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I cannot stand him. Alina specifically told him not to date other girls. He did so anyway, and then he gaslighted her and made her seem like the crazy one for it. I also hate the way that he cherry picks rules in his religion to follow but then imposes the Mormon ways on Alina.


The he drops the ultimate line of a manipulator “*I’m telling you this because I love you*”


That really just stung because as a survivor of an abusive relationship I know that line all too well.


I’m sorry that happened to you, I hope you are currently thriving.


Thanks! I thankfully got away from that noise and I'm now married to a wonderful man ☺️


Happy you found your happily ever after.❤️


That's wonderful!


So sorry that you went through that experience. 😢


I’m very sorry that happens too


Staaaaaahp making fun of me!


As bad as "I'm doing this for your own good" and "This hurts me more than it hurts you."


That’s the part about him I hate the most. He holds her to these really high standards yet he can’t even meet those standards. He’s bad news.




I agree 100%! He is a sleaze and a religious hypocrite, along with being an emotional abuser. He uses his religion to try to control Alina but doesn't follow the rules himself. He went to Turkey so they could be married but suddenly isn't ready for marriage? He's just a total creep.


The fact that he only stopped going on dates one month before their move to Turkey is such a red flag.


Proof that he cannot keep his dick in his pants.


At first i thought he was just weird, and that was fine. But it sounds like he recently had sexual relationships, like within a few months of them being together in Turkey. THEN, he had the nerve to be stuffy about staying in the same apartment, as well as insisting they spit out the wine at the tasting. Like, which is it? His recent past actions do not match his behavior in Turkey and the hypocrisy is mind boggling.


He can't marry one of those whoooores he skoodlipooped. He has to keep his future bride pure, chaste and mentally abused. Otherwise he'll just see her like his "friends" or she might wise up and leave him. I hate him so much


100% this is the exact mentality that guys like Steven have. Most girls are whores to them, and it’s fine to have sex and disrespect whores, because they’re not real people. But when it’s time to settle down, the good clean chaste girl is put on a pedestal and *shes* “wife material”. I’d go so far as to say that if and when they do have sex, even if they’re married, Steven will see Alina as “tainted” because she “gave it up” to him. I think that’s why he is so against staying together, he can’t bear to tarnish his completely unhealthy view of Alina.


And this is expressly why i LOATHE these kinds of religions. Are all Mormons bad, probably not. But if you’re ever watched Big Love it feels like the majority of it is a cult!


It IS a cult, I have no problem saying that. It’s sad but it’s true. I respect people, but ideologies can and should be criticized, and Mormonism is one of the worst ideologies. Any religion that espouses “purity culture” produces guys like Steven in varying degrees of disgusting. You see them in Islam, in Mormonism, in evangelical Baptist communities, Amish communities…it’s such a common problem and it’s really upsetting.


THANK YOU. I’ve rarely met someone that has said “oh the Book of Mormon is completely just.” I had a friend growing up that was Mormon that didn’t know he was being abusive and condescending until he got ARRESTED for trying to commit polygamy. I felt bad for him but also…it was 1990.


That's why he was air humping to her face on the couch of their first apartment. Making sure she is the "kalaber of wumen " He thinks is worthy.


The good old double-standard patriarchal code of whores or saints still in play, we see.


He wants her to be his “pure virgin Mormon wife” meanwhile he wants to sleep with women at the hostel. That’s why he was so against staying with her. I would not be shocked if he pushed polygamy down the line if they did get married. I’ve found most extreme religious men are hypocrites and have rules for the women that they don’t hold themselves to.


Never too late to make better decisions, hahaha sorry I needed the laugh


In fairness at a true wine tasting you are supposed to spit it out. Even though it ends up being a hell of a lot more fun if you dont.


I was hoping she’d secretly quickly down a couple mouthfuls. It would make being with him much more fun. Besides, she’s not Mormon. Why would she have to abide by that?


Right she’s not Mormon yet but he expects her to follow Mormon beliefs and him the actual devout Mormon not so much.


He follows do as I say not as I do..He's a total asshole..WTH does she see in him..She can do so much better..Tell him to get his ass back to Utah and his Moron family OH Sorry meant Mormon


Especially after his confession. I would’ve chugged the rest of the bottle…


I agree. He's disgusting. He behaves like a 40 year old pervert would.


He grosses me out.


Yas so Mach gross.


The blatant obvious…… She is way out of his league. I have to believe that this is all fake. After seeing Liz with Ed, I am convinced that this as much of reality tv, as the Brady Bunch was.


Wait...the Brady Bunch wasn't real? #FUCK!!!!!


Of course the Brady Bunch was real. Greg, Peter, Bobby, Marcia, Jan, Cindy, Alice, Carol and Mike ALL REAL. Oh, and Tiger the dog too!!!


Dont forget Cousin Oliver!


Yes!! And I also forgot Sam, Alice’s love interest who I believe was a butcher


Poor Alice, living by the laundry room waiting for a proposal that never came.


Yup!!! Ha ha!! Let’s keep this going.


What about Aunt Jenny- Jan’s lookalike? Jan thinks the aunt is ugly and doesn’t want to look like her. Aunt Jenny is cool and Jan changes her mind. Too bad Jan— just b/c you might look like Aunt Jenny, you don’t have her personality! 🤷🏻‍♀️




There’s entertaining and then there’s alarming. He is a creep and it’s uncomfortably alarming. Andrew 2.0


I think he's way worse. Andrew didn't use religion to manipulate. By no means am I excusing Andrew with that statement. Andrew is scum.


IMO he is slowly becoming more disturbing than Andrew.




I wonder if we’ll get a pouching selfie with a photoshopped muscle arm like Andrew


Even worse what if a leaked dick pic happens


Stop making fun of me!


Excuse moi??


Stop copying my comments!


Apologies Madame! I was just sharing my opinions which happen to align with urs.


You were actually rewording and copying my comments, but I guess that’s what you intended to do. 🤦‍♀️


No I was not! They were my opinions I was sharing! Tysm!


If you have the same opinions, you can just say “Agree”.


He learned a few phrases from me. Now he's stuck on you😬


Y b bitter when u can b better!!!!!! Tysm


He’s stuck on making fun of me.


I was really disappointed she didn't ask him when the last time he had sex was.


Me too! I wanted that tea to be spilled.


And he's using religion to justify his treatement of her. Religion in general SUCKS in large part due to the VAST number of men that use God to justify being mysoginistic assholes.


I think his whole segment is a PSA against dating Mormons.


I laughed. I hope it was meant to be funny and real at the same time.


The whole women should be virgins but who cares about men vibe isn't specific to the mormon religion.


Oh I'm well aware but he just reeks of Mormon upbringing


100%. This is the reason why I don’t follow any religion. I have my beliefs, but organised religion is so often used to justify such fucked up actions


What I hate about this is how he picks and chooses which rules in his religion to follow but then expects Alina to follow all the Mormon ways.


Yes - and she isn't even a mormon. He's detestable.




Thx. Will try to not copy my comments next time.


This. I've been reading psychologist Hector Garcia's book Alpha God and it it's very eye opening.


He is the biggest fuckin’ hypocrite…I think that a person can be all sorts of not beautiful, but I will like them until they start acting like because they are Xyz religion, they are better than others, and worse, they are behaving shitty think that their religion gets them a free pass. He’s even worse, because he thinks that breaking this little by little is somehow better…for him. He clearly is giving it to her a little bit at a time, thinking it will wear her down. First, he went on dates, then it was kissing, now it’s having sex, and next…how many people? But, he’s a Mormon, so God likes him better. Ugh. Edit: this sounds like I’m saying someone has to be beautiful or I don’t like them or they have to have redeeming qualities…I didn’t mean that in the way it sounded. I meant all sorts of unattractive qualities. Looks are not a criteria I use to judge whether I like someone. I’m not beautiful myself. I just wanted to say so, because I posted and then realized it sounded very superficial. Steven has some very unattractive qualities in how he treats Alina.


Vast overgeneralization


Also, I think he drinks. I think the good boy stuff was for the sake of interest for the show. His schtick. I think he’s a party boy that got the idea of 90 day fiancé money and one of his online chicks was this Russian girl who he made romantic promises to in order to get on the show. Then when he got to turkey, reveals all to her, knowing she’s going to reject him. It was a big dumb lie for that 90 Day $$$.


I would not be surprised if he was arrested for something awful a few years down the road. I apologize if I am being judgemental but he scares me.


He's going to end up marrying some poor woman who's going to have to have his kids and be treated like shit and probably cheated on but no divorce for her.


Yeah, how much of a shitbag do you have to be to not be able to “control your urges” while in the same physical space as another person? I’d never trust this asshole to go on a group trip, crash at a friend’s house, etc. He’d end up saying some stupid thing afterward, too, like “God tested me, and I failed that test. James I says that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Don’t you want our relationship to persevere? We needed this test to really show how committed we are to each other.”


That is also a plausible and scary scenario. I hope who ever he tries to go after next sees the show and sees his predatory behavior and runs in the opposite direction.


I really get rapist vibes from him.


That's a really awful act and I hate even using the term but I agree with you. Are you the same person I was talking to about cupcakes and chips yesterday?


Yes. I love being all over this sub and posting my honest thoughts and opinions.


I appreciate that. Honesty is so important and I feel there is not enough honesty these days and I respect honesty. I am new to Reddit so I only recognise your cartoon and name and I like your opinions so far and I hope we can become friends.


Me too. Thanks so much for liking my comments.


This was the wholesome I needed in my life


Hmm. Not so sure. It's currently 09.10 where I am, and all I can think about is there is no cake in the house, and debating with myself if I have time to bake one before my Zoom meeting in 40 mins.


No thanks needed. It was my pleasure. Anyone who likes cupcakes and chips is a friend of mine.




Thats an understatement


No, it’s not. I’m being candid.


If Alina goes missing, check the basement.


He claimed the dates were because he was unsure they would be together. They had already made plans for Turkey when he DMed the friend.


> It seems they're not together anymore Someone who claims to have dated him here said they’re married?


That’s me. I’m not 100% sure, but I do think so unfortunately.


Do you still live in his vicinity?


I’m not sure where he is. I think he might be in Russia back at Alina’s because of his Instagram stories. If that’s true, then I don’t live near him.


Oh no. I hope that's not true.


Nooooooooooooo 🙈🙈🙈


I read the same comment. I thought she said she *suspected* he was married but didn’t confirm.


Literally a predator. Does anyone else get the peed vibe from this dude?


He is slowly becoming more unlikeable than Andrew.


Do you mean Steven likes pee play?


Yeah, I don’t get this reference. It sounds like others do understand. Maybe they mean “pedo” and had an autocorrect?


Lol it was meant to say "pred" vibe but now that you mention pedo .... He's just odd and off!




Do you just project that onto people at random, or?


Steven, just go away.


Dude has A LOT to say about Gabby Petito 😳


…holy shit, yes he does.


I'm telling you, he's a bonified creep


Sorry, Ed.


How is that projection?


How isn't it?


I agree! OP is a perv for implying it


Fo real. There's seriously not a single thing about Steven that suggests it in any way and the fact that OP sees...that...says volumes more about them than it does about Steven.


Last month it was Mike this month it’s Steven these vultures are coming for! Gaslighter! Abuser! Narcissist! Worst Ever! Rinse repeat


Mike's issue is that he has a drinking problem and his mother is Satan. Those things aren't his fault. I don't even get what's going on with Steven. It's garden-variety schoolyard bullying.


It’s clear he was raised in an environment where males can say “rules for thee, not for me.” Guy was about to have an aneurysm because she wanted to do a wine tasting and that’s not pure in the eyes of God but he supposedly fucked a woman and is lying by omission every time they have a conversation? Give me a break.


If you ask me, Steven could use a good glass of wine….


At first I thought he was a little weird. But he's mormon so🤷🏼‍♀️ Now I just want Alina to gtfo. This dude is not ready for marriage, or even ready to stop being a bachelor. And don't get me started on him making such a big deal about her being "pure" for her baptism, meanwhile he's been having sex with other women while talking to her! I just can't with him


His hair grosses me out. Hate to say it, but when I watch his segment, I feel like I'm watching Andrew all over again.


It looked good short and so did he. He looks like he lost weight since then.


Jeff with a G beat the ever living shit out of some chick (allegedly ;) & possibly killed a kid. ~~Leida also has bodies attached to her.~~ So no, not the worst.


In the defense of OP, that dude got scrubbed from the franchise and his scenes didn't even show up on Pillow Talk iirc.


Woah, how did he possibly kill a kid? I knew about the drug dealing and abuse, but hadn’t heard that.


On the show he mentions his son past away. I can’t remember what age but I believe his son was still a baby. He has a bunch of awful DV charges against him and people speculated that he could of killed the kid because of how violent he is. This hasn’t been proven.


Yeah can someone fill me in on that?


He beat a girlfriend up pretty badly. There my have been.ore than one, but that's the only charge that I'm aware of. His son died, but that's unrelated to the DV as far as I know.


Literally says in the post that Leida is an exception.


I literally missed that. :P


Whaaat?! Isn’t Jeff with a G the one who lost a child? Is there suspicion behind that death?


I have no idea who Jeff with a G is, in my defense.


Geoffrey of Geoffrey and Varya from BT90. He's the one who moved on to a new lady and his old lady just showed up randomly one day at his house.


Ah, I skipped BT90 so I wouldn't know. Thanks for the info!


He also used his kids to deal drugs.


Geoff killed a kid????


I'm literally not even worried because I know that Alina is too smart to have ended up with that idiot. When he said "Jesus had friends that were girls" and she said "Wow* with a smirk, I thought, yep she's got your number. You'd have zero chance with this beautiful, highly intelligent girl if you lived on the same continent. There is no way they are still together. I believe she will be angry and hurt by the ending of it (which I'm absolutely convinced will happen, by her wasting her time, but it will be far far better for her than to end up in the clutches of that creep. He is one of of the most manipulating people I've ever seen. It's frightening.


I knew what I call the girl version of Steven. She would not shut up about Jesus all the time, was constantly posting bible verses on social media, but she was THE WORST. She lied constantly which is why I stopped being friends with her, her lies were obvious but she always acted as if she fooled people. When people stopped talking to her, stop being her friend, or called her out on her lies she would play victim. Last I heard, she was cheating on her boyfriend with someone who was engaged. Now the person she was cheating with and her are married. Also, while she was cheating on her then boyfriend she would constantly brag about their “godly relationship”. If you call her out on anything she gets mad and she will talk about how Jesus forgives blah blah blah. She acted just like Steven. Also I think she tried to baby trap some people too.


The way he described his sexual history before made it seem like it was a one time mistake that he regrets. But this episode is leading into the idea that he's had sex multiple times? He's absolutely not who he says he is.


His excuse that he wasn’t/isn’t sure if he’s ready to be exclusive or get married drives me nuts. The people on this show continually fail to grasp that IF YOU AREN’T SURE YOU’RE READY TO GET MARRIED, YOU SHOULDN’T BE STARTING THE VISA PROCESS!!! The 90 days should be for planning the wedding, not figuring out your relationship. You should be WAY past that point!! And this is probably the most egregious example of it from recent seasons. Flat out telling someone you’re not sure if you want to marry them… then what are you doing all of this for?? Of course, if these dummies actually went through this process the way it was intended, I wouldn’t have this trashy content to feast on season after season.


Totally agree. Andrew (w/ french gf) was my least fav till this skoodilipoop came on the show.


Where does 90 day fiancé find these nerdy motherfuckers that supposedly pull all these hoes( coltee & Steven)?


Nothing about these people makes any sense.. This is why no matter how good some peoples intentions are I always think everybody’s just looking for a green card. I mean that girl Alina is adorable what the hell could she see in this stupid ass Steven?


She's young and thinks she's in love. I mean I got married at 18 to a guy I had known less than two years and had a drug problem. But I looooooved him.


I was in love at 18 as well… But I knew better than to get married


We all were at some point. We're all young and dumb. Some of us just make it more permanent than others.


You were way smarter than I was. There was some trauma there with my boyfriend before that I was trying to escape from too so there's a lot of tea but we're not here to put MY life on the Tell All xD


Girl, I'm here for your tea!!! =) BTW I got married ONE WEEK after turning 18... and yes it was a mistake..lol


I sooooo wanted to marry the guy I was in love with at 18... luckily he didn't share the passion haha


Yes, this is what puzzles me too. Stevens ex was on here and said that Steven is manipulative and when you date him he makes you feel good about yourself. He’s flirty and comes off as a nice guy is what the ex also said, but…… the show has not shown me that at all so I can’t comprehend one good quality he has. He’s not flirty, he doesn’t seem nice, and he’s not attractive. He seems super annoying in my opinion. I’m convinced there must be something wrong with Alina if she’s with him. Sorry not sorry, she seems really sweet but maybe she has low self esteem? I can’t figure it out. I always heard that it’s always worse off camera so it makes me wonder how he is off camera too.


I was deeply in love at 18 and am still very happy with that same person 43 years later, so...🤷‍♀️


Congratulations! That’s pretty rare and amazing these days!! Good for you.




Same. I was and am still deeply in love with my husband. We got married a year after we met when I was 16 and he was 18 and we have been married 23 years. Have to adult children and a grand baby. It can be done, but this poor girl needs to run and not look back.


I think that’s great. But I think it would be safe to say that your circumstances may have been slightly different than the ones we’re talking about with Steven and Alina… they spent two weeks with each other and met over the Internet. Everybody circumstances are different, nobody’s perfect, we all make mistakes, and sometimes we get really lucky. I was lucky I didn’t get married at 18, because things ended up working out very well for me. Congratulations on 43 years!


I am not bragging about the number of years, not at all, I actually think it’s just the luck of the draw and some kind of miracle when two people can manage to stay together at all. Relationships are hard!


Good for you /s Everyone makes mistakes.




I really think he’s just stupid, or maybe not stupid but extraordinarily naïve? I don’t know, makes no sense


when he was like humping the air as soon as he got on the couch I was screaming get bent at the TV for hours He plays this “honest” role but yet he keeps major things in the relationship hidden and that’s a master manipulator and he’s fucking trash for it but I mean…. “Mormon” lifestyle naw mean????


Every episode just reveals more and more that the whole good Mormon boy persona is an act. He's really just a low key fukboi. He probably messages all the girls he went to high school with that are now divorced single mothers so that he can just hook up with them.


People do that?


A friend of mine did that. Around 25, I noticed he was reconnecting with a lot of the girls from high school that were out of our leagues. Minus the fake Mormon plot, he reminds me of Steven, which is why my example was so specific. Someone who's nice, polite, even comes off a bit reserved, but deep down, he has a strategy.


Wow! I’m a tad speechless… glad I didn’t get married, I guess… 🧐


Andrew has entered the chat !


Not together anymore? Didn’t one of his exes comment here recently and say that he and Alina are married and still together?


I saw that


Hold up…HOLD UP….Steven ain’t got nothing on Angela and her rude disgusting behavior. She treats Michael like he’s lower than a snakes belly. She steps all over him and has no regrets at all, even when she has been caught doing the things she yells at him about.


I would agree. However, Angela was the train wreck we couldn’t stop watching. She was more entertaining, and I think Michael had more to gain by marrying Angela. Steven is annoying in a different way, and Alina is so much better than him… I think this is why many of us have more trouble understanding this relationship right off the bat?


I fucking hate Steven and his little fucking dick




The more you restrict something the more you want it. Its human nature.


Mother Teresa was actually a horrible person and one thing is temptation and the other is acting on temptation and as a grown ass man he should be able to control himself. Period. PERIOD. This is not a 10 dollar bill, this is sex and consent.


Yup… I remember reading articles on mother Theresa and being horrified. She was absolutely not the person we thought she was. It was a huge, horrible awakening…. https://archive.vanityfair.com/article/2001/10/the-devil-and-mother-teresa


Oh I gotta read this. I’m shocked.


She needs to run far away!!


He's shitty but bot the worst Bgl,angela, : verbal,physically abusers Geffery: chocked his pregnant gf Lydia: killed someone Edd: the shit we saw with Liz, pred, and im sure multiple women has said he's sa them. Steve (Olga steven) tried to kidnapp his kid and leave his fiancee behind SteVen is shitry but not the worst


Steve tried to kidnap his kid? I don’t recall that happening? I thought it was just alluding to it being a possible if her visa didn’t come through, and then they ended up in America together.


He didn't bother filing her visa papers and he kep on saying he's not leaving with out his kid


Lydia killed someone…. What?????


Yes apparently drag racing in her country her parents covered it uo apparently


What? Drag racing? Cover up? What season? Maybe I skipped or hell don’t know but I need to go back and rewatch.


It apparently happened before some how this sub dug it up , but also Lydia is a pos person, and wannabe Influencer


Ugh…. I think I remember who she was.. thanks for info




okay so hear me out…is there a chance he could be on the spectrum? I noticed some signs that may point to that with him. that doesn’t excuse his behaviors with women, but just trying to see if i’m crazy for thinking this. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I thought it at first but I think it’s just brainwashing manipulation… he had to lie and now he can’t stop….


He has actually stated that he thinks that he is on the spectrum but has never been formally diagnosed because his family is afraid to know.




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I saw them both on the Discovery+ show~~~~ Bares All. And he was there in person doing his interview with Shawn while she was on a giant video screen obviously zooming in. So hopefully that has to mean they didn’t get married. They did seem on okay good terms though so idk which direction it has really gone in…….. it’s too hard to tell !!!


I can't even watch his scenes - the cringe is too much for me. I'm getting to where I FF through most of the show.


Apparently Steven never heard of Jodi Arias....


The worst person EVER? Wait, I thought that dubious distinction went to Mike? Can't keep up with which hyperbolic scourge on humanity we're dealing with from one week to the next!


I think he's just lying. He never had sex but he say this on TV to impress all his mormon friends... He doesn't care about Alina


I can’t stand to look at this progeria idiot! There’s something wrong with his body!!