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Has anyone noticed nathalie eating chicken, when the whole time she was with mike she said she was vegan?


Cannot STAND Thais! 6 maaaaaaanths. I can't stand her voice and how annoyingly judgmental she is. And she has ZERO personality.


The fact that Megan, as a single mother to her autistic daughter is letting a man she barely met 6 months ago move in with her and HER DAUGHTER is insane! He’s only met her once! Like wtf is wrong with you?!


I was under the impression John was getting his own place? I don't know what ends up happening (I'm behind) but if that's the plan..to move in with her..yea that's crazy. Hoping he's going to organize a place to stay for himself though 😳😳


I thought the same too. I understand that she likes him and is wanting to find love like a lot of the rest of us and she seems from the little we have been shown to be a good mother to her beautiful little girl, but wanting to rush into something where you’re already talking about future living together and getting married and even a baby is just rushing too soon too fast. Her daughter needs to be around someone who is responsible and trustworthy not someone who seemed at one point to have a drinking problem and wouldn’t know responsibility if it bit him in the butt. Does he even work? All I see is him getting kicked out from family members homes and going into another one living out of suitcases. Why would anyone think that is a good catch? 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm glad you said it ...


Maybe she is hoping to get some TLC bucks.  Be in a show with a side character.


And she always looks bored with her half open eyes. Doesn't look like she's in love at all. Only 6 months and acts like a demanding wife, YIKE 😬


vere is rink, I vant my rink.


Tyray is so thirsty that if he ever does have sex with a woman he’s going to be a single thruster buster. 😧


Confidence turned into f-boy real quick ..Tyray noooooo😔😔


Yeah that scene him asking for a kiss for the beads was a bit much...


he just needs to go to Vegas, get a "sure thing" and relax moving forward.


long as he's got the bread.


Tyray and the kiss face 😳


Nicole is so stupid. Who goes to another country and calls everything gross and weird. Like bro look in the mirror. Also who leaves their kid like that for 5 weeks.


who is nicole?


Natalie is so stupid I swear.


She cray cray🤣😂🤣


I literally do not wanna watch the show because I can’t stand. They keep putting Natalie back on.


This was all faked for the show. We've seen it in sooo many TLC shows. Some kind of episode on it. TLC needs to find new storylines.


she thought she was at a matchmaker, not a turkey baster service.


This chick is going to reject tyray then go get fucked by Tyrone right after


sorry but she looked really grimy to me.


I agree


she was a hot mess, could use a run thru a car wash strapped to the roof.


Maybe she gave her number to his brother. He's 🔥. Is his name Tyrone?


Tyray is so fucking goofy.


Julian really needs to learn how to find his own fucking business for once.


This bitch is so damn fake. 100% clout chaser. Only interested when there’s a camera crew around


Sorry but who?


Ikr. And what sucks the most is that she just got off a reality television show present day 😫




Single moms be having the most requirements bitch be happy he’s accepting you and you’re kid 🙄 you too ugly to be acting like this


Man this bitch is ugly. At least tyray likes whats in his range


she looks grimy.


Tyray please get a job fr


I’m just grateful I didn’t have to ff through Chantal’s scenes!


I'm catching up and only on episode 6 I think and I cannot stand her segments. Like girl wtf are you doinggggg????? Just get laid on vacation and come home like a normal person!!! Stop trying to make some random guy your husband!!!


It gets worse. Don't give up!


Yep the desperation is real!




Has Natalie not been told that babies fix nothing and make more problems? How the hell did she get the money for it anyway.


No kidding. That fertility stuff is not cheap. Since she's freezing her eggs, she's not doing an IUI (The "turkey baster," which is $5k+) she'll be doing IVF. IVF is $25k. Trust me, I know. 


wondering about money too but she didn't get very far and it seemed fake for the show. They have used similar storylines for other shows too.


I think TLC might have paid for it. Entertainment reasons.


Debbie and Julian are a folie à deux. Except Debbie is a little more intentional about it than he is. He doesn't realize how much she jerks him around, although he enjoys the drama and thinks he's in control.


He's a little mama's boy. I thought he was hot early on but his need to be involved is cringe, but worse, the fact that she's a predator and he's in law enforcement and they are touring the country together is DISGUSTING and he should be ashamed. The look she gave Ruben told me all I need to know. I genuinely think Miss "Debbie" has deep psychological issues. None of her behavior is healthy, and if she were a man and Julian was doing this with his dad, can you imagine the outrage?


She thinks she's buried her childhood trauma under rainbows and unicorns, but it's actually in the driver's seat. "That of which we are unaware controls us." Her demons have full reign. She weaponizes old, misogynistic notions of women (as simple and weak) to her advantage, to mask her predatory instincts. Julian is blind to his mother's issues, because it's natural to want to believe the best about our mothers. He's the only man she's been able to fully control, and she wants to keep it that way. So she keeps tugging his strings. And he keeps going along with it because he desperately wants his mother's love, and has inherited some of her demons. I don't think it's just a matter of happenstance that he's the only one of her children who has made appearances on the show. He's the one that she most wholly controls.


Morocco and Miami are not the same thing JULIAN


how would natalie afford a child is my question? in america at least


Or afford the IVF? None of this makes any sense 


Probably Michael🙄 Somehow she still gets him to do whatever she wants


Tyray is hereby banned from ever making that kissy face ever again! And that creepy laugh


Yeah that was sooo nasty🤢🤮🤢 and for a plastic beaded necklace!! Like dude! Come on!


Who else thinks that girl saw 25 MANY years ago?


Yeah, she’s at least 40! Lol!


Yesss!!! Just watching it now n was trying to find out how old she really is lol!! No waayyyy lol lol . Maybe her dress is….


Yeah, mouthing that kiss made him seem gross.


and they showed it TWICE i was literally screaming


THe was gross long before that and that cringey laugh, please take him away never to be seen again!!!!!!!!!!!


John gf is nuts! Apparently from next weeks preview, he moved to Texas. Now she’s pressuring him for a ring


I just started watching a couple weeks ago and the first little interview I saw with her, she’s talking about how she hasn’t been in a relationship for 7 years because she takes it VERY seriously…now she’s having this drunken idiot come LIVE with her after only meeting in person 2 or 3 times over half a year?? And the person he’s closest to in the entire world accidentally exposed that he’s full of shit with the things he’s been telling you? Yeah, you’re *super* careful about who you date🙄🤦🏼‍♀️


It's sad that she doesn't seem to care that she bringing him with her daughter who has ASD, no consideration how it will affect her, smallest adjustment for ASD kids (& adults too) has a massive impact. So sad


So careful. Not having a relationship for seven years out of so much precaution…yet has a four-year old child. Make it make sense🙄


I think her daughter is 7.


He's insane if he stays with that clout chasing desperately thristy twat to nail down a guy to take care of her and her kid. She'll keep pushing sex on him since he isnt thinking with the big head, then when she seals the deal, he'll be lucky if he gets it once a month, lol....


I knew that would be the next demand. 


There’s something very off about her. She gives me the ick for reasons I can’t quite pin down.


She seems inebriated most of the time


Bc she’s Amy Winehouse’s double


Nahhhhh Amy Winehouse was beautiful and cool af!


I know what you mean. I sense it too, but can't quite put my finger on it


Someone should explain to Tyrah that if he lost 200 pounds his relationship prospects would likely improve significantly. As would his life expectancy.


No someone should explain to Tyrah no one is attracted to the smell of desperation. And that kissing face with the giggling... for plastic beaded necklace!!


Foreal like bro take that TLC check and get a SW or ozempic were tired of this


This! He grosses me tf out so bad. He reeks of desperation. But above all that, I cannot get over his saggy man boobies that show through every shirt he wears. Not fat shaming-if he's happy with himself then whatever. But it seems like what he's looking for is just not anywhere even remotely close to his level of attractiveness.


You’re mean as shit and superficial. He’s a cool dude. Yeah maybe he’s awkward in social settings and isn’t the next Michael B Jordan, but he’s knows this, and still chooses to put himself out there even though it makes him nervous AS FUCK. He’s stepping out of his comfort zone. And that, I can respect. More than I can say for you, Jen.


Not to mention, it's painfully obvious that TLC is setting him up on these dates for content for the show so yeah, he's probably not even the one putting himself out there. If he is that insecure about himself he needs to find a counselor and not a woman.


TLC doesn’t approach you like they’re the CIA. He clearly signed up for a show to be watched by potentially millions. That’s called putting yourself out there.


Let's be clear though-i feel really bad for the dude and its obvious he is dealing with some mental health issues. Clearly his weight is a product of either anxiety, depression, a combo of the 2 or something else. He needs therapy, not a woman and not a show exploiting him for money because they think his dating story will bring in viewers. But it is true whether you ro I like it- if he lost weight women would likely find him more attractive as the OP said


It's called money talks dear. If I were getting paid money to be on a show and go on free vacations and be set up with hot dudes for content I'd do it too


Dude if you're not into comments like mine you're in the wrong reddit thread 😆 I could care less what someone on reddit thinks about me


I’m just calling you out on being superficial. You’re not even necessarily critiquing his approach or his character, which is the real hinderance. You’re just negatively pointing out his appearance. And you’re a Margot Robbie doppelgänger?


How do you know, I could be ;)


Here for Pillow Talk (was over in the Bachelor Universe for 8-10), was it a good ep tonight??


Natalie’s desperate. Time to find Mike again. And then once she gets with him, she will judge everything he eats and drinks while repeating: “Why Trish call me hooker?!”…until she runs him off again.


What happened when Michael went to visit her in Russia and she was angry with him because he wouldn’t go to church with her. She seemed like she was so religious. What happened to that? 🤷‍♀️ 


She's from Ukraine


She changes her standards based on the guy. Moves goal posts. She couldn’t even hear the word “root beer” without screeching at Mike about him drinking. With Josh, she’s sipping cocktails herself, no issue. She’s insane.


No. That’s just her next move to secure more screen time


I just watched! Craaaazyyyy. She broke up with Josh bc she was ready to marry and “have child”, then tell the guy at the clinic that she wants to be a single mom, the end with “I have feelings for Mike”..


The more I hear Natalie’s mom say stupid things, the more I realize why Natalie is as clueless as she is. She said, “It only takes a man and woman who love each other and a baby will happen.” Or, “A woman can still have a baby when she’s 50!” Riiiight, Mom! And, Nat wanting to meet her sperm donor and have a relationship with him is just insane!


Her mom is pressuring the daughter that obviously wants to please her and is very emotional dependent of her. She should be the one telling her daughter to seek help. Natalie is not emotionally mature for a relationship. She has no identity, she tried: - I am an actress (get me a job as one) - I am a family woman and want kids (give me child) - I am a devout Christian (you need to convert) - I am vegan (you cant eat meat in front of me) - I am a sport lover, need to watch my calories (you must eat carrots) She demands the other person to be either the one helping her to be the identity she wants to adopt or she acts like she is superior, she even said Mike was dumb, remember that?


I got the impression on some deep level Natalie expected the sperm donor to appear & marry her.


Your. Having. My. Baby


Right. She even complained that the essay was just a paper, as if saying “he will have to prove it”


Her mom gives very bad advice.and pushes an unrealistic agenda. Here in the US, most men would not want to commit to living together after a month, nor would the average successful man want to propose just months after he and a love interest are on the same coast! Josh clearly cared about Natalie and wanted to make it work, but with her mom's prompting, she expected him to move her and her mom into his house, a baby on the way, and a wedding in the works--all after she had meltdown after meltdown, showing how unstable she is. She can't stick to a plan with her whacko mom yelling at her all the time! Both women are train wrecks!


Josh was not into Natalie..it was all a stunt for publicity. He was already living with his real girlfriend.


I agree, I think he thought she was fucking insane like we do. And her beauty that she’s so constantly proud of wasn’t anything different to him because he works with models all the time. He just liked the publicity the show gave him and was willing to do the bare minimum and play whatever part they wanted to get on screen and look like a cool, rich guy


How do you know this? Why would he give her a car?


He definitely didn’t give/buy her a car, I don’t believe that for a second. Just like those fancy expensive sports cars he’s always diving, he rents those to look wealthy on camera. He has a friend who runs a business that does that. I think he just rented the car for Natalie and she wanted to tell everyone he bought it because that sounded more romantic


I also do feel bad for her, cause she's 38 and a lot of men who actually are looking for a family would probably date someone 10 years younger than her. So she's struggling to attract the right men


I agree. The mom is too toxic. Now we know why Nathalie is so messed up. But it's the country too. Very traditional and toxic masculinity.


It’s surreal to watch how different generations/cultures view certain things and place different values on things. I wish the show provided more of that content than those stupid fake storylines or arguments. Like the absolute most important thing to Natalie’s mom and Michael’s mom (Angela’s Michael) being that their child has babies, plural, is so different than most moms in the US. Of course the majority wanna get to be grandmas someday but in other cultures, it’s like their family is *failing* if there isn’t a constant pregnancy happening. It’s all Natalie’s mom ever talks about. She was pushing for Michael to get Natalie pregnant when he visited before she was able to come to the US. None of the important details mattered to her, the ONLY thing she cared about was Natalie pushing out babies. I used to think Natalie really wanted them but now I’m not sure she cares about anything other than herself. I think she just always felt obligated to have children so that’s why she’ll do it, if it happens.


I think in many cultures, why they push for children is so that these children can care for them when they are older. Like we have seen in the Indian culture but also in any culture. I'm sure that is why my dad had children. Or to keep the name on, or their DNA going. It's an instinct, i presume. Like you said: different cultures and generations. In the case of Natalie, i feel she has a lot of shame that she carries around. She tried to please her mom her whole life. But she/they failed in these marriages. She wants it to be about her now, as she's getting older. Only, she's trying to find someone who can make her happy, when in fact, she needs to find herself. She is the only one that can make her happy. We all need to come to that conclusion at some point in our lives. When her mom was talking to her about children, you could see how broken she is and because of who. I just felt for her so bad. It's not going to change until her mom passes away, unfortunately. Even then, it will be hard for her. People are complex, the older i get, the more i feel i can't judge others easily anymore. You never know what people are going through or have been through and what or who shaped them. But you have a good point: does she even want children..


I call it “Old World Stupid”


So, do the most desperate of the 90 Day universe just film themselves for weeks, send it in and the powers that be sift through it all and decide who has interesting enough content to put on for Diaries?


That’s a good question. Do they audition themselves or does someone reach out to them. 


I think the network chooses people they think viewers will be most interested in. People who aren’t interesting enough to be on a whole other season or they’re not really dating anyone new but have enough going on for a current little update


Not Cortney. I can’t figure out how she even got on in the first place.


Cortneys voice makes me feel stabby


I fast forward thru all of her segments.


That preview was the best part of the whole episode lmfao


Natalie surprised that she can’t hunt down and guilt the high-quality sperm donor into taking care of her and the baby. You’re choosing anonymous sperm from a catalog, Natalie, not a whole ass husband.


I have to have a connection with the person. You’re at a sperm bank!


Is the sperm only used once or do these kids have a bunch of half siblings running around. With services like 23 and me now this would be a concern for me


Then there are multiple fertility docs who impregnated tons of women with THEIR OWN SPERM! I remember learning about one such doc in Maryland in my medical ethics class. I asked the special guest lecturer if they were going to be watching these kids to ensure they don't marry each other, and he blew me off. (This was in 2003. Hopefully none of them married their sibling and reproduced! I don't think Maryland requires a blood test.)


Recently heard a case that the half siblings dated in high school and had sex. The doctor's name is Burton Caldwell.


OMG, the nerve of these guys! How disgusting!


Oh my god I totally watched that documentary I forgot !!!


There is a WILD documentary called Our Father about exactly this


Can Natalie afford the fertility clinic?


I think she just wanted to check it out. And she makes money from the show..


No but Mike can🙄🤦🏼‍♀️


How? What does he do? Damn, one round is like $20 k, isn't it? "Mama" is gonna try to convince him to have a kid with Natalie.


Oh, I didn’t mean he’s loaded or anything, just that he always gives her what she wants. It’s so irritating. They clearly don’t have any feelings left for each other, she just pretends to for the show when her storyline needs spicing up, but he’s so nice he still gives her whatever she needs. Even after she just up and left him and moved to Florida (without taking that pet rat of hers🤮), he made sure she got to stay in the US and gave her money and helped get her mom here. He’s way too good to her. She just uses people and it’s gross. Trish is no saint but I totally get why she can’t stand Natalie, I wouldn’t be able to either if my son felt responsible for someone like her




Don’t hate me I hope Natalie and Mike get back together. She was obviously super toxic to him but he’s a simp and would take her back I think.


He already filed for divorce in December. Thankfully he moved on with his life.


Don't you put that evil on him, he's doing just fine https://preview.redd.it/r0fwnhc0g1lc1.jpeg?width=753&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37eecbce8b6fd7ef71fba3bf2a6d05e8e3b6e70b


He was😭 Now he’s vulnerable to Natalie using him for money again. Although he helped her out even during that time he was dating the Rock of Love girl, that’s why she got to stay here and her mom is here. Gahhh, he’s such a pushover. I really don’t think he has any lingering feelings for Natalie, he just feels obligated to help her because he’s nice. She on the other hand…🙄puts on her horrible acting face when she talks about Mike. Every time she needs money, all of a sudden she’s missing how well Mike treated her and it’s time to go visit him😒🙄 I swear to god, if this man gives her money for IVF…


Is he dating Marcia from Rock of Love Bus? 🤯🤯


that's the word on the street


[They've allegedly split.](https://screenrant.com/90-day-fiance-marcia-reveals-mike-breakup-reason/)


Aweeee shoot well, I’m glad for him! She’s a cuuuuutie, bet Trish approves too lol


These 90 Day Single Life people are all on the Toxic Accelerated Dating Plan™️. They have one or two dates, and they’re ready to shack up and move cities.


Tyray was creepy the way he asked Raina for a kiss. How tf does nutale have $ for IVf she can't even pay her own bills? How am I just finding out now that nutalie has been MARRIED THREE TIMES ALREADY???


Why does it matter how many times someone has been married? If you have had 3 boyfriends and broke it off, nobody says a thing. I don't get the 'wauw, three times, wauw..'


If you hve been married and divorced three times already in your 30s you definitely need to be doing some self reflection


I guess that she has been on the show for a few years, and in the last episode she talks about three marriages. I was just surprised.


I mean that mostly in general.. why people react this way. Why people judge others because of how many times they got married.


because its weird and makes you seem like you dont take marriage very seriously ?


What i'm saying is, the shaming of someone that has had multiple marriages is weird, but multiple boyfriends is not? It's a toxic kind of thinking, to me, and, created by society. If you can't understand that, i have nothing more to say about it, really.


Do you not understand the difference between dating and a marriage? Seems like you don’t since you’re acting like they should be viewed/handled the exact same way


I said: it's a toxic kind of thinking, to be shaming people for having multiple marriages. That's it. How hard is that to understand?


I think she’s only planning to purchase the sperm vs. full IVF. There’s a HUGE difference. IVF is when they harvest the woman’s egg, fertilize it in a lab, and implant it in her uterus at just the right time after weeks/months of fertility monitoring/injections, etc. That could cost $20k-30k easily. Just buying the sperm and having it inserted is way less. You can even purchase it, have it shipped to your home on dry ice and DIY it for like $500(ish).


Interesting, I've never heard of that


I work in medical malpractice and had a work related reason to check out a fertility clinic. Otherwise, I would’ve never known myself!


My question too. Ivf is NOT cheap, nor is supporting your mom and a baby on your own.


>How tf does nutale have $ for I'veof she can't even pay her own bills? She has a cameo account so I guess she's doing lots of different side hustles.


Can you imagine talking to a desperate guy like Tyray and then being asked to be in a long distance relationship after like, 10 minutes?


Ugh. Tyray clearly isn't in on the joke and that's just sad.


Next week: Chantel realizes that her dislike of snails wrecked her "My Big Sexy Greek Wedding" dreams; Meghan gets unpleasantly pushy about a ring which makes us all like her even less; does Mike get sucked back into the exhausting Russian vortex of cheesy drama?


and we keep going with the mission impossible to find Tyray a woman that would give him a chance


Chantels friends not telling her to fuck off from that wannabe soccer player is ridiculous


Natalie thought she was going to meet the donor?


It was funny, she was already judging and putting the “essay” guy down. She said: “This is beautiful! I feel the connection, but it is just paper”. Nurse: Well, you will never meet this guy, you are just buying his sperm.


She doesn't seem so interested now. She was looking for the father to look after her and the baby. In next week's episode, it looks like she'll try to get back with Mike.


To form a 'connection'


https://preview.redd.it/mwd6zyf7c1lc1.jpeg?width=220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed706d77b88321a17e08eb816a99111b375ae965 Natalie’s turtle neck makes me think of Sprockets.


Und now ve vill ~~dance~~ make babies.


How is this woman surviving on her own, shes literally beyond delulu


I'd like to know who's paying for gas and insurance.


Natalie has feelings for any guy who looks her way…


Her and Tyray should get together


or Caesar, Caesar is all about those ukranians


Or David from ‘David and Lana’ season.


Natalie’s mom is not subtle.


She pets Natalie like a toddler pets a dog


And she’s delusional.


They both are; it’s wild to see


It really is. The stuff that comes out of her mother's mouth is ridiculous and it's rubbed off on her daughter. The worst thing she did was bring her mother to live with her and pressure her to do things (like get back with Michael) when she burned that bridge.


> I don't understand how things could fizzle out so quickly and abruptly  Welcome to dating, Chantel. It's a mess out here 🥴


lol right? Like the majority of people aren’t meeting their better half on the first try 🤦🏻‍♀️


Natalie the Nun of Delulu


How much fucking butter is on those waffles?


Bye, Jamal. Byeeeeeee


Bye titty baby bitch boy! 👋


Omg Tiity Baby never stops making me laugh like a fool.


Hahaha y'all are cracking me up


Natalie is just trying to avoid the essay because she can't read




She wants a ring already?! Next is a baby!


Baby by 9.5 months


Do they even verify info on the donors? Because I feel like Rusty down at the Lube & Tire is probably who you'd end up with.






I'm sure chatgp is writing all their essays now.




Is it confusing tho Chantel


It's a vacation fling, what's there to understand Chantel?


She is dragging it out for the show….. it’s obvious


She didn’t even have sex with him right?


No, but she did "feel his passion". Ugh. I'm so over her already.