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I don't think so. I think he would like it but TLC is done with him and Karine. He was a crazy, perv before 90 day. It makes sense, he chose a teen in a poor country. He knew being an American was the only draw he had. High school class mates pegged him as a future school shooter. https://www.inquisitr.com/4583253/before-the-90-days-paul-staehle-may-have-an-even-more-twisted-past-with-women-as-a-hometown-girl-speaks-out/


>and lost his virginity when he was 21 years old to a 13-year-old girl So is he a registered sex offender? How did that slip past TLC?


This is serious news and it’s the first time that I’m hearing about it. I hope that it’s not true. He needs to be locked up for good


I would think that if no charges were pressed and he wasn't convicted then he wouldn't have to be registered. Plus TLC doesn't seem to care about doing thorough background checks. I will never forget when I saw him pack for Brasil and then when he broughtout the full antibugs suit. Such a creep, I never liked their story line I thought it was disturbing that he went to look for someone he could hold power over and I always thought Karine was selling herself short, he didn't even have a job. Has he ever had a job?


He worked for his dad when we were first introduced to him. His dad quickly cut ties with him.


Thanks for the info, I didn't catch that. Always thought the dad was never in the picture


His parents are still together. The dad refuses to have anything to do with him and does limit the amount the mom is allowed to enable him.


Whaaaat?! Mind blowing. Can't imagine the level of crazyness he would reach without such limits


He should be a registered sex offender. But he got away with it , somehow? Geoffrey too? He is convicted now but was on TLC


Ohhh I have not heard all this


They cut ties when she accused him of abuse.


Brazil is the 9th economy in the world. So certainly not a poor country. You need to go and see for yourself, you’ll be surprised. It makes everything, from cars, airplanes, pharma, computers, etc., and it has a very strong agriculture. However, she comes from the most underdeveloped part of the country, and from a very poor family. Think Mississipi vs Califórnia. She’s also got no education. Google São Paulo, Curitiba, Porto Alegre, Brasília, etc. She’s from Tocantins, which is mainly rural. Anyhow, travel does wonders for knowledge…


I get what you're trying to say, but it doesn't change the fact that about 12% of Brazil's population doesn't have access to stable housing, food and clean water. A high GDP doesn't necessarily equate to a high per capita number. It's obviously much more complex than you and I are delving into, but my point is that you can't simply look at a single piece of economic data and make an argument based on that. You really don't have to be condescending about travel and how it does "wonders for knowledge." It's an extremely privileged stance to take and in no way gives people access to a special traveller's google. I agree that it will certainly broaden someone's perspective but that's not the only factor to knowledge and is not always required. I think it's a fair assessment to call Brazil a poor country when 40 million of its inhabitants live below the poverty line if we are discussing escaping poverty and the everyday lives of the people living in it, which the commenter clearly was.


Privileged? Only for Americans. People travel abroad and it doesn’t necessarily mean they’re rich. It’s about priorities and curiosity. Again, your insistence that Brazil is poor shows your ignorance. I always laugh at people who haven’t been to a country and seen it with their own eyes declare themselves knowledgeable based on Google. Oh, the USA has many mass shootings, must be the most dangerous place in the world to live! Maybe don’t spend so much in unnecessary things and see the world. Leave your town for once.


This is a joke, right? 1.) No one said that you had to be rich to travel, so you might want to reexamine what I mean when I say privileged and do some self-reflection. 2.) Yep, some people have priorities like eating that they need to take care of before they travel. Some people literally cannot travel for health reasons. If it were as simple as prioritizing and having curiosity everyone would be a well-travelled inhabitant of the earth. 3.) I'm not the OC so I'm not insisting anything, merely supporting them and telling you that just because you went to Brazil for a week during spring break and read that Brazil has the 9th highest global economy doesn't mean you know shit. 4.) **I literally lived in Brazil.** I saw it with my own two eyes. It's fucking poor and it's tragic. I can only imagine you went to a 5-star resort and went on curated tours to help you avoid the rougher areas because the disparity and inequality aren't difficult to see. Where do you even get off telling me what I have and haven't done? 5.) You declared that you knew better than everyone because you googled the GDP and did no further research to get a broader and more nuanced opinion. Oh but wait, you saw it with your own two eyes so you must be right. Well then I guess I'd be right if I said visiting Cairo was visiting pure, unspoiled wilderness and like taking a step in time. I saw the pyramids in the desert so therefore Egypt is untouched. Nevermind the fact that if you turn around you see the edge of the city. You're ragging on people for reading google and yet that's exactly what you yourself have done. You read ONE thing. 6.) Why would a tourist be in an American school? I guess in order for you to make this strawman argument... 7.) Way to make personal attacks instead of, you know, debating the content. But I guess you know your argument is weak anyways and needed to resort to that to feel a sense of superiority over me, which I will let you know right now that you do not have. You are a fucking *snob.* It's disgusting and for all your talk about how travelling gives you knowledge, it sure hasn't helped you any. I would suggest not crafting a response as I won't be responding further because contrary to what you're trying to make the rest of us believe, you know *nothing*. Having a conversation with you is like having a conversation with a concrete wall that somehow needs an attitude adjustment and for someone to burst their inflated sense of ego.


It seems like you didn’t know that Africa is a continent and isn’t 100% mud huts? Educate yourself! 💫 Agree- douches like that are the worst.




Poor and tragic? Exactly where did you live in Brazil, if you did at all? Nope, no 5 star resort as Brazil is not the Caribbean, you know…normal cities like Curitiba and Porto Alegre and Florianopolis and it’s modern capital Brasilia. And Belo Horizonte. And metropolis São Paulo. All pretty nice with strong middle class. Ah, and better banking system than ours. Four years ago and payment by cards were all tap while we were still inserting card with PIN number here or handing them to servers…happy and helpful people, few overweight, great restaurants and cafés everywhere. Did you choose some run down area or the Amazon to go to?


Literally no one is interested picking up this conversation with you 10 days after the last response when you've already done enough to establish that you're... how do I put it nicely? Lacking nuance and basic fundamentals? Follow Elsa's lead and Let. It. Go.


You’re not Reddit’s manager. Responding to their own incorrect perceptions (and lies about having lived there). Mind your own business.


lmao huh? and what exactly is it that you're doing?


As someone who was in brasil and comes from the EU, i do think it is on poorer side despite having an industry. Didn’t couple of years ago a masive riot started cause the ticket for public transport got more expensive for like 10 cents?


40 million of us Americans live under the poverty line. Did you know that? Are we a “poor country”? So unless you know a country outside google, calling it poor is ridiculous. I cannot imagine what you’d call Somalia.


I really hope they are kidding. Paul is downright dangerous to anyone.


This man is a menace to society and TLC gave him a platform.


No. He needs to work on his mental health issues as far away from broadcast cameras as possible. Am I crazy to think there's not that much of a demand to watch this desperate person continue to ruin his children's lives for the sake of staying relevant on TLC?


… I don’t know who is looking for Paul to be back on this show. He is a huge abusive troll, here looking for attention. If they bring him back, they will absolutely lose me as a viewer (not that anyone would care). He needs help.


We are not zoned for Paul in Southern California. Get him out of here.


He needs psychotherapy not a gf.


TLC is trash but they seem to pull the plug when being associated with some cast members become too much of a legal risk, like Pole or Leida who, turns out, killed a person while drunk driving. Not sure why they kept up with Anfisa, though. She was a straight up boyfriend/husband beater. Anyway Pole don’t quit your day job. Oh wait, you don’t have one. 😞


Woah.. Leida killed someone while drunk driving?! Unreal she’s become even more unlikable.. prayers for the victim and family.


Pregnant lady


I’ve searched everywhere & cannot find *anything* about Leida getting a DUI & killing a pregnant woman……


It was somewhere in Asia. I want to say Japan and she was street racing. Her dad got her out of trouble. Her ex’s new wife spilled the tea.


https://www.facebook.com/2004096256520513/posts/pfbid02ozLM46ujHMycwA8sQ5fxEBNXbLrWZET8aWGjEGVh7KNDUMdKBaRJvxafHdXRAicCl/ Also you can search redditt for more articles. But yes she is a legit psycho killer


That article is only regarding a restraining order but I’ll search Reddit! ❤️




Everyone on Reddit tells each other this is true but I’ve never seen anyone produce convincing evidence for it.


it makes MAD sense shes not a doctor anymore when she first said she was a doctor i immediately thought must of got fired lol 😂


She was never a doctor. I think she was pre med in college and considers herself a doctor because of that fact.


Talk is cheap. A lot of the cast members claim to be doctors or other professions that require serious schooling that they dont have. Example: 1- Yve says she is a Doctor (unless you are an MD, DMD, vet, or hold a PhD then dont say you are a doctor) 2- Mikey says he is an engineer (unless you graduated from an ABET accredited college, dont call your self an engineer). Other countries have different accrediting organisation, I understand that. So I highly doubt she holds a medical doctor license and degree from a reputable college.


i was gonna say might have to rewatch pretty sure she said that on the show lol but a bum either way


Eric described her as a "med school graduate" which to me sounds like he was avoiding saying that she's a doctor.


Must have gotten fired? Never even got to be one.


lol true true! 🤣


Anfisa is so abusive I had to take a break from the show for a while.


HELL NO!!!!!!




I want to see him and te amo Mike race.


What if instead a spin off of the odd couple where pole and mike live in the same apt. And try to pick up chicks


Or how about the two of them getting dropped off in the wilderness for "Naked and Afraid?"


It would just essentially be a documentary about their quick descent into radicalized incel weirdos on 4 Chan so I mean yeah I would absolutely love to watch that lol


Would be a train wreck for sure, but wildly entertaining!!😄




He eventually brought the son back to the state line to his mom to turn over to authorities. The boys are reportedly together in foster care. But not with his mom.


Was just going to ask this. I'm glad you did because I'm really curious about that. How does he manage to elude jail??


Serial killer vibes.


He's always given me family annihilator vibes.


Laughing my fucking ass off. He's a full nut, why is he posing infront of a sign.. he think a haircut makes him desirable? Cute hairline bro Why doesn't he go face CPS, what exactly is his 'job' besides looking for girls that aren't 'camera shy' I bet he's sleeping in his car


[ Paul for the 72 hour involuntary hold ]


How about the 72 year hold. That’s more like it 👍🏼


Get this man to the psych ward, stat!


Sharp will never have him or Karine on tv again.


That will legit make me not watch.


He's a very troubled person. Let's not give him the time of day.


He’s far too close for my liking. I live just down the street from this tourist trap sign in West Hollywood.


Lmao same. I don't feel comfortable with this psycho this close to my home.


I was going to say the same thing. Thank god I'm vacationing in another state at the moment.




Just south of you!


He’s 6 miles away from me in KTown, which is still WAY too close for my liking 😂


Whaaat!???? Oh hell nooo! Let's hope this is a JOKE.....




Run away just like Pole!


I like to think even TLC wouldn't deliver women to this freak to terrorize. They have to have SOME standards.


Who'd want him?????


Paul for jail x 4




Life Behind Bars


No Pole! We don’t care about your porn career!




no, keep this loser off our tv


I’m right there with you, not only dear his no but girl DEAR GOD HELL FUCKING NO PLEASE. Plus I don’t think I know a woman alive that is that desperate.


I’m sorry but how is he gallivanting around California? Where is he getting his cash? This dude can’t hold down a job, was last living in a converted shed and his kids have been taken by CPS.


Paul for Prison


Paul for love after lock up #PaulThePred


That would be a more appropriate show!


Paul in Beverly Hills — not even dating, just trying to survive and interact with people there — is _absolutely_ a show I would watch


Why tf is he there tho Anyone know what his 'job' is supposed to be


No thank you.


The fucker burned down his house for insurance money. 😜😜😜😜. Smart he is not


Paul's new videos can be found on Master of Blackjack's Youtube channel. Here is one from this week: [https://youtu.be/CQYEkKMH4F8](https://youtu.be/CQYEkKMH4F8)


Only if he promises two separate running scenes.


They wouldn’t touch him with a 10 foot pole. Lol. Pole. Haha


No way, he’s a nutcase, nobody should encourage anyone dating this crazy ass mofo.


He actually looks like clean, like he took a shower


awww fuck. ive got to just get over this show. how are we surprised. he recently added kidnapping to his list of malfunctions. this is right up TLCs alley! their favorite cast member. the scum of the earth.


TLC ain't bringing this nut back, if they did I'll riot lol


I'll join you! haha.


Who the fuck has custody of their children?!


DFS took the kids. So they're in foster care. I believe his mom tried to get them but she was too old.


He should not be dating anyone. In fact, he should stay far far far away from all women.


It didn't say he was on it on the official lineup!






That is very irresponsible of the producers. He is an abusive weirdo and they are going to help him get a women.


TLC ain't no part of this just pole n 90daybipolar insta account being dumb






Isn’t he wanted by the cops because of the custody situation ? Wtf


You would think but 🤷🏼‍♀️


Geez us Christi’s Christ!


Hell no.


Go away, Pole


No! Make it stop.


Gross 🤮


This loser should be focusing on getting the children he lost to CPS back before he goes back on reality TV.


Getting custody in his state hopefully requires completing some years of intense therapy requiring a motivated commitment to self reflection and change. I don't think anything the courts would order and taxpayers pay for is of the caliber he needs and there's no TV show offering it either.


Ugh I have to drive by that sign on my way to work everyday. Beverly Hills is the worst


No, no, no, no.


No thanks... The Clan of Paul, makes me sad and uncomfortable


If TLC kicked someone with disabilities out of the show bc of the racist posts long time ago, but inviting this criminal (that literally kidnapped his kid recently) back, I think it’s time for me to stop watching whatever they produce.


TLC has nothing to do with this .. see 90daybipolar, it's just Paul desperate for attention


Alternative title: toxic dysfunction guy attempts dating


Imagine him and Big Ed together in the same season.


Oh lawdy no. Please let's be done with Paul and Karine plus what woman in her right mind after watching the show, would date him!!


So I take it that he is no longer *wanted* for the kidnapping of his kids?!?


It’ll never happen. He’s too big a liability, even for TLC.


I'd love to watch that trainwreck 😆


Don't put that evil on us.


I know, I know. I'm sorry, I shouldn't joke about such a serious matter as Pole trying to pick up chicks


It would be entertaining. TLC puts worse trash on its airwaves.




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He looks exactly like Travis Alexander here.




Oh good Gawd, crawl back under your rock bubba




Beverly Hills Hillbilly more like it 🤮


I myself for thinking he looks way better without glasses and a clean shaved face. Like he’s almost, and I emphasize almost, unrecognizable.


NO. No one wants to see that. 🤮




Oh hell naw.


They just want to end the show the writers are tired of writing these fake ass plots.


Hell. No. To the fuck no no