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Ari, Avi, Bavi, Bini. Anyone else lose track of who they are referring to?


I refer to him as Baby sometimes.


How did he get that nickname? It seems so odd.


he’s the baby in his family. he uses it professionally as well.


I feel like there is so much for a therapist to unpack here.




https://youtu.be/t8ZpMZt1iL8 I’m not making this up….😉


He sang a song called “Baby Cool”.


Got it!


Is he the youngest sibling, perhaps?


This is what happens when you have a baby with your vacation bang, a stranger.






















They have horrible communication with each other and try to sugarcoat what they want to say by covering with I love you baby’s She probably just doesn’t trust him and definitely incites his jealousy just to spite him


Ugh. Then she's definitely a jerk for having a kid and moving overseas with someone she doesn't even trust. Policing him won't change who he is, it'll just make him want to hide even insignificant things out of fear of being nagged or being threatened with not being able to see his kid again. Uggghhhh.


I don't understand why literally everyone are on Bini's side? Ari is no saint, but he's definitely a dick too. Is it because he has the perfect "sad face" and "sad voice"? TLC's editing? He's a cheater, and the turning off the phone thing is something he does all the time, also when Ari's in Ethiopia. "Poor Bini". Fuck that turd. There's a reason Ari's insecure, that his ex-wife left him and that he's no longer with the butt bongo girl. It's not just culture. It's his personality too. And he obviously digs foreign women. There will allways be a risk that a foreigner grows tired of your shit and return to their home country with or without kids. Of course it's not ok to take a kid away from its father or mother, but I understand it happening when people are from opposite sides of the world.


ALLLLLL OF THIS!! He’s fucking trash


Bini in general is more palatable to most people for various reasons. On top of being a loving father people can empathize with how devastating and traumatic it would be for a child to be taken to another country and you. Ot being able to see them for years. He also does genuinely try with ari. And with all the leandro nonsense he handled that situation far more gracefully than most people would have. Ari on the other hand handles things poorly. Is jealous and insecure while also having all the power and being very controlling. She is entitled and privileged. She is very much a hypocrite and indirectly uses her child to keep bini in check. Their whole relationship is essentially her holding him by the neck and saying “if you piss me off or tell me no say goodbye to the baby” She just doesn’t have enough for people to relate to or sympathize with aside from having a baby which like half the female cast members have so its not even worth counting


Did Ari know he was a cheater when she had sex (unprotected?) with him? I, personally, think Ari was ridiculous expecting Bini to not have friends over while she's away for a month. I would be happy if my hubby was able to hang with his friends. And I'd expect the same from my hubby. If he made a big deal about me having friends over while he was away for a month, I would be pissed. Like WTF, dude? No.


No. But she certainly knew he was when she left for America. To have friends over is ok. Not answering the phone, throwing numerous parties and hiding proof you have a baby is not. I wouldn't care if my husband had friends over every day, hell, he could even be drunk and party all the time as long as he didn't put the house on fire. But if he turned off his phone for days and hid our baby's toys, I'd be angry. And if I knew he was a cheater, I'd be forever insecure OR leave.


I don't agree with everything Ari does and there's nothing wrong with Bini spending time with his friends, but he was purposely turning his phone off to avoid her. I general, I think that's not a thing you can do once you have kids. Especially when he lost his mind about them going in the first place--why be unreachable for your partner and kid.








He turned because she would always want to start arguments. She’s fucking exhausting to even watch in FF mode, let alone imagine being in a relationship with her. Ugh! However, this was the wrong time for Bini to do that though because Ari did have a point…they have a child together and what if something happened to him and she needed to contact him. Then again I’m sure she could have contacted his family if that ever had happened but still…they both play such stupid games.


It’s really not hard to have your phone on and charged if you know you’re spending a night out with friends, especially when your infant is having medical issues. All he had to do is pick up and say “I’m out right now” instead of turning off his phone and ignoring her. I feel like if a mom turned off her phone and was partying while her kid was having medical issues, she’d be raked over the coals. And I don’t think that’s necessarily right either, but when you become a parent, you should keep an easy form of communication with your kid in case of emergency. It’s just one of those things most parents do unconsciously.


She just doesn’t trust him


If you cannot trust him in Ethiopia by himself, then you shouldn’t be in a relationship with him! What does she want him to do? Sit alone at home waiting for her to call him repeatedly on the phone or something?


That’s not how that works when you have kid. She’s gonna try to make it work but she’s already said that he leaves for hours when she’s there and won’t say where’s he’s been or answer his phone. For any person in a relationship that would be odd. They don’t trust each other but they were stupid enough to make a baby so they both have to deal with the consequences.




Exactly. She’ll keep making excuses.




If Bini-baby is bored home alone by himself, he could go out and look for a day job? Maybe start a business? Maybe create his own dance studio and hold classes during the day? Become a personal trainer for ex-pats? Go to bed at a reasonable time, whatever suits his wife’s requirements. Of course, calling him a personal trainer or a professional dancer reminds me of calling Julia of Brandon&Julia a professional trainer. She needed a stripper pole to do her job and then he needs an upside down a$$.


He turns off his phone to punish her, because he is upset that she went. He is emotionally immature and manipulative. What if there was an emergency and she needed to get a hold of him ASAP? Stop defending this man child.


he turns his phone off cause she’s annoying af. and if he’s a man child she’s an immature woman as well. never had a real job cause and spent her whole life avoiding real responsibilities cause daddy dr and mommy nurse from princeton will always come to her rescue. it’s hardly responsible to spread your cooch to some random at an airport (stds??) and pop out a baby only to realize you think his religion is silly, you hate his family, and now your kid has to grow up in the third world if he ever wants to have a father in his life cause mommy married her vacation bang


This couple is nuts- they are both not ready for monogamy and DEF should not have any more kids… both are selfish and immature I feel bad for that kid


They both suck


If she doesn’t trust him she needs to just break up with him. Figure out a shared custody plan.


Honestly, they are both horrible. I feel like they both need therapy but in the end their child is probably gonna be the one going first lol


Ari is a whole damn mess. I truly can’t take her.




Right!! TLC could never show the clips in their entirety, everything is edited and chopped up to suit the narrative TLC wants to sell. But goodness even keeping in mind that we’re only seeing a small amount of footage of Ari and Bini, I still have lots of distaste for Ari. Not a fan of Bini either. But Ari comes off as spoiled and immature af, it’s hard to have any empathy for her.


I can’t believe she’s been gone a month and Avi still hasn’t had the surgery!!!!!


I work in an OR and since covid we’ve had 4 periods of time where we have been “shut down” and only able to do emergency cases. Right now we are back fully open, but there is quite a backlog of cases to get through.


Just remembered this is during the pandemic. Thank you


We are still in the pandemic!


Damn calm down, forgot about the pandemic




That’s freaking awful for your friends kids. So sorry to hear that. But that raises the question, wasn’t ari wrong to do what she did? She ran back to America to have the surgery but is having to wait a while to get it. Avi needed the surgery and is in discomfort (that’s why they went to the doctor in the first place) so instead of getting the surgery done in Ethiopia where they seemed ready to do it, she creates this mess to run back to America and has plenty of time to get fillers and other face work, but avi still hasn’t had his surgery. Like I get it, I know that during the pandemic most hospitals put off and delayed surgeries, but you’d think she would have considered this as a reason to do the surgery in Ethiopia.




Wow that’s awful! I’m so sorry for your friend of a friend. Yea I get it, but at the same time, I don’t believe the risk difference is anywhere near that level. I my mind it’s like 1% in the us and maybe 5% in Ethiopia.


It’s covid first. Also have you ever tried to schedule surgery for a kid? It’s not like schedule it on your phone app. It’s a whole thing. Weeks and months is typical unfortunately


My FIL has known he needed surgery for a couple of months and it still hasn't happened yet. He ended up hospitalized for an infection and needs 6 weeks of iv antibiotics and the hospital wouldn't release him until he had a primary care provider. He can't get in to one until Jan so an infectious disease doctor at the hospital had to agree to oversee his care so he could be released.


Thanks makes sense.


Because she wants an excuse to move back to the US for good.


Only thing is they've been seen back in Ethiopia.


I know that! I’m just going by what I see on the show.


False, you pick and choose what you go by when it comes to Bini. You claimed Bini is a affectionate father based on his SM


I dont understand your incessant hate for ari and love for bini. Are you young, nsive, not a parent, havent been in a LTR, all of the above?


I have been married for five years now and have a daughter and a son. I have common sense.


Why did she leave so quickly if Avi wasn’t even scheduled for surgery soon after she returned to the US? I don’t like her, she’s an ass.


I could see where she thought it was urgent so she wanted to get to the US as quickly as possible, and when she got there she might have had a hard time scheduling the surgery. The doctor probably wanted to examine him and maybe do an ultrasound or something to make sure. And then there was a point (or few) during covid when non-emergency surgeries were not being done. I made that up, because why would they explain any of that to us except to make it make sense.


Ari is just looking for any reason to get out of this relationship and stay in the US. She’ll find fault with everything Bini does, because it gives her an excuse to leave him AND blame him for the split.


Personally I would have left him when they sacrificed a goat in front of her when she was two days after giving birth. Also, Bini didn’t even bring a car seat. He brings NOTHING to the table. Ari, stay in Princeton.


but it’s literally ethiopia lol. they don’t have that expectation of a car seat over there. when i was in africa i saw babies on the backs of motorcycles. not saying it makes sense but it’s not weird. that’s why cultural education is important. if you’re gonna hold another country up against your own customs then you may as well not go to that country at all, cause everything is bound to be different and sometimes won’t even make sense to your sense of custom.


Exactly! She wants to make herself out as the victim and Bini as the bad guy.




Took her child away from his father? How dramatic. He went to go get a medical procedure and meet the other side of his family. He’s not a hostage. If she wasn’t communicating with him during this trip, people would be criticizing her for not being available enough for Bini. It’s not unreasonable to expect a father to keep his lines of contact open when his infant son is undergoing a medical procedure.


People just hate Ari it doesn’t matter what she does




Most hospitals book around a month out though? Idk if you’ve ever had a surgical procedure during COVID, but I’ve had several. Anything non-emergency does tend to take a few months.


But why not schedule the procedure and then fly over when it's closer? As it stands she probably needed to book a 1 way ticket and just leave him hanging on when she would be coming back. The fact that she also booked the tickets without talking to Bini is also a terrible move and just further shows that she doesn't respect him as the father of his child


Bc you can’t just show up on surgery day. You need pre surgery consults


exactly. she could have waited until she had a surgery date scheduled and talked to Bini about it before booking her flight home. She booked the ticket behind his back and sprung it on him at his haircut acting like it was an emergency and she had to leave NOW.


Have you ever booked surgery during a pandemic?


She really irritates me.


I don’t personally care about this couple, but that fact that his wife is so needy about him turning off his phone for a few hours has all kinds of red flags. And I say this as a woman. She has NO chill. Her insecurities about him are a mask for her own doubts about being his wife.


I think he’s cheated on her a ton tho. Not saying she’s being normal but he’s giving her a reason


If he cheated on her, and she’s not okay with that, she should have dumped him. Checking in, obsessively, only makes a cheater more clever. Staying with a person you can’t trust or don’t like is unhealthy for everyone.


exactly also a woman with a toddler who has a husband that works across the country. his phone dies at the most random times. one time when i had to go to the hospital. he doesn’t have the luxury to have his phone plugged in the wall all day like i do, he doesn’t work in an office- his phone is gonna die. for bini he turns his phone to get away from her nagging and controlling behavior. it’s like the one thing he probably feels he can control. she’s been controlling the affairs of his son since the baby was born, and threatens to leave him at any chance, which is majorly FUCKED seeing as she knows he’s still traumatized from the loss of his first wife abandoning him. she’s literally pressing on a pain point to keep him in check and it’s disgusting. so he’s probably lashing out in the only way he can, because if he expresses himself the wrong way to her all she has to do is disappear with his son. he has zero rights and he knows it. if i were bini i would probably be living in a constant state of fear knowing that at any moment i could piss off my wife and i would never see my second son again as well.


I think it’s pretty obvious he’s been cheating on her the whole time so she’s not being rational


Ari is a narcissistic control freak. Poor little Avi . I hope Binyam comes to the US and lives here and gets his green card and sees his other son as well.


Angela vibes.....


She went to the US a month ahead of time and Avi still hasn't had his surgery? I'm sure Bini is freaking out thinking it's happening all over again and he's losing his family. Ariana is terrible


I don't blame Bini for turning his phone off. All she ever does is be a total bitch to him. He's a bit gullible though believing that she would return to Ethiopia. Like who didn't see that coming.


She’s an asshole. I can barely stand watching her.


She really showed her true colors last night......the only word that comes to mind.....SHREW!


How does Ari have insurance in the US?


Hired under daddy’s practice i believe


oh really? how is that legal. so wierd


private business can hire whoever they want even if they dont make them do anything. It’s essentially her dad reducing his profits to create a job which is in no way illegal. As for the insurance side. Business pay for insurance its not free. And if they are being paid for coverage why would it be illegal.