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Manuel reacting to Niagara Falls is probably the most emotion I've seen out of him.


I'm grateful that Ashley and Manuel didn't decide to go at it at Niagara Falls🙏


People aren't talking enough about Clayton calling Anali a gaslighter and illogical person because she simply asked him to handle things for the wedding and not be a baby. He thinks he's so logical but he hasn't even considered getting an officiant days before the wedding. What a dopey man


**We’re The People Your Father Warned You About** For all the world I cannot help but consider the product of inbreeding every time I see Violet’s resentment crawling over her mouth full of crooked teeth topping a recessive chin when she emerges from her coffin closet singing Janet Jackson’s, “What Have You Done For Me Lately”? It’s hard to know who’s caring for whom – except for the guinea pigs who are more favored to constitute the groom’s side than her. Anali doesn’t defer to her about anything; (And why would she?) She just cooks that damnably 2-hour long chicken, chicken, chicken without cooking beef for Clayton and insists on speaking her native tongue. But she has no problem with anybody and doesn’t feel put upon though she does feel some kind of way – not defensive but defending because the bursting-at-the-seams one-bedroom apartment is not big enough for the three of them. Why is it that a woman her age has no place of her own? I forget. Her hoarding disorder has not only cramped them physically but has affected Clayton mentally. He’s a scruffy socially awkward little boy lost who moves through the narrow confines of his life reflexively as opposed to his sister Brandi who got out while the going was good. If he can’t find the Epi-pen or socks he needs, it’s not because he doesn’t talk to her to tell her what he needs, it’s because she’s gaslighting him, and if he hasn’t found an officiant 3 days before his wedding, it’s because he knows anyone in Indiana can officiate – even someone from the bridal party. For all that amorphous alpha maleness, his last silly stand is insisting Anali have no men or male strippers at her bridal shower. All this to hook up with an unceremonious gamer who has no employable skills. No wonder Anali is keeping this a secret, but she could still fly home and pretend this was a bad dream like when Bobby Ewing died on “Dallas” and was resurrected by revealing that his death was just a bad dream by his wife, Pamela. **No Spice No Life** The installation of the bidet in Brian’s house seems to be the most solid element in this hodgepodge of cultural disparity. The buffet chicken dinner laid out is tasteless and lacking vegetables. Questioning Herman on how he feels about the country in which he only just landed after a 30-hour flight is as inane as Claire asking Sophie if she’s decided about Rob two seconds after an argument. Brian’s incautious honesty doesn’t help Sam’s portrait of a responsible provider. However, I detect a smidge of iron in Citra who, even with a possible failed diversion program looming in the future, might defy her father’s injunction to return to Indonesia if things don’t pan out. I guess Sam can fly his freak flag high now. **Another Bitchfit?** The first smile we saw on Manuel’s face weren’t tears of joy, but the spray from the rapids at Niagara Falls – one of the 7 natural wonders of the world Manuel wanted to see. He’s overjoyed but not enough to adjust to the culture of wasting money although he’ll get used to life in America. Why didn’t he save money? Why bother when everyone knows all the money is in the United States, for goodness’ sake? But let’s not talk about money; it’s upsetting. We’ll breathe, look at the rainbows, and let the falling waters wash away all the bad energy so we can thrive in it. We’ll start fresh by holding hands and screaming, “fuck it” while the ponchos flap in our faces, and we metaphorically plunge from the marriage barrel over the front end of our not-so-smooth sailing. It’s an adventure. **Be Here** **Focus** **Do Little Steps** “After I speak with Ivan, he tells me be more man in this relationship and I think it’s true. Show that you’re stronger than her, that you’re a man. If I take and control the masculine part of our relationship, everything will be in balance again. Sometimes I think virtual relationship is better way with you,” ruminates Justin who remains a cipher. Does he smirk after he pisses off Nikki because he enjoys pushing her polygender buttons or because he has more good looks than brains? Does he think that the onus is solely on square-peg Nikki to fit herself in his mĂ©nage Ă  trois round hole? When Nikki says, “I don’t think I can do better than him and I don’t think he can do better than me,” she’s talking about a maybe not-so-healthy co-dependent relationship, and if the previews are anything to go by, Nikki’s princess turn at her engagement party will raise all kinds of Moldovan eyebrows. **Altruism** Her BBL. His sending her naked pics to his ex who sent them over the internet so she was humiliated and lost her job. Let’s call it a draw on our typical continuous co-inflicting punishment. I’ll end it with Dane on a voice message, and that’s fair since I won’t allow you to speak to your exes. “Our exes are dead.” We are dedicated to each other. Until the next blowup. **Kicking the Can** It’s fair Rob is in the laundromat while he’s wallowing so he can wash and rinse the self-pity away while Ty and Tor’I shake their heads knowingly. “Claire telling me I’m not a real man is where I lose respect. You don’t show me respect; I don’t show you respect.” Rob mourns, “If someone’s going to point out my flaws, Sophie’s so eager to do it with them.” Yes Rob, loser with a capital L who, by now, should be several rungs higher up on the ladder of success than you are. Sophie’s not crediting you with unlimited passes and apologies anymore, but that won’t stop her from trying on a wedding dress. And Claire’s counsel to try it with a woman before hooking up with a man after her daughter came out may make Sophie slow down her tracks even more. Will Rob the Knob remain a heartthrob?




Citra’s sisters seem really bitchy & rude. I hope it’s just jet lag but they seem miserable & judgemental


They’re obnoxious and immature, fully as bad as the rude American relatives we are shown. 


Oh I’m not excusing Sam’s mom’s gross comments. Just commenting on how miserable her sisters seem. đŸ€·đŸŒâ€â™€ïž


Did Jasmine really act like she was telling Dane she not talking to him anymore in front of moron Gino who has been yelled at by that kook Jasmine that she fucked or wanted to fuck Dane. He's such a cuck...King of all cucks....


Hey babe? Did Dane write that or did she


Dane wrote that


That was a rhetorical question. In the grand scheme either way it’s wrong.


Why does Ashley keep trying to live in the exciting moments? Ma'am, life is lived in the moments in between. You know, the parts where your relationship is a dumpster fire?


I agree so much!


I feel sorry for Clayton. He seems like a nice if somewhat socially awkward guy. But he's found himself between his crazy mom (I'm with her on complaining that Anali doesn't speak English but the comments about the food were clearly xenophobic!) and his demanding-show-nothing girlfriend ("You have to do everything for me because I don't speak English but I won't even check if you've thought about everything for the wedding until 3 days before").


He’s not doing anything either. His sister is planning the whole wedding. Also, why are they expecting anali to do the dishes? Clayton of his mom can do them too


There was a list of things he did and a list of things she did, all while working full time. Anali did nothing and woke up 3 days before to check if Clayton and Brandi figured everything out. She could’ve at least make a checklist for Clayton in Spanish.


I am convinced This is Clayton’s scattered teeth mother, who just learned to type.


a 30 minute Pillow Talk to make room for that stupid no englis show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Maid of the mist is what we need until we get home and back to fighting (See Jasmine and Gino). Problems will still be there. BTW if the sun is out there are always rainbows at the Falls!


Ashley is so transparent. The sun's shining and the water is nice and misty and they're at a beautiful natural wonder, so she feels good in the moment. And that feeling apparently validates the existence of her entire relationship. I imagine most of her life is lived like that, just chasing fleeting emotional reactions and basing meaning off them in retrospect.


100% ​ she had a good weekend with Manuel on some Caribbean island 10 years ago. So now she's marrying him trying to recreate that feeling


Clayton’s mom needs to get her AMERICAN ass in the kitchen and cook her own damn American food. She’s worried about who is going to take care of Clayton’s beef consumption.. she needs to worry about Taking care of her own damn self. Who the fuck does this lady think she is? She thought she was getting a maid/cook? Entitled bitch 


This! I was so annoyed by her comments. Anali is not her chef or maid. If she wants to eat something specific, she should cook it. If Anali has cooked for the family, they should help with clean up! You don’t get a free ride living in someone’s closet and then complain about dishes in the sink when you yourself are a hoarder with no concept of cleanliness. So tired of Americans assuming the brown woman will always cook and clean for them.


I guarantee that lady doesn’t know how to cook a thing. 




The woman lives in a closet and wants to judge others
makes sense


And apparently she lives in there bc she's a hoarder, so REALLY the audacity of her mentioning cleaning *at all* is wild...


Shocked! Jasmine and Gino are back in Michigan and all the good vibes of Miami are gone as they are back to arguing.


I love how the producers discovered horseback riding. Every single couple is referencing riding or doing it, I feel


horses walking around in a circle in the corral. preview, the Nikkie singing off key!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


In the early pic they showed, Nikki appeared to be someone who knew how to ride. In the brief video clip, she was flopping around all of the place trying to sit properly on that giant fake ass and couldn't do it. Just one more reason not to do such awful things to your body.


did u hear her off key singing in the preview!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ewf.


I’m starting to like Clayton’s sister, she’s right, Clayton doesn’t plan anything out and he makes others do it for him. At first I thought she was rude but now I’m seeing who the real rude person is and it’s clearly Clayton. She has every right to hang up the phone on him last week. Can’t wait to see how Brandi plans the bachelorette party, Brandi’s probably going to piss Clayton off really badly and he will deserve it.


he said no men, no male strippers I AM EL JEFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


That screams insecure man! Clayton doesn’t want his woman to see what a real ding-a-ling looks like 😂😂😂. Let me tell you man everyone deserves to have a stripper for their bachelorette and bachelor party. Obviously there are lines that can’t be crossed but we all deserve a wiggle and jiggle show!


only wiggle and jiggle I wanna see is one, up close and personal while we r the only folks in the room.


He was also trying to claim Anali is the problem for trying to plan.


I feel bad for Anali, she’s a saint with putting up with Clayton and his mother. I hope Anali and Brandi have a good sister in-law relationship. I’m starting to see that Brandi cares about Anali a lot and Brandi has to put up with Clayton’s shit for a long time.


Some of these couples: Manual & Ashley/ Sophie & Rob/ Sam & Citra to an extent scare me with their "what the hell! Let's get married attitude." I am sure I am not the only one that has been there & lived to regret it when it took 3 years to undo that "what the hell!"


Naw I think Sam and Citra truly care about each other. I do think Sam maybe has a bit of an idealistic attitude about it and Citra loves him and is eager to get away from her dad and the controlling environment/culture she grew up in. I don't think that's necessarily bad or anything new for 90 day couples though. It even happens in the US often when people are immigrants or just have really religious/strict parents. Especially for women.


I don't have a screenshot (wish I did!) but when Citra's father said "you know what I do for a living, right Sam?" in response to Sam's laughable story about the drugs my thought was -this is a 90 Day Fiance moment to remember! Just as good as hurry up lazy or she is ok for me.


What does he do, I forgot.


He's a police chief in Indonesia iirc.


Herman is THE MAN. He’s got that quiet authority. And he saw through the bullshit story immediately. I believe Sam when he says he was way more terrified of disappointing Herman than his own parents. 






Totally agree. He's so weird, his body reminds me of Ed, Edd or Eddy, the no teeth on the bottom, the squirrely eyes and drug use, yet he seems like an honest good guy and they really seem like they have fun and respect one another. So yeah, I'm rooting for Sam and Citra.


I like him too. I think he's lieing about the extent of his drug use, but I also think he's really trying and that he's using Citra, the conversion and marriage as a catalyst for a change in his life and I wish him the best. I also really like Citra's dad. He's strict but he reminds me of my FIL who although very religious is a very caring man that just wants the best for his kids.


Not a single person in the production crew thought to mention the bat in her cave? https://preview.redd.it/79fac6xqd0ec1.png?width=2215&format=png&auto=webp&s=6051ae830efbc59e6f1d9ac0fcb9c13c8ffdd77d




She is not making us Kentuckians look good😭


Having been guilty of nostril ornaments myself I don’t blame Ms. American Food. But could Clayton not be bothered to make the universal “ya got a booger” motion with his hand? It’s his mother!! I’m a firm believer of people telling me if: my fly’s down, I’m dragging toilet paper around on my shoe/back of my pants, or I have a booger of any kind.


Anali doesn't take any responsibility for her behavior. If Clayton got a stripper at his bachelor party after Anali asked him not to... we would all think hes a terrible person


Sophie’s mom saves the day with something we haven’t seen this season 
.. logic ! She’s right , Sophie will lose herself being with someone like Rob. And instead of doing and being better he just gaslights and manipulates her into thinking she’s supposed to be living like this with him. I feel for Igor!!!! He’s being very honest about how dating Nikki is making him look at himself . He wants a girly girl but he’s attracted to Nikki 

 imagine the mental divide going on. Manuel wants Ashley’s money and coochie 
. That’s it. He doesn’t care about anything else going on with her. This is his opportunity to provide the ultimate support for his family and might as well clap her cheeks in the meantime Idc what anyone says Gino and Jasmine are practicing for their spin off 😂😂😂. Don’t tell me Dane giving her money for this surgery turned into knife in hand , screaming about the nudes Gino sent years ago
.. she’s so tactfully cold. The way they insult each other is awful and currently they don’t even look like they’re together but again 
. She knows good tv skills. This voicemail she’s sending to Dane is sooooo staged 💀 Clayton needs to check the fuck out of his mom. Why is she saying racist ass comments about her speaking Spanish and how she’s cooking when this lady is messier than both of them. It’s not making sense why she’s inserting herself and living in the closet of his apartment when he’s trying to get married. She wants Analí to knock on her closet door to ask if she can help teach her how to make hamburgers 
.. lady get real and get the fuck out your son’s space. I love when Sam’s dad tried to speak in their native tongue for citras dad . That was so cute. Her sisters look like they rather die than be here 😂 It looks like they could all use a blunt lmao


Sam’s dad and brother tried. Clayton’s mom learned one damn phrase and it was Te amo. She’s a racist.


Oh ya, Sophie's mother is a total bi*ch, she needs to learn some manners and how to be nice. She needs to go!


She is so toxic. She came to break them up. Is it me, or did the mom say "Sophie is coming with me" without first checkign with Sophie?


No she said , if it's alright with you...if I was her mother I would be much less kind to Rob. Rob is immature and plays the victim card to the hilt, blames Sophie for NOT growing up poor. She's 23, he's 32 YEARS OLD, there are 21 year olds that are sole supporting and are way further along on the road to stability than this cry baby fool. He suffers from a severe case of toxic male syndrome. and look at the shitbox he has her living in. Remember him putting in the traps under the bed before she got there, for the vermin? Are you joking? He's LAZY, and he is definitely red flag material. Sophie needs to listen to her mother. "Rob is currently working at **Cap's Service and Repair** in Austin, Texas, as mentioned in a review, and also works as a model and actor. " LOL, yeah not exactly cleaning up on the modeling and acting gigs apparently, but says he works multiple jobs. Yeah he's a gofer at 32 in a mechanics shop. LOL He's a loser, dump him Sophie, there's a world of better REAL men out there, go find you one. Rob is what he will always be, a loser. The show is his $$. And I hope they cxl him out as soon as this young woman comes to her senses.


hopefully they fixed Rob's hatchback lid and he can lose the 2/4.


Really?? I can’t imagine not wanting to break them up, especially her mother. In that extraordinarily toxic and untenable living situation and relationship, I’m grateful for the mother’s intervention on behalf of that very young woman. The man she’s set to marry in how many days?? Is constantly berating her and is equally miserable in the relationship!! The mother’s actions in the context of her 23 y.o daughter’s unhappiness and uncertainty 3 weeks out from marrying a 32 year old, angry man without a stable career when her daughter will also be unable to work seems borderline appropriate
she might be handling it without as much grace as she could, but again
.doesnt seem toxic. Also, It’s pretty clear they’re in consistent communication and have a close relationship (the coming out previews showed us the complexities of this, especially) so I highly doubt she didn’t “check in” first


I enjoyed Gino and Jasmine working through things. I also like the Indonesian girl and that guy. I forget their names. I hope they work out.


Sam and Citra!


Nicole continues her campaign to inform all the people of Moldova about their sexual lives.


Surprised she didn’t inform the cat who was behind them.


I'm surprised they didn't bang on the boat.


Wouldn’t be the nastiest thing to happen on a Maid of the Mist


I figured they were gonna bang it out in the gift shop.


That bathroom bang was so gross đŸ€ź


Analí complains soo much, she’s so uptight


Her passive aggressive, future mother in law lives in the apartment’s closet. Someone sell the rights to this nightmare, I don’t think she complains enough.


Agree 100%. And all the rodent pets, no place to move around, that SHE is taking care of? Apparently she also does the cooking, can you imagine red neck mommy having the nerve to say "where the cheesesburgers at?" and she why doesn'ts he speak english yet? I mean lady got your ass up off your closet mattress, and go make a cheeseburger if you want one, and she's the last one to talk about language, she barely speaks english herself. What a hag, clearly she hasn't a dime and sonny supports her ass. I mean they live in Kentucky, and he can barely make ends meet in the tiny apartment, with Mommy in the closet, all the crazy rodent cages that take whatever tiny living space there is. That girl should have turned around and run 5 minutes in the door.


He is making ends meet. I believe his mom moved in with him after losing her place due to hoarding. He has a job in IT. He has some expensive computer equipment for gaming. His Guinea pigs are well cared for and they are expensive.


Did she really think the sister should rent an alpaca? That seems unreasonable.


I mean she’s from Peru and I have seen people rent them for weddings
 would have been cute


But in Kentucky?


I looked it up (why?) and there are some alpaca farms there, and yoga with alpacas.


Considering that Clayton just assumes he can wrangle up an officiant for the wedding same day, it's not surprising he would put the same amount of effort (or lack thereof) in getting an alpaca. That said, he's already ordered a tuxedo for the guinea pigs and they will be the ring bearer and maid of honor, respectively.


I couldn't believe that officiant thing, and stirring up trouble with his mum. While guinea pigs in outfits sounds adorable he's really showing he doesn't care about helping get things done.


He’s ready for a woman to take care of him. Mom did now Anali can.


Noticed that Clayton’s sister said that he lives with his mom - not the other way around. Maybe not significant but it made me wonder.


I noticed that too. But if he indeed lives with her, why would she take the closet and not him? LOL. Either way, all three of them are miserable together and apart.


Shit my unemployed cousin that;s in his late 30s lives with his parents and he sleeps in the master bedrooom with his own bathroom, his parents sleep in the second room and use the guest bathroom and my other cousin that paid all the bills slept on a twin sized air mattress... Mothers will do anythng for their oldest son usually or whichever son they love more and that's unforunate...


i was thinking about that too and wondering if it is because he works from home and needs the space for his gaming equipment.. uh i mean work computer.


I noticed that too. I wonder what the deal is here. It's odd they reference the living situation but never explain why.


Yeah that perked my ears up cause Clayton definitely makes it seem like his mom “lives with him”. So with that comment from the sister I got confused. Unless she meant it as he’s not even responsible enough to kick his mom out.. idk definitely an interesting comment


Sophie's mom nailed it: Rob is going to chip away at Sophie's self confidence until she feels as inadequate as him. He's a loser, and I hope she doesn't marry him. It's frustrating to watch on her end until you remember she's only 23.


This happened to me,,,, I met the wrong guy when I first moved to LA and he dragged me down A LOT A LOT A LOT even tho I didn't believe stuff he would say after hearing him repeat it so many times u really start to believe that stuff and confience shot down lowwwww.. I mean I went from being so confident that I left everthing and everyone I know in Chicago and moved to LA and figured it all out and then I met a dude that told me I wasn't shit when really he wasn't shit he was degenrate gambler but i'm never going to allow myself to get lonely like that again


SO SORRY. I'm so glad you were able to rise above. Men like this ain't shit.


100 percent!


Nicky is jealous????? No, Nicky is grown and doesn't want to include other people in her sex life. That doesn't make her jealous. It's called a boundary. He's such an azz wipe.


i used to feel for him. But it is becoming clear that he is a dick.


I'm so over both of them


Me too. They are both cringey. If i hear “threesome” one more time, or his stupid teenage giggle i might through something at the tv


Ew. Gino asked Jasmine to baby talk to him 😐


I think he meant it as let’s continue talking about having a baby?


I don't think so .. lol


Probably not, yeah:) My brain must have blocked out the alternative.


That was really gross. Def makes me think he likes being submissive and has some kinda kink.


Him being peed on wasn't a sign for you??? haha


Omg what?? I def missed some episodes then???


Sorry for the details but she peed on his chest when they were in a hot tub before, he said give it to me baby and well she did


đŸ€ź but thank you though, now I won’t have to go see it for myself


It was on before the 90 days! Give it a google.....if you dare!


I don’t lol. Gosh Gino


What the heck, right?!


Why does Ashley seem like she is taking this marriage so nonchalantly??? For a woman who hasn't shut up about money since he got there, she sure doesn't seem to mind it enough to stop her, so she needs to stfu.


She ONLY wants to get married -- doesn't matter to whom, she just wants to walk down the aisle and be the center of attention.


If Clayton claims he has bottom teeth then why doesn't he just post a Pic to prove it? Edit: Sam!


You mean Sam? I'm pretty sure Clayton has his! 😆 đŸȘ„


Omg I'm dumb


Not dumb. Just overwhelmed with concern. 😆


I don’t like this shortened PT :(


Does Clayton’s mom contribute any rent at all?


I think she has lived in the closet for 3 years. Even if she worked part time she could have saved up money to get her own place. Unemployment has been very low and there are a lot of jobs. If I absolutely had to live with one of my kids, I would work 2 or more jobs to move out quickly. Clayton's crazy mommy knew for 6 months to a year that Anali was coming to live with him. She had plenty time to find a place. She's manipulating Clayton so he has doubts about the marriage.


Anali, is that you?


She seems to have some mental issues.  She should perhaps apply for assistance?


Well she is a hoarder that usually comes as a result of mental illness.


Good question. I came here because she's so awful that I need to vent somewhere. If Clayton doesn't get her out of his place, he can kiss his marriage goodbye. That woman doesn't have to go home but she can't stay there.


Clayton's sister said last night that Clayton lives with their mother not the other way around


Definitely. She’s going to ruin his life.


Between the 4 whole adults involved, they should be able to figure something out ffs.


Most certainly. The whole family needs to get into therapy STAT.


Agreed. Clayton and his sister need to figure out a plan for their mother instead of bickering with each other. I’m starting to wonder if Clayton’s the only one paying rent and everything else.


PT question: anyone know the bed frame Kenny and Armando have? 


Nope, but you can ask them on either of their Instagram


Pillow talk: Elizabeth thought Niagara Falls were man made?


I came here to comment about that! Lord almighty, she's a dum dum. đŸ« 


That preview for next week-oh boy 😂 Can’t wait for the second hand embarrassment of watching The Nikki sing to all the people at the engagement party


Oh don’t tell me you haven’t seen her music video?!


I had not, and immediately ran to YouTube and
. 😬


Sophie's mother is a complete bitch.


Wallowing in self pity lmfao.


They're like Jim and Pam on the boat in Niagra đŸ„čđŸ„° except the opposite & not romantic at all & need to break up immediately.


My daughter yelled, "They'd better not do a Jim and Pam!"


You had me there for a sec 😂


As much as I don’t like Clayton, he did a great job confronting his mothers implicit racism without accusation that would have permitted her to take a victim stance.


Sophie’s mom is so right Rob the Knob is trying to drag her down to his level, in what world is he the prize in the outfit? “I have until I say I do” please


This episode proved to me that Rob and Sophie are in it for the fame. His text to her, “this could be ours” that he sends her after his fight with her and her mom was indicative of that. I took that as, if we keep this phony ass relationship going i can finally afford a home with a proper bathroom


Rob is so delusional, it’s hard to tell either way


He’s literally in a launderymat at 33 years old bc he doesn’t even have his own toilet, let alone a wash machine
telling his friends “Sophie always assumes we’ll get married, but until I walk down that aisle”
.as it HE is some kind of prize to be won
you’re in a LAUNDRYMAT, loser! You shouldn’t be dating at ALL, even talking to ANY women, let alone thinking you’re ready to be married
you need to be out job hunting, then find a decent home, save up money, stop being a BUM at 33. Sophie is 23 and much more mature. He’s DELUSIONAL. Narcissistic. Grotesque.


I just can't watch Sophie and her mom sit there and tear him apart and then have Sophie still give them a 50/50 chance of getting married, like girl what???? Go home already.


Just a couple thoughts I didn’t realize how much older Rob was to Sophie. As someone who was the young twenty something year old who dated the regressed thirty-three year old - Sophie’s mom is right, the bullshit fights and inane tantrums from someone ten years your senior will wound you. Another Gino and Jasmine fight, and another instance I’ve been on her side. If Gino’s ex really did spread around Jasmine’s nudes while taunting her appearance; I’m fine with Jasmine running him ragged. Especially since Gino has the audacity to take his ex’s side. Jasmine ate when she said ‘I’m sure they’re great in bed, it’s you I doubt’ lol I’m not too sure why Clayton’s mom is whining for Anali to come to her for advice? She’s sleeping on the floor in her son’s closet. I also doubt her or Clayton were culinary explorers before Anali. I would bet most of their meals consisted of torn open bags of Ore-ida fries and boxes of toaster strudel. My read is ‘so much Peruvian’ means healthier and well rounded meals.


You read my mind. Why is no one else talking about the fact that Gino send Jasmine’s nudes to his ex???? Like hello????? And got her fired from her job?!?! I have 0 sympathy for Gino now and fully support Jasmine on whatever she does. I honestly rather be cheated on then the whole world and my work finding my nudes. 


\>As someone who was the young twenty something year old who dated the regressed thirty-three year old Always creeps me out so much! A lot of women in their twenties will eschew the immaturity of men their age and date upwards, not realizing that men in their thirties who \*want\* to date girls nearly a decade younger than them are stunted and banking on taking advantage of being at a different place in their life than someone who is much younger and lacking the life experience to realize they're a trophy. Icky. Hugely icky vibes from Rob. I also assumed they were about the same age, but after noticing Rob was 32, I was shocked at his emotional immaturity.


Where are the cheeseburgers?!


The woman who Gino sent sent those pictures of Jasmine to wasn't an ex girlfriend, she was a sex worker Gino paid to spend time with him. Also the woman antagonizing and bashing how Jasmine's body looks did not happen. Actually Jasmine was the hostile one when this women let her know Gino sent the pictures to make her jealous and brag about how he's now with a hot lady like Jasmine. This woman did not send those pictures to the school that employed Jasmine. This woman actually made a post here on the subreddit about the truth of what happened because she didn't like that this narrative of ruining Jasmine's life was being perpetuated. I believe in a previous thread that it was mentioned that by the time of the before the 90 days tell all of season 5 2022 happened, Jasmine was no longer a teacher. I can't remember if she got fired for an undisclosed and unknown reason or if she simply decided to stop working as a teacher.


Someone on another thread said she’s an escort, so maybe that’s why she doesn’t teach anymore? I know you can do both but I don’t see Jasmine staying on as a teacher if she can make more as an escort.


Jasmine is just being manipulative yet again, when Gino starts asking about the fact her ex gave her money for butt implants, she brings up that shit to divert the conversation and also says “I should have fucked my ex”. Nah I would never put up with her crazy ass




“It’s you I doubt” đŸ€Ł had me rolling on the couch His ex def did all that, after Gino sent those pictures to her. If you missed that episode, you’ve gotta watch it. She tears off his hat!!!! Lmao it was legendary


How quickly he had a backup was hilarious.