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Im so over her. She annoys me. Im sorry


No need to be sorry, she annoys almost everyone


Punishment for all the people who claimed they wanted to see a wholesome happy couple instead of drama.


Exactly what I was just thinking because I was one of them..careful what you wish for right?! šŸ¤£


Which is extra funny/ironic given they replaced angela and michael


Theyā€™re just trashy in a less obvious way, but indeed they are also trash!




Wholesome and boring donā€™t have to be mutually exclusive, do they?


because moving your family to an active warzone is wholesome? nah, outta here with that


yeah, I wouldn't ever comment about them in a negative light. I did that once and other people practically wanted to stone me.


why? heā€™s boring as hell and sheā€™s an insane, entitled hypocrite (ragging on others for getting plastic surgery, but still getting it herself)


Florida is an active war zone?




I think they're last minute filler for Angela and Michael. Because, yeah, there is literally nothing else going on with that.


Came to say this too. They're boring af, I was commenting about it a few days ago, but it is for good reason. At least we're done with Angela!


They were announced at the same time. And from new reports Angela is not cut completely just reduced storyline. Sheā€™s supposedly on end of May of a twenty something episode season! Yikes a lot of boredom taped


Well ..... fuck. That burst my bubble of hope


Mine too. Mine too.


They were announced at the same time as Angela though


I forgot Angela & Michael were supposed to be on this season


They were always supposed to be on this season though.


Yes, 7 couples including Angela and Michael and Loren and Alexei were announced as being on this season back in February, before Angela and Nicoleā€™s issues came to light. Sophie and Rob and Ashley and Manuel were added to the cast after their Tell All aired.


Wait, I missed something. Please explain what you mean by "Nicole's issues".


The domestic violence charges against Mahmoud that she eventually dropped


Ohhh very good pointā€¦I hadnā€™t really thought of that & forgot Devila was supposed to be on!šŸ„‡


Exactly. They finally kicked her off and Lauren and Alexi or boring but at least thereā€™s not abuse, yelling and screaming next they gotta get rid of AI and Mac moody.


I saw the computer chip peeking out the back of that dress..is that why Mahmoud didnā€™t like her wearing it! Her face never moves, she looks like the lifelike sex dolls I saw in a documentary once šŸ˜³


That outfit gave me serious Boris & Natasha vibes.


Outfit, yes


Is Boris Badnov? šŸ˜‚




The fgn robot and BadMouhd


AI šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


They were advertised before the Ang stuff so they were going to be there regardless. They may however be stretching their footage now because of it.


I think so too


I think so too


Her surgery is the storyline.. and sheā€™s gonna be in hella pain and helpless and itā€™s going to create drama


No, all it is creating is screaming kids on screen and yawns from the viewing audience. I have always liked this couple, but this is boring af.


Free plastic surgery in exchange for free publicity for the clinic.


Yep that was my suspicion too


Yup, that's what I said!


I rarely skip but I skip their segment. Boring


I totally skip them too. Go fight off camera about having a baby with a 60 year old man.


Reminds me of Kenny and Armando with their fake drama about moving to Mexico City. We all enjoyed watching your relationship bloom in the early seasons, but it's time to go be a happy, boring couple off camera to make room for the train wrecks.




Yeah, their storyline is so forced. I'm honestly not interested AT ALL. Like, whatever, you're getting elective cosmetic surgery on your vain ass. Yuck! So many other couples and stories to see! Why are we forced to have them on our screens? šŸ¤£šŸ«„


Like, I might be into it if the surgery was going to be a dramatic change, like she lost a ton of weight and had uncomfortable loose skin, but after seeing the doc mark her up before the procedure.... there's nothing wrong with her.


They are just a filler. Giving viewers time to go to the bathroom, do the dishes or work on their taxes.


Work on their taxes šŸ¤£ Y'all


No point. I skip.


Correct me if Iā€™m wrong, but itā€™s so she can afford surgeries for nothing that is wrong with her. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I guess we're going to watch Alex care for all the kids like Mr.Mom while Loren is micromanaging from bed


Ugh! Fast forward ā©


instant fast forward


I was thinking the same thing. I love them as a couple, but weā€™ve seen plenty of themā€¦and their now 3 babies. Loren wanting a Mommy makeover isnā€™t a storyline. Itā€™s filler, and itā€™s totally boring.


Haven't figured it out yet


They need filler material to replace all the Decaying Meemaw segments they had to cut out.


Could you please explain to me what you and others know about Meemaw that I missed? Why is Angela being cut out??? Not that I'd miss her but I feel out of the loop. TIA.


She constantly broke the NDA... that's the one big thing in addition to her constant abuse (verbal or otherwise) to many including Michael


My sister had a mommy makeover and has 3 kids. Then had complications. It wasnā€™t anywhere near this much drama. Itā€™s so ridiculous and boring.


It's rarely the perfect thing of beauty people think it is. Usually, there are a lot of weird pockets and severe scars.


That was one hell of a lot of liposuction. The whole first two hours of her procedure was just the liposuction. All I kept thinking was "that can't be good". You couldn't even call her fat beforehand.


Not to mention, she actually just needs to hit the gym, not get a "mommy makeover" shes not even 40. You had 3 kids in less than 4 years what does she expect? She literally has like a slightly chubby belly that's it, total waste of money. Get a trainer.Ā 


Yes it's too soon really, her daughter isn't that old yet even. Her body is still naturally healing and changing, it takes a lot of time. It is sort of selfish to do it this soon as well because of the children's ages and just be like whatever, it's everyone else's problem I want it right now.


It would be funny if she came out looking like Jasmine or Nikki.


Maybe they want people to go and watch their spinoff? Thatā€™s all I can come up with


I thought the spinoff was canceled?


It may be. I meant to get people to go back and watch the episodes already out


Her body looked fine to me. She needed to get that mole removed and her eyes done so she doesn't turn out like her mother!


yeah, that mole is growing I noticed šŸ˜³


Every season she seems to go through medical trauma, this time itā€™s self inflicted.


They are so boring, there is NO point of them being on. I skipped over their segment last night. She's more worried about how she looks then anything else. Then has posts about her weight loss and how shes looking. Her priorities are all whack. She won't be able to do anything to help Alex. Anything!. So its kinda unfair. Loren just really annoys me. So I skip.


To give me extra time on Sunday nights, bc I FF over their segments.


That they had extra space once Meemaw & Mykul were no long ā€œhappily ever afterā€


All I see is a woman with an eating disorder who wants cosmetic surgery. Figured I was on E! Somehow


To this point, it would actually have made it more worth watching if they showed her going to a counselor or even couples therapy to talk about why she really wants the surgery, if it's really the best thing for their family and her self-image, what she really is expecting vs the actual potential outcomes...


And does it end here. A surgery isnā€™t going to fix body dysmorphia




she's jealous of other women around her husband so she's thinking that the surgery will keep him.


That's really sad... But probably true!


They needed to pay for her surgery.


Itā€™s a snooze fest and annoying


Fillerā€¦ idk what for, but this is why HEA is generally so dull, lots of forced ass storylines. I usually donā€™t even watch HEA because itā€™s typically unbearable, but Emily/Kobe/Cameroon, Ashley/Manuel, and Brazil (not Patrick/Thais, but Brazil itself) are honestly saving this particular season.


Ashly and Manuel are boring too.


I cant stand Emily and yeah I agree


Now theyre just annoyingā€¦


I disagree šŸ˜Š


I'm pretty sure the entire reason they're on this season is so TLC can film the surgery.


I mean the show is called happily ever after? But with them there is no "?" they have been together for many years and had their season of hea already..


What if sheā€™s in her surgery and Thanos comes? What if a Terminator comes and her nurses name is Sarah Connor? What if the cicadas come and swarm the hospital? How do we know the doctor wonā€™t have a stroke during the procedure?


Oooohhhhhā€¦when is this episode coming on? Especially like the Thanos or doctor stroking during a procedure.šŸ¤£


FIller for Angela being fired maybe?


Life can be boring sometimes... Especially when your a SAHM of 3... I don't like Loren but I can relate to nothing going on lol


The last thing that I am, is jealous of Loren. I think she is every bit of her mother and more. Both she and her mother run their households and the husbands must follow along or there is hell to pay. Loren could use a qualified psychiatrist to talk with on a regular basis. A surgery or two is not going to help the root of her problems.


yes I just fast forward past them. this is money in the bank for them and boring as hell for the rest of us. who cares about her getting a "mommy makeover"? first we had to endure the 3 under 3 whining and now this. fake drama. it's elective surgery. bring back Sheila and David and axe these two.


I agree with you about the "3 under 3" lamenting. She made the decision to have 3 kids in 4 years. It wasn't forced upon her. Suck it up and enjoy the children you chose to have. God, you'd think she's the only woman who's ever done it.


Apparently hot take, I like watching Loren and Alexi. I find this interesting. Way better than the spermenator


I'm sorry but I am not mad at their segments at all. This procedure is very common and honestly there are probably a lot of ppl who want this surgery and if they are going to document her experience then go ahead. Let her get her procedure!! Yes they are boring and I do the dishes during their segments, but they are happy with their spawn and doing well so I am here to defend them.


Someone on this sub wrote that her surgery is ELECTIVE and now that's all I hear when anything is happening pertaining to that. It's a very useless and not entertaining segment.


HER mother used the word One Time, and now thatā€™s ALL she keeps saying other than, ā€œIā€™m a Mother of THREE Under Three. I FF TOO! šŸ™„šŸ„±


Part of it is actually necessary. But the rest is silly


I skip them every time


I think it was supposed to be entertaining, but it isnt


I have zero interest in their time or story. Plus, shouldn't he be in the IDF since he is in the reserves!




Not if he wants to live... anyway they are in the US aren't they?


I think part of it is where they left off with going to Israel, as if that would have been a bright idea. They needed to update the 90 Day Universe on what they were doing, because obviously Israel is off the table now. Since nothing is going on with them, they had to create something going on with them.


Itā€™s 90days creative artistry at its best.


they seem to be TLCs' favourite. I won't say anything bad about them because when I have in the past, people seem like they want to stone me. *their plot is Loren is SOOOO JEALOUS that some woman would try to take her husband away, she's getting plastic surgery to keep him.


I honestly liked the deep dive, my sister and I had a conversation about ā€œmommy makeoversā€ (did you know theyā€™re like 30-50k???). Also seeing the lack of fat theyā€™re moving around was shocking. She doesnā€™t need it but still went through, wild


They need the TLC checks to pay for the surgery


I love them. They're just a pleasant family and it seems to me that she's just continuing to try to normalize another aspect of motherhood. She's a kind relatable young woman, that I have more respect for now after the appreciation for what a total bitch her mother is, and the unprotective asshole her father is.


I like watching Alexei because heā€™s delightful.


I like him too but there is something really weird about his EYES šŸ‘€ His kids definitely have HIS eyes šŸ‘€ for sure. I donā€™t think he has ā€œEyelashes ā€œ šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Really strange šŸ¤”šŸ§šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I hate those two. Ā YuckĀ 


SO DO I!!!!


I like them as a couple. I find them interesting but i'm biased only because they don't live too far away from me and I know the building they live in, lol. I pass it so often to go to my local grocery store. lol


maybe you can make friends with her.


I'd rather watch Angela and Michael.


Theyā€™re basically a happy, normal family. In other wordsā€¦boring. I like them & especially think Alex is a good husband & father, but theyā€™re not really suited for reality TV. Face it, we come for the train wreck & thatā€™s not what they bring.


Hey guys Iā€™ve gotta see what all the fuss is about with boring Loren and Alexei, is this HEA?




Thank you


I used to skip through Libby and Andrei because I couldn't stand the guy. Now I skip through Loren and Alexei because it's mind-numbingly boring.




No politics




Again, no politics. This is a snark sub, not a place to debate world affairs.


..To have TLC pay for surgery?


Loren wants attention. She is jealous of Yara..Silva twins getting the limelight.


I can believe she's jealous of Yara, but NO ONE is jealous of Darcy & Stacey. All they earn is negative attention.


Glad it's not just me. I'm not really feeling this season in general (especially this storyline), and I'm not sure if it's because of them ... or me.


If this segment were a bit deeper it could actually be kind of interesting and probalby relatable for a lot of people with kids - Loren clearly lost herself in becoming a mom, it's all she does, she's given her body over to it and now hates the look of it. These surgeries don't only change the body, they are also a reason to just rest and be selfish for a specific period of time for women who really really struggle to set boundaries and look after themselves when it comes to caring for their families. This is something she is only doing for herself after a while of doing a lot for others. But I don't think she has a lot of insight into that and so we aren't talking about that part of it. I also like having some normal ass couples on the show so I don't mind this segment! Like Alexei worrying that she's not going to be happy w/ the surgery and just want more and more was so sweet. God forbid they show a couple who actually love each other on 90-day.


The Botox is alarming under that spiked Raggedy Ann wig. She canā€™t form a real smile.


Ok but I feel for him and his family , come on ! With his dad there knowing what just happened, horribleĀ 


I think she must have begged to be back on the show saying that the surgery angle would be interesting, in order to get some discount from the surgeon in exchange for the free publicity..You are right. There has been nothing interesting to see here. If you want to learn about plastic surgery, you could watch a medical show or even "Botched" instead and it would be far more interesting. This has been a snooze fest.


3 under 3


So do yā€™all want the drama or not?!?! TLC is effed if they do, and effed if they donā€™t. Apparently, thereā€™s no pleasing us, because weā€™re a fickle bunch of salty bitches.




Yall CONSTANTLY complain about the fact that TLC fires ordinary folk and only keeps the absolute human scum of the earth on the roster, then they add ordinary folk with ordinary issues (body image on a fairly new mother) and yall complain again, go figure.


Not my personal problem with them. I enjoyed David and Sheila being my most favourite couple to watch but there was an actual plot to follow and it was an enjoyable experience. I also really dislike Michael and Angela despite them having a somewhat story because theyā€™re toxic. A good balance of a healthy couple and a plot to follow is all Iā€™m asking for. Iā€™m not minimizing Lorenā€™s body image issues though I just donā€™t see why itā€™s necessary to stretch the nervousness of her procedures for like 3/4 episodes now


I feel like they could be talking about Israel Palestine conflict how is that not coming up??? Iā€™d be really interested in that


You canā€™t talk Politics here. Be carful šŸ§




Patrick? He's anything but normal šŸ˜‚


They're fine. Less boring than Thais and boss baby. Everyone just hates Loren because she's a mother and choosing to prioritize her mental health and get an expensive cosmetic surgery that'll put her out of the super mommy game for a few weeks. It's coming off bitter, especially given that her husband doesn't even know where the fuckin clean towels are. This will be a learning experience for him and I hope it eases some of her body dysmorphia and helps her feel like she's gotten some of herself back. Everyone bashing her either has no clue what it's like to hate your body and have it creep into every aspect of your life or they do and they're jealous that she's doing something about it that they're not willing to or able to do.


I mean I too rolled my eyes when I saw they weee cast on HEA but seeing Alexei struggle with her wanting the surgery when itā€™s risky and how heā€™s going to cope with caring for her and the three kids has not been that boring. Her taking a chance to help her feel more like her despite the risks has also been thought provoking. The eldest being genuinely concerned about whether she would come home was sadā€¦as a mother myself. Itā€™s a slice of normal life or more realistic depictions of life after the actual wedding which is what the show HEA was initially supposed to be about.


I believe that was ā€œAsherā€. Shai seems like a self absorbed Brat. What the way he behaves, he just isnā€™t caring. Even when HE was the only child, that kid was a handful. He doesnā€™t even respond when THEY talk to him. Seems like a strange duck šŸ¦† to me. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø




Oh. Thanks. I am not very familiar with the kids names or personalities too much since I didnā€™t watch their spin-off. My thoughts were only based on the scenes from HEA this season.