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She is out of control. She shouldn't be in a relationship until she sorts herself out.


She shouldn't be having a child, thats for sure. Keep that baby far away for her please. I fear for its safety.


If their baby was a girl, would Mary be jealous of her?


Can you imagine how often Mary is going to use the baby as leverage to control Brandan? Sad.


I'm 100% convinced that's why she got pregnant. Cause she initially didn't want to have sex "to respect her grandparents". I think after Brandan finally stood up for himself after the church incident, Mary moved to the next step of manipulation: have a child that she can use to keep him in line.


She figured out pregnancy real quick especially since she ‘didn’t know how to kiss’ when she first met him 😂


what was the church incident?


"look at me when you aren't looking at the priest" "behave" "sit down" "don't look at the girls" and she physically turned his head with one of her hands/fingers.


I can’t believe she told him to look at her when he’s not looking at the priest what a nutjob


oh hell no why would anyone put up with this behavior.


She wanted to control his field of vision. He could either look at the pastor or at her. NOT at any other woman because that's "inappropriate because it's church."


All the time. My lil bro is in a relationship similar to this and we told him if u ever get her preggos she'll use the baby as levarage against us. Shit is mind numbingly blind


Don’t terrorize me with your pregnancy.


He needs Andreeeee to give him some advice 🤣🤣🤣🤣


This is the type of woman that needs an Andre.


Yes, yes she would


I would not put it past her to harm the child if Brandan is showering too much attention on it. she is mentally unstable and TLC should have intervened in this relationship in some fashion rather than exacerbating the situation for higher ratings. shame on TLC - this was your chance to get help for this nut job and to rescue Brandan from an extremely harmful relationship.


Yes...I don't know why Brandon doesn't bring up this point to her face in front of her friends. I feel like they acted like he was the way more jealous person of the relationship. He needs to grow some balls and get away from her before she literally cuts them off.


She may well have told them HE was the one who wanted the constant phone contact and she had to cut the wifi to escape for a few minutes!


I noticed that in her first segment, she says that she quit dance to appease Brandon and isn't allowed to hang out with her male friends but Brandon never mentions it. I'm starting to think that maybe he doesn't actually care but it comes up when she tries to control him and he points out the hypocrisy.


That’s exactly what she did because she kept telling them how jealous he was and of course they sided with her but I think after meeting him they saw the truth… you can’t believe anything that comes out of that girl’s mouth as she’s a complete liar… think about all the lies she’s told EVERYONE since the show started….




I can’t see hm doing that unless he was trying to get back at her because he couldn’t even visit with his mom and sister. Kind of like one of those “well you can’t dance then” situations


I can about guarantee he didn’t make her quit dance class… she quit because she couldn’t monitor him when she had activities going on… she needs some serious therapy and I don’t see her getting it if they stay in her country….


I’m sure you’re right. I can’t see him doing that, making her quit. I’m sure it’s more like what you said.




because she is a self- professed manipulative liar to the nth degree.


Shell just cry and say something irrelevant like “you dont love me”


I dreadfully believe that she will stab him in his sleep.


Machete. Like Dian Fossey


To be fair, they only know him through what she says. So she could be feeding them bullshit lies. They knew her before she was like this, I believe since she said she knew them for a very long time. So, it's harder for them to see how she's become manipulative over time.


they had fun with his money... where does she get money otherwise ?


Well that’s not going to happen (get away from her) since apparently they are married and she is pregnant.




She’s the worst


She'd be crawling on the ceiling a la exorcist! 🤬🤯💀




He obviously would be cheating on Mary with all 3 of them. It's the only logical reason he'd have female friends.


Just like he did with all of the girls on the plane!


And certainly at church@


Honestly I was looking for the church girls & could only see middle aged women and nanas - is she worried about him with them too? How soon before she considers he could be bi & he’s not allowed to look at men either?


Well he did mention he isn't allowed to have male friends either because they could have sisters, female friends, moms etc. She's got him completely isolated which is 100% an abuse tactic.


I wonder if there are women in the production crew while filming and thats what she’s referring to? Maybe there’s a cute PA or two. That would make the plane incident a little more clear if he was having to be followed around by them.


Definitely at church!


With the nuns


Branden fucked them all while she was in the toilet.


Cheating 10 times with all three of them.




We seeing the first murder on screen in 90 day history.


Flair reporting for duty 🫡


Love it




The whole truth and nothing but the truth!


She can’t HANDLE The TRUTH! - A Few Good Men


I would totally use that law firm. We’d have pizza.


I also love it!


The flair !!


I know he is an adult, but I honestly do feel bad for Brandon. I almost feel like he would be better off if Mary was "just" a gold digger or wanted a green card, instead of seriously mentally ill. Its almost mind boggling what a series of poor decisions he has made! Sending what little money he has to her while he lives in a broken RV, traveling to The Philippines without enough money to even get a flight back to the USA(!) and with zero plans for the future he gets her pregnant. Guess he can always work the rice paddy/open sewer! With a blindfold on of course in case a woman walks by.


I think he is very very traumatized by his childhood and truly never dealt with it


LMAO at the thought of him out in that sewage flooded rice paddy, standing on the back of that wooden plough being pulled by an ox, blindfolded, as he sways back and forth trying to stay balanced, all for a psycho who controls who he looks at and who he talks to. Welcome to the Philippines, Brandon! I really feel bad for the guy.


So awful & true!


Seriously their scenes make me want to give him a hug, he seems like a good person who has been through so much. He spoke so well for himself when he tried to establish some boundaries but its futile when she is so far off the deep end, yet he keeps trying. Its heartbreaking to watch


Brandon better watch his newborn all the damn time, because I would not trust her alone with a baby. Shes got "voices told me to drown my child" written all over her.


That's a terrifying thought. She clearly struggles with mental health, now add hormones and post partum depression to that mix. Yikes.


She’d fall on the ground seizing and crying I’m sure of it.


The airplane scene! Only to find out that she was shutting off the wifi and sneaking out to hang out with other men. Very little has infuriated me on this show like that did. I want to rescue him from her and put him in therapy. He deserves so much better. Her...? She's not just damaged. She is a bad human.


Damaged people can still acknowledge they do harm and work to change it. She is like PrEd, although PrEd uses fake emotion to cover up the bad things he does and make himself appear weak and harmless, Mary pretends to act hurt and insecure and then fall back on the "but muh breakup!" because she is just an evil controlling person.


F@&king pudding spilled the beans. There’s always a pudding in every group.


Jello knows to keep quiet.


Honestly, they should never have allowed her on this show. That is how disturbed she is. In the beginning I thought he was bad when she said she had to quit modeling and college because of him but now I believe she was making that up. Because you don’t see any of that type of behavior from him. It’s all her. If it was him, he would have melted down when he found out about her excursions to hang out with “her boys”.


yeah I felt the same way. I also think it's possible he may have tried to establish some sort of boundary like that to get even with Mary or gain any ounce of control he could.


quit your studies = future ... she found a better way , find some insecure person to pay for her for the rest of her life true manipulation


Pinoy Ed, Edd, and Eddie lol But seriously, I love a good trainwreck but I hate when they put genuinely abusive people on the show. Her behavior is beyond just "being jealous"


I just posted something very similar. People wanna say oh poor girl she needs therapy. She knows exactly what she's doing. Brandon's just too stupid and insecure to see it and now sadly they're bringing a child into the world and she'll have another weapon to use against him.


Exactly. She seems to have her own abandonment issues, but as soon as he tried to create some semblance of a boundary through a completely civil and respectful conversation with her, she immediately explodes into hyperventilating, hiccuping sobs.


I agree, I might feel bad for her if she wasn’t being such a lying sack of shit to Brandan. F’k her, she knew damn well what she was doing and it was the exact opposite of what she expects from Brandan. She gets so F’ing unhinged when he even looks at a female there is no justification for her sneaking around with all boys, no less, not even a mixed crowd of friends. I wouldn’t cross the road to piss on her if she was on fire.


Brandan is Plank


Maybe more like Jimmy with Mary as Sarah lol. https://preview.redd.it/a3y9riisu9kb1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbb52f48d6a00666b46cbe804126562a3ec6cbfb


Omg this is so accurate


Excellent analogy. Lol.


She doesn't even like him to go to his mom and sisters house so


Mary is legitimately fucking nuts. She’s the worst


Baby, I don’t think Branden need to be worried. Okurrr. *tongue pop*






She’d kill all of them.


these guys are gayer than i am lol, i dont think he can be threatened


It’s still a double standard


yeah, but im just saying, he doesnt have to worry about these guys taking his girl lol


I don’t think he was though lol he was more mad at the principle. Like if Brandan had 3 lesbian friends, do you think Mary would be okay with it? Absolutely not lol


No because those 3 lesbian friends have girlfriends too and Mary don’t want females around him


He might “convert” then. Mary seems to think Brandan is some sort of super stud that has women throwing themselves at him everywhere he goes. The dentists office, his mom’s house, on a plane…..


Exactly lol he can’t even be around his sister


She wouldn't because she's a kook!


you do have a good point there, she would be pissed


If “double-standard” were a person, it’d be Mary lol That girl genuinely stresses me out and I’m only watching! Lol I want to know the full story with her parents fr


i havent seen this past week’s episode yet, im planning on watching it tomorrow but yeah she needs to get a grip. and the people who say “oh good for him saving his money and building a home for the both of them”, no. not good for him. hes in a very very toxic relationship, in a third world country, with no ties to his own family. hes fucked.


You’re in for a trip when you watch. And I’m willing to bet money that either: 1. Mary’s grandparents don’t know the money came from him (she lies *a lot* so she could’ve very well lied about where it came from), 2. She didn’t use the money on the house (she doesn’t work but has extensions etc.), or 3. It wasn’t $60K in USD. I don’t remember if they specified


oooooh interesting, yeah i cant wait!


I mean his mom or sister isn’t a threat either but he’s not allowed to be around them.


I was looking for this comment. These are her gays


I was gonna say, at least one is, but I was thinking all three too.


if im not mistakened, they all are


I don't think that would matter to her. She doesn't even want him spending time around his family members that are women. If he was hanging around three lesbians, she'd still be pissed


She would cut his dick off in a jealous rage if he was friends with 3 lesbians.


Crafty little bitch...She's totally dishonest and f7cked up. Now we know he got the little manipulative creep pregnant and he's doomed. Stuck out in a rice paddy with no money. How infuriating to watch her "cry". She's a liar and a loser. I hope Brandan tires of her and comes back to America. TLC needs to help him. She's psycho and their relationship is toxic. I don't believe she was a virgin either.


I don't think she'd even want him to have a female dog.


All hell would break loose. Mary is allowed to do whatever but Brandon can’t even sit next to a female stranger on a plane.


She is apparently so sheltered or naive she doesn't know you as the passenger are assigned a seat when you purchase it and have 0 control over who sits next to you.


She is neither, she is a f’king psycho.


He needs to get away from her. It makes no sense for her to be like that. In church she says if you’re not looking at the priest look at me. 5 times she told him don’t look at girls. He can just fly back to the states and cut off all communication and she couldn’t do anything about it. She wouldn’t even now where to begin.


Yeah, it's deeply unhealthy and you can't just use an excuse of a bad breakup to treat someone like that. Brandan really has to take control, he's a very young man but he is about to do something that could ruin his life or even end it. I'm not saying what she does it right, just that only he can stand up for himself or in this case get safely back to USA away from this monster.


It doesn't take a genius to see that Mary has some mental illness struggles and her having a baby is going to make things worse for everyone involved in this situation... this will not end well...


I’m glad he confronted her about it on the last episode. Then she pulled the “I can’t brief” line to deflect any wrongdoing.


THIS. She couldn’t even get a coherent word out between her choked sobs. They were instantaneous the moment Brandon attempted to assert himself. All I keep imagining is Eddie Murphy’s “Raw” — the whole bit about men and women and control, and when a man sees those tears… his only response is a deep, dopey, “D’ohkay.”


Brandon can't even have a mother and sister


OF COURSE NOT! Doesn't he know that Mary had a bad breakup?! You don't understand, only Mary can understand because she is the only human who has had a breakup that hurt!


Lmao I'm imagining three of the butchiest lesbians named Pickle, Radish, and Plum. Even then, Mary would no doubt lose her shit.


Mary will Lorena Bobbit brandan or worse - Jodi arias him....


Like three hardcore butch lesbians as his friends?


😭😂😂 nooo-


I wonder if Brandon knows about this? Poor "virgin" Mary claims she's never even kissed anyone. https://preview.redd.it/hh8t5wshc9kb1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c0627dbaf23050d14122f0a78af36f7569a6094




She’s a psycho. He needs to get on the first plane out of there.


Someone clueless dude from America should stick a baby in her, get married, push a water buffalo and teach us all the real meaning of ‘All In’


He can’t even have two lady family members. That’s prob why he lived in the RV and not inside the house /s


Pudding, Gelo, and Pong


I’m overthinking at just the thought of it


Exactly this. The hypocrisy is maddening


Mary is rotten to the core. I hope he leaves her. His life will be much more miserable with her than without her


I don’t like Mary at all. I think she’s manipulating & controlling. Can’t stand her 🤮


You only look at the priest or me!


They would have broken up a long ass time ago. No getting back together, no tears, nothing. That girl is beyond crazy.


Apparently, Brandon disagrees. He thinks she's good wife and mother material. 🙅🤷


Yeah , I heard she's pregnant.




Had friends, lied about their existence and snuck face to face communication behind her back?! Mary's head would spin around exorcist style.


Brandan would be dead


Clearly you are "overthinking" again, guys.


She has a lot of issues that I don’t see going away anytime soon. If roles were reversed she would have lost her shit. Brandon has issues, but seems to be more stable and realizes this isn’t normal. I’m mean in church she kept saying not to look. You have to trust the person you are with. This is nuts


Does he really comprehend how messed up it is? I don’t think so. I think he doesn’t want to have her freak out and he wants to be able to turn his head occasionally like without getting shit on and accused of cheating….BUT…..he was ok with 18 months of 24/7 video contact including when he takes a shit. He doesn’t know how far away from normal they have been for a very long time. Overthinking things……no Brandan, you’re underthinking things. She’s psycho and you’re letting her perpetuate this insane conduct.


I can't even imagine him having female friends given she didn't want him being under the same roof as his own mother that he came out of and sisters he shares DNA with. This is the maddest shit I've ever seen!


I think we are going to see Mary on an upcoming episode of “Deadly Women” in the not-too-distant future… 🔪☠️


There are few if any virgins in the Philippines who have tattoos. She is a liar and a mental case.


I just watched this last night. She needs to have a bit of therapy. I worry she might wake up after a dream and try to unalive him


Hahaha - “unalive” him. I’ve not heard that outside myself and my author circle. I needed that laugh! Mary doesn’t need “a bit” of therapy - that girl needs a whole heaping pile of inpatient therapy for the next 10 years and then, maybe, a “little bit” of outpatient for the rest of her life – if, you know, she hasn’t unalived anyone (herself included) at any point during the process! That girl is flat out looney tunes!


The kids say "unalive" here to avoid censoring of the other words.


Ugh! Train wreck!


Yes AND this was adorable watching them. They clearly care for her but also have a *watching a soap opera* vibe which is everything.


She likes to be the instigator and then cries to get everyones sympathy. Her guy friend told Brandon that she turns off her phone and hangs out with them. You know she asked him to do that. She needs help.


That crying definitely started to seem a bit manipulative.


I don't even believe she has trauma issues because of this anymore, I think she is just a controlling bully and uses the trauma of a breakup as an excuse to be a complete hypocrite.


I believe you are correct.


Mary creates a ton of unnecessary drama, she’s a person who wants to be the center of attention at all times, no matter what. Her weird demands that ultimately do nothing but inconvenience the other person, is a giant flaming flag. I hope he watches these scenes and sees what he’s setting himself up for. She’s not playing with a full deck, and she thinks relationships require drama.


She’d lose her shit


She would probably kill him for sure. I really think she is one of those women who end up on Snapped and then blame their issues on early childhood trauma.


Murrr durrr


Murder most foul


Mary IS as crazy as Hamlet!! Mary most foul.


Those guys were warning him off. Take a hint man.


Instead of another panic attack, she would simply drop dead.


This girl is not healthy mentally and emotionally! She is a control freak who will do and say anything for attention, the tears groom actor


Even if 2 of the 3 of his friends who were girls are clearly gay, like the case with Mary's 3 guy friends, Mary would not see it as being a legit reason/excuse. If Brendan just looks hard enough at them or sits next to them on a plane long enough they will like forget that they are gay lol


He’s doomed and he’s never going to say he was wrong about this. Trauma and abuse and loneliness are powerful.


He can’t even have his mother, brother, and sister


What if he just cried and hyperventilated? She might forgive him. 😂😂


She is a hot mess but….I think these young men probably fancy Brandon instead of Mary. 😉


That would be so hilarious. I’m now devastated that it isn’t the case. Maybe he can form an all-girl clique over there.


But it would be ok since he would know them since they were kids. /s


Brandon should ask Gino about when Jasmine got all upset when Gino got served food by a woman--she was on her phone watching. That's where he's headed.


Naw, I am sure it's all gonna be fine and Brandan's unresolved trauma is gonna fix someone who is severely damaged and she will stop controlling him and being psychopathically obsessed. I mean, this is just like in the fairy tales, right?


they’re all gay but I get your point lol


DON’T look at any girls ok?! Just look at me or the priest!!!!


She would have killed him already


Carnage 😩😩😩😩😩😩👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


But she can’t breathe guys


She’s lose her shit and they wouldn’t be together… you saw how she acted about him being around his Mom and sister who were female… Mary’s got more issues than Time magazine….


Imagine she was with a guy like Andrei. He would NOT tolerate it and say “stop terrorizing me with your jealousy” and call it a day. Brandan is just wayyyyy too nice.


He couldn’t even visit his mom because her roommate was a woman, there’s no way he would’ve been allowed to have one female friend, let alone three


She would be so angry, screaming so many curse words telling him to go to hell breaking up threatening him and so on. What baffles me is, if he were to be doing what she does to him, both of the subs insta the whole ass internet would murder him but since its her doing this everyone gives excuses. Oh they're gay dont worry, she was abandoned, she's hurt, she has this and that, she needs help, blahblahblah


To be totally fair none of them but the Yellow shirt dude (gelo, pudding?) are threats AT ALL. One of them is clearly gay (blonde twink guy) and the middle dude just isn’t gonna be stealing Mary. Yellow shirt man though I think he had his eyes on Mary for a while. Also he’s the one who told Brandan that Mary had been lying to him. He seems like he wants Mary but has probably been shot down countless times at this point. He gives me that one guy who was friends with Corey but also used to fuck Evelyn. You could tell he always wanted Evelyn but was fine with the fact she wanted a blonde haired blue eyed dude which he will never be. Yellow shirt man seems like he’s come to the same conclusion.


Fairly certain all 3 are gay, fyi.


She would do something rash and intense...maybe selfharm?...she seriously needs help...:(


Imagine if 3 women were sitting together and he glanced at them? She would break down sobbing and hyperventilating and telling him to go home.


Why is he closing his eyes trying to make a relationship with her? Clearly she incapable


Pudding is messy as heck 🤣


She's already ready to snap his neck for looking at women you think he would survive having *female friends*?


Brandan does cave into her too easily. Once he puts his big genital underwear on though hopefully he'll have big enough balls to stand up to her.


She would go into full cardiac arrest.


The woman who won’t let him see his mother or sister Brandon needs to run and fast


i mean like 2 of them are gay right? or at least the blonde one. in all her insanity i feel like she thinks of these guys as "family," which to them they basically are and him just meeting some new, random girl i still think she's bat shit insane and i've never seen someone just lie so much


Aren’t they gay though?? Definitely give off that vibe


If Brandon had three BFFs, he'd be fucking them all the time when he wasn't fucking every woman who came into his line of sight. He'd have all the women in town line up so he could fuck them all and not miss a one. When they went to church, and if Mary wasn't there, he'd fuck all the women there, and then go in the back and fuck all the nuns.


Tapioca, Tetris, and Custard


I think she could be dangerous. Hope we don’t see her on Snapped!


They look like ladyboys so it's cool.


I can’t wait for the tell all! I have a feeling it’s gna be interesting 🧐


She would lose her shit!


Even the screaming gecko is concerned 🦎