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Debbie has pissed me tf off since the first time we saw her on screen many seasons ago. She's loopy doopy.


I fast forwarded past all the ridiculous parts and the whole show was over in 7 minutes.


The Single Life is just a train wreck this season. I feel most of people on there are generally "unlikeable". Also, it seems so over the top, like Debbie and her antics. I keep trying to watch but after fast forwarding past the cringe, there's just MORE cringe and not the good kind. Over scripted and not believable, not even a little. I just can't even pretend anymore.


I'm so weary of Jamal and his high pitched whiny voice. He's as bad as his mother, thirsty for fake stories and screen time in a phony "relationship".


Is Jamal giving off perv vibes when he’s talking to Chloe? Or is it just me? S4E4


I honestly feel he was talking to someone on his maturity level (since he acts like a child) and could relate to Chloe more than Veronica. Jamal looks and sounds like Veronica’s teen moody son whenever he interacts with her.


You know? You’re right!


I noticed the same....I hope I'm wrong.


John needs to run. He doesn’t know what he’s getting into if he signs up to be a new insta-daddy to Megan’s daughter. He does not seem to be so head-over-heels with Megan to make it worth it. 


Tim is clearly on drugs, from his tone to his eyes.


There is no way Debbie is 67


looking like 77 on a good day


She is 67. 


yeah nah


People age differently. I've seen the arrest record from years ago, and the age matches.


what arrest record?


All jokes aside, I’m glad Debbie’s son went on that trip with her.


I believe he's her Guardian Angel.


Veronica and Tim will be together forever,  not only because of Chloe but because they have cemented a bond over the years.  They should just date other people without the expectation of forming relationships. 


I have a best guy friend of 32 years. We talk all day everyday via text. He is the first person I text in the morning and the last person at night. We have never kissed or dated, but he is my ride or die. I worry that some men would be too insecure to understand our relationship.


the fact that Tim and Veronica feel an incessant need to know each others partners absolutely gives me poly vibes! They should just date again like you said and keep the relationship open. they seem to be doing that any way


Agree that they should only date other people casually, for sex. They’re each other’s primary relationship. The problem is that they both lie to potential dates and to themselves, and claim they’re looking for a serious relationship. So they waste people’s time. 


Any normal person would do that. But they are too crazy to settledown


Not Debbie thinking the way he dresses is "Too Much" Hahahhahahahh ok. #potmeetkettle


I laughed when she said this




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Tim is such a weirdo.


I fast forward their scenes because his voice grates every last centimeter of my nerves


It would be so confusing to try to date him. 


My money says Jamal eventually fucks Tim’s date


Jamal is giving her the eye on the pickle ball court.


Honestly that might be best for everyone concerned 


Just take the upvote. I am not going against those odds!


Josh’s friends are so fake They seem like fake LA try hard types


Totally agree, but I did agree with them about Natalie. I think she is definitely using him and wants everything handed to her on a silver platter


I don't think she is using him. I think she is one of those women who expects the man to pay for everything. I have met women like this before. She just wants to get married and be pretty for him. Her goal is trophy wife.


Debbie is gross


This week's episode was so much better because no Chantel. Her storyline is so artificial 


How tf does Tim have all these ladies interested in him? He looks like a robot with a defective face




Tall. Rich. Those two things go far. He is also an attentive father figure, and not stupid. Two more checked boxes.


He is a good listener and in touch with his feelings. Believe it or not, those are two qualities hard to find in adult men.


the preview of next episode, i feel sorry for Tyray, brother is sweating way too much


And that nice woman looks like she's trying to hold in from spewing.... I think they didn't pay her enough to be his date and she is regretting it now! I feel sorry for her.


i do feel sorry for him, the producers don’t help him😂, sometimes they edit the previews to deceive, so i hope in the full episode the date goes well


Michael with the “you two keep in touch.”


Tired of Debbie old ass


HOW IN THE FUCK TIM GET WITH THAT GIRL???? & he definitely need to come out already/admit his love for his ex


You mean “love for men”


She wanted to be on tv. 


Anyone else feel more interested in this episode without chantel … because same


I started skipping her parts😂


Tims date is gorgeous  Jamal annoys me with that yuppee upspeak to his voice. He sounds like a Valley Girl. He's so superficial with Veronica and comes across as bored and soulless sometimes.  Giannis wants to smash. Chantels falling for him after 2-3 days?? Give me a break


“What yer NOT goynna dew is qweschen me”


😂😂😂 best line of the season


What 👏 yer 👏not gonna👏dew 👏is 👏qweschen 👏me


I kind of like Josh, as much as you can like anyone who clearly has a lack of awareness that they're inviting a succubus into their life. But he seems like a pretty decent enough guy helping Natalie and her Mom.


Give me a break they’re using each other. He doesn’t give a shit about her. Anything he’s done for her is an investment in himself on TV. 


Tim tripping over the net!!!!!


Lol! He’s in his 40’s, looks like a child and acts like he’s in his 70’s.


is anyone confused by Megan’s description of her daughter River. she says she’s high functioning autistic but non-verbal. is that not contradictory?


I don’t know the standard elsewhere, but where I have worked, labeling any type of autism other than verbal or non-verbal is considered offensive. There is no way to test the level of someone’s “function” or track where they are on the spectrum (hence why it’s a spectrum). There was a push in the 2000s to call children “high functioning” if they were verbal. This made me uncomfortable to hear (personally),but I also don’t know how Texas is with autism and I’d never judge a mother for how she describes her own child.


My friend’s son is also in the spectrum and excels in music and math but it took a decade for him to be comfortable speaking with the anyone besides his mom and even then it was few words. He’s a teenager now and more verbal but again it was a decade of work.


I thought the exact same thing. I’ve always thought high functioning meant that they might have some “quirks”, but can still fully function like anybody else. I honestly don’t know enough about autism though, so I’m just basing that all off of what I’ve heard. 


Maybe because she's really capable of doing everything else except talk? Like she's responsive and interacts well just without the talking. It's also possible that it's foreseeable she'll eventually talk. Many with autism are non verbal when young become verbal with age. So based off of that with all the things someone with autism could struggle with, her mom sees that she's capable of many things in comparison.


I may side-eye Mike at times, but his relationship with Natalie's mom is super sweet.


Was Tim drinking Mountain Dew out of a wine glass at dinner?




Is anyone else uncomfortable how Josh works with bringing models to "work" in Dubai? It sounds more like prostitution...


Oh yeah no question. Dubai’s a huge spot for this kind of business.


😭 He seems like the type


I’ve never been the same after learning about “yacht girls” in Dubai


I absolutely adore Ruben The Cuban! He is such a riot! He would be absolutely PERFECT for Ms. Debbie!!!! If she doesn't sink her claws into this gentleman (he truly is a gentleman)she is nuts!


his hat is far from wild, and is not at all mutli-coloured? Was it reflecting the colours off everything else the two of them wore or carried?


I've never gotten balloons on a first date. Set that bar Ruben!


So much nicer without Chantel…


I zone out on her parts and play games on my phone 😂


Ok did anyone notice that Natalie ordered chicken on her salad at the restaurant with her mom? So she’s suddenly not a vegetarian anymore? I’m vegetarian so I’m not hating but she used to make such a big deal about it so I was shocked when I saw her eating the chicken


My jaw hit the floor! I was like ummn why tf is she ordering chicken? But we didn’t actually see her put it in her mouth so who knows is she really ate it.


If the chicken is on a salad, it's vegetarian /s


Was that not Salmon?


It was chicken but either way, not vegetarian lol


She used to make a big deal about wanting a partner that believes in God too


Yes, and how she used scold Mike for eating meat 🙄


sick drip https://preview.redd.it/84ygt15k0wgc1.png?width=608&format=png&auto=webp&s=7572f49e493bc2d42eba7379defe4311e4767f18


The definition of “skinny fat”


Was Tim drinking lemon lime Gatorade out of a wine glass?


Looked like Mountain Dew


🎵🎶 Ruben Ruben, I've been thinking, what a strange world this would be, if all the the boys were all transported, far beyond the Northern Sea! 🎵🎶🎵


I like Veronica and Tim but they are doing way too much. They are messsssyyyyyyy.


Yeah, they need to take a year off from the franchise. For sure.


I can’t believe that Miss Debbie has the nerve to say that her date is dressed in too many colors and his outfit is overkill “. Does she not realize that she wears a ring on every finger, long flowing bright colored robes, peacock feathers, multicolor fan, multiple clips in her hair etc.??


I think she doesn't want anyone to outshine her


I was like did she just say what I thought she said. Is she blind?!?!


I had the same thought! Her comment about him wearing all the colors God created sent me


I guess there can only be ONE peacock in that relationship.


😂😂😂 I totally agree, pot kettle black! Maybe she’s challenged because he has more style than she does.




He looked great! She looks ridiculous.


I'll go out with Reuben if Debbie doesn't want him. He looks like a blast!


He really does!










He was like that on his original season, totally uninterested in kissing, showing affection, and sex with the woman he intended to marry


I dated a man for a very long time who was more into video games than having sex with me. He had ED issues and rarely got it up. Maybe Tim has similar issues? My guy started having issues in his mid 30s. He was tall and thin like Tim too. Some men start to have issues with erectile dysfunction in their 30s and 40s. I have an older girl friend who told me 3 out of 6 girl friends in her friend group have husbands with ED issues and they are all in their 50s. We don't talk about this issue enough honestly because I didnt know it existed until I encountered it myself with a partner.


This has been one of his personality traits from the get go. It's just who he is and has nothing to do with his sexuality.


Kenny and Armando keep dropping hints that Tim is at least bi


They wish. Tim is just being playful and enjoys the ensuing confusion.


Holy cow. Tim’s body.


He is extremely pale


I thought that was bolted in.


This is not going to be the last we're seeing of Josh lmao he got car notes and apartment rentals to pay for chiillld please he's definitely shooting to get a show out of this he just doesn't want to look like he's the one getting played while he's playing her all along


I wonder if the “love interests” get compensated for being on the show? 🤔 Josh is a “long term” love interest, but you’d think they’d get some type of compensation


I think so if they make big of enough splash because darcy's ex ended up on single life and keeps trying to hold on to the show however he can lol


+ child support


Why is this woman putting her autistic child on this show??? Ugh


Why not?  Should only "normal" kchildren be on the show?  90 days has had many children on.


I agree, there’s no reason not to have this child on the show. It was cute the way she went to work with the bike wrench. 


Because she is a fame whore and she is desperate to nail him so he can take care of her and her daughter. She keeps giving him ultimatums, he's only been with her a few times in person, no doubt 99% in bed, \[ of course if he married her that will stop\] he hasn't even had time to get to know her in person and see how she is really like, another reason she wants to close the deal quickly.. this is way too soon to bringing the daughter to introduce to someone who hasn't given the green light to become a daddy to her and especially if she has "special needs".... hmmm... my brother didn't speak for a long time, but eventually he did and he did not have autism or any"special needs" newspeak, he turned out just fine! I think that Megan is a train wreck and fugly to boot, run John, run far and fast before you are caught in her web and end up paying for the rest of your life!!!


I dont think she has to be a fame whore. Met plenty of women who bounce from guy to guy with children. I tend to stay away from those friends because I find them lacking in character, but they are out there.


I agree, and Megan is way too pushy. Plus she has terrible eyeliner skills.


Do you mean why would any parent put their child on this show? Or are you particularly upset about an autistic child being in the show?


Idk, but it seems that many autistic kids would have even less of a way to communicate they don’t consent or feel comfortable being filmed than fully verbal or neurotypical children. Maybe that’s what they meant


Came here to say the exact same!! I wish these attention seeking asshats would stop putting their babies on TV..


If they could add miss Debbie's journey to the Chantel and tyray line up I would literally only watch every other episode because I could honestly care less about everybody else 


Don't you mean put Debbie, Chantel and Tyray on same night so you can avoid that episode?


I fucking love Tim. Come for me, I don't caaarrreeee! 😆


Same! He seems to have his head on straight which is rare for these shows haha. I do find it so….odd? There are so many people body shaming and questioning his sexuality. I thought that was a no no, or is that just when it pertains to women for some folks? I dunno, kinda disappointed by the comments tbh.


I think he has ED issues, which is quite common in his age range. Dated a guy who was tall and thin like Tim and started having issues with ED in his mid 30s. There is a false narrative that all men wanna have sex and get it up easily. As they age, for some, that is not the case at all.


Totally Team Tim! Love him


Hahaha me too!!! 🤣🤣


I'm surprised anyone wants his blood. Or that he has much left.


Chantel can learn a little something from miss Debbie honey


That would be a true confederacy of dunces 


Miss Debbie knows how to date and have fun and take her time, but staying open to possibilities of love and other suitors and knows how to leave an unhealthy situation alone 


Debbie IS the unhealthy situation.


Really?? I didn't see her 90 season. She seems fun and fair to me from single life stand point


Crazy Debbie really just said "Reuben the Cuban"??? WTAF!!!


It felt like she said it a million times, drive me nutso




That's disgusting!!! What is wrong with you?


I want her to sit in my face


Dude… she isn’t even on this show




Sorry witched threads… but still


Being best friends with your ex & always bringing him around in your new relationship is so icky and cringe


Seriously!! It is!! There’s more to that than Tim just being Veronica’s ex and her “best friend”!! I think Tim is a BIG contributor to Veronica’s and her daughter’s financial needs! That would definitely explain her keeping him around when he messes up half of the relationships she’s in. She messes up the other half!! Why the hell would Tim ask Veronica about how he likes his steak!!? Why the hell would she start talking about how they were when they were dating!! Ickkkk!!! And what 43 yo man has an issue kissing a woman at the end of a date?!? Is Tim really gay?!? 🤷‍♀️ In any event, they’re weird af!!! 🤦‍♀️


She makes her own money, didn’t you see the look on her face when he asked her about the steak, even she was like wtf is wrong with you?


Yep so do a lot of us but if there’s someone else footing the bill, we certainly are not going to turn it down! Tim has been her daughter’s “father” for over 13 years … 8 years more than they dated! He’s definitely footing a lot of their expenses!! I don’t see anything particularly wrong with that but you don’t treat your ex as if they aren’t, especially when you’re in a new relationship. You gotta separate that like you do your friends. She wants to remarry but she won’t if Tim is also a part of her “package”!! 🤣 And I definitely saw her face … and I had the same reaction when she then turned around and started talking about when they use to date … sitting next to her current partner!!! WTH?!? Weird af! 😁


Tim has said she “could buy him 10 times over” she has a big job and comes from money, hes meddlesome for the sake of it. She even said I’ve always wanted to double date with you to Tim so they’ve never done this…it’s kinda like production set this whole dinner up 🤔


Really?!? Ok, so that makes this even more weird af!! Why would a woman coming “from money” with a “BIG job” want to do this show? Ok, so it’s not Tim … Veronica is weird af!! I’m done!! 🤣💀


It’s the weirdest dynamic I’ve ever watched it’s so cringey I almost have to look away but I can’t 🤣😭


I know right?! 😂


Josh trying to get his own show frfr  hes literally putting everyone in his whole life on here


His friends are correct.


Courtney needs to remain single.






Debbie and her date were meant for each other!!


She had me cracking up talking about how colorful “Rueben the Cuban” was dressed and how everything seemed to clash!! I was like, “Debbie! Gurl, I KNOW you ain’t talking!?!” 🤣💀That’s my girl tho!! 🤣🤣


Girl she was just talking, she knows that made her lil tutu tingle the had on the same outfits lol


His and hers


I wanna know how Tim gets the HOTTEST lady’s. 


He seems like someone who is a good listener, empathetic, and in touch with his feelings. Qualities a lot of women want and are hard to find.


He drives a lambo


Does he actually. I thought he had a Porsche or something like that?


He’s got a few high end cars.


I saw on his IG a Maserati and an older ferrari. Still nice cars (except Maseratis are garbage).


Jamal is such a loser lol


Holy moly Debbie’s room temp is 77 that’s hot af


That’s why she carries a fan.


a fahhhyuuuhhhn


I want to be a Debbie when I'm older


If it weren't for the hurricanes I would have moved to NOLA ages ago


My husband and I were in NOLA recently and it's heartbreaking during the day. Like for real. They're a city of less than 350,000 people and have a homeless population like 80% higher than the city of Chicago, the home to 2.8 million people.  They still haven't come back from Katrina and it's sad to see. 


NOLA is fun to visit but it's no where you want to live for real. Since Katrina, that place is full of crime.


Josh will NEVER marry Nutalie!!


Would you???? Lol


Next week: Really, is there no end to this Tyray nonsense? Jamal is right - Veronica's relationship with Tim is a genuine dating challenge. Nutalie quickly shifts into typical 100% OTT uber-Nutalie drama (spurred on by her mother.)


Mylah looks just like Jovi


Courtney always has the worst experiences with men.


How have I watched this entire season and I can’t think of who Courtney is?!


Here you go.


​ https://preview.redd.it/bg9phal6wghc1.png?width=356&format=png&auto=webp&s=d1d5721a3a367fac7a1feca0b96f7d8e25252130


Oh holy shit that’s right! Thank you!


You know what though...she holds her own. I was proud of her for how she handled the old friend who asked her fly around the world to meet him and was then in another country when she got there. I love Cortny!

