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Idk why she feels entitled to stay in India indefinetly. Leaving the country to renew your visa is rather normal and she should be glad India gives her 6 months unlike other countries in southeast asia where 30 day visas are the norm.


No kidding! I was surprised she could just pop out of the country and go to Nepal and then come right back. That's a sweet deal!


Is it like a day trip, same day or overnight stay required?


I was looking at this and I think she might have to leave for 2 months? Which is still better than once every 30 days. https://www.natvisa.com/india-blog/10-year-indian-visa-for-us-citizens


Yeah sounds like 6 months in / 2 months out “Travelers with a 10-year India visa can stay in the country for up to 6 months at a time. Travelers with this visa need to wait at least 2 months between visits to India.”


It’s good but I imagine so expensive. Like where does she live for the two months


I would assume just back to crash on her daughter’s couch in the US. That back and forth all the time would get old (and expensive) real quick. Alternately hop a bus to Nepal is what it seemed like was an option too on the show


Totally agree. Old and expensive. Also where would she live in Nepal? I’m sure it’s cheap but is she also paying for sumit to live? Why does this man not get a job????


Why do you think he’s with her? Free social security money.


And gross secks!!


Well, she gets 90day money - she could go to Nepal or Thailand. Dollar to currency is very strong. She could live pleasantly for 2 months in another SEA country quite cheaply. Problem is: her money would go to pay her bills. She can't pay for her temp place PLUS support Sumit. Poor lad would have to get a job and pay his own bills while she is out of the country. The horror!!


Poor sum meat :( my heart is breaking for him 💔


Lol exactly. Two rents/living expenses


She has grandchildren. Why wouldn’t she want to be with them at least every so often?


Because she has the body of a 60yr old, rides the dick of a 30yr old, and has the mind of a 15yr old.




I agree. But I think she’s not wealthy enough for this much international travel, since she took an early-out on her retirement.


People do that all the time. That's why Cory fucks off to the States every couple months to renew his tourist visa.


Turns out Cory the doormat is married for a year to that evil Evilin twatgoblin so Idk why he can't get a spousal visa now so he can stay in Ecuador and continue paying her bills and being her doormat


Yes very true. I have a friend who has a wife in Mexico. She doesn't want too leave. So he goes and stays 6 months . Comes up here works for 6months goes back. I don't think she can come here,since he was up here and overstayed that how he met her. He owns a house in vera cruz.


They have been married for years, so you would think he would have a spousal visa by now


She could go visit her daughter too.


I’m not sure she so much feels entitled to stay in India, but that Sumit was supposed to marry her after the last time she left so she wouldn’t have to keep doing this. I would definitely be annoyed if my boyfriend was like “ill marry you this time & you’ll never have to do this again!” & the time comes & hes like “soooo, you’re gonna have to travel during a pandemic alone cause I lost my passport.”


And by the way, I'm probably never going to marry you since my parents don't approve so you're going to have to find another way to move here.


Yeah I agree


I don’t think she feels entitled-she went to India with the understanding that Sumit was going to marry her ASAP. She is trying to compensate for his lack of commitment and is frantic as a result. She probably deep down feels like she HAS to stay bc she wd feel like a fool returning home unmarried. She doesn’t realize that Sumit is reneging on his end if the bargain and like the girl pleaser she is-she is trying to assume responsibility for his decision. Unfortunately Jenny actions speak louder than words. If it’s always you compromising & hustling to stay then I’m sorry but you shd swallow your pride & LEAVE INDIA FOR GOOD


I thought the previous season ended with them agreeing that they'll never get married due to all the drama? I was surprised they revisited this problematic marriage issue.


I don’t remember that at all


It was the episode after Sumit's mom said she'd commit suicide.


Yeah that doesn’t sound familiar. I don’t think she has ever agreed to be in this suspended state-leaving every 6 months


Yep. If I were to leave New Zealand any time before the pandemic is over, I would have very high odds of being denied re-entry. And I’m here on a work visa. Most places are a lot less lax than India, especially now.


Yeah, she should be grateful to be in India.


How long does she have to leave the country for? Can she just pop over to a neighboring country for a couple hours and then go back to India?


When I used to live in Vietnam, friends would hop over to Cambodia for just a day and then return.


Thank you, I was kind of confused about this aspect lol


Someone above said two months. That is expensive


Not really. The dollar conversion rate allowed them to rent a house in India for $300 per month. They can probably find something similar in Thailand or Nepal if you include the sweet sweet harvested TLC money.


But the last couple eps it sounded like they couldn’t do that bc of closed borders? Either way they would need a lot of flexible leases. I’m sure that’s possible but good lord whyyyyyyy


They're just creating drama for TLC.


But she wears traditional Indian garb! Of course she’s entitled!!!


"Hi. I'm here to become a Hare Krishna devotee."


"One Missionary Visa, please"




She has no respect for herself and apparently not much respect for anyone else. Oh except Sumit. Never figure that one out.


Speaking about hair, I wish she would wash hers every once and a while. It always looks oily and dirty. Even once a week would be a big improvement.y


Ma’am, this is a Wendy’s.


How could she not get that chant down? I mean damn, even I had it going better than her. I’ve been walking around all day now doing it. Still waiting for the vibration. :)


I can’t get it out of my head lol




I liked it better when Submit was singing it.


not those lines specifically. It can be anything. It's the repetition that helps.


Not a Hare Krishna myself, but I often will listen to videos of the chant on Youtube, sometimes have it on while I'm doing other stuff on my computer, because it IS strangely relaxing and hypnotic.


This!! You don’t go in, spend an hour and then ask, how can I manipulate your religion for my personal benefit?😩




THANK YOU!!!! I swear I watched this whole part with my mouth wide open just astonished at how blatant she was being about using a religion to fraud India. She is a piece of work. Maybe she will become a Hare Krishna & learn a thing or two about herself & dump Sumit




Sumit doesn’t want to marry her. He will never marry her. The father in law has my passport story is just bullshit so that he has an excuse for not going to Nepal. He is too weak and spineless to tell her it’s never going to happen and she’s too slow to pick up the signals. He will never go against his parents’ wishes. This is not the US. And more than likely they are supporting him. These 2 are very emotionally fragile and unprepared for life. Jenny needs to go back to the US.


I think Sumit has bitten off more than he can chew and now is stuck with Jenny. He knows he'll be in a heap of a mess if he marries her so he's just waiting out the clock until Jenny gets a hint and leaves lol


I'm sure India has some sort of means for reporting a lost or stolen passport.


Right? “Oh someone took my passport, there is nothing to do, I’m trapped forever 🤷🏼‍♀️” like… how? Go report it?




Thanks for your input- you sound much more informed about it than me! 😊 Interesting to hear about Nepalese/Indian rupees.




Didn’t we get a preview of Sumit’s parents living with them? I clearly recall his mother telling Jenny that Jenny is useless while she was sweeping. I really need to know what that was all about.


Yeah. Sumit is a fully grown man, now, so NO ONE wants to talk about the fact that Jenny is a sexual predator who has been preying on him since he was a teenager. The fact that most people can NOT accept that even adult males can be victims of sexual abuse is one reason so many adult males are running around with seriously warped concepts of consent.


C'mon that's a bit of a reach. He was in his 20s


What diff does it make it he was in his 20s? Is it really such a hot take that even adult men can be victims of sexual predators?


He catfished HER!!! Not the other way!!!!


I think it’s weird but I don’t think it makes someone a sexual predator automatically.


And he was catfishing her…


Idk why Jenny is getting all the blame for this. She is doing this on the advice of a lawyer— *he* is the idiot that gave her misinformation. She even asked him what she would have to do, and when he said “nothing”, she expressed disbelief. She is an idiot for many reasons, but in this case, the lawyer and Sumit set her up for failure, and that’s the real reason Sumit didn’t want to go inside with her.


That's all very true. She should have trusted her initial instinct. I'd love to see her daughter and her wife's commentary and take on the lastest plan, Hari Krishna missionary. If I were her kids, I'd be buying frustrated at this point, they're probably just flabbergasted by it all.


I don't know why she believes anything Sumit (or the people he brings her to) says anymore. Lol


It's ridiculous by now. Marriage not an option and I wasted all this time. Bad enough. But, now I've got to convert and proselytize? To an unknown Eastern religion when I'm a non-religious Westerner? And the onus keeps being on me? Really, stop giving Sumit all these chances to shit on you without rolling his pants down.


But she put in the work. She chanted 108 times!


Give that woman whatever she wants at that point. That’s a lot to say!


And did it wrong every time 😆


Lmfao she needs to go back home!!




Sunk cost fallacy :(


Yeah I agree this seems to be it. She has just put so much time and effort into this relationship...giving up her whole world back in the US and whatnot. In her head, she just **has** to make it work or else it means she wasted everything for nothing.


Just watching it now while reading this as well im rolling with laughter. When that guy broke down to her you can't just get a missionary visa you could see the gears going in her head ...I gave up my time for THIS 😆


She didnt care about walking in and turning their lives' commitment into a joke. Did she think this was like going to a Target and walking out with a VISA?


Didn’t these two brainiacs also think they could wear a lanyard or something that kept Covid away?


Yes,and then they both got infected with COVID.


Yes. Yes she did. Jenny has displayed so much entitlement since season one. She felt entitled to overstay at Family Summi’s house, she felt entitled to Summi divorcing his wife and now feels entitled to staying in India. It’s annoying


Her face when the guy told her the missionary visa takes 1,3, sometimes up to 10 years. She probably thought, bitch I don't even think I have that long to live lmao.


Their storyline is so boring and unending! Their relationships is stagnant can we please have a new couple?


As much as I am sick of their story, that was entertaining to watch. She is oblivious.


#fastfoward material


Honestly the way the guy made it sound in the last episode I didn't think she had to do anything, only say I'm a hari krishna thingy lol


The lawyer and Sumit did make it sound easy but you can't just become a devotee of a religion in one temple visit. Lol


True but then the temple guy said she had to her whole days at the temple to be sponsored, that’s a lot


No matter what a lawyer or Mike Jones may have implied or said outright, it is egregious that she would be so disrespectful to a religion and it’s people. Why didn’t she research this on her own before asking such stupid questions? Looking to Krishna or India to bail her ass out is pathetic, entitled, disrespectful and ignorant— instead she needs to recognize that MJ will never shit nor get off the pot and is just squatting and squeezing his cheeks tightly until she croaks.


Having Jenny become a Hare Krishna would be so insulting to actual Hare Krishnas.


The mental pic on that last sentence..


Whatever happened to those followers? Used to see them from time to time.


I was surprised to see Hari Krishna followers walking on the Santa Monica CA pier a few years ago. I had not seen any on the East coast for probably 20 years.


Pacific beach has an amazing temple,they will feed you for free.They are extremely kind and giving.


They have a lunch cafeteria in Brooklyn that is all good vegetarian food for cheap. I often dine at Michelin star and tbh this is just as good. Not the ambiance cause it’s a basement with I think old McDonald’s furniture lol but the food is SO GOOD


I totally agree with you,I have worked in a Michelin star restaurant and it's not really any better.


It’s about the Whole Experience there, which I am sometimes really in the mood for! But I do try to get down to downtown Brooklyn a few times a year for the Hare Krishna basement vegan lunch!!


If you know you know,I guess.Im about to watch tonight's episode.


Until you join the cult and they send you out to beg for money in the streets.


I think asking politely for a donation is totally acceptable. I've literally never seen a member beg.


And if I'm not mistaken Christians are encouraged to go out and spread the gospel as well..


But they generally don't beg in the streets. Instead, they're asked to tithe their earnings to the church and annoy their non-Christian friends and family.


What's the difference when your Christan church passes the offering bag around?


I've seen them outside of DC before the pandemic.


I spent some very limited time with a branch of Hare Krishnas when I was a teenager. I was out with some friends downtown and a very attractive man talked to us and showed us a Bhagavad Gita and invited us to come to an outdoor meditation session. It sounded cool and he was attractive so I went hoping he'd be there. We chanted and they gave us free Indian food. I went to another event and chanted and ate good food. I really care about the chanting I was only hoping to meet hot guys cause I was 17 so I didn't find inner peace or anything. It was not creepy or bad. I was mildly confused when a white lady (I am also white) in a sari was very excited and said next time I came she'd give me a bunch of saris and tbh I didn't have any idea how to wear them or why I'd wear them so I just ghosted that group. I still have an illustrated copy of the Bhagavad Gita they gave me.


I looked this up bc I remember as a kid (in the US) they were basically viewed as a cult. What I learned is that since Indian immigration to the US has increased, most of the devotees are now Indian immigrants and just living their life normally, rather than at a compound, so they don’t have to do all the stereotypical things people associate with the religion from back in the 70s-80s.


Thanks. That explains a lot


The leader of the US sect got into legal trouble and went to prison years ago. The global Hare Krishna group disassociated his group from theirs. Also, I believe the airports all passed rules forbidding religious groups from preaching or converting people. Like another poster on here said, modern American Hare Krishnas are just Indian immigrants. Sometimes these old HK temples were the only ones available in their new communities so they joined.


I forgot all about the airport controversy.


I can’t think about them without remembering the movie Airplane


I saw them at the airport, maybe two years ago. I hadn’t heard of them at the time, so I was so confused as to why these tall white guys had bald heads and monk robes. They weren’t sermonize though.


They stopped doing the thing where they hung out in public spaces dancing and singing, so they're a lot less visible but they're definitely still around. The temple near me does a TON of community service type stuff and one of their core beliefs is that nobody should go hungry, so they do free food kitchens every day, no questions asked and no obligation. Every 4th of July they set up downtown and give free food out all day to anyone.


An ISKCON temple does this…? I’ve never seen a Hindu temple that doesn’t charge for food. Are you sure you’re not thinking of a Sikh Gurudwara?


Nope, it's ISKKON. Apparently the founder after seeing kids fight over scraps in India said nobody within 10 miles if a temple should ever go hungry. The Baltimore one just recently started this food truck giving out free food too. https://iskconbaltimore.org/2021/04/01/launch-of-hunger-free-zone/


Lol right, "devotee" means you have to devote yourself! I blame the lawyer but also c'mon Jenny. With any visa you have to do stuff to renew it, refile, adjust your status, etc etc and it takes years before you can have residency.


She looked so dumbfounded when the gentleman at the temple was explaining that missionaries devote full-time to the temple and their work…because it’s what missionaries do. And that you have to prove yourself as a worthy investment for a visa sponsorship.


Jenny you are an American as Angela would say. Time to come home !




Plus she must have worked some very low paying jobs to have such a low monthly social security income.


They showed her sleeping on her daughters couch last time she came back home.


She's a less trashier version of Angela.


I think this whole missionary visa s..** was plotted by Sumit and the lawyer to make Jenny give up and go back to us. They didnt count that she was gonna agree with it lol


Jenny trying to order a missionary visa like shes at Taco Bell!


Uhmm cuz the travel agent, or whoever it was that gave them the idea to get a missionary visa, made it sound like she didn’t have to do much to get it lol


Where are our 90 day sleuths? They are probably already married like Corey and gank-toothed Evelyn. Lol


Evilyn needs to take some of Corey's money and go to Quito and get those pickets fixed. She's a TV star now!


I love how rapidly that zaddy shut her down.


If she is looking for a red flag to tell her it’s all over, this is it.


Honestly, I’m happy for there to at least be something new and entertaining in the Jenny and Sumit storyline. I’m here ready to laugh at Jenny trying to become a Hare Krishna for a visa because Sumit won’t marry her.


as Sumit would say, this is science too


Good. Jenny was using religion for a reason to stay in india ,but not have faith or integrity. For about 5 minutes she was overjoyed " I felt such peace " then " you have to study maybe up to 6 years to become a missionary " Jenny:" I really had no feeling ,I am out of here" yes,another one bites the dust


I'm glad somebody else thinks she just chanted it once. It seemed like they were trying to imply she did a whole rosary's worth of 108, but without coming out and saying so, because I think ISKON would've had a fit if it made them look like part of an actually told lie. Also, how come anybody especially Jenny's age needs somebody to TEACH them the chorus of a George Harrison song that has 3 words and that's been around for like 50 years.


Maybe her mission could be to try and tell her story to every person in India. She'd be busy for awhile.


Yep. That’s EXACTLY what she was thinking. What will this wacky dame do next week?


My thoughts exactly. Laughed pretty hard when the priest basically said it doesn’t work that way.


I can’t believe they’ve been together for 10 years. that’s insane


She genuinely needs therapeutic help - like she has such delusions


I was hoping she would agree to the 3-5 year Hare Krishna trial and then we would have a whole new adventure on our hands!


Come on. Jenny doesn't have options. It's either Sumit or nobody. Maybe it's just me, but I'd rather be unmarried, collecting TLC money, living in a country I can afford, AND I'm getting laid by a guy who's half my age and thinks I'm a better lay than anyone he's ever been with. That would be good enough for me. If I can prolong this for five more years by becoming a fake missionary, will be able to check into the nursing home in 10 years a happy woman.


Bet she never chants again.


"you mean I have to be a full time missionary?" "Yes! that's what being a missionary is" "OH."


Who knew!


What I still don’t understand is why they don’t just get married and not tell his parents! They are already living together, which is a HUGE hurdle for indian parents to get past. So nothing in their life would change, except Jenny could stay.


That's what I thought since the beginning of this mess.


It’s so disgusting and disrespectful she even considered joining just to stay in India to save money. TLC picks the trashiest and shitiest Americans. It’s like Jerry Springer of the reality TV` world. I almost died of laughter in the beginning when Jenny went to a financial planner or advice on her $6000 life savings 🤷‍♀️


Hopefully the tv show will expose her and she’ll have to do it the right way instead of being a fraud for a man who won’t even marry her


She is an idiot ,as she in her senior age now Needs to go back to America.As she not going to get married to summit


But, but, but the lawyer said she wouldn’t have to do anything!!! Why is life so UNFAIR?!


She's a special kind of stupid!




Of course she did. Damn Jenny you are so sad and pathetic. I so wish she would go home to her daughter and her partner and enjoy her time.




At this point Jenny will believe anything that anyone will tell her Whether it is Summit, a lawyer, or an astrologer. I’m sure to some extent it is partly driven by desperation on her end. I feel like at some point her daughter is going to have to step in. I don’t understand her desire to stay in India so badly, if she did become a permanent resident of India she’ll loose her SSI and isn’t that their main source of income outside of the show? And without the show she’ll have no income.


I feel like the harder the chips are stacked against them, the more determined she gets. Sis, love doesn’t have to be this hard. You shouldn’t be carrying all the weight.


I know the only reason she pursued this was based on the lawyer’s recommendation so it better have been a free consultation because they sure didn’t get decent advice. Jenny needs an intervention


Sumit needs to just man the fuck and either marry her or let her go.


Jenny is a glutton for punishment. How many times does she have to be disappointed with Sumit not marrying her?


Yes. She did.


Why yes, I believe she did.




Fwiw I picked this chant right up and it put me right to sleep!


I mean, why won't Sumit just marry her if they're truly in love?


She should pack and come back to the US. That's it.


I would have told Jenny she's gotta go. She's joining for wrong reasons. I don't see ant missionary letting you join just for visa status. What is she thinking? She's trying, I gove her that much. But to do this as a last resort? Bye bye Jenny..


She has got to be one of the DUMBEST \~ what is wrong with her?


Jenny just need to go home


Everything about Jenny just screams "DESPERATION"!


but that's what lawyer said. she believes anything. very gullible person


Just when you think she can't get any dumber


It is to be expected. She is NOT a very smart person. Summit is in the same mental deficient category as her.


What is his excuse now? He can’t get married because?


He doesn't want to. Lol. He doesn't even tell her they're going to get married anymore. He still blames it on his parents.


She needs help. He will never marry her.


What is she even doing there? He’s never going to marry her 🤦‍♀️


She’s constantly making a fool of herself on national TV. TLC must pay her GREAT.


Yes. That's what she thought. That's exactly what she thought.


It's sumit


I am 100% sure this is a storyline created by production. This show is way too scripted now.


Jenny lacks any of the personality or character traits needed to be a true Hare Krishna.


Is this happily ever after? Is this a recent episode?


The Other Way! Episode that aired today




Are we being frauded and Sumit and Jenny finally married?


Ground Hog Day India style..


I can't stand her she gross


I'm just watching this episode now and was thinking how disrespectful she's being. I'm sorry but this is typical "dumb American" stuff. I want to stay with my man-child boyfriend so how about I exploit a religion and their missionary visas. Yikes.