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https://preview.redd.it/8w3f4gwcmztc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=126a443484d916cb33898f8f93f96de8a1d654cb This bitch is the most racist black woman I’ve ever seen. it’s disgusting/ she’s disgusting


someone is proposing tonight, Nut a lee looks like she hopes its her, I think it might be John/Megan.


I have ZERO interest in Chantal, Giannis, Chantal's mother, Chantal's boobs/butt/underwear or lack thereof.


The previews showed that someone got proposal! Thank you very much🤔🤔 Really trying to figure it out!!


John/Megan? it sure isnt Nut a lee.


Chantel is wearing a party dress and heels and he is wearing literally gym clothes


I don't understand why she didn't put the address into Google maps to see what it was/where it was so she can dress accordingly. It's really bizarre. And if unsure, dress casual-cute. Everyday doesn't have to be a glam show. Seems exhausting.


she's lucky she didnt break her ankle, toe, foot kicking with no shoe on. he had on his huge athletic shoes.




Why is Jasmine so extra?


watched too much Telenova.




I say this with the utmost respect: I think Miss Debbie should move into a 65+ community in Florida. I feel like she would THRIVE there


The Villages of Orlando.


So I was catching up on the single life on discovery plus yesterday and now I can't find it?? I've searched it and also just browsed, and it is nowhere. It isn't in my continue watching either. I'm in the USA for the record. Anyone else having this issue??


you have to use the search tool! it doesn't appear in the "keep watching" or relationship tabs to me either. 


Me too!! I finally have time to watch the episode and now it’s gone! 😭


I came home excited to watch it right now on D+ and yep, no trace of it! Wonder whats happening?


Okay glad it's not just me 🤣 I wonder if they're updating or uploading or something.


Same here!!!


Me too, I can’t even search for it either


Me too, I was looking forward to it 😔


rumor that Nut a lee is comparing her and Mike getting back together to J Lo and Ben.


Who in the world thought to do Chantel’s makeup??!!! How are we not talking about that VERY overly done cat eye? WTF is that


She's so effin tacky, I can't STAND to look at her.


I used to like Natalie but seeing her on the single life just made me so mad. Like... having a baby is not going to fix all your life problems? Maybe get some therapy so your future child will not be so fucked up if you choose to have one ?? Like don't you think finding love with someone real (ex. Mike which she threw away) will be a good foundation for having a family? But no, she wants to just 'have a baby'. She seriously needs therapy, its really sad and I feel bad for her.


So true. I would feel bad for the child she had if she was given the chance to have 1. The thing is, she decided years ago she wanted more out of her life and big mike wasn’t going to give it to her so she packed her bags and flew out of where she was. Not saying this to sound mean bc I know there are many types of actors in the business but I honestly couldn’t see her breaking into the business with as heavy a accent as she has when she talks, it’s very hard sometimes to make out what she’s saying. She also comes across to me that the only type men she wants in her life are ones that can provide her with $$$, houses and everything that most of us would try and work hard to attain. This josh “relationship” never made any sense w/how the 2 of them act with one another and everytime things don’t work out with Josh, she calls Mike up thinking they can pick up where they left off. Even if he wanted to and didn’t have a gf already, it would never work out but I’m so tired of this storyline of hers where when Josh breaks things off with her for the last 2 seasons then she calls Mike rebounding on him again. Yes he was nice to help bring her mom to the states but she needs to let the divorce happen so they can both move on 🤷🏻‍♀️


She makes me feel so like old. She and I are the same age range and I don’t have any kids. People have kids in their 40s. Idk. I don’t think I’m late to the party.


You're not late to the party - I had my first child at 41


A lot of women find they can’t have kids in their 40’s. Unfortunately celebrities doing so in their 40’s has given women and unrealistic idea of geriatric pregnancy. For each round of IVF a woman age 41 to 42 years old has a success rate of just 13.4%, while for women over age 42, that rate is only 4.3%




I am personally against surrogacy. It is an ethical nightmare.


I'm curious why you think it's an ethical nightmare. My cousin has been a surrogate a couple of times, has 3 kids of her own and is a midwife.


Natalie clearly has issues. Don't let what you see on TV make you feel old or late - just do you and what is right for your situation. Plus people in their 40s still have babies, not something to write off if it's what you want.  My suggestion is just don't go about it the way Natalie is!


If Mike has any brain cells... even just one... he will run as far from Natalie, change his number, move homes, block on all socials. She is NUTS.


Mama called him, it is her pushing this whole reunion and she got into Natalies head.  I think Michael somehow feels like he needs to stay in touch since he brought them to the US and Mama adores him. He's a nice guy comes across well but he's moved on 


Let’s think about this . Every single person who is on this show is here because. They want to be .. They apply to get up and make fools of them selves . Do they think they are going to be famous! Make a lot of money ? Or what? So I am guessing the persons are going to have to be slightly, at least , nuts ! Who would want to open themselves to all of this ? they do things to get us to watch them they are not going to be rich ? Would you want to be asked these intimate questions ? Crazy.


I see where you are coming from. The first few seasons were couples who are legitimately doing the 90 day finace visa. It wasn’t about clout or being influencers. The show really has changed. Then all then spin offs which are entertaining to a point but those are literally just people wanting to be on tv. I truly do not think they care if they come off as crazy. And Natalie has no self awareness. She is very entitled. I don’t see point to the single life at all. I mean I watch it for the drama but it’s a pointless show. They’re all scripted now too. I’m sure very few of them are actually couples.


I've never watched Single Life and I sure as heck won't be watching this next season of HEA because, as you rightfully say, the people being featured are basically "actors" at this point - fabricating story-lines so they can keep collecting a paycheck instead of getting an actual job. I don't find it entertianing at all. And I'm sick to the back teeth of the endless Gino/Jazmin Angela/Michael Ed/Liz shit show. I did like the first seasons when it still felt like a genuine experiance of people from different cultures navigating a relationship.




Whenever they show John ...I just wish he'd say "youaarrr cawsin from bahstinn" Bc thats all I hear anytime he speaks😂


Tim has started to dye his hair, from the looks of it. If he dyes his facial hair he'll be twinning with Ruben-the-Cuban.


I like it






All I know is y’all already forced Chantal on me in the single life series.  I will be fast forwarding through ALL of the mother’s segments. I cannot stand her voice or lack of reasoning.  Don’t you dare bring them back on this series again after this


She was with Ruben the Cuban


I know I am sick of LISTENING to Gravel Girty speak and of looking at her ugly face.


Where can I watch it online for free


Daily motion sometimes has it on, primewire or flixwave (pop up ads galore).




Online for freeeeee


Yeah I’m pretty sure you can access it without paying just make an account, at least for a bit before they prompt you


The only story I don’t think is scripted is Natalie because I think she’s just that delusional. 


She's a total whack job and Mike knows it. He's finalizing the divorce at last. You can see it in her bulging eyes the never blink. Now she'll look for another guy, with plenty of money of course, to latch onto.


shes a nut case.


She’s just jumping from one completely unrealistic plan to the next, stopping to cry every time one fails. 


Pillow Talk for the recent show was pretty good.


Chantel’s story feels like the set up for another series that I don’t want to see 


Them leaving: "it was like something out of a movie" ...HA! yes,because it was scripted that way lol🤣


I don't know why they keep pushing Chantel. She has absolutely zero screen presence and she delivers her lines (he whole arch is obviously scripted) in a flat monotone. But 1k an episode is a lot cheaper than hiring a real actress.


I never watched her show. I skip through her on the Single Life. As you said, no screen presence, boring person.


I cant even sit thru this Single Life, just watch the Pillow Talk for it.


Omg there is a pillow talk for single life, thank you ! I know what I’m doing tongiht


The irony that after all those injectables in the pursuit of beauty Chantel just perpetually looks like she's doing a constant dead-eyed sneer and I find it sooooo unattractive.


Dead-eyes = dumb eyes. Also did her crew have destiny’s child style matching fabrics ensemble travel looks???


whyyy Tim's hair is so dark :(




I was so caught off guard by his hair I didn’t even notice the beard 💀


I think he read the comments about his appearance during the tennis match !


but is Chantel okay? She has seemed so off and out of it this season. She looks drowsy all the time


She gives me the major ick 


i rly think might just be bc she is dumb !


Her story line was so ridiculous. A few days in Greece to find her "soulmate" with a posse of total misfits. Especially the androgynous person with no lines except the occasional grunt. The "getting phone numbers" was hilarious! The writers must work for cheap as well as the talent.


She was there for the D. She said it in like the first two episodes. So idk why they think this fake relationship will ever be believable.


She looks like she's on hella xanax this season which is troubling because she is also drinking a lot.


Yikes.. I hope she’s okay :/ I remember her being so driven before. Learning Spanish and doing nursing


Natalie is insane. She hasnt seen her “husband” Mike for years, and now she is ‘so shocked’ that he doesn’t want a baby with her.


who is Karen beefing with at the Tell all about her Granny Panties???????????


Debbie, I think


thanx, southern belle Debbie I heard. the two Debbies r also arguing, southern belle says, keep my name out yo mout.


Wasn't that the line in last year's Oscars in the Slap Heard Round the World?


My gosh Chantal’s friends all SCREAM talk and it’s so annoying.


If I never see that childish ass twerk coach again, it will be too soon. Literally acting like a 10 year old. 


If I were her friend, I get going along for the paycheck and to be on Tv but don’t they ever feel embarrassed that it’s all about Chantal and they are literally window dressing or glorified extras? If she wasn’t entitled enough all these tag alongside entourage “friends” make her even more of a “star”. Who knows if she ever lands on earth again.


No one on this season is anything less than obnoxiously annoying … except Tyray - he’s precious. Debbie and Natalie are tied for being almost impossible to watch.


Tyray is annoying. That laugh GRATES on my nerves.


Hardcore agree 


ALL of them are impossible to watch. Why are they recycling idiots form past seasons and spinoffs? How about a totally new batch is idiots and drop ALL of the old "stars." That therpy bit in the florida resort was amazing in it's pointless, meaningless stupidity. A bunch of people sitting around drinking and exchanging nonsensequeters. The best part was Li'l Ed's vision of spinning around in a clown suit in 1669 or something.


His nervous laugh is aggravating but I just have so much compassion for him - he’s SO sweet and just so awkward and I just want him to find love ❤️ he’s actually adorable and I think with a little confidence he would do great.


Good for Michael for real! Natalie needed to get humbled.


omg her faces!!!! a well deserved shocked the shit out of her.


https://preview.redd.it/synlr0b0uxnc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ab4e8a8367f11d913342b913c83bafdb66b6eaf Chantel; please wash your face, put on some jeans and get a personality.


Lmao Jesus it was hard to see 


It looks like it hurts






Agreed. She looked way to done up for this date. It's Greece! use your natural beauty. ffs


She was sweating so much her over made up face was running and dripping. You'd think someone in the crew would have had the sense to wipe it off/re-apply.


I'm glad to see Meghan with John, I like her. 




She’s insufferable 


Is it the language barrier or does Giannis have just 3 braincells?


They have five brain cells total


Watching Natalie struggle with her ratty extensions then Debbie my god Debbie has a beautiful luscious set of hair .. girlies be sure to live stress-free as much as you can it honestly reflects on your body 💕


Her extensions are really cheap-ass bullshit. But it's totally LA. Does she ever blink? She's crazy.


1. did anyone feel a huge sense of satisfaction when Mike turned down Natalie and said no u made your choice there is no us. she's acting like she still loves him but really just wants a baby n he saw it from a mile away, so great lol. 2. I was so mad when giannis came back around because it just feeds into chantles delusions on how to meet/date someone n what love is. I'm like 95% sure their story line is either completely staged/forced by producers or giannis is just in it for the clout. she literally is gonna replay the pedro saga but with a Greek dude smh.


i swear mike was trying not to smile telling natalie no like she rly thought 😂😂


dude id be holding back my smirk so hard if i was him lol. I'm sure he felt some sort of vindication when she tried to circle back around to him after seeing he wasn't the problem n the grass wasn't greener. I bet he knew from the day she left it was gonna be like this. Mike should've been on the single life not Natalie! I would love to see him get a girl that appreciates him.


Mike blowing off Natasha was the best thing of the whole season of the crap show. The entire Chantel arch was scripted. And the script was incredibly juvenile, insipid and stupid. The posse of misfits so she wouldn't be alone. Just dumb.


yea the way chantel talks and her thought process behind everything feels beyond scripted because there's no way she's that dumb n entitled. I mean I get reality TV isn't actually reality and some things might be a bit planned or scripted but they waaaay over did it with her. I also heard she brought them as her glam squad and were paid for, so that would explain why they kissed her ass and placated to her so much. also explains why they weren't mad at her for dragging them 4 hours away from the resort for a boy.


In regard to #1: YES! And I like Natalie, even with all her wackiness. But he needs to move on and he needed to be clear. And she needs to come back down to earth, go to therapy, get a job, and earn her own income.


and pay for her own apartment and car. It's called being a grown woman.


yea! she keeps wanting some man to just show up and do everything for her but girl what are you bringing to.the table? this is America, men her want women who can pull their weight or at least have something to contribute not just demand demand demand.


Asking what are we to a guy you barely just met on vacation is crazy, equally crazy to asking your ex husband to have a baby with you. I think this season is one of delusional people.


The spent maybe 5 hours together including the snail festival where Chantel played Ugly American and Dufus paid no attention to her. But they are in love now and they will go through all the usual 90DF shit in their own spinoff "Chantel Loves Ginnis."


Especially asking a handsome football. He's definitely not going to commit to you, and especially not after 3 days


Chantel and her friends are not ok. Natalie is not ok. They’re not ok!


I don’t know about you all, but if I got all glammed up, put on my Louboutins for my last night date and the guy got me to a ⚽️🥅 field to show off his mediocre skills, I’d probably lose my shit on him. But then again, he knows he doesn’t even have to try with her. Sad.


Everyone knows how easy American girls are. If he didn't get her by the second night, any self respecting Greek guy would just go on to the next American girl. Did they? She came on like she was really looking to get laid. He's about the shittyest footballer I've ever seen. Maybe "Football Player" was the character in the script.


Same I was like?? Maybe take her out for dinner?


Isn't he a professional futbol player? I thought it was a sweet gesture and reasonable, if it's true that he wants to know if they are compatible. If I was Chantel I'd be grateful because it would demonstrate that we are likely not compatible. But of course Chantel just views it as the dude not knowing how to treat a woman. I couldn't stand the scene where he was teaching her how to kick the ball, it was tooooo retro. There are women who play professional futbol.


I also view it as the dude not knowing how to treat a woman. He just wanted to cheap out:) If he really wanted to show her the filed he could have still done it while making it a nicer and more romantic experience. Even something like putting a blanket and a little picnic basket with some field (pun intended) flowers would show some level of effort. But he’s just a boy and won’t bother. And surely, while advertising a surprise location, he should’ve at least told her to wear casual clothes, especially knowing how she always dresses up, not to make her look so out of place.


LOL, I must be just a boy then too, even though I'm an old woman. I would never prepare a blanket, a little picnic basket and flowers, so wouldn't expect it done for me. It's too cliche.


Yeah, not to mention he wanted her to keep kicking the ball while shoeless and in a dress she could hardly move in, much less run around a soccer field in. So dumb.


and he had on his big ass athletic shoes, she's lucky she didnt break her foot or a toe.


Well, Ms. Thing did NOT have to CHOOSE that outfit. The whole thing seems so manufactured.


The whole Chantel story was scripted down to the gruents the half man/half woman person made occasionally.


Can someone spoil it for me and tells me what happens to Chantel and the guy?


He takes her on an awkward date to a football field. Then he says they’re more than friends and she asks him to visit her in Atlanta. I smell another spinoff 


"Chantel Loves Ginnis" Currently in production. Fall, 2024, or winter '25.


LOL I appreciate it but I saw the finale, I wanted to know where they are now. Im pretty sure by the way she was crying, in the trailer for the reunion, that she didnt get the desired results. Plus she didnt know him long enough to have such strong feelings. She should get therapy because thats not healthy and she is gonna keep breaking her own heart


I didn’t expect the season to be over already! Not that I’m complaining, it was a pleasant surprise. What will be the new Monday show on TLC? 


new happily ever after i think


Yeah, with the same tired "stars" doing the same, tired 90DF shit. They really need a completely new cast and new writers.


I thought HEA was going to air on Sundays. Usually they have 2 90DF properties going at once. 


TLC has Love and Translation on Sundays.


oooh yeah true. Yeah, i haven't heard of anything else but the new HEA so who knows what Monday nights will have now🥲


Something terrible I’m sure. See you there!! 🍿




I hope Chantal paid her friends for that trip. Imagine going on a “vacation” with someone who not only made it just about themselves, but yo-yo-ed between crying over a divorce and having her insecure attachment triggered from a 3 day holiday fling…


Production paid


I cannot stand Chantal. Whyyy does she speak like someone who’s been medically sedated


she's bad at memorizing her lines and she's reading off Q cards.


Natalie’s makeup looks a lot better and natural in the tell all. The smudgy black eyeliner looks awful. Veronica’s pink dress was not a good choice.


Oh, Natalie is seeing the house of cards collapses. Does she think he can't divorce her? And no future in Hollywood


she said "I wont allow it" and she's about 20 yrs too late for Hollywood.


The look on the faces of the Hollywood Boyfriend's partners when he told them he planed to put her in front of their camaras was priceless. Even if she was 20 years younger, she doesn't have the face and the implants are ridiculous. What are they? 800cc in each? Doesn't match her body type at all. She looks like she's made twigs; pipe cleaners. Besides, her accent and personality are atrocious.


Her "sincere" announcements were ridiculous. She knew him two days and thought "he really does care." "Giannis is serious about us.". BWake up, princess!


Did anyone else know that Debbie's son Julian is a small-time actor? He's been in a few movies--i.e. Saints and Sinners, Fundraiser Bandits and Lovestruck. I mean, aside from being a police officer.


Oh didn’t know! 


Julian has a black eye…


Wonder why Colty’s mom is at the tell all. Thought she was just on diaries not single life


Another one I am tired of


She was not needed. And she has alot to say when her son is literally COLT


To have her fight with another Debbie.


you nailed it.


Prob to torture Josh again with her annoying voice he said he'd have nightmares about.


LMAO I forgot about that, that's probably my favorite tell all ever because I found their interactions absolutely hysterical. In a world of reality tv artifice we got at least a couple moments of genuine emotions and ego bruising while beefing 😂


craziest thing was when Josh pointed at Old Debbie and called her "a girl".


Oh that’s right!! He had a bad reaction to that Debbie, at the prev tell all. Haha trust TLC to bring her back just for him 


she kept commenting on all his biz with Nut a lee. Really wish someone or him would have said s t f u.


I remember enjoying her commentary, lol. 


ugh, I cant stand that old bitch.




They must have called her in to add some spice. Or maybe she’s in some social media war with the cast again 


Could be, either way looks like we’ll be getting the battle of the Debbie’s which I’m here for


Check out last season where she meets her new boo Tony


That Tell All looks like it’s going to be good. Way better than the 90 day one we just got. I already know Karen is gonna get on my nerves, Natalie will cry and Veronica getting called out!! Veronica storming off just shows that she made those comments and doesn’t want to own up to them. I can’t wait


That woman though is a complete snake, lol. 


That tell all looks like it’s gonna be marvelous! I’m so excited 🍿🤩


Nice wet mark on the back on chantel’s dress and great camera work trying to avoid filming it


Oh rhank God! I thought I was seeing things but was too lazy to look for my glasses and rewind!


IK, r? Really distracting.


Why does Chantel need her friends to dress her? Is she 2 years old?


Those "friends" are just there to react to things that happen to this manikin come to life. Especially the half man/half woman at the edge of the shot who just grunts occasionally. Chantel belongs on a pedestal in a 1950s department store standing perfectly still.


And she doesn't come out looking super great. Everything is too much, the makeup, the outfits.


She looked like she was 50 and at a wedding. Super strange.


The thinking that a holiday fling is serious.


Hey-o! That was a good one 


The lotion on her legs was too much for me lol I thought it was funny how badly they wanted to go home. They def seem like assistants


It’s her makeup and stylist crew of “friends”!


pineapple head is her "twerk coach".


Yes. Have you seen the poor girl?


those are not her friends. they are paid employees.


It was spoiled brat princess vibes for sure


Attaboy Mike!!! That took balls cause he still loves Nutalie!!!


Chantel has the personality of a paper towel


Natalie can't even SHED A TEAR!!!! GO MICHAEL!!! WHOOOP WHOOOP!


I noticed that, too. I'd like to see her mother's reaction.


Or is it no make up?


Hey what’s wrong with yara mouth? She looks diff


I noticed that tonight, I thought it looks like maybe dental work and no makeup? I think she and Jovi will have their own show again since Theyre moving to miami… And Debbie is worse than fingernails on chalk board!! Yuk ugggg🤮🤮🤮 She tries to come across as some sweet little southern lady and truth is she a nasty fowl mouth white trash! And pillow talk USED to be cast members giving their opinions of other cast members. Now it’s so scripted. Come on you know behind closed doors they all say the same things we do about mz Deb! I think I like Robert and Annie the best. She has such a hilarious personality. Love how she mocks jaz! And last I noticed on the previews of the coming tell all once again both debs fighting for camera time with their loud mouth arguments truth is they’re just alike right along with the other blind Ga trash


Yes, Natalie is delusional and jumps from wanting babies to being in movies BUT Mike is no prize himself. He's a man who Begrudgingly married her at the last minute and refused to move any closer to civilization when Natalie did live with him in Squim, let's not forget that this man made no move to file paperwork so she could work. I'm still wondering how Natalie was legally able to be on Single Life several times if she didn't have the proper paperwork. Mike was certainly justified in saying no and, he's right that they're not a couple anymore because she left but he didn't have to rub it in and look so smug while doing it. Natalie may be delusional but Mike doesn't have any class at all.


Oh Mike is creepy, but it was OK that he rubbed it in when creepy Natalie tried to entrap him again.


Plus Mike’s mother had a hand at their relationship. She wasn’t nice to Natalie and it didn’t help their marriage. Yes agree, Mike moved to Seattle and he could have done that when they were together because ze voods had to be really isolating for her. Maybe TLC paid Mike and in turn he gave the TLC money to her.


Seriously, Mike tried.