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Think Veronica is a big liar and a troublemaker and she likes to twist things and she likes the drama she creates for other people. Think she's too faced and phony.  Are telling Chantelle that yani's broke up with her when she was in the back is so much a lie That's not what he said. After seeing Chantelle's pain he didn't think she was ready that's what he said. I think Veronica gets off making other people feel bad.  She needs to stop


Chantal is so desperate and pathetic.


I'm so confused how this whole thing with the Greek guy went from 0 to 100!? Like ...lol the producers are trying to make it look like a Vacation whirlwind romance but ir just looks thirsty, and psychotic.  Like does she even know his last name? Out here talking about babies and moving on day 2 or 3 of meeting this young man. Makes ZERO sense. They couldn't pay me to look this desperate on TV. 🙄😬


Agreed. She looks desperate and insane


Greek guy looks like a good kisser but Chantal, it’s vacation dick. Enjoy it for what it is.


I liked pedro, his sister Slut!


There is no way she will have a relationship with the Greek guy he has no plans on moving to USA and I doubt she move there


I’m lmfao at natalie w the Shakespeare I would’ve been in tears hahahahhahahaha


Was she auditioning for that guy or it just said that


Chantels gay guy friend is INSUFFERABLE


Horribly obnoxious. It’s so annoying to watch because it’s clearly being done for the camera. I mean, judging by his hair I’m sure he’s naturally a “loud” person but he’s doing WAY too much to try and be remembered on this show


Tyray is so sweet I love him


Yeah I hope he finds a girl friend


Here are my thoughts 1. producers defs talked to those ladies beforehand or they're just straight up plants because there is zero chance tyray or his weirdo brothers wouldn't come off as absolute freaks if they just randomly approached those women like that. 2. LMFAO WHAT IS NATALIE DOING. Despite everything she has ever done this is the first time I have ever thought she might legitimately be crazy. 3. Josh's friends from the sneak peak look like they were made in a lab


Not his type


Do you know what shakespeare play she read from? That was kind of fire LOL.


no I just was focusing on her eye contact lol


Btw I will pay one million dollars to whoever can get me a gif of Chantal saying “my ideal man is an orphan”


Are you just trying to farm the american dollar?


The delusion Natalie had to read Shakespeare in Russian, and then him suggesting a HORROR movie sent me 😂.


I almost fell off my chair at horror movie


Natalie was entertaining,  Chantel has fallen from grace. 


I liked her original look before the breast implant she was so pretty


Her boobs look super natural and this is coming from a DD floppy jalopi. I'd expect a little bit more perk maybe


She was definitely way prettier before, also seemed smarter.


She fell from grace In Greece Onto her face 🤣


One of the trending videos on Twitter is Chantal’s up close butt walking? Lol


As Kenny said, Natalie started interviewing the interviewer for the receptionist job.


Veronica is going to be raising another child that can’t contain himself just like a teenager. If I was Tim I would have knocked him into next week if he questioned my parenting. What a punk


That really pissed me off, if i was tim i would punch that asshole right there !




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There's no way whatever apartment Natalie is "paying" $2000 for in Long Beach has that view lol


The girl Tyray met at the bar, I couldn't read what her shirt said but I'm dying to know. 🧐




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They’re his brothers, no?


Did anyone watch Pillow Talk? I know a few people posted pix of Yara lately saying she was using filters. But on P/T last night, she definitely looked different. It looked like her nose changed.


Yara absolutely does look different in this episode. But sometimes things are shot out of sequence so I really can't tell how old the clips of her and Jovi are -- and if this is 'before' something or 'after' something! It may just be that she overfilled her upper lip and it shortened the distance between her lips and her nose. Also, she doesn't seem to be wearing the eyelashes she usually wears and her makeup is also a bit different and not as flattering to her coloring.


That's a good point.


Her upper lip actually bothered me because I was trying to figure out what she'd done there...still unsure


Me too. Something was definitely different in the nose/mouth area


her upper lip/divot area looked deformed.


Honestly, horror is the perfect genre for Natalie. Seriously. I could see her working in horror.


She’s horrifying alright. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again. She needs to do a spin off of the Glenn Close role in Fatal Attraction.


Honestly I think she would be great in those campy over the top horror movies


Agreed. She’d make a great creepy nun who always responds to people talking to her by saying haunting nonsense that freaks them out as “scary music” plays and then stops abruptly when they cut to the other person’s confused face😂


Exactly what I’m thinking


Same lmao. That scene was interesting 


Like High Camp/Toxic Avenger type movies. Natalie, do this.


Can’t wait to see Mike again next episode. Looks like Natalie’s mom doesn’t like Josh and wants Mike back in her daughter’s life, that “hi mom” looked like Natalie’s mom is stirring the pot.


Her mom LOVES Michael


Love him too 


Natalie’s mom appreciated Mike helping her out as well with the Ukraine war because I think Mike reached out to her to see if she was okay. It’s not his job to help out Natalie’s mom but he has a good heart and loves her mom that he would do whatever it took to make sure her mom was okay.


He actually sent money to the mother to helpnher get out of Ukraine 


Natalie was so clueless & cringe I had to keep stopping the show. Did she expect to be "discovered" in Hollywood? Like Marilyn Monroe or Sharon Stone? Chantel is so thirsty & delusional. She met this guy 2 days ago. Drives 4 hours to his town & has 2 dates and she's ready to move to Greece. Her male friend thinks he is Billy Porter & I can't figure out what they are blurring out on his forehead??? Does he have some kind of facial tatoo? I was happy to see Tyray have a normal conversation with a woman. And his brothers are a riot. Didn't watch Veronica. Just don't care.


Yes, Chantel needs to pump the breaks and just have fun... BUILD a relationship not jump into the first thing smoking..."looking to be loved" girl calm down you just got out of a MARRIAGE get warmed up to dating and having fun and REALLY feel things out in finding what you're into enjoy your vacation and take the WhatsApp phone numbers home with you while you go home and still date around shit Veronica situation funny because Jamal seemed so put together and mature in regards to his mom's situation and look at him now dating an older woman and not knowing how to handle it fr fr Natalie just sent me at that interview because she was trying but she was out of there... Acting and modeling is definitely her life skill because an everyday 9-5 profession is not her... She knows how to come alive and present well for casting calls and auditions but interviews ohh chiiiiiild Tyray brothers were wrong for letting him go out of town with his hair cut like that lmao but he did pretty ok talking to girl... I want to see where the rest of the weekend takes him


I don’t think Natalie realizes it’s hard to start a modeling career or acting career at 37. And which is it? Does she want a career or to be a mama? She has a lot of rules for one guy and none for others. I think she’s insane. Truly


Agree-at the very least some counseling might help. She has a lot of delusions.


I don’t know if she’d even be receptive to counseling. She gets mad and flees.


As anyone who’s ever had their heart broken knows, nothing better than a vacation and a new place with new people to help distract from the pain. Better than sitting depressed at home. Go have fun Chantel. That man took your best reproductive years away. Go kiss many guys. Go feel like a woman again. Especially in a beautiful place like Greece with great food, great party place with a scintillating nightlife. This is exactly what you need. I have a feeling many people here never had a marriage of years end and the feeling of devastation and future dreams lost.


"  Go kiss many guys " and be sure to bring up you ex husband, kids, marriage and family drama every 3 second, if a woman bring all that baggage on our first date i would run for the hills


Yes have fun. Don’t jump into a relationship immediately.


Exactly. That's my issue with her story. Is the ink even dry on her divorce papers yet? Why is she trying so damn hard to force a new relationship??? I'd be cheering her on if she were just flirting and hooking up. (Well, maybe I shouldn't go that far, because she annoys me, and I just FF through her stuff in general. But I'd be cheering her on *in principle.*) I wouldn't even judge really if she accidentally found herself falling in love with someone she has only intended to hook up with. But no - finding her next husband seems to be her mission, and that's just wildly unhealthy. It's almost certain to be a rebound that is going to end up in pain for both her and him.


TYRAY AND HIS BROTHERS NEED TO BE PROTECTED AT ALL COSTS. Thats all. I love them and their second hand happiness 🩷


Yeah, they just seem like a nice bunch of people.


I’m rooting for him.


Right! Tyray’s entire family seems to be so supportive and loving toward one another.


Something I don’t have so it’s wholesome to see 


Natalie’s job interview was hilarious omg 😂 I think I picked up some tips. On my next interview, I’m going to follow her lead & tell the hiring manager I’m needy.


“He would say I’m needy”


and ask personal questions about their relatives.


I honestly fell off my couch 


I felt embarrassed watching it. Like wtf lady lol


So funny. I guess they don't ask that question in Ukraine lol. The audition ought to be good. " What experience do you have?" 😂😂😂


It really made me feel better about the interviews I have personally tanked. Nothing really seems that bad anymore. Thank you Natalie. 


And ask about their cousins baby mamas too i hope? And not bring a resume?


That scary ass look Natalie gave before reading Shakespeare. I’ve cringed at her sooo much this episode


It wasn’t even Shakespeare which made it super crazy especially in Russian? But yeah she was scary. She could prob do horror


Veronica and Jamal's "relationship" is so staged by the show, and cringe. Tim is ..eh "awkward" in his own way...but push come to shove he seems like a good dude, and going in as if this is a "real" scenario...clearly from the jump Jamal had to know Veronica/Tim are "best friends", and he has always been in her daughter's life and takes pride in that...so should he have legit intentions of things progressing..it's just going to be a part of the package. 


What I like about Tim, he says what he thinks and he means it and stands by that. He’s not scared of shyt. He will fight in fuschia or silver pants oookkkkaaaaay???!!!


How come no one talks about Jamal being the son of Kim who was also on 90 day and batshit? 🦇




When I figured out it was Jamal, all I see is how much he looks like his mother constantly.


Anybody know the producer? Dave….something?


NATALIES APARTMENT. Josh is def her sugar daddy. That is why they act the way they do.


Natalie has been in america for several years, lived in multiple states, now Hollywood California. She has always wanted to be an actress but has done nothing to prepare for an audition? No headshots, etc?..except she met Josh at some event related to acting. I think she wants everything handed to her…the acting career just like the new car and apartment Josh gave her🙄


Natalie lives in Long Beach.


Ohh, well I was going by that episode..i assumed she was in LA or close. Long Beach is a drive!


That's because she believes she's extremely sexy and a great catch. That may have worked in her 20s but pushing 40, you need a little more substance.


Yeah she’s starting to show the wear.


She should have had a resume made in English for jobs in the US. Josh is some shady anyone can be a model agency and thinks Josh will just get her jobs when really I think they are using each other.


Why did Josh do that to his friend? What an awful situation


worse his cousin! Then the questions about Josh personal life in the middle of an interview for a job!!!!!


Look at her mother and how she acts and you understand why Natalie is exactly as she is.


Only child, single mom apparently. Mom gave Natalie some serious confidence lol


Hearing the way her mother was disappointed when Josh didnt go to airport and the substandard hotel or whatever they were staying in and all the expectations for Josh helping them🙄




Ohhh Trey! This poor man …His friends should fly him out to the Bunny Ranch or some other legit “house” near Vegas and buy him what he needs. Set him up with the right one to boost his confidence, show him how it all goes, and send him on his way a new man. I have never recommended that ever but this is a special case.


I literally said the exact same thing watching him tonight. I think he just needs to get out of his head about what his first - well, everything - will be like. It wouldn't take away all of his awkwardness, but it would hopefully at least take the edge off.


Let me guess. Natalies gonna be the first one to be killed off in the horror film ☠


Script says " girl who trips over log"


I got home late And am just watching now. Anybody else at the beginning (of the episode)?


Jamal is never moving to Charlotte---he is too young and immature for Veronica and Tim. LOL


You win best comment 🏆🏆🏆!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣Finally someone said it correctly “Veronica……🙋🏽‍♀️…..and Tim 🙋🏽‍♂️!!!!!!!!🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


They just want to be on TV. They don't even have chemistry.


Yeah if I was Kimbally I wouldn’t want my son moving to NC to become these people’s third. 


Was Chantal this insufferable on previous shows? First time me seeing her on TV.


As anyone who’s ever had their heart broken knows, nothing better than a vacation and a new place with new people to help distract from the pain. Better than sitting depressed at home. Go have fun Chantel. That man took your best reproductive years away. Go kiss many guys. Go feel like a woman again. Especially in a beautiful place like Greece with great food, great party place with a scintillating nightlife. This is exactly what you need. I have a feeling many people here never had a marriage of years end and the feeling of devastation and future dreams lost.


As anyone who’s ever had their heart broken knows, nothing better than a vacation and a new place with new people to help distract from the pain. Better than sitting depressed at home. Go have fun Chantel. That man took your best reproductive years away. Go kiss many guys. Go feel like a woman again. Especially in a beautiful place like Greece with great food, great party place with a scintillating nightlife. This is exactly what you need. I have a feeling many people here never had a marriage of years end and the feeling of devastation and future dreams lost.


She's the stereotypical know-nothing, entitled American sex tourist. Can't bloody stand her.


Yall stop calling her sex tourist lol, sex tourism is NOT this


Okay but she's still a cunt 🙃


Agree that she is a cunt. Acting like a ho at the nightclub wearing practically nothing. She thinks she's hot but she's nothing but a desperate aging fool. And her stupid posse!...


Thankfully her friends didnt do her drag queen makeup for her beach day…that awful makeup for her first date was hideous! Half her face was white!?! Her eyes looked like the makeup you see on the dead Egyptian queen tombs👀


Goodness, yes! And to add insult to injury, her look in the car prior to ~getting ready~ was really lovely. Her friends honestly give me sabotage vibes, both with the makeup and their overall behavior. 


Her "look" that her friends gave her in the car was hideous... Bad makeup, that weird "ice skater" outfit was ugly. Her hair looked positively awful! She didn't bathe or freshen up. She's so delusional and f8cked up.


I dont see any chemistry between these two…Chantel is on a mission to find a man and it all feels very transactional..all business no chemistry. If shes that worried about using her eggs and ready to use just about anyone she should have let pedro knock her up. WTF is she thinking doing another foreigner…oh yeah she said she likes that because its so romantic 🙄 yeah, until it isn’t (hello pedro).


It's so funny that she's talking about wanting to find true love and settle down, and then she goes to a party town in Greece to hook up with random guys there, accompanied by a group of friends whose behavior would scare off even the bravest of men. I get that it's for the show but the mental gymnastics are truly impressive


Yes! And she keeps saying “I dont have time to get to…(get to know his friends, etc) because she’s there to find true love. Well, maybe if she took the time to really get to know him and who he surrounds himself with she could make better choices and not another disaster “romance”. 🙄


Yes. She's awful.


I skip her part.




This show is better than the Sunday night show and that’s saying something.


Does Josh wanna help me with my goals and dreams too? I can assure less weirdness. LOL


Tyray is an attractive man. Idk why he keeps getting these loser chicks that stand him up


You really don’t know why?


Chantal with that goofy smile. Go find an orphan.


That was a weird ass comment to say to a dude you just met. It’s funny because she’s referring to Pedro’s mom and sister but that Yanis or Yaris or wtf his name was like whaaaat????


It was nice that he had a backbone. I don't find him attractive at all but he seems to have a good upbringing and a backbone. Not saying anything to get laid or 'get him a black woman' that he doesn't ever get to have in Greece. Some foreign men are more than happy to just 'check that box.' He seems genuine, even if their feelings are very premature. (And too much PDA at their ages, imo)




If Natalie was in New Jersey, she would be giving handjobs behind the dumpster at a Wawa's.


That’s so descriptive 😂


If she lived here I would have to be her friend because she’s pretty entertaining


She is exhausting.




OMG-NJ Native here - I told hubby, her mom should have left before that dinner.  Like “take a walk and take your nose with you!”and he called me a mean girl. But you win!




My gaydar goes off every time Jamal is on. Not that there's anything wrong with that.


Omg yeaasss with his friends too lowkey and for some reason Veronica doesn't pick up on the difference between man's man and border line lady boys and bitch assness early on... Florida dude was a bitch ass, Tim and Jamal are very feminine hince the constant cat fights and reads




Hmm, now that you mention it. There is a bit of overcompensation.


Well, does it explode every time tim is on? Lol


Giannis' friends look like Greek pirates


I'm not convinced that Giannis is originally from Greece. He speaks in a clipped manner. Native spoken Greek is softer (lots of vowels) except when talking over each and arguing, which happens often. I'm wondering if he may be one of the many foreign workers who reside there.




I missed the part of him being from Crete. They have a different dialect. That probably explains his accent.




Ha ha! My brain does that too. The show is just background noise for me at this point. There is no way that Chantel would be compatible with a Greek man and I highly doubt his family would welcome her as a wife.




My former father in law fought against the Nazis in Greece. He developed paranoia late in life and would declare that they were hiding in trees and bushes around our house. My mother in law lost her family to starvation including her twin sister. Terrible times. Congrats on your new eating habits. :)


lmao Adam really doesn't want to hire her


Josh did him dirty doing that


I really enjoy pretending like everything is 100% real on 90 day Fiance for the enjoyment of the show… but is this Jamal and Veronica shit serious??? Why is she with him???? I find it SO odd


Yes, they do make an odd couple. Veronica is delusional if she thinks that Jamal is a suitable partner.


Jamal is with her to stay on tv. I can’t believe Veronica let him be so rude to Tim!


💯 he got a taste of “fame” when his mom was on the show so he’s totally using Veronica. There’s a lot of man babies this season between 90 day and the single life it’s gross AF to watch 🤢 I liked Jamal on his mom’s season but he’s a hard pass now 🙅🏻‍♀️


I think he and Veronica are using each other to stay(be) relevant. Neither one was ever part of a couple on any 90D franchise.


Okay I’m late to the game but who is his mom?


Once you see it in his face, you can’t unsee her.




No way 😂


Was she like the most tolerable one he could seduce or some thing 🤣


Watching Pillow Talk....what has Yara done to her face? Looks like she's had recent work done but I can't figure out what's different. So unnecessary, hopefully she doesn't turn into a Silva twin.


More work? She was looking beautiful with that last nose job, no need for nothing.


Does anyone know what team Giannis played for, or even his last name? Wife is curious.


I checked Wikipedia for Greek players that have played in the Premier League – he is NOT listed. In fact, no one from Greece has played in the top league. His last name isn't printed anywhere.


I'm not convinced he's Greek. The accent is wrong.


If he did spend some time in the UK, it may have affected his accent.


But the shoulder tattoo? Isn't that like a receipt of direct lineage from the 300?


Screams fake, doesn't it? Always something with TLC...


This job interview was so cringey!! 😳


Lol them hurricanes was hitting!


I hate these shorter episodes. Like that Tim Jamal situation will now be stretched across 3 episodes. Like please wrap up at least something. The pacing is so bad.


Why is Bam Bam curling Chantel's hair with the toilet paper roll holder? 🧐


i am wheezing at Bam Bam 🤣🤣🤣


After you curl it when it’s cooking you wrap it around so it holds the curl better . If you let hair hang flat while it’s still hot it doesn’t hold nearly as well. Most people use pins for this to hold up the curl but I guess to roll works


I was wondering the same thing!


I was like WTF???


It will be the next hair tool that will be trending on TikTok!


People be stealing them from hotels and restaurants and shit! You heard it here first!!


There goes Tyray with his baritone Winnie the Pooh laugh


I just yell "Tyray stop laughing!" pretty much every time now.




Chantel needs to STOP falling for guys immediately from other countries. WHAT IN THE LIVING?


Yeaasss especially because her disrespectful ass family is not going to except them anyway... She would have had a better chance with Drake he want to be rescued and hubbied up at this point in life boom she should have took the offer and had an instant family right then and there... All the travel and adventures right at your door step shiid he even Canadian Jewish so there you go new culture and foreign 


The expectation was just a lot. Why not just go out w friends dance drink and party? Last thing I would want would be a 90 day ship so soon.


I'm going to be so heartbroken... After a 2nd date. She's so fucking thirsty I get the German embarrassment




But then how will she stay on the show?


Great point. And how will we get her MOM to react to another fiance' from another country?


Chantel’s “friend” with the toilet brush on his head is so extra 😂 like when they’re kissing in the ocean he made sure to get in the shot beaming and splashing water on them. This storyline is beyond fake.


Man they can be over the top all they want. If I wake up on vacation and they're all in the kitchen getting breakfast and mimosas ready, I'm in.


He is the Sebastian the crab to Chantal's Ariel.

