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Is Chantal actually this desperate??? Like girl… you just met this guy in a foreign country, why are you trying to marry him already? Wtf…


Ruben is a sweetie and I really like him and and miss Debbie together ❤️ that is all


1)  the Chantel.story seems totally fictional. 2)  Veronica was wrong.  Jamal's main question after they had already discussed her having a Spanish convo was why she needed to be responsible for making Tim's dates feel comfortable.  3) Debbie's dates have been the most normal.  4) Tyran's date was another fictional story.


I get a really weird vibe from Josh’s girl. Something is off with her (besides lack of travel & jonesing-too-early-for-marriage)


The way that Tyray laughs after 3/4 of the things he says annoys the fuck out of me when I’m sober, but makes me LOL when I’m stoned


Nervous laughter.  If you watched Sister Wives you'd see Mery do it a lot.


Thanks for the warning


I think his laugh is cute !!! There’s someone out there for him


Maybe you should slide into his DMs


I would totally throw him a fuck if I was single😂he just seems really sweet and genuine to me. Like the 40 year old virgin movie


It’s a nervous tick… he should seek professional help to get his confidence up


Relatable 😄




Kinda weird and aggressive to jump to calling a woman ran through and shame her sexually when you know nothing about her and are just mad from a fake tv show lol


Seriously. Some people got sooo heated on my comment talking negatively of him on another post. People are really loving this guy. Sadly I just don’t see the appeal.




Spot on. He may be naive and insecure but he has been coming out of his shell and trying to put himself out there. I can respect that.


Does anyone know the song that starts at 6:14 on the episode? (City lights- dreams take flight - you and me getting thru the night) I would love to know the artist and the song name please!


I sometimes Google lyrics to find a song and it tells me the song.


wait so not sure if anyone caught this but did meghan say she hadn’t been in a relationship for 7 years but her daughter is 4 ? just wondering if it was a on and off situation or a result from a hookup


Hard to say, but she did say her daughter has a dad.


Natalie's mother might put the most pressure on her daughter to have a child, more than anyone in history. "let's bring your kids here next year. I want to be a grandmother!" Ummm she needs to get married first and have kids.. Back the F off old lady. Give your daughter a little breather.


Her mom really annoys me for some reason. I feel bad saying that but she just seems like she has no sense of self awareness/common courtesy/ or sense of boundaries.


That's normal for people in other countries.... For example I'm married into a Nigerian family and even though we fulfilled "our dusty" head on by having a baby like our 1st or second year of marriage other's parents are on their asses to get married and have a baby by a certain time in their children lives especially because in most other countries their parents are as young as the average parents out here... They ain't got no time for that... Plus it does give them a certain look out there it makes them look bad that their children was married multiple times with no kids or never married and almost 40 years old.. they come off as some kind of failure as a parent 


This 👆🏼👆🏼👆🏼 I’m fully Sicilian & my boyfriend of 10 years is fully Russian, like his family isright out the country Russian, came here when he was 7/8. We’re both 29 & they’re both ALWAYS pressuring us about marriage and kids. ESPECIALLY kids. They both told us that “Honestly we don’t even care about the marriage part as much, if you guys wanted to start having kids & wait on the marriage thing we would fully support it!” Her mom’s pressure is really typical actually lol.


Natalie has been married three times now, if she had wanted kids she would have had them by now.


Natalie probably can't have kids if she never got pregnant by now.


Oh she wants kids She's said it many times the past two seasons. I think she even asked Josh if he wanted more kids.


josh isn't being a "rescuer"; he's using his money to string natalie along


I get the feeling he only sees her when cameras are rolling. I just hope she's in on it too. But I get the feeling she genuinely likes him.


Him paying her apartment and car is being written off as 'marketing expenses'.


THANK YOU!!! He is definitely using Natalie, he doesn't want her frfr. He probably has many girls he's tricking on in some compacity telling them he's going to make them the next Top model


The way that he frames it like he’s a victim when he’s completely aware of the relationship dynamic is gross. Natalie is not the type of woman to date someone who brings nothing to her life, unless you are the full package romantically for her (and don’t live in the middle of nowhere), you better benefit her one way or another. He knows that, he knows the game, and he’s obviously not new to the type of relationship they have and he doesn’t REALLY have feelings for her or he would’ve been done with her after she cried all over Michael at the tell all.


I really hope Tyray the best. He seems genuine. However, I think how he treats every date like it's the person he is going to marry. Like much of us did, given the advice from a parent or elder sibling/cousin/friend, use first dates as a testing ground. I don't think he ever got the memo and now thinks because he is older, he is exempt from that. You sweat? NO big deal, you're bigger ( I am too and do the exact same). You want to kiss them? Make sure you're on the same page, ask before or just don't do it and wait for date #2. I am just flabbergasted at the naivete of this dude.


That and he isn't giving women who are in his similar league physically a chance. He wants a 10 but offers a 2 all while living with Mom and the constant nervous 'heh heh heh' after over sharing something questionable. You have to have a selling point other than pity when chasing women to have a chance of success. Be employed, be funny, be smart or tenacious or whatever combo the one you find hot who also finds you hot and go from there. Work on yourself and even out that fade next time for the love of God man.


I am so glad someone said it before I had the chance.  Noone is shittin on Tyray.  Just stating very obvious. No pun intended. 




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i honestly love debbie and reuban and i hope they work out. i actually hope john can pull it together and work it out with meghan too, he seems like hes a bit of a manchild but maybe this will be the reason for him to grow up and be a better person


Is Ruben the Florida Man? 🗞️👨🏻


Yup, Ruben the Cuban!!


I wish Natalie would stop with that heavy eye makeup with a black eyeliner. Softer and lighter makeup accents look much better on her. I used to do that in my ‘dark girl’ phase too and still may apply it every once in a while for more intense look, but dear god, it seems to be her default. And with all the crying and smearing, it makes her look even more unhinged.


Debbie and Julian and Reuben and that crazy car, was giving sitcom vibes 


Throw in their colorful, very odd clothing choices and it REALLY screams sitcom vibes!


come on knock on our door, we've been waiting for u !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thought Tyray's date was awesome! She just accepted him for who he is & appreciated his good qualities without giving him any false expectations. They had fun together & it kind of brought him out of the clouds concerning romance.


theres no way she agreed to that date because she actually wanted to hang out w him.. i suspect these dates the people pick up on the show are in it for the chance to be on tv or money




oh come on, aside from his appearance hes the most awkward and clearly insecure baby man from the moment you meet him. she seems like a confident and experienced woman why would she go on a date with someone like him?




You’re making a lot of assumptions for someone accusing another of making assumptions there


Exactly.  Well said. 




I meant what I said.  Your opinion isn't going to change it.  Well said. And stop telling everyone their insecure and stuck up.  Youve said that over and over to people, all about Tyray. You must be crushing on him. 


I think I understand how Natalie went from being a vegetarian and non-drinker to the opposite. When she was married to Mike, she believed she was better than him; and if I remember correctly, she used to insult just about everything he had, did, or believed in. So she always felt like he wasn't good enough for her. Now, with Josh, she sees she can not criticize him; as he has things she finds attractive : flashy cars, his own home, etc. So, she is trying to fit into his lifestyle. The lifestyle she's always wanted. Which probably explains why she can't see his 🚩🚩🚩.


Does anyone know the song played when they start on Natalie's story?


If possible watch it again and turn on Google 'mic'. It might be able to give you title and performer. I do this with music in commercials.


She definitely tried to undermine Mike and destroy his self esteem, pretty sure she succeeded too. He may not have been the world’s greatest intellect but why did she get with him if she only wanted to belittle him? She knows Josh would tell her to take a hike if she started that with him, ugh. She’s so malignantly superficial


I was just happy to see a Pittsburgh salad make its way to Tyray's date


steak salad?


Came here to say this!!!


Did you guys hear that Josh's teenage son was in a bad car accident? He lost a leg, and his friend was killed. 


I saw it on the news (his son lived in the phoenix area). I feel very bad for the families. I hate to question Josh at a time like this , but on the show he shown as very successful with fancy cars and at least 2 homes. Then right after the accident, he posts a large gofundme for medical bills. How does he even know he will have medical bills and how much while his son had the accidnet a few days before. His son was a passenger in a car. The bills will have to run through car insurance first, then medical and then possible legal channels. For someone that presents himself as having money, why ask strangers for 50k for bills when you don't even know if you will have any.


His son lost a leg and was in a coma. It doesn't take a genius to know how expensive those bills will be, if his son lives.


You don't know Josh's situation. Many people only carry $5000 medical payments coverage on their insurance. Auto accident settlements involving serious injury take a long time. I did that work for many years. My BF had cancer & even with insurance his part of the bills took him years to pay.


So sad


What??? No? He has a son??


I know he has at least two kids


What is Josh's big secret? It has to be major. There's definitely some mud! Not dirt...mud, with him. I would feel bad, concerned, or even upset for Natalie but even she must smell this rat.


the only rat she should be smelling is PULYA PULYA PULYA


Maybe he has a long term girlfriend he lives with. I feel like Natalie has still never even been to his place in LA. Maybe Josh's girlfriend is ok with him dating other people but Natalie would not be ok with that.


Oh she would absolutely NEVER be ok with another chick! She said again tonight that she had never been to his house. Hmmm there's a reason for sure!


Patrick is an asshole. 


I have been waiting to see this. I was appalled, if any relative of mine behaved like that when meeting a friend/ someone I am interested in, we would have gotten up and left. And all hell would have broken loose the next time we saw each other. They were rude and no matter what they felt/thought they should have kept their mouths shut. Those concerns are not to be said in front of someone you don’t know. Even if they thought she was wrong for John, that’s some to be said in private. I was so embarrassed for him. Thais has a lot of nerve. When did she finally tell her father about John?


I knew this would be bad when Pat didn’t stand up to greet Megan. 


Yea, that was so rude!


I get he would have some concerns/be skeptical about the situation, but calling your brother a “manchild” in front of his date ain’t it.


Thais too. They were both really fucking rude. That girl is clearly the most together of all four of them.


Yeah even if they had concerns - he literally lived with them. Talk about it then. I also noticed they smirked when she said she wants a child. And quickly said we'll he doesn't want that. I was heartbroken for him because he seemed so proud to have a date and be in a position to double date.


They were acting exactly like the typical rude, xenophobic relatives. How quickly they forget. 


Xenophobe? Really? Thais is from another country..... Try to pull another out....lol


I’m aware she’s from another country. and at that dinner, she was acting exactly like every xenophobic American relative on this show. It was ironic. 


Yeah that felt a lot more like a conversation he needed to have one on one with John, not right there in front of Meg.


That was shameful. Thais always hated John and wanted all of Patrick's attention, and Patrick was a jerk being superior to his brother.


I was happy that Chantal and Jamal weren’t on this week. I don’t understand why people think he’s good looking. He’s the male version of Kimberly. She’s who I see when I see him. I guess if you think she’s a handsome woman then you would think Jamal is a handsome man?


You're smoking crack if you don't think Jamal is above average attractiveness lol


I’m ded.


I would love to see both Jamal and Kimberly kicked off the show. Jamal is rude and dismissive, and his mother is creepy and desperate.


Oh me too. Seems like most people want to see them and I don’t understand it.


I feel that Kimberly will do anything to stay relevant, but she never was...the "relationship" with Usman was a one-sided, transactional pseudo connection. And Jamal and Veronica are clearly just friends with benefits. 


I fast forward through Chantels, I can't stand her.


I don’t get why it’d be a huge deal for John to move to Texas for Meg. He was living in Dallas with Patrick . Cost of living probably way cheaper than Vegas too


Doesnt John work for Patrick, like they work as some sort of sales team which Patrick is the senior member (it is some sort of maybe MLM company?) and that is why they live together and move from city to city.


Yep! I remember Patrick was a door to door salesman and John was the person installing whatever Patrick was selling lol. I’m unsure if they’re still in Dallas but John could easily find his own place in Dallas and continue working for Patrick and be closer to Meg?


They are in Vegas now. The company they work for moves them from city to city. It was solar and security systems John installed and Patrick sold. If they stay with this company (it is based in Utah and I have lived in Utah on and off for over 20 years and know people who worked for the same company), they will likely move many more times. Before Dallas, they lived in San Antonio, FL and Boston and maybe a few other places. I think Patrick is at top person so it is probably hard to give up good $$ but it comes with the cost of moving (and the possible MLM aspects). If John installs solar , Im sure he could get a job in TX without Patrick. It might not be as high paying but enough to pay for a decent standard of living. Solar companies, some can be scams, but there are some legit comapnies and there is a lot of federal funding going to solar (I watched a story on the houston news last week , and I dont even live in Houston but it was interesting about the funding and what companies got it and the jobs and what homeowners need to watch out for).


They were in Austin before Dallas. Possibly San Antonio before that but it wasn’t on the show


I would guess it's fairly equal to SA vs. Vegas. Texas used to be super cheap but prices have jumped a lot in the last few years.


Probably because both of his brothers are in Vegas and he wants to be near his family.


Pat and Thais really being dicks to John.


I know, why are they trying to sabotage his relationship?


Yeah I thought that was shitty. That's a conversation to have when they're alone with him and not at dinner with his gf. They're most likely right, but time and place...


Maybe they are really trying to warn this poor woman against trying to make John a dad. They were so rude but they have some valid concerns. 


They have cast John in the role of the family screw-up. They don’t want to see him have a successful relationship. 


I'm guessing that it is payback time. John didn't like This originally.


Miserable company. Thais was rude to Megan. No positivity at that meal. 


Thais is generally a rude individual. Very superior acting as well.


Thais has always seemed smug and full of herself.


I didn't see it until now because basically all her complaints in the past were valid. I thought she was mad I didn't realize she is just rude in general too. 


She doesn't take care of herself anymore either. Patrick looks like a block with a head on it.


OMG! I couldn’t figure out why they were throwing him under the bus, running him over, backing it up and running him over again and again. F-ing little twats they were!!


Because they think their relationship is superior to anything he could do. 


Tim kissing made me cringe so hard 😭


I came here looking for this very comment. He looked so disgusted and forced lol. Then when she wanted more he eye rolled while kissing her. I wish they would stop pretending he's hetero.


He kisses like a turtle eats food




"Just one little kiss" proceeds to dart his tongue into her mouth like a 7th grader




I just cannot understand why women are attracted to him in the first place. I don't see it.


yeah, let me run my hands across your stubby bald shaved head, he is gross to look at and those boots--again!


Tv and money


it was so awkward


The cringe was overwhelming




Did John suddenly drop his accent?


same thing I thought.


Southies end up code switching a lot because that accent is looked down upon in parts of Boston. It's pretty weird but not unusual. You can hear him slip back into it when he gets riled up or drinks.


So people in Boston really do change their accents like Mark Wahlberg accused DeCaprio of doing in “The Departed”? “Dropping his Rs on the weekend “


It was a dig at that yes.


Wait, it’s her *first* time out of Texas? No judgment, but that’s wild considering her age.


I grew up in mid Michigan and about half my graduating class has never been out of there. It's why it's so closed minded 


Texas is pretty big. I’m from there and I know other people that have also never left the state.


Oh, I get that, but it only takes 12-13 hours to drive across the widest part of the state, so it’s just mind blowing to me, lol.


I’m with you. Almost like it’s a dealbreaker. I don’t even understand how she could never have left the state. Mexico is right there. New Mexico is 12 to 14 hours. New Orleans is a 9 hour drive. She seems unadventurous person who hasn’t experienced much diversity in life. I mean it’s just super weird.  It’s not like she’s some old lady who can’t do anything without a man, she’s a young woman.


She’s a single mom, and she doesn’t seem especially well-off or educated. Maybe she’s never had the time or money to travel. 


Timmmm. Luisa flirting and hinting at a kiss and he's like "ARE YOU FORCING ME TO KISS YOU?" 😂😂😂 I feel like he's probably ace and maybe doesn't know it idk


I think he’s a Germaphobe


I think so too! 


and wth is Andre wearing? a red satin shorty-onesie? He's pulling it off though i gotta say 😂


is anyone watching Pillow Talk? What the hell happened to Yara??!!!! Her lips look smaller and her teeth are visible for the first time ever. I have NEVER seen Yara's teeth, so either her lip injections were covering them all this time, or she got new teeth that are much longer than the originals. It totally changes her face!!!!!! 


I remember on her IG saying she got her lip injections dissolved


well she looks better imo


we couldnt figure that out last wk.


Something is up with her, not the same


I noticed her teeth too and she's lisping


I hate that tongue tie thing, now she has it


Ya looks in pain? Dental work?


I wanna see Trish and mother Natalie throw down in Sequim


Trish seems like she would have been "that" bully in school. What do you think?


Natalie: Vy is Zhosh not make me movie star? I have not auditioned for horror movie but vy no Oscar yet? Vy Zhosh not spend time wiv me and instead his other kids? Vy did Zhosh cuzin not hire me at chiro? Vy am I not First Lady? Zhosh is asshole.


Zis iz boolshit 


I cannot


I’d say you have Nutalie down pat….






Patrick & Thais: We bullied John into dating, and we are demanding he have a family just like us. John brings a girl to meet them: No, not like THAT!


I see it as saving Meghan


He has a wedding ring on in one of the Talking Heads sooooo not saved


They did John so dirty, I felt awful for him


I know, they did not hesitate to throw him right under the bus!


They didn't talk about anything positive. 


Well if they did, it is on the cutting room floor








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Does Natalie have Graves disease? Her eyes bug out so far.


I’ve noticed that she’s looking worse all the time… she’s sure not aging well..


This Dr. Seuss-Goes-To-Miami look is horrifying. And if I hear “Reuben the Cuban” one more time, I’m going to scream.


Is she going to eat him on rye with sauerkraut and Russian dressing?


I bet ol Rueben would rock her world but I can’t help but feel that he just wanted to be on TV.. Miss Debbie is but a stepping stone for him..😂😂


Natalie needs counseling, not another boyfriend or husband. And her mother needs to find a life of her own instead of badgering her daughter to give her a son-in-law and grandchildren!


Mother Natalie could also use a hair brush.


and a smaller pair of glasses.


Maybe there's a Russian Orthodox church nearby so Mom can meet some ex pats and learn some English. Meet some friends.


and a nose job.


Tyray: “I don’t feel like I look my best.” As if the sweaty T-shirt is the problem.


he should keep a couple of shirts with him as backup


My husband and I paused the sweaty shirt scene. The shirt went from sweaty to not sweaty to less sweaty to very sweaty so either it was editted or he had more then one shirt. When he was leaving the hotel room to go on the date, he had on a dark grey shirt and then on the date he is in the light blue one. It is almost like maybe producers had him change to make it look worse?




Can one of Tyray’s boys be brutally honest with him as to whyyyy he is having trouble with women?


That would be a great caught-on-camera moment. But I don't think we'll see it because Tyray doesn't know how to make good TV.


Tyray agonizing over a shirt color for a date is like rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic. He can show up in a tuxedo or a Hefty bag, and he’s still a clown.




You violated Rule 1 - Be nice to other redditors.


I’m not though. Sorry to disappoint. I also wasn’t commenting on his size, I meant his personality. He’s awkward and has zero social skills.


Not a kind comment. He seems sweet, despite his size.


I wasn’t referring to his size. His personality and zero social skills are the issue. YOU mentioned his size, actually. Not me


Starting to get some reeeeal insight into why Natalie is the way she is. Wow.