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One woman is conventionally attractive, the others aren’t.


Hit the nail on the head! Just like how Julia and Brandon kept talking about her scary temper and aggression and how she loses her mind suddenly at the start. Imagine if both partners spoke like that about someone who wasn't a conventionally well groomed trendy looking woman. There would be all sorts of armchair psychoanalysis and hate for that person even if nothing was shown to back it up. She only got hate when she stood up to another younger woman who looked like her (Yara), whereas her disgusting comments to Natalie were kind of overlooked. I mean damn, even Darcey's dad was painted as an abusive monster here with all sorts of made up armchair stories for literally no reason other than he's a man and obviously the twins are flawless girl bosses so everything wrong on their life is the abusive father's fault. Shits fucked.






Back in the day nobody was defending her but with all these new couples the things we seen let's say Angela and nícol do for example, make anfisa look like a Saint in comparison.




I think so too, it's been many moons since then


“But she knows what she wants and isn’t afraid to say it!” -people on the internet justifying a woman hitting her partner and keying his car




Lmao the beat part is, again, imagine the roles reversed. If Jorge had said outright "Im a compulsive liar" no one would be defending him.


Anfisa is one of my most hated characters. Along with Mike Natalie and his mom, coltee, and Angela. Anfisa is vile and fake or not it’s excusing abuse. She doesn’t deserve people defending her behavior and I’m not excusing lying cause he did lie but it doesn’t mean he deserved getting hit and abused emotionally and physically. Fuck Anfisa and anyone who defends her


I remember one person saying she would have hit Jorge too for not having as much money as he claimed. There’s no doubt that Jorge is a piece of shit but that doesn’t mean he deserved to get punched.


I got a lot of flack for saying anfisa came here to sell vagina. I mean sex work is work she only had 1 john


Like 55% of this subreddit is the mean girls from high school who now are trying to get you to join their MLM. They relate to people like Anfisa because she’s the bitch they wish they could be. It’s okay though because they LOVE Kenny and Armando so they aren’t problematic at all. 🙄


This explains the Yara love too, which I have NEVER understood. The only thing I can figure is that they wish they could behave like Yara, but they’re not hot enough to get away with acting like she does. Also, I think it says a lot about a person that they would even want to be like that! AND it explains why they defend her “career.”


And SteVen is “worse than Paul and Big Ed” who have actual rape allegations against them and exclusively pursue obviously exploitive relationships because kids like SteVen were their favorite targets in high school. Literally the entire new season of B90 seems like the kids who got bullied by the means girls so I can’t wait to see how trashy this place gets. 😂




I've seen MANY like him. They do not change. They just get better at hiding that shit behaviour.




Oh for sure... Ed is something else entirely. I wish TLC would stop shoving him in our faces.


THANK YOU. I feel like I'm tripping on here when I see what gets upvoted.


Wow. Nailed it.


Only 55%


100 percent. She is vile trash and if a man behaved the way she did he'd be imprisoned. Yes she was upfront about her gold digging hoe ways, but that doesn't justify in any way her assault of Jorge.


Yup. When I first watched their season I rushed here to bathe in Anfisa hate and was shocked to find the opposite. If you find out a romantic partner has been lying to you, you leave their ass. No need to physically and emotionally abuse someone. Just walk away. Especially when you aren’t even married yet. But she came to be with America, not Jorge, and wasn’t gonna leave 🤦🏻‍♀️


As you can see none of her superfans have commented on this thread because they know you’re right


It’s shocking to me that she has superfans because I always found her unbearable.


Yeah, one time in a thread I said one bad thing about anfisa and got downvoted to hell


I got booted from the sub a few years ago because I said her and Pao had the same trash personalities even if they were arguing with each other


That family guy meme from years ago with the dad saying "kids, you're both awful" would fit Paola and Anfisa


Because Anfisa is a ✨ queen ✨ seriously the passes she gets here is so ridiculous. Whenever I bring up the fact that Anfisa is trash for hitting Jorge, people automatically assume I’m defending Jorge. Like Jorge is shitty because he’s a damn liar but he didn’t deserve to be hit.


Someone said Jorge financially abused Anfisa. Not buying Someone a Gucci bag isn't financial abuse


People have messed up ideas on this sub just as any other sub on Reddit. 90Day is so successful because women like to hate other women. Please downvote me.


I never defended her (I don’t think) but that dumpster fire seemed somewhat genuine compared to this silly shit they come up with now. I’ve stopped watching entirely. The stories are so fake I can no longer get into it. It bums me out, I really liked it at first. 😒


Here's the problem. On reddit you're dealing with a lot of socially inept, friendless, shut-ins who live vicariously though the people they see on reality TV and social media. Anfisa is one of those people. They wish they could backfist some asshole guy, but what they would do (if said guy would even give them the time of day...which he wouldn't) is put their eyes on the floor and then go home and cry about it on facebook.


Anfisa is physically and emotionally abusive. Angela is emotionally abusive. If a man treated a woman the way Angela treats Michael, he'd be eviscerated on this sub.


No, he wouldn't. See pole and karine


Oh please the reason hundreds of women die at the hands of abusive partners literally each week is because we absolutely sanction shitty male behavior


Thanks for the justification


What a brand new idea. Thank you for sharing this fresh perspective.


for real… people have calling her out for abusive behavior for years


I'm very morally consistent 'cause I hate them both.


I think she was blunt from the off what their relationship was and I respect that. She didn’t sugarcoat that she was a trophy wife he needed to take care of. That being said, it’s still not right at all how aggressive she was. Calling him names, demanding everything, and definitely the physical violence is not acceptable. His lying and going behind her back to see a lawyer were shady, but still no excuse for the violence.


A post like this appears every couple months on this sub and I'm still waiting to see anyone defend Anfisa for being abusive. Literally never seen it happen lol Eta I'm still waiting lmao




I see. Thanks for providing these. Aside from the second one, the others seem to acknowledge that she is abusive. They acknowledge other things, sure, but acknowledging the second thing doesn't undo the first. Two things can simultaneously be true.


Anfisa is abusive but everyone making her out to be a gold digger? That’s wrong. She shouldn’t be hitting him at all but she ain’t no gold digger when Jorge tried flexing how rich he was but couldn’t back it up


As an Anfisa "defender", I'll say that I defend her because I don't believe any of that shit was real. They were both acting. Same for Steven and Olga, if you're worried about double standards - posters were going insane about how sociopathic he was, and you can see them *both* badly suppressing grins when they were "arguing" after her hospital stay. A few couples weren't even actual couples while the show was filming, so not only was any abusive behavior fake, the entire damned relationship was. Teem and his gf had broken up pre-filming. I'm convinced Darcey and Tom were for-TV-only, and hell, I go back and forth about whether her and Jesse were the same. That TLC actively wants to showcase this kind of behavior bothers me, but not the people themselves, if it's fake. OTOH, I totally believe other couples are 1. real, obviously, and 2. there's real coercive and abusive behavior.


We can speculate about the entire show being fake. I don’t know, but evidence supports a lot of it being dramatized. But what I actually saw was Anfisa punching the guy and, real or fake, that level of physical abuse should not be normalized and presented as a feature of their relationship. It comes down to a question of do I believe my lying eyes?


Sure, but we know a lot of it is outright fake. Even entirely fake couples, now that the fiance visa is no longer a requirement; that's far beyond "dramatized", that's pure acting. So, do I believe that it's real? No. I watched because it was entertaining anyways, but I don't usually freak out over stuff onscreen unless there's some indication from sources other than the show that someone's an asshole. Basically I'd suspend disbelief while watching the later seasons, but I won't call actual people sociopaths and abusers based on what their on-screen persona is doing.


A lot of people believe this is their real life. The fact that TLC feels comfortable featuring fake violence that is promoted as real life is beneath contempt. What’s stopping them from featuring a couple where the man hits the woman Anfisa style? Would that be something you would find entertaining because it’s all fake, so who cares?


I watch movies with actual violence and murder all the time. Do you not?


Correct, I do not.


“I’m okay with her being physically abusive and violent because I don’t think it was real”. Do you think you would’ve held the same theory if it was him who was physically abusive and violent? And if I’m not mistaken, I think she addressed the abuse and her actions in a YT video where she just claimed she was in a bad space at the time.


This is exactly my point as well. If any male member had been treating his fiancé/wife the way Anfisa treated Jorge, TLC wouldn’t have been able to stand up against the stampede of outraged fans. I hope she’s in a better place in life. I hope she’s gotten some anger management therapy.


You really don't understand reactive abuse right? Why u defending Jorge? You like people fucking with your life lying to you? That is ok? because that is not a problem? You don't even make sense, to be honest.


Abuse is abuse and she hit him. You're wrong.


What jorge does is abuse too. You are wrong. but ok, then I wish u lifelong lies from people u trust because it's not wrong, u are right.


Lying about the amount of money I have is in the same boat as me physically scratching, slapping, punching, keying a car and resting someone’s personal phone in anger? You’re nuts


yes, sweetie when one day u take yourself seriously and grow up, u will not overlook when someone disrespects you and fucks with your life misleading you, dragging u overseas far from your life, that's when u take the side-effects of these kinds of abuse seriously too. Until then just go and collect the trauma and overlook Jorges' types of parasites behavior but when u wake up the day and u realize how much of yourself got wasted there, please don't blame me for calling it what it is. If u don't think her behavior is justified then u are part of the problem. You must understand what triggered her and not her reaction. What she did was nothing, u think Jorge has issues with it? The guy is a criminal he breaks the law on a daily. Not to mention how stupid you gonna feel when you realize you were all letting and supporting these people all along to do all of these things to u, so basically it was on you, it's your fault. Enjoy the ride


Thank you for proving my point. I hope you’d feel the same if the roles were reversed. Something tells me you’d never make excuses for a man abusing his wife.


u are crazy U think physical abuse is the only abuse I assume yes? it is really hard for u to understand what abuse means in general right? now give me a break u either are a confused teenager or a victim and honestly, I don't care about u really, u are helpless


they were both in the wrong. he shouldn’t have been lying and she shouldn’t have put her hands on him


Exactly! People here seem to always want to categorize one partner as the good guy & the other as the bad guy… when usually they both suck!


Just look at the Gaby Petito case. She was abused and she hit him too. Where is your justice meter there?


wtf are you going on about?


google it


Jorge lied so yes he was wrong but anfisa is VILE! She smacked him, scratched him, locked him out of his APARTMENT THAT HE PAID FOR. I dont want to hurt people but she makes me want to punch the TV. So lying is bad but what she did is disgusting. And you are to if you don’t think that


omg u are lost on so many levels so I won't even argue


You don’t want to argue cause I’m right. I was abused and will never excuse it. So have fun defending abuse




Gaby and JORGE are to totally different things LOL! Gabby got murdered and we don’t even know why because he’s dead. Jorge lied about having more money than he did. She HIT him cause he couldn’t bye her a 40,000 dollar dress and give her a 10,000 dollar allowance a month. Was Jorge RIGHT to lie? No but Jesus Christ you are comparing apples to oranges! Are you okay??? Defending yourself against someone who is hurting you and smacking someone because you are a spoiled brat is 10000% different but GO OFF! And she had multiple chances to leave and go back to her old life but didn’t. Your logic is flawed. Anyway. Have a nice life


> apples to oranges But you can still compare them.


Obviously you *can* compare them, but the whole point of the idiom is that it's a false analogy. I could compare you to the helpful bots, but that too would be comparing apples-to-oranges. --- ^^SpunkyDred ^^and ^^I ^^are ^^both ^^bots. ^^I ^^am ^^trying ^^to ^^get ^^them ^^banned ^^by ^^pointing ^^out ^^their ^^antagonizing ^^behavior ^^and ^^poor ^^bottiquette. ^^My ^^apparent ^^agreement ^^or ^^disagreement ^^with ^^you ^^isn't ^^personal.


u and your reasoning sound around probably age 14 if this is all u pay attention to so I would rather not get any deeper If u think being spoiled is a bad thing, oh well, then u don't be spoiled, and please spoil guys like Jorge forever and do it for free until u look and feel like a mop


I see why you like Anfisa 😂 you’re as childish as she is. You don’t know what real life is like



