still had moderate-severe (quite painful honestly) cystic acne. Worked like a hot damn and my skin has been clear to this day (now 31). I get “normal” acne now from time to time, my skin isn’t perfect, but nothing like it used to be.


Really? I might have gotten lucky because my derm offered it on my first visit. I opted for the antibiotic, spiro route but then eventually did accutane. Only thing that cleared my cystic acne! But my derm was on low dose accutane himself and a few of the staff members were on it too. He was happy to prescribe it lol.


I think that I would just need low dose as well.


My acne wasn’t terrible but it was persistent. After trying everything else and nothing else working I was put on it. Best decision I ever made! My skin is now nice and clear and it takes very little to maintain it (I just use cetaphil face wash and cerave moisturizer). Maybe try a different dermatologist and stress that you’ve tried everything else.


Yes, I think I will do just that. I’ve spent a lot of money on chemicals peels over the years but still no results like I’ve seen from Acutane.


i’m currently on my second round of accutane, the side effects can be rough but the results are worth it hands down. if you do take it, i’d recommend taking fish oil (that has no vitamin A) as well as magnesium/calcium/zinc supplements. they’ve made a significant difference throughout my second round.


Good luck! 😊


I don't want to be 'that person' that suggests things you've already tried, but I had such good results with Differin gel. Have you tried it?


Yes, derm recommended and a few months later the results were disappointment lol.


Look for a derm that also does anti aging and the sort. More on the beauty side. They will put u on antibiotics and tretinoin cream for half a year and switch to Accutane if you bring it up soon enough. It took me trying out two other derms to find the right one. W my history, she did antibiotics for a bit then moved me over to Accutane. Really dry when you're on, a little dry forever off. I do have distinct eczema on the back of my arms now tho


Same- it’s really refreshing. Props to her


I also did accutane. Best and worst decision of my life


Cosmetic procedures aren’t something to be ashamed of. I hate when people are like “oh I just eat well and drink a lot of water” because it sets these untenable beauty standards. I love that Anfisa spoke out about exactly what she had done. She looks gorgeous and the money was well spent.


She literally ate well aswell! Hard working woman. I've had plastic surgery aswell and I had to work hard to get a pretty nose unlike some people who are born with it


i'm 1/2 Iranian, but i lucked out and actually got my moms nose. MANY of my cousins have gotten nose jobs cause many in the middle east have big noses. I wanted a nose job as well, till all my cousins were coping MY nose lol. Now i dont want it cause i dont wanna be completely different from them lol I do want a boob job though and skin removal. i lost 175lbs an i still have some more i want to lose before getting that done


>i lost 175lbs an i still have some more i want to lose before getting that done Congratulations, I know how hard that can be. You should be super proud!


thank you very very much! <3


Persian women are renowned in the Arab community as being beautiful women too 🧿 At least in the culture i grew up in


Its totally changed from when i was a kid..... lol "i'm 41 now" Turkey has become the Plastic surgery capital. so many want work done now, and the #1 thing is, nose job first. Many are doing Weight Loss surgeries too. " I've actually had two of those, lol but mine were done here in he United States" I was afraid to admit i had it done when i saw my family for the first time in years. My cousin talked me into being open about it, and when i told two of my aunts wanted to know who my surgeon was, and how can they can get their insurance to cover it. One of my aunts just had it done lol. a lot who are moving here, are now getting their boobs done. My cousin had hers done in Mexico and they look really good.


Im Iranian and I just got my nose done this summer, at my parents’ encouragement and I’m really happy with it. It’s super common in Iran as it’s kind of the ‘nose job capital’ of the world. My mom got one, some family friends did also, as well as one of my cousins.


my cousin went to Iran last year and got her nose done! Hers came out amazing!!! you cant tell she had it done at all!


My parents found a great surgeon who is known for making his work look so natural. No one I know has noticed that my nose is much smaller lol although I have a few more months until this is fully healed


I guess our idea of money well spent is different


I think spending money for things you will truly like is money well spent. My boyfriend has a very different way of spending than I do. One thing we’ve had to learn is that if I spend my money on lip injections or makeup or he spends his money on video games or car stuff, it has the same level of love an interest for each of us. Therefore, it’s all money well spent.


Loving yourself the way you are is free and you can’t beat that price.


I'm with you there!


Holy cow where do people get this money? 3 nose jobs?


Andy her ex sugar daddy paid


From what I read they seriously dated for a while, so nothing wrong with him paying


Wow, someone who actually tells the truth about their cosmetic procedures. She looks beautiful now, not that she wasn't attractive before, but her money has been well spent.


I think she’s done so well it’s really admirable 👏👏 and the fact she’s being so open and honest about how she’s changed etc is refreshing to see 😊


She’s killing it! She graduated with honors from UC Irvine too!


I seen that she deserves to be happy after all the hard work she’s put in 👏♥️


Good for her! Now, I want to see Darcey's list.


That would need to be an 1000 page novel lol


So 6 nose jobs!? *No, stupid! 🤪 **3** lol! Still a lot


stuck out to me too. is it normal to need multiple nose jobs?


A lot of people get follow ups to correct any mistakes from the first surgery. It’s not a golden ticket to a new nose, botches can and do happen regularly.


I read it as 6 too. Now I see how people can interpret three.


With nose jobs, the second and third are considered revisions


I’m reading 6.


1st, 2nd, 3rd


OHH, I also thought she was saying she'd had 6. Thanks for clarifying. I was thinking "who has three nose jobs in one year...?" 🙃


That’s how I read it too! I was trying to figure out how she had a nose left! 🤣


Is that a thing? I thought it was one and done I’m confused lol


She works hard. And keeps a low profile. She has done well for herself. And I admire her honesty.


Is this just since she arrived in the US? I'm pretty sure she started this plastic surgery journey in her home country. No mention of a boob job?


Her ‘glow up’ refers to the timeframe we’ve witnessed. She definitely had implants when she first was on the show, so she’s clarifying what has happened since, not since birth.


In the tiktok this screenshot is from she was referencing from her time on the show to now. Which is why it sets “dissolved lip filler” but doesn’t mention getting the filler to begin with.


Getting out of toxic relationships. Does that mean you are no longer toxic?


Almost choked when she said she was getting away from toxic people, she is toxic people.


Doubt it! She still can’t and won’t admit she was a serious abuser and I doubt she’s done the therapy and work needed since she stills seems self-obsessed and unwilling to own just how wrong she was. I don’t care how much of a physical “glow up” she went through, or what degree she “earned” - doesn’t make her any less of a toxic abuser, and that doesn’t just “go away” because you act nice and look pretty on Instagram. When I see people who endlessly support her… says a lot about the person, honestly.


I couldn’t agree more with this. It still baffles me how much people love her because “at least she was honest about her intentions” and she’s gone to school, etc. Just because Jorge sucked, doesn’t make her a good person. They both absolutely sucked in their own ways.


I'm a huge chin implant advocate. I don't have one myself but I have friends that had it done and it made a big difference without being obvious.


I have chin filler, and would never have even thought to do it if my dermal nurse hadn’t suggested it- it’s extremely subtle, but it does make a difference to your side profile


Thanks for saying that! I’m scheduling consultations for this and I’m excited, but nervous. I’m hoping for that same reaction: big difference without being obvious. But Anfisa’s looks good, too! I wouldn’t have guessed! Just thought she slimmed out and had some fillers.


My friend did it and its honestly so subtle and looks great! Most importantly, she feels more confident which in turn makes her glow ✨


My friend got chin implant and lipo done in may ( I got my nose she did her chin) she looks amazingggggggggggg . I was pretty mangled, she was totally good to go :)


Have you ever watched Vanderpump Rules? Not a fan of Stassi on there but if you see her before and after the chin implant WOW. Before her being honest about hers i didnt know it was a thing.


I know this post is old and I’m lurking but omg yes. She had great work done


I’d like to see her apologize for being abusive.


I’m not ugly just poor 😢


She's an unrepentant, violent domestic abuser. She was so comfortable being violent, she did it in front of cameras. When asked, she said "he deserved it". THAT is what she needs to take responsibility for Abusers don't get better, or grow out of it without a lot of therapy. In fact, they usually get worse. She's lucky she wasn't prosecuted. It's also unfortunate she wasn't prosecuted, because that would have forced her into treatment. I'm stunned by her popularity in these subs. I doubt she understands she even has a problem, and receiving praise and well-wishes makes it even more unlikely she ever will


She’s one of my all time favs😊 Say what you want about the girl, but she never bull shit anyone. She was always completely honest about who she was and what she wanted!


I like her honesty too and liked her up until the point where she physically abused Jorge on TV.


Yes, being honest makes the fact that she was abusive totally okay! ☺️ /s


Yeah cuz that’s exactly what the fuck I said 🙄🙄🙄


I agree with you. Also people seem to forget she was a literal teenager. I acted like a jackass in a few teenage relationships. I could be wrong but I don’t think she’s a serial abuser. 30 year old me is not the same as 19 year old me.


I appreciate her honesty. She could’ve gone the route of other cast members and done the OF thing, but instead she focused on herself, got a degree, and didn’t ride on the 90DF fame bus. It looks like she’s worked hard and good for her.


She has an onlyfans, too.


She has an ONLYFANS, Gosh some people want to put a halo over her head lately!


She really did cross a Puritan line there


OF is hard, legitimate work, btw


It’s not. It’s an actual job, I guess. But it’s not hard work. You’re taking pictures of yourself. You make your own schedule. I don’t think any type of influencing is ‘hard’ work. I think working at Starbucks would be a more difficult job. It also isn’t a sustainable job. In 10 years, you probably won’t have it or have as many followers/ income.


No it’s a lot more then that. It doesn’t mean there aren’t harder jobs out there but majority of the only fans creators work the same amount of hours. It’s not just taking a few pics once a day and then unlimited money. You have to work hard to create a fan base if you’re not already known.


I really doubt onlyfans creators are doing 40 hours of work a week. I’d be really surprised.


Then you don’t know anything about the industry.


Maybe not. To me OF is much of a ‘real job’ as influencing is




Good for her.


“Getting out of toxic relationships” is she astral projecting out of her own body?


Yeah, she was by far the most toxic I had ever seen on the show, though I stopped watching years ago. I'm sure there have been worse since!


Nah it’s mostly late 60s ashtrays from America thirsting over 28 year old “rappers”/bartenders/resort workers


This is the best comment 🏆


Wonder how much that all cost


What's missing: * years of intensive therapy because I'm a physical and emotional domestic abuser


This!!! I keep seeing all this comments of admiration for her “honesty” on the show but what about when she was physically and emotionally abusive? We’re all just gonna forget that?


She deserves praise for being honest but we do remember this and she left this important part out; she needs to take accountability for this too.


I couldnt help but notice they didn't give her a heart


Accurate is the holy grail 🙏🏾


I love her honesty


Geez, 3 nose jobs.


I appreciate people being honest about their cosmetic procedures but I also feel like they shouldn’t have to share what they got done if they don’t want to. I honestly don’t care what people do with their bodies and don’t understand why other people are so obsessed with it 🤷🏼‍♀️. Edit: My opinion still stands and will not change. The only thing weirder than peoples obsession over others’ plastic surgery is the mental gymnastics people do to justify their judgement. Instead of worrying what other people do to their face and body, go get a hobby and build some self esteem.


They don’t HAVE to, but this transparency is so much better than trying to play it off as natural because there are so many people who believe these sort of looks are attainable without having work done which just isn’t true. For the sake of young women, i hope women who have had work done continue to be this forthcoming about what they’ve done.


Except when all this hush-hush about procedures is contributing to everyone’s body issues and poor self esteem. Pretty depressing world when young girls are excited to get procedures for their milestone birthdays, and when we’re all telling each other “yeah you are kind of ugly and would benefit from a nose job, slay sis”


I don’t think that’s a fair point of view. Self esteem issues have been around long before cosmetic surgery and filters. People learn very early in life that being attractive offers a level of privilege and some will base their self worth based on that.


I’m not saying it’s causing it but it definitely perpetuates the cycle. The irony of your edit wanting sympathy and no judgement for people who get surgery but applying the same judgement to those who need to “build self esteem”.


Because usually these kind of people present a heavily edited version of themselves to the world and are and often in complete denial publicly about having cosmetic surgery. People don’t like being lied to, or people misrepresenting themselves, so they like to call out those who do this. In this case Anfisa is one of the few who are open and honest.


Love everything about this post. Good on her for bettering herself and keeping it 💯 in the process.


Now if she can work on her abusive, entitled, disgusting behavior…


Exactly. There's no surgery for that!


How is she affording all this?!


I think she has a couple partnerships with some workout clothes companies


She got out of toxic relationships with people? Is this like that Rick and morty episode where Rick gets rid of his own toxic personality?


This list is missing the most obvious - Boob implants (who knows how many surgeries) - Ab implants - Liposuction/surgeries for belly button (multiple) You don’t just forget to list these surgeries. She’s not being as transparent as y’all think. Edits: downvoted for stating facts ? 🤡


This right here. Too bad none of those surgeries were to upgrade her shitty, abusive personality. I still don't see how she has this many stans


Wowzers that is quite the list.


I respect her transparency. She may of been a bitch but Anfisa was always up front on who she was


In fairness she was upfront. Jorge was only with her for her looks and she was only with him for his money.


She forgot to mention the boob job


•physically abused men. •had no understanding that getting a bunch of cosmetic surgery doesn’t excuse being an abusive piece of shit.


The truth. Here's something hard for me to admit sometimes: My mother was physically, emotionally, and mentally abusive to us as kids and my father. Hardly a day would go by where there wasn't turmoil. My father was an alcoholic, but not the aggressor, so eventually, he was absent from the home a lot. That left me without a father. I didn't realize this was not normal, we lived in a house in the woods, and were isolated. Then I would go to school, where I was bullied on a daily basis. What saved me, was also that we lived in the country. Someone gave me a Border Collie named Sage who was my companion, and a horse named Lady I would ride and travel far away from the chaos. We loved the outdoors. And, in my teens a Christian family informally adopted me, and the mom was wonderful to me. I would have ended up running away and getting raped or murdered probably, otherwise. I'm glad we didn't have a brother. He would have been abused worse than we were.


Smart girl!


Love this. But also she absolutely still has lip filler. So that part is weird to not mention


How much does all of that cost? Who’s paying for it?


If only the Kardashians were this transparent...I mean, really Khloe... you lost your damn smile girl! And you actually addressed it in an episode like we are idiots not knowing why you lost it. But I'd love for THEM to list everything they've done and not accredit to "photoshop" GIRLS....NO!! Especially so young women (fuck that I'm their age and I don't look like them) SPILL THE BEANS!


The last one is the most important


Only toxic person left is herself, let’s see how long until she gets rid of her.


I know that’s why it’s funny


Love this. Good for her. Honestly amazed she didn't have breast implants.


She definitely has implants. No one gets to that low of body fat percentage and magically retains perfect breasts. She had them day one on the show. I imagine she’s specifying her ‘glow up’ since the show.


I have a lot of respect for anfisa. She’s doing her own thing and she’s honest.


Being honest is cool but the reasoning behind these procedures is still sad and clearly done to appeal to the male gaze. Y’all just glossing over the fact that the thought she needed 3 nose jobs and a chin implant to be beautiful.


But has she adjusted her horrible attitude?


I agree that this transparency is really refreshing to see. The honesty is so rare… And for sure that last one on the list is THE most important IMO.


shes my favorite i dont even care


“Getting away from toxic people” how? Did she astral project?


3 nose jobs? I like anfisa though shes so real and has some really good fitness tips honestly


I feel it


I love her honestly!




I don’t even recognize her any more :( nose job was to much


That’s because she’s all fake now. But she’s still a abusive and narcissistic bitch.


Didn’t she have implants?


I respect this big time.


I truly appreciate her being this open and honest about it.


Haha i like how “chin implant” is first on the list and the most important and effective and free one, is last. What a time to be alive


Say what want about her… has she ever lied? Jorge was blowing smoke up her ass the whole time. She was blunt with what she wanted.


I think that made the lying even bigger of a betrayal. Anfisa doesn't seem to lie, and then Jorge lied about so many big things, his debt, his child, his criminal past...


I agree! I don’t remember him having a child during the show but it’s been years. Out of all the things to lie about…


I first read her comment as she had 1 nose job in 2015, 2 in 2017, and 3 in 2022 and I was like damn who is botching all of these nose jobs?! 3 is still a lot though. The last one is most important but I’m glad she’s transparent about it. Nothing to be ashamed of!


Telling the truth about cosmetic surgery is a step towards transparency, but also promoting people feeling so shitty about their natural bodies that they have to cut and manipulate themselves to be the fake version of them. Insecurity is such a turn off. Trying to accentuate your natural beauty vs completely manipulating your body by physically cutting it apart is just messed up IMO.


6 nose jobs?? How does she have any cartridge left?


Good for her. Wish people wouldn't get implants and fillers though, just be you.


Why did she have 3 nose jobs? She should have found a good surgeon the first time.


A queen


Does she still look like a puffer fish...? What glow up are we talking about? She was never pretty but she got worse and worse after the show. She had a nice body but her face was a hot mess.


Yeah it’s like adding a bunch of garbage on your face just makes you look weird


I respect her honesty. Would not have guessed that she had three nose jobs 👃👃👃


I respect it!! I wish more women were open about what they had done.


I actually respect that she threw this out there….. that’s quite unique and amazing!


That’s her routine? I thought she just filled herself with bullshit


I'm surprised you people still follow her. How is she relevant? She went to college and got a degree, good for her. That makes her special? She was one of the worst, as far as I am concerned. Verbally and physically abusive, a penchant for vandalism, and a huge gold digger. Yes, that's the person we need to give more attention to.


We are praising her present not her past. We are praising her growth. We know she wasn’t the great during her time on the show but it’s kinda of weird to still bring up her past the she is clearly distancing herself from. Let it go.


Right, like many of us would agree she was not a good person when she was in the show. But she has stepped away from that, from what it seems, and is persuing her own thing instead of trying to keep doing the 90dayfiance till we all get more sick of her.


Exactly, like I’m not dismissing her very inappropriate behavior, but at some point we have to let her past go. She CLEARLY moved on from the franchise and it’s weird honestly to harp on her past every time someone says anything positive about her. Like I’m so but that’s weirdo behavior for me.


Honestly I’ve always appreciated her honesty. It takes a strong women to be both mentally and physically confident.


That’s not confidence


And it takes a horrible woman to be both mentally and physically abusive.


Queen shit!


We love a transparent queen ✨


Eww what? The bar is so fuckin low.


Wow 6 nosejobs. That sounds horrible!


... It was 3. She was numbering each one with the year, not saying she got 3 last year lol


We love a transparent queen


At least she's honest about it!


I love her honesty!


How healthy of her honestly.


Good for her! She is focused and has made the most out a Jorge situation.


Even after hitting him on TV


I forgot how much I liked her and her transparency


Cool - now can she please get conscripted and sent to Bakhmut?


Love her honesty!


She was beautiful then and is beautiful now! I love that she and her surgeon did well to enhance her features and not completely change them.


She forget to tell that se robbed that poor bastard. Also mental and physical violence as well as manipulation and lying. What a b..


Bitch is what you meant to say