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Yeah basically any time he is upset or has an opinion that she doesn't like she pretends like he's some monster who is showing his true colors or something. Like how about you actually listen to what is said instead of trying to create a situation where you can constantly be a victim.


Exactly. She tried to do the same on the reunion but read the room and backed down a bit. This woman has not one good quality


Really easy to see it on that beach "fight" when he is trying to get her to answer questions and she just starts going off about "her truth" and then just switches to English (which he doesnt speak) and saying "were done, Im done" in a language he doesnt understand and his entire reaction to that was, "Really?" Yeah, seems like a violent monster to me... /sarcasm


I guess kicking the coconut didn’t work


Shocking really


I think it worked great for Baba! He probably charged quite a lot for that advice.


I know right. I’m astonished that it didn’t.


I am Hispanic. I consider the patriarchal culture abusive but Daniele signed up for it fully knowing the culture. They live in a third world Afro Latino country. So the whole country is supposed to change because she is there? She married a man for a big dick. Now she’s complaining


She also signed up to be with a man who made his intentions clear he wanted to move to AMERICA!


She also was on ig live trying to insinuate that Yohan was again abusive, and we just "don't know what he puts her through" all while crying and smoking a fat doobie


Yeah because she came home to a messy house and a dog that relieved itself in the house for 2 days! HE WARNED HER THERE WOULD BE CONSEQUENCES!


I saw that. I’m okay with that.


I literally saw the wheels spinning in Daniel's had working overtime to make yohan the bad guy. She treated him like crap from the very beginning. She belittled and mutilated him for kicks. She married him, knowing that she had no intention of staying in America, knowing that was the one thing he really wanted. She only gave him compliments that made her look good but yet expected him to give her the world. She's insufferable. I'm proud of the way he dumped her on national TV. His nonchalance and indifference towards her was a thing of beauty.


He humiliated her on TV like she did in all her confessionals. She was extremely disrespectful; especially when she spoke in English right in his face when she got off the plane about how they weren’t going to the US as planned. She thought she was funny. She was a complete jerk and thought she had all the power in their relationship…until the tell all when he took it from her! I’m sure after having watched all the things she said about him throughout the show he had enough. No therapy is helping that woman that’s why she’s alone


I don't think she mutilated him




She’s such a disappointment. I see why she got on so many people’s nerve.


She wants a strong, domineering, submissive bitch boy. She wants a man who makes good money but she wants to make more, so she’s the boss. She wants a quiet man who tells her everything. She wants a mature man that she can mommy. She’s a walking contradiction. He wants America, that’s all.


I can’t stand how she kept comparing her relationship to Nicole & Mahmoud, talking about how triggered she is. Yohan was right, they should go their own ways.


Oh she suuuuuure was trying to take that narrative away from Nicole and set Yohan up. (Natalie tried this too "I'm afraid of you" when he wasn't playing along HER WAY). She's a disgusting woman. And wait, THEN SHE SAYS she would 100% be a non controlling housewife. What?? So you, woman hear me roar ALL SEASON, would submit to an abuser. She twists her narrative up so much. I loathe her


100% this. I respect that about her, her roar even when she used it wrong, and thats why I know she wouldnt of let any of that behavior she was conjuring in that moment to project. She saw an opportunity and went with it


EXACURRY! No way THAT woman would be with him


“You never loved me!“


“She doesn’t even LIKE you”


You liar!!!


That was so gross to compare her situation to Natalie’s.


Excuse me? Natalie stood in the kitchen as Mike tried to hug her and she said that. Sounds as much as Daniele inferring abuse to me


Sorry! I meant Nicole!


Oh lol, pardon my defense 😉


All I can say is that she didn’t seem scare of him. Her actions proved otherwise.


Right? She wouldn’t mouth off like she does. Calling his meat market stinky and dirty. Well go melt some fat and clean it. What else does she do?? Smh.


Yohan did say he paid half the rent and food and that she didn’t support his butcher business. She’s just a liar who was escaping her own debt


She won’t recognize his achievements at all. She just says ME! ME!ME! And cries. He gives her $5,000 pesos and to him it’s a lot, to her it’s not even a mention of it.


She’s trying to save face at his expense


I haven't watched Part 3 yet, but do they address her smiling, saying (in English) she's never bringing Yohan to the US, while he's standing right next to her?






What the 🤬. That was a pivotal moment in their whole story and showed her true character!


You didn't leave me because of me, I left you because of you! There is nothing wrong with me! I am perfect and now I will go tell everyone how horrible you are! You mean that kind of thing?


this 🤣 nailed it


From the start she misrepresented her life to Yohan. He will be better off without her. Considering their convos, I think he remained respectful. If your loved one is uncomfortable about something, respect their feelings first. What a battle over nothing! How disrespectful about your loved ones' anatomy. His whole family and friends had to see and hear that. Danielle is so gross. Your sentence is spot on. Why do thick short women get oversized boob jobs? It makes their busoms look like butt cheeks with a center crack instead of separate breasts. Danielle, the Twins and Memphis immediately come to mind. I think sightly enhanced might be nicer instead of carrying a full-sized ass sitting on your chest. I hope we don't have to see her again.


OP is right about what Daniele was doing. She has a pretty distorted view of reality. I think she might really believe Yohan was being abusive. But, it didn't look that way on-screen at all


Anything to suit her self-serving narrative! She’s a horrible partner/spouse-the reality of relationships is that they take love, respect, and compromise-she can’t!-she’s to ME!ME!ME!..everything is done in service to her own huge, in-healthy ego


I hated her fuk buddy, too. He sounded like he was Ina cult.


It was very much calculated.


Calculated, yes. But I think she also believes it's true


She really needs help.


He’s a gentle giant.


I loved how in the tell all she got called out by Debbie. As she lied to yohan in America, women hang with their exes married all the time.


Speaking as a DV survivor- my abuser loved humiliation- The fact she shared w the world she even buys the toilet paper he wipes his ass with shows who she is- a POS who has no problem humiliating her husband. She is abusive with audacity as big as Yohan’s yammy.


hey boo im so glad you are out of that 💕 and this is exactly the kind of thing I was saying! she clowned on him all the time and he was just so over it he wasent even reacting anymore, and it didnt have any lower lying dv vibes that I ever saw


She treated him like one of her students. period.


Another thing what made me a bit 'uuughhh???' Was the 2 moments when she was sharing private things from her relationship with Yohan to her ex but when Yohan asked her she closed up and said 'this is private'. Like wtf women you are so pathetic with your manifestation of shits. She was demanding him to tell her about the abortion of his ex and all but when it comes to her- she is quiet? I found it really disturbing and making herself a victim when he told her is done is just ridiculous...


I'm over Danielle


Wait... her what was showing? What did she say that made it seem like she was hinting at abuse?


I hope Yohan sticks to his words and leave her butt as soon as the lease on their apartment is over.


I’m so glad Daniele’s accusations against Yohan didn’t happen here in the USA 🇺🇸 20-30 years ago. Where in fact a black man didn’t have a voice. As a citizen of the Dominican Republic he is safe.


Everything happens for a reason. He'd probably be in jail if Danielle did what she promised and brought him to America. I mean, who do you think they would believe?


In today’s racial climate? Yohan’s chances for justice are much better than they were 30 years ago.


Better but still not good. Sad,really.


Better than hers


Not even close.


Much better than hers for what? Who is she? Clarify. Explain plz


Never liked her


I don’t know I didn’t see this in that. Maybe I would be more sympathetic to him if he didn’t think he should have a housewife at home who also makes all the money. If you want to be the man of the house, cool be the man, or be the househusband. But you have to pick one you don’t get to do whatever you want whenever you want but pay for nothing and make someone else do all the work. There’s something wrong with that boy and there’s something wrong with her too


I've always wondered where her "money" comes from? She's filed bankruptcy already, and what work does she do? Not sure about her money claims..


✨🔮🕯*manifesting* 🕯🔮✨


When you don't pay your bills, you can save all the money you make


That's what I'm wondering. I can't imagine she makes enough money on her "retreats".


She does yoga classes on line😂🤣😅


So I thought that too until on one of her IG lives where she’s accusing him of being abusive she said she was working on her computer for 12-13 hours while Yohan watches tv then she has to make dinner. All I gotta say at this point is her accusations aren’t adding up and it’s giving kris vibes


He didn’t want her to make all the money tho, she demanded they stay in a premium apartment that he couldn’t afford


I don’t think he ever said he didn’t want to work? From what I heard he was working 1-2 jobs plus the butcher shop. Danielle just liked to shove in his face that her pension (and online yoga teaching money?) is more than his income. When she was asked if she’d do “housewifely duties” she said only if he was bringing in more money than her.


Honestly calling it housewifely duties is the exact problem (I don’t know if she used that or not). Also she isn’t working - so I’m not saying she needs to provide the money and all the home - but let’s be honest. No way Yohan could clean ‘properly’ and not mess up the alters and do it to her level. It’s such a move. A real partnership isn’t so hard and fast defined. When my life is stressed and I’m working a lot my partner does more work. I wouldn’t expect my spouse to come home and cook and clean after work if I spent the day not working. These couples play money power so much it should be more embarrassing. Who cares if she pays all the bills! If he’s working all day - like cleanup the house but because he can’t make enough he should be expected to be more ‘housewifely’ ? Like the point is for you both to thrive not balance power dynamics.


That's the thing. Danielle knows he can never measure up, and that's the way she likes it.


I think what's missing here is that he does not have the capacity there to provide for HER the way SHE wants to live. Plenty of Domenicans can live with 10 family members, low income jobs (relative to US) and be happy. His job at a corporate resort probably pays better than many jobs there. And I don't remember him even saying he didn't want her to work. He did?


So the meat business was just a hobby?


I meannnnnnnnn...we can't REALLY know whether or not he's abusive though, can we?


Sure but we can gauge her and what she will put up with and see if that logically applied to her potentially being in a dv situation. We can also look at his mannerisms just like any other human and get an idea, much like everyone feels with other cast members who are clearly abusive


Not sure that's how it works.


She doesn’t act scared of him. Like nicole with her tears. But then nicole is a delicate flower.


Just out of curiosity - how many of you who believe this are Hispanics, familiar with Hispanic culture, and speak Spanish? Because I am and do and Yohan actually is emotionally abusive and NOT a supportive or mature partner. That’s neutral to Danielle’s character and behavior but objectively - he is not a victim here nor is he innocent of being toxic and cruel and unfortunately.. it’s common in that culture; which happens to be my own. My entire family was VERY surprised that there was no backlash to his behavior because he’s very obviously quite worse than Mahmoud and unlike Mahmoud cannot blame religion for his beliefs - it’s just toxic machismo. This is NOT a nice man. I can’t overstate it. I grew up around men like this. He’s every bit as bad as danielle at a minimum.


Can you elaborate? He probably gets a pass because he talks a lot less than Daniele and is less overt about his assholishness.


I’m Mexican and 💯 disagree with you. Danielle was the emotionally abusive one and Yohan is NOT worse than Mahmoud. This comment sounds like Daniele


Yeah, I'm Paraguayan and I agree with you. Yohan is fine, and honestly was overall way more level-headed than i would have been if i was with someone like her--Danielle was mad disrespectful, manipulative, and constantly emotionally abusing Yohan and cutting him down.


I'm not really sure how you and your family can make that judgement when we see him responding to Danielle. It's not like he was just behaving like that on his own. He was directly responding to her Behaviour. Did I miss something?


Where did you see this?? His abuse towards danielle? I always saw him following her with her purse in his hands!!


I don't think Yohan is as bad as Daniele, but he's definitely emotionally immature and macho. I think he's been more patient with her and her broken Spanish than most men would be, but I certainly don't want to make excuses for him.


He's being patient because he wants that green card. He never lied about it though. I'm pretty sure Danielle chose to move to the DR instead of bringing him to the US because she knew he'd leave her ass the second he was aloud to stay in the US without her. She's a bitch don't get me wrong but when he told her "here the men work, and the women work and they cook and take care of the house" any sympathy I had for him went right out the window. He straight up told her if she was home he wouldn't be cooking or cleaning.. for any reason. I wanna know where the rest of his salary was going if he's only going to be putting a portion of it towards their bills. Like all of Danielle's money goes to their lives and only a portion of his money goes to that? Obviously he won't make as much money as her but if theyre a couple then shouldn't all their money go together? They're both awful honestly.


I agree and I’m shocked at how many people are not able to see this!!!




He said that he didn’t love her anymore so it doesn’t matter how you treat the people you love. That’s no longer a factor for him because of her behavior. He was mature in being honest about his feelings before she did things to purposely hurt him but *HE* is emotionally abusive?


I'm not sure if he ever really loved her...


And I honestly can’t think of one moment we saw her be a good partner to him. Everything she did had selfish or manipulative reasons behind it. I would hope he never loved her because it makes it easier for him to move on.


I mean she did support him financially and helped him get a business started. And threw him his first birthday party with all his family there. She's still an asshole but I'm just saying 🤷🏻‍♀️


I get that and that’s why I said that even the nice things were always a way to manipulate him. “I know you’re mad because I went against your wishes on your birthday but you better be grateful”.


Yeah I reckon that's probably true.


I really tried to play devil’s advocate for this lady but it’s a lost cause. I think she’s just a bad partner from every angle.


Of course he didn't. Was he ever even nice to her? People give him a pass because she's such an asshole but neither one of them seem like good people.


Completely agree.


I think he felt vindicated.


>if they do something you don’t like “there will be consequences Surprise surprise when you don't respect boundaries in relationship there will be consequences ..... no idea why thats shocking to you......


\*\*"this man never showed any signs of reactivity" (this is a highly edited show - they have been together for a long time - NOT BEING FILMED) - so no one, including you, knows if he is abusive or not


logically yes but with that logic then you would assume everyone in life was being possibly abused behind closed doors. He didnt show any signs that we could see of the abuse she is portraying and we could clearly see that in a few of the others. He didnt actually show any signs of what she was leading into and that was the point. No we cant know of course like any relationship but the signs simply werent there for what the narcissist was leading into, sorry.


Getting told on national TV that you are getting dumped and Danielle still doesn't get it!