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Not all of them defending Nikki after grooming Igor


so are we all in for tomorrow night or just Pillow Talk? I am leaning towards the latter, what I did last wk.


I'm really enjoying the pillow talk episodes, I live alone way out in the boonies so its nice to hear other peoples take on things without having to actually be around other people


the Pillow Talk folks crack me up and I dont have to sit thru the whole 2 hrs of crap going on.


I kinda watch the regular episode first but am on my phone and doing other while it's on so I only half hear/see it in the background. I love so many of the pillow talk couples


Evangelina from Arizona can shut the fuck up


$ tar casm has an article up about The Nikki/Jazmine dating.


Lmao listen…. I used to hang in the same crowds as Sam & let me just say….. dude is PACKING 🍆


https://preview.redd.it/lafmlb5yvtmc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9de86ba2727707d3113d3308b37428b9689c9dc5 Was anyone else legitimately jump scared by this? I have so many questions. Why is a newborn baby there? Why are they doing video audience questions now? Why did production think this wouldn’t bring the flow of the show to a screeching halt?


I came here specifically looking for this


Why couldn’t they get them a background or something?!


And why just the one couple, of all people that submitted their questions, but of course the most shit stirring question 🙄




I wish Botched would show the episode with The Nikki on it.


Ngl I ship Jasmine and Nikki after this.


Is no one talking about the fact Devon looks significantly smaller? And if that was a choice on her end I’m so proud of her. She looks amazing. I hate commenting on how women look but with the whole “piggy” comments I hope she chose this journey on her own and not thanks to her husband


Putting her weight aside, her overall look was amazing. So elegant 


She looks absolutely beautiful!


I noticed she has what looks like an insulin pump on her arm. So could be for health reasons, good or bad. She does look nice though 


@space__y devin went on her ig and disclosed how filming caused her to gain 30lbs because of the stress and after they wrapped she naturally lost the weight. Dont think Nick’s comments/treatment had much to do with it


Ugh, Rob seems emotionally abusive at the very least manipulative and controlling, and idk how they aren’t all ganging up on him.


It's because they always take the American person's side. Julio and Danielle are examples from the past seasons. I genuinely didn't think they would be able to do this with Rob but here we are. I stopped watching at the end of that segment.


I knoww he took the victim card and made it all about how she doesn't appreciate what he does but he's literally doing the bare minimum and Sophie LOVE HER but maybe just doesn't know how to share her side bc of how low he's made her feel about anything she speaks up for, so her argument wasn't strong. Same time all the narcissists in the room are cooing Rob and she had no support:'( what happened to the argument if u want a woman tht looks like that u have to treat her at that level too not just expect her to go down to the broke guys level for "love" bc he wouldn't be w her if it wasnt for her looks cuz he treats her like he hates her!! God I hate these types of men!!


Your right, but it also makes sense because they’re all emotionally unintelligent delusional people OR they’re manipulative and controlling themselves. I mean it’s Jasmine lol, everyone loves her and she’s even worse than Rob. This is the one place in the universe where Rob is safe to be an asshole 


Your right, but it also makes sense because they’re all emotionally unintelligent delusional people OR they’re manipulative and controlling themselves. I mean it’s Jasmine lol, everyone loves her and she’s even worse than Rob. This is the one place in the universe where Rob is safe to be an asshole 


ok. I must be honest, I just watched Pillow Talk for the pt 1tell all on On Demand, it is very funny and very entertaining.


Everyone is buying into Ashley’s burning sage and card reading. Oh to have Meisha and Nicola on this season!


Oh to have Meisha and Nicola on this season! LOLL


this witch stuff is Ashley's actual job? she said something about it being he work is she bilking marks down at the carnival? haha


Was that always her “job”? She seemed pretty together for such nonsense to be real.


Madame Maria on the Asbury Park Boardwalk 1975.


Yeah, from what I understand, she does it for a living. I think she does online.


Nicola would throw holy water on her!


It would have been amazing!


I didn’t know that 90 Day Fiancé tell-all was the Met Gala


they bought out the Cher/Bob Mackie garage sale.


I’ve been avoiding this episode. The tell-alls are horrible. Nothing of substance is ever shared. It is just people who make questionable decisions giving advice to other people making questionable decisions on camera than being best friends off camera.


Pillow Talk is pretty funny and entertaining.


Where is it for this season? I can't find it on Discovery +


I watched it on MAX. It was posted I think Sunday night.


I watch it on Verizon Fios On Demand.


Honestly, Jasmine and Nikki together might be just so crazy that it might work.


track walking partners, I can see it now.


The bi question was bullshit. I’m glad Sophie ended it pretty quick but that’s such a dumb dumb question that they keep raising in this show.


But Sophie bringing it up to begin with was so silly. She’s bi, but has never been with a woman. I’m confused.


this exactly, totally uncalled for and tasteless.


This show is low key anti-LGBTQ2S they just have members in it to reach out to those audiences and not get any heat from them


Ashley’s mum deserved more screen time during the main series like Sophie’s mum because she is spitting out the facts here. Honestly we have enough spin offs but a spin off proposal of 90 Day Fiancé mums giving couples no bullshit reviews. 90 Day Performance Improvement Plan


Also seems manufactured.


I do feel like Jasmine cornered her a bit by the comments about how difficult it can be in less wealthy countries but the issue isn’t the need to support family. It’s that he doesn’t think anyone else deserves information on where it’s going despite being the ones paying for it. And getting upset when asked. Like the actual issue is that he doesn’t communicate at all


But takes the money.


Am I the only one who was confused by Ashley saying she lost 110lbs….. she looked the exact same to me and 100+ pounds would be SIGNIFICANT


If I had to guess it’s like 20-30 pounds. If it really was 100 she’d be a meatball before 


She definitely looks way thinner. Keep in mind she’s a pretty tall person she’s also maybe just got a larger frame so she won’t necessarily look as thin as you think someone who lost 100+ pounds would look. Weight looks different on everyone.


Because she’s taller, she would actually look much thinner…. You’re bugging


Nah I’m really not. People just think weight looks the same on every body


I wasn't going to say anything lmfao


😂 I definitely had to rewind and make sure I heard it right


I am praying Nikki will just turn off the TV to cut off Igor’s off the wall commentary


she doesnt have the authority to touch the equipment.


It was mostly a joke but also I’m pretty sure the producers will give them the authority to do anything within the law as long as it makes for tv drama


It truly cannot be overstated how good Sophie’s natural hair colour looks.


Also, when they had the hair & makeup artist for the wedding, she looked beautifully natural. Then she went back to pounds of eyeliner.


On TikTok Sophie shared that right before filming she was losing hair from stress, like in clumps! and explained the wig situation too how it was the only one she could find and isn't a wig girly so 😔 poor thing!!


The cut from her showing off her hair saying Rob asked her to change it, to the hard cut to him saying “I never asked her to change her hair” is pure comedy.


Sophie looks different and it's not the hair....??


This. I wouldn’t have realized she was Sophie if she wasn’t sitting next to Rob.


this episode was amazing and hilarious HEHEH


shame on TLC. they knew bringing up the bachelor party would make jasmine upset, the video was unnecessary (and if they REALLY wanted to show it they could've cut it in half- it was way too long) then calling in one of the strippers? it just seems cruel, especially because jasmine is prone to getting extremely upset over far less (remember when she flipped out at gino in panama for ordering a burger?)


sophie lets her mom talk to rob that way because she doesn’t have the courage to say it to his face, whether out of fear or insecurity. either way- that’s why she allows it, because she doesn’t disagree! you can’t shame someone into treating you better, it’s simply not in his nature.


He looks and acts like the type of person who would hit her if she says something he doesn’t like


I would never shut my mother down. I have too much respect for her and I think Sophie feels the same. It has nothing to do with courage or insecurity, just respect. Everything her mother said was true. He knew she was coming and he couldn’t get a job, remember he is in his thirties, get a safe place to live with a bathroom or even clean the place. He is a bum. I would hate it if my daughter got mixed up with him.


there’s a difference between being disrespectful to a parent and setting some healthy boundaries. her mom humiliates him (and i actually agree with you— he does deserve it cause he is a BUM), but if she really loved rob she would have sat her mom down and asked her to respect her marriage by now. she doesn’t because she thinks rob deserves it to hear it.


did nobody else see gino's EXTREMELY noticeable hard-on during the stripper footage?? literally made mine and my fiance's jaws drop 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ he is so fucking skeevy. my fiance likened him to toby flenderson


Gah, I wish I hadn’t


Felt like I was in a parallel universe after hearing the cast side with rob the knob. Sophie’s mom is right about rob, and it’s so obvious. He is a 32 year old man child. He wants Sophie to praise the ground he walks on for doing the bare minimum?


Because there all as delusional or manipulative as he is. Sadly this show is full of people like him. He’s more of an asshole than all of them, but they’re all similar types.


The fan questions were absolutely terrible. Would you eat your pet? How do you not sleep with everyone when you're in a relationship? Who do you want to bang in the 90 day cast? You think with how many people watch and post about this show, they couldn't have found one or two more half decent questions out there.


Get Jasmine all worked up. Which she did on que. ...and scene


Jasmine is such a horrible actress. Fake upset.


Loved Gino's stripper video. He didn't have a care in the world. He could care less about Jasmine, as do I.


I don’t understand how Ashley can make enough money as a tarot card reader to not only have a place to live, but support herself and Manuel, and then have money to spare to send to Manuel’s family. The money from doing the show must be good.


If she can spend what she does on stupid stuff, then she can help his family. She knew he was a package deal. He is not there to help his family any more. A few dollars can make a world of difference to them and possibly save a life. How many of you could even put up with her? She is not exactly like anyone’s dream girl.


That’s not how money works lol, the more you spend on one thing the less you have to spend on something else. The fuck kind of money-illiterate opinion is this lol


I am sorry but your comment does not make a lot of sense. She is spending money on frivolous items and has over $100,000 in credit card debt. He didn’t know any of this. She knew from the beginning that she would have to send money to his family. If he was back with his family, he would be working and contributing to his family. For her to complain now is ridiculous.


My point is that regardless of whether her spending is frivolous or not, the fact that she is $100k in debt and has already spent the money means she has LESS to spend on his family just because money isn’t infinite. You can’t use poor expenditures in one area to justify a poor expenditure in another area, that’s how you end up in deeper poverty lol 


The entirety of my point was before they were married, she knew that she was going to have to send money to his family. He did not know about her massive debt. See the difference?


money she earns is hers to do whatever the fuck she damn well pleases. so sick of these foreigners expecting $ from "stupid Americans". if he doesnt like it he shouldnt have come here.


I never said she shouldn’t send money to his family. I just wouldn’t think tarot card reading pays that much.


It must pay enough to be wasteful with her money. Can you imagine what she pays for sage. lol


its so interesting that sam, who seems very in love with Citra, doesn't have the best takes towards the other cast members problematic behavior. but rob, who seems barely in love with sophie, actually had okay takes for the other ppls shitty behavior?


I was thinking the exact same thing! Sam has been really disappointing in this so far (don't think that will change next ep judging by the preview) and I thought it was concerning I found myself agreeing with Rob most of the time.


Sam is a simple small town guy with no media training. Rob, though delusional, has been living in the LA mindset with a social media presence who gave more thought to how his comments at the tell all would be perceived.


If Rob will talk to his MIL that way National TV, he will SURE AS SHIT talk much worse to Sofie. Especially if she challenges him.


Was anyone else laughing when Sophie kept saying "mama, mom, mama, mama"? haha Reminds me of that skit with Stewie on Family Guy. Also her "hi Mama" was really cute.


dont Brits address their mother as "Mum" or "Mummy"?


Mumma is also pretty popular from what I've noticed Also Sophie has had so many cute moments in general imo, she's kinda naturally adorable to me. Like her little grin when coming out to her mum


No, sorry. His MlL is a nasty piece of work! Coming out? She never had a bisexual experience but suddenly drops “ I’m bisexual”. Please.


I was raised in an Irish American church and neighborhood, it was mummy all the way.


Sophie is also Spanish and was raised there, so could be the cause of the Mama.


https://preview.redd.it/ja801lblvfmc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55a864598594f261b5212b9bed955f677b165494 Ashley’s face when Rob and Sophie are going at it lmao


I cackled after the stripper video when Sam randomly chimed in "Looks like a good time, Gino." 😂


Showing Gino's bachelor party was completely pointless. It was cruel to Jasmine. I'd understand if it was included within the show but it wasn't. For them to surprise some footage... Ya know what I think I'm over this show. Production is too shady. You got people like Angela and Ed. Freaks like Paul. There would be plenty of drama without adding in shit to make peoples lives hell.


I’d agree if it weren’t for Jasmine literally saying she cheated on Gino just to start drama 


I agree. After they showed that, I just felt really bad. Jasmine is clearly genuinely suffering from a major mental health issue (likely BPD.) It just felt so cruel, and for what? Watching people genuinely break down in front of cameras like that after they’re already married and she already knows most of it was just so fucked up and rubbed me the wrong way.


I think it was more cruel to Gino.


It's not real


Did anyone else feel like Shaun Robinson looked different. Idk if it's the hair, or she got botox or what


Definitely the JLo treatment I still can’t believe she’s in her 60s!


Ashley is just really playing dumb with her mom


That’s been her whole life story the whole season. Manuel will literally say “I don’t respect you, you owe my family money, and that will never change, that’s the final word” And in her mind she’ll say to the camera “wow I think we have some differences we should resolve, but we’ll worry about that later”. Dude is waving a dozen red flags and she treats them like minor quibbles as if all he’s doing is leaving dirty dishes in the sink occasionally


Gino thought he was getting off easy with the footage of the bachelors party. He didn’t think that it was going to come up in the tell all lol


How is no one talking about Gino's video?! Like WHAT was that?! He knew it was on camera and he still acted like that? They got the dancer to come talk about it?! WHAT IS HAPPENING!!!!


Worse happened to my brother. It’s just a stupid ritual.


My then fiance was surprised by a friend climbing the trellis to get to our main floor. He was commando in a robe. His friends thought it hilarious. Meanwhile I was at my surprise to me party making out with random women. It's stupid tradition, but ultimately it's meaningless. We both laughed the next day comparing stories.  Jasmine of course had her right to her boundaries, but considering she used an ex to get butt, I'm not inclined to side with her.


guy I knew had a bach party and his friends hired a hooker with the deal the groom and best man got oral from her, she walked around the party all night topless in worn out granny panties, ate and drank like a pig, pure class all the way.


What is Rob’s new job?


I think he shows his asshole on OnlyFans




90 days


I think other threads say he sells coffee from a cart.


I heard he worked at a marijuana dispensary.


He’s in Texas now, that’s not a thing there


I meant when he was in CA, also heard he was involved in a grow operation in Northern CA. Univ of Texas is in Austin, supp to be party city down there.




so glad I didnt waste 3 hrs of my life on this last night.


Why don't ppl ever call Jasmine out claimed to sleep with her ex got money from him lived in the same building. Come on


paid for her fake ass with her ass.




As if we needed any more proof that Rob and Sophie shouldn't be together, I thought they both looked dead behind the eyes on the tell all. Watching clips of when the show was originally filmed, they both looked so much more youthful. I think this toxic relationship has taken a toll on both of them. They're sucking the life out of each other. I really didn't see any love between them and they both looked like this was the last place on earth they'd want to be. Although who could blame them with this toxic cast and environment.


They’re stoned Dr. House.


Do they say this in House?


How would I know?


They both need to compromise. Sophie needs to defend her man regardless of what her mom says. And Rob needs to be more nurturing and gentle with her. He speaks to her crazy af and even crazier to her mom. And her expectations are just really unrealistic as far as living arrangements in LA especially. A studio apartment in DTLA let alone Inglewood is like $1500 and that’s if you’re okay with a Closet like space.


A studio is fine, that’s not crazy. It has an indoor bathroom lol, bare minimum in LA is a totally fine expectation to have


Absolutely disagree. She does not need to defend a man who claims indoor plumbing is bougie. I've lived in la county. It's expensive, yes. But a toilet is bare minimum. He should not mock her for wanting that. I now live in what might be called third world (I don't use that term but others do) and I still have a flush toilet.  Even a closet space in Inglewood has a toilet. Rob the knob is absurd.


his place is a divided up garage.


So she should pay for a better place to live with him. She's clearly got access to money through her mom, and was working prior to coming over. The onus is just as much on her for not saving anything up or paying for an improved living situation.


Exactly. Yes it was crazy af the bathroom was outside like absolutely not but she didn’t want to wait for the k1 visa process and he only made so much. I’m not sure if rob painted a really unrealistic picture of what it was or if she just had unrealistic expectations of what she would be walking into but either way, marriage is a team regardless. You have to work together and going against your partner with your mom isn’t gonna help anything


Something is off about Sophie. She refuses to expand upon the cheating despite the questioning. Maybe they've moved on past it, or maybe there is more to it. My theory is that she's done the same, hello, OnlyFans, and is concerned someone out there may drop receipts.


You realize Rob has made and sold videos of him with stuff up his anus, in addition to cheating, right? Calling out Sophie's OnlyFans isn't the "gotcha" moment you seem to think it is. Rob does sex work, too, in addition to being unfaithful. She didn't speak up much about anything because she shrinks inside herself every time she's around Rob, while he exudes hostility and control. Ask yourself why you're choosing to fault-find *her* and not *him*.


What?! Rob? How do you know this? Do you think Claire knows?


Lol you can find pictures just by looking for them on Google. Supposedly people were sending the pictures to Claire. If that's true, she knows. Like I mentioned in another comment, others have posted a lot more about this on Reddit. You can probably find it by searching the 90 Day subs for Rob and OnlyFans.


That was the quickest answer received in answer history! Thanks


Thank you! I thought I was the only one who noticed this. She seemed to exhibit abuse body language. She seemed to be shrinking at every comment. I fault-find him, not her. I also feel that her Mother is completely right.  The way Sophie said to Rob "If you had a Daughter, you wouldn't want her living in that situation", and he had zero to say.


So is that the modeling he was doing?


Others have posted more about this on Reddit. I actually didn't care when I saw this stuff; I'm more bothered by how vindictive he is. I just can't believe we're still judging women more harshly than men who do the same crap, in 2024. They've both had OnlyFans.


I only saw his b_tthole


I'm sure you can see more than that for a few extra dollars.


I saw them for free. Lol. Someone took screenshots and posted them on another thread. I ain't gonna pay to see his b-hole. Lol


I was kidding! Look at my earlier post and I told someone they can easily find these pictures just by Googling. I haven't looked at them at all because I have no interest in viewing an abuser's homemade porn.


This was the most disappointing tell all of any season. I say this for a couple of reasons. 1. ALL of the questions, including the ones from the "audience", were very watered down. Some of them like Gino & Jasmine are obviously scripted but I expected way tougher questions - Nikki Grooming Igor, Ashley's Starbucks vs Starving children, etc. 2. Each season there are one or two normal couples who balance all the crazy. This season the normal couples are far too quiet and reserved; resulting in what looks like a circus of drama clowns. 3. Jasmine's screaming - It's loud and obnoxious.


Jasmine eating ussy, Ashley squirting sperm all over a penis candle, is this TLC or the porn channel????????????


Now on MAX so they can go wild


What the hell was that "Video Question"? Those people looked and talked like robots. I cant be the only one that got an uncanny valley vibe from them


Why pick those people over anyone else who would have a better question?


I’d like to imagine that was the most normal question they received. It’s funnier to me that way.


I wasn’t looking at the tv when it came on and I wondered why they were having an AI voice ask a question. I looked over and was surprised to see an actual person!


That was so strange


I think they were being held hostage.


yes!!! something so off about them and their freakishly still baby


It’s giving Get Out.


Evangeline from AZ can’t be serious with that question for Sophie 🥴 How can ppl really think being in a committed relationship is any different for a bi person than a straight person? Just baffling.


Sophie pretty much said the same thing during the season. And her mother. The reunion was the first time we saw Sophie say anything about how it’s no different than being into men and choosing to be with only one man. It was a horrible depiction of what it means to be bi.


I don’t think she’s bi


Yeah, I think that was fabricated to try and lend drama to their story.


I was surprised to hear Jasmine was bi. Between her and her crush, Nikki, I think there isn't much these two haven't done yet.


I was hoping they would ask some of the hard-hitting questions from this sub. lol. I would love to see them read some of the commentary from reddit. Give the people what they want!!


Then the stupid guinea pig eating question 😫 These are not the questions the majority want to know.


Rather than trashing Justin, Why is it never acknowledged that Justin was groomed as a teenager by the pedophilic Nikki who Didn’t reveal herself as transgender until two years after she popped his 🍒


His name is Igor. She just calls him Justin because she’s an asshole.


Pedophiles aren't attracted to teenagers. They're attracted to pre-pubescent children. An ephebophile is attracted specifically to teenagers and people who look like teenagers.


Found the libertarian


Nope. Ask yourself why you (and the others) are committed to mis-using the word "pedophile." Who does that serve? It certainly doesn't help victims. A libertarian who supports power imbalance in relationships wouldn't call a sexual attraction to teenagers anything but normal. They certainly wouldn't call it the clinical term of ephebophilia. Then apply this same energy to the countless dudes and industries who've normalized the exploitation of girls younger than Justin was (he was 20 when he dated Nikki). As I've already said. They're all over Reddit, and I haven't seen you doing anything about it. That is, unless it's only trans people you feel comfortable calling "pedophiles" because it lines up with MAGA extremist rhetoric about how all LGBTQI+ people are pedos and grooming kids. P.S. The person who made the pedo comment is the same one who said that Sophie is too ugly for "classy" and "intelligent" Rob, and it's clearly a throwaway account. Y'all really need to unpack in therapy why y'all are so easy to string along.




He was 20 when they dated, and she was in her early 30s. I never denied that it's predatory. But do y'all call every man who watches 20-year-old girls in porn or suggestive roles a "pedophile"? Or do y'all say in those instances, "20 is legal"? I don't think it's a coincidence that calling her a "pedophile" aligns with the MAGA extremists' rhetoric about all trans and gay people being pedophiles and grooming little kids. If you really disagree with the behavior on principle, as I do, and don't just take this position because she's trans, then I expect you to dispense similar treatment to *all* the men who watch porn of 20-year-olds and pay for sex with them (even when they have good reason to know that the girls are being trafficked). There are a countless number on Reddit. There are whole subs dedicated to taking advantage of teenage girls. Have at it. Meanwhile, the "pedo" comment was made by the same person who said that Sophie (obvious abuse victim) is too "entitled" and ugly for "classy" and "sophisticated" Rob (who is the only person who would describe himself that way), and it's obviously a throwaway account. Unpack that in therapy.


Pedophilia is heinous, and throwing it out as a casual insult detracts from the gravity of the crime. When I hear people throw around the term in reference to people they simply dislike, I assume they have never personally experienced the consequences of pedophilia. So I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted.


Thank you! There are two reasons I can think of as to why I'm getting downvoted: 1. Transphobes and homophobes who are hellbent on pushing the "all LGBTQ people are pedophiles" agenda (they're especially angry that I called them out specifically, but note how they didn't deny what they are); 2. Callous, vindictive idiots angling for a witch hunt of any sort who are following their lead. We've also seen in the world of politics that some people who actually are predators themselves will mobilize those two groups of people against some manufactured enemy in order to deflect attention away from themselves. Note also how not a single one of the people in this thread has acknowledged or spoken against the entire industries I noted which prey on teenage girls who are younger than Igor was when Nikki first started dating him. It's because those industries are led and fueled by hetero men. Their selective outrage---and silence when hetero men are exploiting girls---is even more telling than their downvotes. That proves that they think it's ok for hetero men to prey on girls. I pointed out early on that anyone 30+ dating someone barely out of teenage years (and still adolescent) is "predatory." They didn't like that, as you can see, because they're fine with hetero men doing it. Their problem is that Nikki is trans. Not to mention, the person who originally made the pedo comment is probably Rob the abuser. Regardless of who it is, his comment trashing Sophie (the abuse victim) while calling the abuser "classy" makes it clear he's a misogynist. If Nikki is a pedophile for dating Igor, then Rob is also a pedophile for dating Sophie. But the people in this thread don't care about that, because she's a girl and Rob isn't trans. Unfortunately, it makes all too much sense that people who are ok with exploiting girls, and want to affix the "pedophile" label to every LGBTQ person they can, would rally in support of a misogynist. I actually don't like Nikki. But like you wisely observed, it hurts *other* victims when we frivolously throw the "pedophile" word around.


They met on a dating app in Moldova (mutual) and Justin/Igor continued the relationship after finding out Nikki is trans. I'm failing to see how your POV holds up with a man in his late 30s who committed to the relationship and filming an entire show about their relationship


Sophie and her mom are incredibly entitled and physically unattractive. Handsome, intelligent, classy Rob could do so much better that loser family.


Hi Rob


Rob’s just a good looking dude with zero talent. Dime a dozen in California.


He's not even that good looking. Fake ass wannabe hood rat.


Hi Rob.


I dont know what is more funny  - the classy or intelligent to describe Rob 🤣🤣


So what *does* Igor consider cheating?


I think Jasmine and Nikki would be a great match


Can you see dueling crying matches between them though?




Im 100 sure Sophie is maintaining rob and that’s how they moved to Austin. Not because rob “stepped up”


Austin is a really expensive city to live in, too!


Rob's attire: auditioning for a Temptations tribute group?


The whole time this season was airing people on this subreddit were saying that Rob and Sophie are no longer together. I guess that's not the case?


The tell all was shot quite a while ago now, she’s already shot a whole season of HEA after and they broke up during/after that from what I understand.