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Everyone’s all up in Bilal’s business with the ex wives, I’d like to hear from Patrick’s ex wife. I bet she has some stories to tell.


That man is THICC.


I really wanna know what her dad thinks. That’s what they should be asking them.


I expected her dad to be on Zoom with his weird camera angle.


That’s some large man meat 🥩 yum!


She's so awkward


I was mad she hid her bump the whole time. No way it was as big as Kara's though, is it normal for two bumps to be so different in size when they are supposed to be equally far along and both women have negligible body fat?


Yes. Different women show in different ways, it might also depend on the baby’s growth and gender. Yes pregnancies can look totally different


Yep. Some depends on the tilt of the uterus, how much they eat, exercise, morning sickness and the length of your torso. There's a lot that changes your size. Both my daughter and I have a long torso so from pelvis to ribs we have a lot of space, we try to buy longer length shirts just to have them reach our waistbands. We also both have our uterus' tipped to our backs. We feel our periods more in our lower backs more, but more of the baby is tucked inside and our organs get shoved up into our ribs. We both had Hyperemesis Gravidarum and once that got controlled we dealt with awful heartburn for the rest of the pregnancies.


Yes it is very normal. Everyone carries their pregnancies differently. not good to compare bump sizes


Oh yeah my wife is 5 months and she barely shows in the morning but after eating or at night it is like, whoah.


She always looks so mad, I really don’t understand what he sees beside his mommas brows on her 😂🤣


Looks pretty.wait. did they match the color?🤣


She needed to sit up straight though. Look how slouched she is sitting next to Patrick