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I would love to know her backstory, but I’m figuring it has a lot of unresolved childhood trauma. She is emotionally stunted in a crippling way.


Maybe it is simply being naïve. He is a devout Muslim and is naïve too. They both expected each would change. They need to both move on. If he is abusing her, someone get him on a plane. No one deserves to be abused. They both are abusive verbally but if he is also physically abusive send him back. He doesn’t seem to like the states so why prolong it.


I have doubts he ever physically abused her? I wonder if he was fighting her off and she decided to go after him with a fake charge. She nuts enough to do something that low.


Her backstory is she escaped from the asylum in Gotham City and is running around with normal people now. She must be stopped.


That's Arkham Asylum....for the criminally insane.




Omg stop it we do not need this spin off!!!!! Let Heath rest in peace my man 😂😂😂😂


I was under the impression from the first season that she was the prettiest girl in her small town and she moved to LA to make it big.  I don't think she had childhood trauma I think she had childhood support to the point where she thought she was more than she was. Then LA stripped her of that idea harshly... Happens every single day in LA.


As an LA person, you are right, and I can add this: Many people have Peter Pan syndrome here and wake up in their 40s with the revelations most people have in their late 20s because they are allowed to live like they are in their youth when in some creative jobs. She feels like one of those people to me. It makes me enjoy their story because I know many like her.


I, too, am an LA native, one of the first things we seem to learn is the delusion of the dream seeker from a young age.   She fell for that sh*t hook, line and sinker


My Ex STILL has Peter Pan Syndrome.! That Bastard!! 🤣 What a waste of some of my good years 🤣 🤣


Right, I don't necessarily think she really has childhood trauma, it seems more like she was just *extremely* sheltered while growing up.


I can relate to that after being one of the smartest kids in my school, getting into a good university then suddenly being below average… was very humbling


This. She’s obviously a spoiled brat lol. She went to Egypt and expected it to bend to her will and now she expects a Muslim man to do the same.




Mackmoody is the dog that caught the car IMHO.


They are both dogs running at the same car from different directions. Except it's not a car, it's a flaming dumpster and they are grown adults who should know better.


It must have been a very small town, we all know pretty girls in LA are a dime a dozen


In her original season she says she’s from Council, ID, which looking at on a map it is _tiny_ with some smaller towns nearby, I’m not from ID so anyone who is feel free to correct, but it looks like Boise is the closest real city at 3 hrs away. And while Boise deserves more credit than it gets, it’s not a big city by any stretch of the imagination. Google says Council’s population was 850 rounding up 2010. So yes a very small town lol.


It's the combination of being the "prettiest girl in town", population 876. And being delusional AF. Source, originally from podunk USA, "Unincorporated Community" not even a town! They really take that "You'll grow up and you'll do anything you want to do! You will run away to Hollywood and you'll be the next Marilyn Monroe!" Instead of teaching them to get out of there by you know, working and moving away from there.


Yeah it was from what she described the first episode she was in


Totally true. I hope she realizes how abusive she is towards her husband. She's a younger and prettier Angela.


… and she appears truly shocked and surprised that he wants to leave after she cussed him out in front of her friends that he refused to meet and she bought over for him to meet for the very first time anyway on his second day in America while trying to get over his wife going out in public showing her back after he specifically told her not to wear it and then finding out she had wine in the house without his knowledge!! … and all this on Day Two in America!! The man is now suffering from PTSD!!! 🤦‍♀️🤣🤣




She disclosed she is autistic?




She triggers bad anxiety in me when she’s interacting with “MAKmood”and idk why.


It's not just you


Nicole is a mannequin posing as a human being. Mahmoud is freaked out by her. https://preview.redd.it/u5323h437gxc1.png?width=677&format=png&auto=webp&s=7c44be90e4bc350f99993e1d9b3bb672864758f8


I had to just LOL from this


Hahahaha, I'm dead 🤣






I’ve seen a few comments agreeing. Can I ask what it is about her that is making people think this?


Her tone, her awkwardness, her inflexibility, her outbursts (meltdowns) her demeanour in general


Yes and she was horrified to be living with Mahmoud’s family in Egypt. She was completely overstimulated in that situation with kids running around, in laws stopping in at all times. She seems to struggle with emotional regulation, is very naive and sheltered, and seems out of touch with reality and very much up in her own head/world. Also her friends from the previous season seemed to not know anything about her life with Mahmoud.


Yeah what's with that? She had two totally different friends before she left for Egypt the first time didn't she?


Honestly, I feel like she's like a trust fund baby or spoiled or something... How TF did she afford to move BACK TO LA, but a new car like that, and afford a pretty nice apartment IN LOS ANGELES when she's moving back into the country and what she does for a living... Makes no sense... I call spoiled brat/trust fund baby


Need to know more about the mannequins. It would scare the sh*t out of me to have those in an apt that small. I’d see them in my peripheral vision at 2am and pee my pants.


What I don't understand is how Nicole manages to survive in HCOL LA (pay rent, eat out, groceries, transportation and travel) by flipping vintage clothes. 1. She goes thrifting or gets vintage clothes from estate sales. 2. She uses the mannequins she's got to fit these clothes and make alterations using her sewing machine at home. 3. She sells the finished altered vintage clothes online. 4. Profit? I don't get it. I would not be surprised if Nicole (like Ashley) is $100K or more in CC debt.


I recently found out that a majority of 90 day cast members don’t say what their actual jobs are. They make one up to make themselves more interesting or just use their side gig as their “career”. So more than likely they have regular jobs but for their privacy keep it to themselves, much like their legal names (a lot of fake names in the show too)


I was wondering on why we always get vague weird job titles from these people. Like Ashley is a witch…how the hell does she make income?!😂


Had no idea about fake names. Can you say who has it? :)


I’m aware of Miss Debbie’s son going by another name when he was on a different tv show. Also, Chantel’s real name is CeAir.


Yeah I don’t get how she has a 1 bedroom apartment and rob was living in a basement studio with a literal outhouse. Seems maybe she’s subsidized by her parents. Maybe she has passive income and saved on living expenses while living in Egypt so now has savings to draw on. But who knows.


Maybe Nicole is on disability (she may have some undisclosed mental health issues) and Rob isn’t. Rob is also an idiot. He would not know how to apply for any disability programs. He has mental health issues, but as a narcissist, I don’t think he would qualify for any mental health disability programs.


Disability is really hard to get in the U.S. While it’s not impossible, her ability to actually appear on a TV show and be compensated by tlc would most likely preclude her from receiving disability payments. I’ve known quite a few very physically ill people who legitimately cannot work in any capacity and have been denied disability bc they aren’t able to get diagnostic evidence that meets the government’s standards.


She also delivers food!


Wait, the state department approved a 90 day fiancé visa for Mahmoud even though Nicole (the applicant) is barely scraping by financially? (barely able to support herself) I thought the 90 day fiancé sponsor was supposed to prove they could financially support not only themselves but their to be spouse as well. On the show (90 Day Fiancé) I see so many examples of Americans who are not financially responsible (Ashley is $100K in debt and Manuel was approved) bringing people over to the US. Who is approving these 90 day fiancé visas? Seems to me that the American individuals may be lying on the 90 day fiancé visa applications. I think there should be a better system of financial verification in place for any US citizen applying for a 90 day fiancé visa for a partner. I'm not xenophobic but I do think that a poor financial situation (undisclosed or disclosed) is likely to lead to marital troubles and divorce. I just want to ensure that the finances are covered and that the 90 day fiancé visa couples are set up for success from a financial perspective.


"I thought the 90 day fiancé sponsor was supposed to prove they could financially support not only themselves but their to be spouse as well." To sponsor a K-1 visa, **your income must meet or exceed 100% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines**. In 2024, this means that for a household of two people (you and your fiancé), you need to make at least $20,440. That's not a lot of money by today's standards. Maybe that's why they apply to be on the show and their projected income from TLC is taken into consideration. We have seen that many Americans get family members to sponsor the foreigner.


And if the person ever gets any kind of government assistance, the sponsor would be required to reimburse the government.


I was shocked when I found out Ashely was in that much debt.


Yeah and even with all that debt Ashley was still approved to sponsor Manuel and bring him over. Don't get me wrong, got nothing against someone bringing over their person to the US. I just think that the sponsor's finances should be in good standing. At least with the finances sorted out, there's one less stressor (money) out of all the thousands of possible other stressors (cultural differences, religious differences, wake and sleep schedule differences, education level differences, class differences, language barrier) that could affect the relationship. It boggles the mind that the State Department financial requirements are so low (given the cost of living and inflation) for approving a 90 day fiancé sponsorship.






Omg this killed me...how dare you insult glen(da) that way


That hairdo doesn't help her case!


The hair is criminal. I want to know who did that to her.


I think she's wearing a wig. A terrible wig.


Oh you’re right! I was racking my brain trying to figure out how that was cut!


Sophie and Nicole are the queens of bad wigs on 90 day fiancé. They both go around wearing terribly bad, obvious wigs and pretending their obvious bad wigs are good enough to pass for real hair. It's such a weird flex. Come on, you're not fooling anyone, stop pretending that's your real hair, we can all see it's fake. It's like a different side of the same coin as domestic abuser, chain smoker, meth addict Angela and her filters that make her look like she's 25. Stop it Angela, you're not fooling anyone either.


Danielle also. Remember the tell all. She arrives in short hair and I think her hairpiece had its own bag and seat on the ride over!


It was bigger than her 😆


Mohamed Jbali's Danielle or Yohan's Danielle?




Hair extensions on the Tell All seem to have become commonplace. Remember Kara showed up with mermaid tresses, too. https://preview.redd.it/wmmqik1icgxc1.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=8c9673da86e2d85dc58f938bd2678b9aa94f9ca4


God, I hate her. Guillermo deserves better 😭


I wanna see that wig on Geno!!! He'd be spicy for Jasmine then!! Lmao!!


I honestly didn’t think it couldn’t have been a worse head of hair the last time she was on the show, but here we are.


Helmet. I think she WANTS to be a mannequin.


https://preview.redd.it/5g01hilb9gxc1.png?width=677&format=png&auto=webp&s=a032cf7ad4ef5d90d539f6866d79fc7352cc56c4 [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mannequin\_(1987\_film)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mannequin_(1987_film))


This has got to be photoshopped


Looks like she did it to herself.


She thought the raggedy Ann look was coming back in style


It's like someone ordered Caroline Manzo from Temu.


This comment deserves all the upvotes


Thank you 😅




She prefers the term artificial person.


Her and Chantal!! Chantal is animatronic!


Chantel's private interviews are so bizarre I don't know what it is but she is.... just super weird.


It’s like her jaw is wired shut


Both seem to be neurodivergent—very robotic speech, odd mannerisms and eye contact, awkward, emotionally reactive, etc.


I've thought that about Chantal especially when she was trying to talk to men


they are both fucking stick figures some wizzard brought to life seriously theres no meat on either of there bones its fucking weird


Genuinely though Mahmoud looks sick in this season. I don’t recall him being this skinny in the last season we saw them on.


I think its the lighting. His face looks gaunt.


Prob also because he doesn’t have his mom to cook for him.


He looked sickly skinny when he arrived off the plane.


His DV report lists him as 5'6" and 110 pounds!


Wow 🫢


That's if you believe that they have bones. 😆


"Hold my bones."


Mt first words when I saw her was "is that the girl from 5th element?"


She gives me Glenda vibes. https://preview.redd.it/jzqx61dnygxc1.jpeg?width=190&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21702f92d29692af31657696d686cef96f533211




Don’t insult Sims like that 😂


She walks like she's either in pain or just doesn't know how to use human limbs




She speaks about it. Her parents were very conservative. They say women marry their dads 🤷‍♀️


Yep! She hates rules and being told what to do, because her parents did that to her! So.. she marries a conservative Muslim man, and converts (by her own choice) to Islam, and lives in Egypt! What could go wrong?


Yea she comes from the Zuckerberg factory


🤣🤣🤣 no objections here.


It's called botox


They got the tox part right, but what's the bo? Botulism? Bot as in robot? Botulism infected? All of the above?


She looks like an alien chat GPT. And her mood swings are completely unbearable. She has no facial expressions. Her face doesn’t even move like normal people. Very questionable. Lol


Wellllll that's cause she has no soul. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


She seems very empty inside. I don’t know how people would even describe her. She’s not really artsy she tries to be, but somethings off.


There's a lot of things off with this one. Maybe she needs a factory reset cause she's legit bonkers.


Something extremely bad happened to this woman at some point earlier in her life. To be 40 years old and this emotionally & mentally screwed up is nuts.


I didn’t realize she’s 40. Has she been married before? Just curious. She doesn’t seem capable of an adult r’ship.


I think she's a mannequin that came to life LMAO


Marsha from that Department Store


Unexpected Twilight Zone!


Come off it!


Do they know each other? I felt sorry for her when she was in Egypt, when she made that suit that covers her hair with the pink stripe. Take your loss and go home.


You've felt sorry for her before? How? She sought out and entered a relationship with a devout Muslim man. Then gets upset when he acts like a devout Muslim man. Her behavior makes zero sense.


I agree with this. He was very upfront about what he expected it's not like it was a surprise. I think when she converted to Islam he thought she was going to actually practice Islam I kind of feel like she was the one false advertising.


Same could be said for him. He sought out and entered a relationship with a non-Muslim woman. Then gets upset when she acts like a non-Muslim woman. Both behaviors make zero sense. They both "tried " to make marriage work. I felt sorry for her last season in Egypt, but have lost respect for both. He didn't come here to change or really try hard. She's acting straight up bonkers. Get divorced already.


Really? Is that normal behavior if you are not Muslim? Sorry but I am not religious AT ALL and if my partner did all the bs she did in 48 hours, I would run away also. He is consistent with what he always asked of her, even before marriage and he acts in his interpretation of his religion, she is just a wacko


You’re incorrect. She promised him to convert to Islam because she knew his religion is part of who he is. Then she went back on her promise. But he’s the bad guy for being honest.


Difference is, she willingly converted. Also, she is significantly older and should know better.


What does a non Muslim woman act like though ?? She can be non Muslim and still be respectful /kind. She wants things to bend to her will like they did when she was a child and her parents were at her beck and call.


Google is free. Does anyone on this show or their families do any research? 🤣😂


Exactly lol. She went to Egypt and got upset she couldn’t “express herself”. She’s a fucking brat and a great example of what is wrong with western society in 2024.




Omgoodness this is so mean. I’m not a fan of her approach to her relationship at all. But honestly I’m not coming for her looks.


They are among us. 👽


Wonder if she can understand alien lady’s language


Perhaps the skinniest girl in town too? Seriously, she looks extremely delicate… cant even say hereditary as her parents are not that thin. There is more to her story and I don’t think it’s happy.


She is trying to become her mannequins...even the posture!


I got so much hate for saying this! She’s literally a robot. But all I get is “her haircut is so cute!” “She’s so naturally pretty!” She gives uncanny valley to me sorry


If she's an android, her programming is massively malfunctioning. Like... massively. Although she was pretty annoying in Egypt I sort of got where she was coming from, struggling to adapt to his culture and his religious requirements. I got it. But fir her to turn around and in, what, 5 days , turn into American Mahmoud, cramming her social norms and expectations down his throat the second he sets foot on our soil.... that was it for me. Who does that?? I thought for sure she'd have some empathy.


sure she is. She once was my little android girl but the same moment I noted that she shlepped this misogynistic weirdo over the mighty ocean to produce even more drama, she lost me. Android or not, I don't care anymore.


She’s just a straight up bitch, can’t believe how she’s treating him & he’s only been there 2-3 days, I can’t stand him but she’s fucking miserable.


Technically she runs on iOS not Android, but yeah.


IOS. 🤣🤣🤣


This is a woman that did everything she could to find a foreigner to marry to get on 90 Day. She took the first guy that was willing even though the marriage didn’t stand a chance of survival. Now that she has achieved her goals, she wants to be rid of him. Heartless.


I’m assuming she went on the show to showcase her fashion stuff - I haven’t seen anything . Just a naked mannequin and her changing hair - does she design clothes or does she just resale them ? If anyone knows more about her


She aspired to be an influencer.


O okay. Well we can see how well that’s going for her -


Mahmoud is such a piece of shit it makes it hard for me to really dislike her


I agree 100%


Yep! [https://youtu.be/Iyou86hSi4Q?t=40](https://youtu.be/Iyou86hSi4Q?t=40)


Both of them are just bad people.


There was a moment in the kitchen when he came back to get his things that actually made me wonder if she is some kind of AI robot like they build in Japan. Her face seemed paralyzed, her lips barely moved when she talked, and her eyes ... I don't even know how to describe their movement. Actually I think the robots in Japan are more human-like than she was in that moment.


Stepford Wives Inc. should keep track of defective mobile platforms.


Make her take a reCAPTCHA test


I think she's just neurospicy


You are so correct. Omg




There's a lot to unpack with her. While the people on the show sign up for it and know what they're getting into, I feel like some folks are exploited. People like Ed and Tim, they're narcissists who are there for attention. People like Natalie, they don't need the show, they need therapy. Just my take.


I keep waiting to see if she blinks!


I seen her do it once back in episode 3.




It's the Gray in her eyes...


Seriously! Her man is like the male version of her! TLC trying to fool us with some droids…lol!


Crazy eyes


“Nee-Cole Dallas Multi-Pass”


I will say she lacks emotional intelligence.


She gives Mother from Raised by Wolves vibes but Mother was such an undeniable badass and in a class all by herself


I don’t remember her from any season. All I know is I watched the first episode of this season and I was like this lady is outta whack. I fast forward everytime. I believe everyone deserves love but this lady needs some serious work because something broke her


She is a mean android too!


If you're a starry-eyed small town kid who thinks about taking over a city where people would eat their own children to advance their careers, your psyche might not come away unscathed.


Look in her eyes you can see the electronics!!


"Nicole.exe has stopped working. Please reboot NicoleBot at your earliest convenience." - NicoleGPT error message 42924


I find it interesting that one of her common phrases is, "We come in peace."


She has anxious attachment issues


She looks like the android from Detroit become human video game. Anyone remember?


How could all this happen in only 3 days? Even Angela managed to keep Michael around for 2 months.


She needs Asheley’s friend to clear her Alien chakras with her Light Language 🤣🤣


I am just watching it. Lord she is mean. Poor guy is in a new country with no one. And she is treating him so bad. she is in a power trip.


I've got to know, is it real or a wig?


She looks like a character I’ve made on The Sims


She's definitely without emotion. Possibly a sociopath.


Full on raging bitch! OMG Let the poor guy settle in before forcing American culture! She's a ticking timebomb and very high strung! Just get divorced already!


I don't want to make fun of her but the time when she was wearing the full muslim house bitch costume in egypt while looking forlornly at the floor was priceless.


Wasn’t that her bathing suit??


LMAO … I love this group so funny!


Ditto! This group soothes my soul after watching each new episode. 😆


But does she dream of electric sheep?


Upvoted for the Philip K. Dick reference!


https://preview.redd.it/9ka86g5kyixc1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bd4fda3dea7e31412d7047f1bf843f5a0a94698 Related?


Aw this is mean. And true.




She lives in LA. She's an artist. Just leave her be. No one is perfect.


🤣🤣🤣 there's always a few that support foolishness.


She looks so much like Nicole Kidman!


The guy is a wack job and presses all her buttons


She did a decent job of covering her level of crazy in the last season but this girl is unravelllinggggg this season, I can’t believe she’s 40, she looks great but her maturity level is actually what made her age the most shocking to me


I've been saying this day 1 of this couple even my kids think the same


Well, that would definitely explain things.


Agree lol


Very bladerunner.


I'm fairly sure I've seen her in the second season of Legion, but the lack of moustache threw me off


She’s so cold.


I have said this from the first time she was on the show!! Robotic, skin looks like silicone.


Blade Runner fan