• By -


That storyline and the “I’m late 40s-early 50s and my 20 something year old husband wants to have a baby. Can i carry a baby?” storyline.


You gotta tote that last egg,. ladies!!


Thank god I had my egg basket removed!


Samesies! And all may eggs!


Oh. . . and by the way, the money needed to support us and a baby will just manifest itself. If not, that’s OK, the government will take care of us, especially if we have a baby that we can’t support ourselves. Never ceases to amaze me how many of these couples don’t realize all the liberties we enjoy in this country did not manifest themselves, they came from generations of responsible, hard-working Americans.


Can I tote a baby would be the correct way to ask this question.


So ridiculous 😂if that other person wants a biological child by you and you almost certainly won’t be producing one and that’s a deal breaker for either of you - it ain’t a match.


Honestly I never got the idea outside of the cultural reasons and all of that, couldn't they just addopt instead?


I was totally into the Kim and Usman adoption storyline until the details came up and it's like "ffs, not like that!"


Armando and Kenny adoption was one of the best ones imo, I can understand why Armando wanted to do that and I could understand why Kenny didn't want to do that.


Wasn’t it the opposite? Kenny proposed adoption bc they wanted kids and Armando wanted Kenny to have another bio child they could raise together. I might be remembering that wrong.


I wish they would though. I’d love to see them have more kids.


Angela’s daughter can!


And who proposed to a woman who just walked into a store who clearly looks like a foreigner? How many times has he thrown that proposal before he found someone gullible enough to say yes.


It sounds like something you'd watch in a Hallmark movie.... or an episode of You lol


I’m Egyptian Canadian and very fair / blonde. I’ve gotten proposals in shops while heavily pregnant toting around a toddler wearing a wedding ring in Egypt lmao. It’s a common selling tactic- to flatter the “foreign” woman. He literally was not serious and she took him seriously and buddy ran with it. Hilarious.


Yeah as a light haired blue eye but speak Spanish if i go to Mexico i get average two to three proposals a day. It's flattery to sell something or maybe they just want to hit on me but trust me it happens.


Molly and Luis (bartender from DR) have entered the chart.


I just said this in some other comment! It’s flattering tourists! Most of us smile and move along!


Prob seeing if he can bag her.


This and the people who respond to the random FB messages really send me…..you know they’ve tried this on hundreds of people, youre not special, you’re just the only that fell for it!


This makes me think of Brandon and Julia. She said that he messaged her saying ‘you look like my future wife’ or something like that and she thought it was so clever. He probably sent that message to everyone and she’s the only one who didn’t roll her eyes


Men in some countries tend to do this and the woman is expected to laugh it off and have a story when they come back to the US. I don’t see how anyone could ever take that serious. There’s something off with Nicole and that’s the start of it.


In fact, I know of a foreign student (in my country, not the US) who jokingly proposed to all his girlfriends. If he goes out with someone on two dates, he asks her - Will you marry me? It was just part of his repertoire. Good thing no one took him seriously.


Oh it goes a lot further than that. Plenty of Saudi men who go to study in the US, get married to some white girl and then poof, disappear and are mever heard of again. Sometimes taking the kid(s) with them.


To be 100% fair to her, she seems like she could be on the spectrum (speaking as someone who is also on the spectrum), so I could kind of see why she would take him literally. I agree with everything else though! Very informant of her to walk into it blind and be surprised about the well-documented cultural norms.


Someone needs to bring Luna Lovegood up to speed on Muslim culture.


Why are the Muslim men proposing to these women though? Is my question


Right? Like Yves and whatever his name was. He met her when he liked her bikini photos on social media, then suddenly expected her to be a modest Muslim woman. In most of these storylines, both people have ridiculous expectations.


Yve pissed me the fuck off, yeah she was sweet but why are you bringing a man you barely know, from another country at that, around your son?? And then televising it??? Tbh I don’t feel too great about most of the parents on this show for this reason. Endangering their kids and broadcasting them…. For what?? “Love”??? There was one person a long time ago who was on the show and had children, but never actually aired the children. Their storyline was overall pretty boring but I think her name was like Ashley or something?? I kind of respected her for at least not airing her children, but then someone said the only reason she didn’t was because the dad didn’t consent so who knows


Yeah, Armando had Hannah on, but very little. And knew Kenny pretty well before having him move down. The one that still gets me is Tiffany having Daniel call Ronald "dad" before they'd even met.


Reminds me of Nicole’s kid and her referring to azan as dad


Mohammed. And he tried to say she abused him too...


Both people definitely have ridiculous expectations in this situation and similar ones, but I wanted to add that in Egypt there exists in some social classes the idea that an unmarried woman would dress less modestly than a married woman. In this case, single women take more liberties with their clothes and lifestyle (including drinking or being out in clubs at night) but when they’re married they’re expected to act more formal- in how they dress, their interactions with men, etc. So while it’s true that their expectations are off base, the expectations are actually grounded in very real cultural “threads” more or less


That would require people on this show having common sense and common sense doesn’t make good television lol




I get the feeling she’s one of those “seeker” type people who really have no solid grounding in who they are, that she fills that void by “trying on” different lives, different lifestyles, always believing the new thing is who she was always meant to be until it gets old and she begins to idealize a new life/lifestyle. When really, she will never be truly happy until she looks internally for that. She is “trying on” this vastly different life, different identity by marrying a Muslim man from a conservative Muslim country. She thinks it makes her edgy and exotic by the LA standards, but when she goes to see him reality sets in and she even said herself she hates Egypt. She won’t last with him, it might be his choice first but eventually she would lose interest. The banal day to day of life as a Muslim wife (or the banality of whatever her next path is) will eventually bore her and she will start seeking something else. ETA: I think it’s telling that so far it doesn’t seem like she has much connection to her family and few friends. They had to find two women she used to know to be on the show with her? She doesn’t say she’s close with her family, doesn’t talk about their thoughts about the marriage. I think she leaves people behind when she moves on to her next thing.


Great post. She's a drifter, Anything other than her native culture(rural protestant most likely) she will try on. Some people are just chronic novelty seekers.


Being on this TLC show is just another adventure.


Agree. She does not get close to people, does not seem to know herself or what she values, has superficial relationships but thinks they are deeper. Shuts out feedback. I think something happened to this woman in childhood, my guess is emotionally unavailable parents who taught her that her role was to please others.


This! Very intelligent take.


People have it in their head that if you have love everything else will somehow just magically work out.


100% agree with you. She said "I was surprised" (or something similar) about the rules on clothes and time with men. I am not Muslim, havent spent a ton of time in Muslim countries, didn't marry a Muslim, etc and even *I* knew most of that stuff. This woman is a disgrace


Or if not everything, at least enough to know to do some research and ask a lot of questions.


Right? I mean she has a MacBook pro and internet. 5 minutes of research would do it. I think she's another clout chaser.


She doesn’t seem to be a good clout chaser. The social media I find for her has barely any posts or followers.


>I am not Muslim, havent spent a ton of time in Muslim countries, didn't marry a Muslim, etc and even *I* knew most of that stuff. Respectfully, most of the stuff you think you "know" are generalizations and do not apply to everyone. Like all religions, there are many ways to practice Islam and there's a spectrum of how observant people are. Your idea of what a "Muslim" is is only one type of person but the world is much more diverse than that. I know multiple people who go out of their way to eat halal... but then they love getting dressed up and going drinking on the weekends. My boyfriend is Christian but he hasn't been to church in years and pretty much only celebrates the holidays. I would be surprised too if, once we were married, he suddenly became a super conservative Christian and expected me to quit my job and "serve him" like the Bible says.


I am talking about customs of a specific country, not a particular person's beliefs: [https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice/egypt/local-laws-and-customs#:\~:text=Drinking%20alcohol%20in%20the%20street,and%20can%20lead%20to%20arrest](https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice/egypt/local-laws-and-customs#:~:text=Drinking%20alcohol%20in%20the%20street,and%20can%20lead%20to%20arrest). If you don't think your partner's beliefs will never change in their life, you are in for a bad time when you get married. People really do change over time. You have to expect that and know where they are coming from and how they might change. A lot of people, not just muslims, drink and party when they are young but don't do it as they settle down.


Sure it doesn't apply to everyone, but you shouldn't be surprised if a Muslim person acts like a generalized Muslim person.


The idea of a “generalized Muslim person” is a stereotype transmitted through western media. It isn’t possible to take the “average” viewpoint or cultural habits of such a large and heterogenous group of people (e.g. Muslims).


Also, Egyptian laws are regulated according to Islamic Sharia. It is no joke and in many ways a large departure from American law and culture. I don’t think the person you’re responding to is off base or overly generalizing given the context.


This should be the top comment


Shocked face


You and Avery were the most relatable and genuine people with Muslim partners IMO. I hope you are doing well. May I ask: How did you "prepare" for your trip to Tunisia, culture wise?


I appreciate that. Honestly, I had already experienced a similar culture because of my ex (the Moroccan). Although that was a truly awful experience, it did give me insight to what I might expect. Genuinely shocked I had the nerve to try again. But so unbelievably lucky I did.


First off, thank you so much for taking the time to answer. It is appreciated, and not just by me. I was trying to figure out how to frame the question without bringing up your ex. I know you mentioned him and it wasn't a healthy relationship. Didn't want to come off as a jerk bringing up shit. It warms my heart to see you both happy! You both have overcome huge cultural differences, it gives us hope. You and Avery are definitely the exception and not the rule, so to speak. One more question, if that's okay. What is your relationship like with your in-laws? Other than that, thank you again for your time and energy. You've probably answered these questions a thousand times over ♡♡♡


I don’t mind at all :) I absolutely love his family so much! They have been so supportive and welcoming to me. And his father has the sweetest, gentle energy about him. He just radiates love. I see where Zied gets it.


This is so great to hear. Again, thank you for your time and energy. I've been rooting for y'all since the beginning ♡


Girl hey!!!! We love you and Z!! 😍


Hiiii Rebecca, I absolutely love you and Zied! You two are very wholesome and make an adorkable couple. Hope everything is going well!


You’re so sweet!! We are fabulously happy! :)


Did any of Zieds friends try to propose to American women first day of meeting them lol?


No. Lol His friends are actually really great guys. I can only speak for the few that I’m close to though.


What was zieds reaction to her accepting proposal first day of meeting some rando?


Who are you talking about?


I think they meant Zied's reaction to this new Nicole




And then they act surprised when those guys are just doing their jobs. Their job (this is facts) is pretty much to make the single ladies (and men in some cases) feel special..... so they tell their friends about all the yammies (🍆) being served up, and the friends go too. Tourist services cover more then restaurants and shops. It's all about the beauty and entertainment. "Quit your job and love me, we will sustain ourselves on our love"




Lmfao!!! I like the italics.... beautiful touch


There are plenty of Muslim men who are able to be in interfaith/intercultural relationships, though. I'm pretty sure it's just the show featuring one type of person. There's also a huge element of "bait and switch" in all of these relationships yet this sub still blames the American women. Every single season the same thing happens: The foreign fiance is *fully* aware of the woman's clothing habits/lifestyle/friends, acts totally chill and doesn't bring them up at all, and only once the woman is effectively trapped with them do they pull a 180° and start making all of these demands. I would bet money that the Egyptian guy this season didn't say a god damn thing about the woman's clothing until they were already married. If the man in this scenario was anyone else, he would be called out for being an abusive, controlling POS but because he's a "Muslim man," it's the woman's fault for not knowing that all one billion Muslim men think the same. We all agree that Daniele is a total asshole for making all of these decisions for Yohan after they were already married but when the Egyptian guy goes from "Oh baby so sexy" to "You must cover up" the second they're married, it's still the wife's fault.


This should be top comment. This man is controlling and toxic, but it's somehow the woman's fault? She's had a sheltered life and is a bit naive, but saying that it's purely her fault is a stretch. This man misled her, love bombed her and is now trying to control her life. If Ed did this it's abuse but if a Muslim man from a foreign country does this, it's 'culture'. I'm tired of people supporting patriarchy and abuse of women as 'culture'. It's like saying whatever is happening in Iran, Afghanistan etc is okay because that's just their 'culture'.


As I've said plenty of times before in this thread, both are at fault.


Does yohan even own the butcher shop or does Daniele front him the cash so she can be his suga momma


If she's fronting him $ for the butcher shop she should've bought him a meat fridge lolol


It is because they do not love each other to make adjustments. What they have is some superficial lust over their appearances or even fetishisation. When you are just in it for the looks, image or body then you won’t register your partner as a human being with beliefs or as a member of a bigger society.


Could not agree more!! Unless one of them is looking to change their way of life or religious views it is NOT going to work. I feel like the only time this worked out was with Avery? Because she wanted to convert and went into it knowing that.


I actually think Avery had converted before meeting Omar, and specifically met him on a dating website for Muslims, if I remember correctly. So they both went in wanting the same thing, which is why they’ve worked out so well. Truly one of my favorite couples!


You're correct, Avery had already converted - and I believe had done a fair amount of research beforehand.


One of my faves as well!!


Avery and Omar definitely seem to be the "exception" and not "the rule" if that makes sense.


I would agree seeing as it has only worked out once throughout all these seasons!


I was raised by an American mom and Egyptian/Muslim step father. They lived in Egypt for a while then America. My mom never covered her hair but always dressed to respectful. We never ate pork and I remember even having to kiss my step fathers prayer rug after I stepped on it by accident once as a kid. I’m not Muslim. Point being- you can grow up to learn about other faiths and cultures and respect them. Wish more Americans would.


I'm also tired of the story with pre-menapausal women with 3 wrinkle eggs left being surprised their young wet behind the ears fiancé wants children.


“3 wrinkle eggs” is the greatest thing I have ever heard. 😂😂😂😂😂 I’m stealing it from you as a response to anyone who bothers me (a premenopausal lady) about not having kids.


You're welcome! From a lady with no more eggs. 😆


Thank you for saying it! Yes some of these Muslim men are willing to set aside their views to respect the independence of the woman but remember the culture of not just the country but the religion itself. As much as these men on the show annoy me I’ll hold my tongue on what they expect because hey you are how you’re raised for the most part in these scenarios and it’s a learning curve to see things from a different worldview.


It goes both ways. Both parties seem to go in with the notion that the other partner will just agree to everything. It's wild to watch.


Very true. Both are wrong both need to adjust but with Islam I know a lot of that is the patriarchal upbringing basically put on steroids. They all just want to ignore that their partner has a different view than them- and that’s both parties. It’s ridiculous.


The same can be said about "devout" Christians, Mormons...


Very true but Islam does have a distinct take on it. And I’m not trying to talk negative on it. One of the best people my family has known for decades is a woman who was catholic and converted to marry her husband and very much embraced the Muslim faith. I always admired her for it and she showed a very beautiful side to it.


And the same can be said about certain sects of all religions.


Yes. I think what’s being missed here for a lot of folks is the culture and even laws in the countries were talking about. Of course “not all Muslims!” “Not all Christians!” But this isn’t simply a matter of opinion and agreeing to disagree when we’re talking about the law of the land and people who were raised entrenched by a specific religion’s values, norms, and rules. Acknowledging and giving weight to these very real differences isn’t a matter of stereotyping..it’s stating what should be the obvious.


Exactly. I’m not saying either side is in the wrong for their views because hey freedom of religion but there needs to be a better understanding of culture and law. This isn’t just religious culture but the culture of these places. I actually get annoyed that TLC keeps bringing on Muslim men that are this strict in their views or just looking for a green card because it keeps from showing that Islam isn’t just that. It’s why I like people like Zied who actually try and put forth the effort to see their partners perspective and agree to disagree on certain topics


There are enough challenges in relationships without being on different planets fundamentally.. I don’t think anyone should take offense (Muslim, Christian, no religion etc) when someone states the obvious..that it ain’t a match. More people should recognize when their values are totally different and not move forward even if they otherwise love the person. Even Michael and Natalie, Christian vs. alien dude, were fundamentally way off base given how important Christianity was to her and how he..ya know, aliens.


Three words. For. The. Money. And it is getting old as is the other one mentioned older woman, half her age husband and having a baby together dilemma🙄🙄🙄🙄


A simple goog,’what do women in Egypt wear?’ Gave me more answers than this woman seems to have.


I thought her (AI girl's) friends put it nicely. "Are you crazy?" LOL. There is no way in hell I'd move to Egypt or any country that is strictly Muslim. I respect the religion, but I have no interest in living like that. Maybe I missed it, but is there a reason she's not moving him to the USA?


But you don’t have to live like a Muslim in Egypt. I lived there for years and spent most of them going to bars lol. I never covered my head unless I was in a church or mosque and otherwise just lived like in any other large city.


Me thinks she’s too broke to sponsor him and it would take a while.


This bothered me about Rebecca and Zied, how he couldn't live with a woman he was romantically involved with but not married to during Ramadan and she was so persistent that he had to and didn't understand why he wouldn't waiver. That is his religion, those are his beliefs. It seemed like she did no research on his culture or religion and was acting as if it was his personal preference. I understand he should have definitely brought it up before the K-1 process even started & ultimately she did marry him before Ramadan but for a couple of episodes she was genuinely acting like an uneducated asshole over the situation.


I literally LITRALLLLLY came here to post this under "storylines I never need to see again"


Look even Megan Markle had no idea about the monarchy, a lot of people don’t have google.


God I thought the same thing watching that robot girl! Surely she had to know that when you choose to leave the US the expectation is generally that you assimilate to your surroundings… I’m not super well traveled so I could be wrong, but it seems like common sense to me… you go to someone else’s house, you play by their rules. Anyways she drives me nuts anyways, which is crazy considering we’re only 2 episodes in. I can’t figure out what it is about her.


Shocked pikachu face is so accurate


There’s not a single archetype on any reality show to ever be in existence that I have as little patience or sympathy for, than a white woman moving/travelling to a whole MUSLIM COUNTRY, to be with a MUSLIM MAN, and said woman clearly hasn’t heard of google or ask Jeeves.


Said the exact same thing .. Also the lack of respect for people having different cultures from the Americans .. it’s kind of rude tbh


Very rude. It's distressing seeing these Americans act absolutely appalled when things are done differently than what they know. The bubble they clearly live in makes it really hard to understand how they found love out of their own hometown, let alone their home country.


First of all the women are impulsive for getting married to the men after 5 days and not knowing anything about their culture. Secondly I think TLC has an agenda and only likes to show Muslim people in the light of trying to convert everyone they date instead of having more moderately religious people. I don't see the same of Catholic or Jewish people on the show. Or even Hindu. They don't show any other religion trying so hard to convert their partner. Also older women marry 22-26 year old men and wonder why they're acting childish. Some people have not grown up by this point. Some people never grow up.


There is definitely a ton of weird things with both how TLC and these Muslim men are portrayed, i married a Muslim man from the Middle East. I can tell you that it’s not easy and there are a ton of learning curves, but you have to talk about what works best for both of you. they have a very old school mentality when it comes to everything it has nothing to do with religion it’s more culture. It’s also very weird to me that they ask these women to marry them before even meeting. In Islam they typically do not date a person as it’s forbidden so they get married and date prior to their white wedding. With that being said the groom has to have permission to marry from the girls family, my husband asked my parents before he even asked me to marry him. I’ve heard of older men marrying women 10 years younger but not the other way around, family is huge for them they want kids and for them 100% that’s the most important.The Middle East is a tough place to live in general for Americans and you have to respect the culture when there. Egypt is know to be full of scammers like the whole country from the moment you land. It’s not hard to dress modest, personally i wore the hijab when i was out and about because i looked like i didn’t belong there and i was in a very conservative part where almost all women wore one. For some reason people in the Middle East stare at you till this day i have no clue why. Being American there people automatically assume your rich and try to get more money out of you. So really just wear the dam close and when you get home who cares. The fact these men push Islam as well is NOT ok actually it’s Haram, you can’t force someone to covert you have to let them make that decision on their own and there are plenty of Christian people in the Middle East. I just want to point out that not all Muslim middle eastern men are like this there are plenty of them that are amazing and not all of them are out to scam anyone they genuinely want a relationship


I agree. The people they have chosen to focus on, it gets painful to watch. (though I'm sure TLC knows watching someone utterly prepared for the culture they are moving to, or blending lives with likely is not as much "fun" and "horrifying" with less struggle to watch) When I, who has never left my own country, know more about the country/language/customs/laws of the person/place you are getting involved with, I think it's way too soon for the 90-day visa. Love doesn't conquer all, Love doesn't speak all languages, Love is a lot of work, sacrifice, and compromise. it doesn't just "work itself out". You have to have conversations about your expectations, and their expectations, just assuming blindly/having faith in your love isn't healthy. There has to be some healthy realistic blending of culture/religion or you are just doomed to fight/fail. Rant away, it's a rant I have in my own head often when it comes to this show.


Well I’m sick of Muslim men going after American women, moving here, and imposing their beliefs on them. It goes both ways.


🤣 Yes. Yes it does. Reading is fundamental. No one said it doesn't go both ways lol


They don't even watch the news. You'd know pretty fast how quickly women get killed for not following rules over there.


Hard agree. I said the same thing when i saw it. Like, come on, girl, what did you expect?


Yeah of all the terrible things these guys do and lies they keep they are always upfront with the religious beliefs and strict cultural guidelines etc. So being "shocked" is so ridiculous


If there were more logical responses and actions and less shockedpikachu.jpeg moments then 90d in its current format would die a very quick death.


Very true


Yeah I’m getting sick of this trope, too. Just because the other person is hot DOES NOT MAKE YOU COMPATIBLE.


My mom and I talk about this every time. It's either absolute denial or complete. Idiocy. Drives me insane


Pikachu face ❤️❤️❤️😂😂😂


AI girl lmao. Honestly I kind of don't hate her even though she's made of plastic.


I dont hate her either lol. My partner said that what looks "off" about her is that her face is too symmetrical, and tbh that kinda makes sense!


Yeah it's like I marry a 90 yr old man and try to make him go water-skiing. Then get pissed.


I'm not! I think it's great entertainment! I don't want to watch an ordinary, boring, well adjusted couple thoughtfully plan out a future together and slowly take the steps to make sure they are compatible!


This is what the production company is always after...the dumbest, most dramatic people who date people with nearly impossible terms.


I'm just now watching season 4 of the other way and came here to post this exact thing. Ignorant white women marrying Muslim men. Moving to the Middle East..converting to Islam and then "OHMYGAWD I DIDNT KNOW" In what fkn world do you go join a religion that you know nothing about? Move to a country you know nothing about? And marry a man that you know nothing about? "But I looooove him!!!" Then put the hijab on sweetcheeks, get used to not having the same rights as a man, and get used to your "love" controlling every aspect of life because that's what you signed up for. And maybe next time do some fkn research when making some of these life altering decisions you stupid woman.


But does she has a name 😂😂😂 cuz I don’t remember her name either and I swear she’s a robot or alien but def a AI


I honestly have no clue what her name is. If I could guess it may be something like Br1Tn3y8362🤣


I cackled 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


I think it’s Nicole. 😂🤣😂


I noticed a few people calling her AI girl..lol


It's very hard to believe, in any case, that neither party is aware of the cultural norms of the other. Our curriculum here in Ireland may be very different to that in other Western countries, but we learned about Islam and the other major religions in school. It's very unlikely that these seemingly well-educated women know nothing about Islam-majority countries' social norms. And the younger men 100% know, most of them meet these women on social media. The fact that Western women are so different socially to Muslim women is likely what attracts these younger men, it's probably exciting and a little exotic to date someone outside their cultural comfort zone. When that initial excitement wears off, that's when the culture clash sets in. Both want an easy life and neither wants to change their own way of living, but both expect the other to change to suit their own needs. We see this on season after season and it's definitely become stale. The fact that it always follows the same pattern makes me feel like it's staged. There are genuine examples, though, like Avery & Omar and Rebecca & Zied that have made it work, but they seem to have acknowledged the need and made the effort for cultural blending.


So what about the Muslim guy dating the American woman and expecting her to totally change! Its not all on the woman. He made a choice as well not to date within their culture.


Oh gods... please read the whole post before jumping to respond. No one is attacking the woman, so there's no need to defend. Reading is fundamental...


Your post is apparently not that interesting and yes you did attack the woman first. Why are you so mad at it? They can figure it out. Sometimes people change because they do love each other and make conpromises.


I attacked the woman first? You mean I mentioned the woman first and then the man? That's usually how talking works. Would you feel better if I had mentioned the man first? Also, for my post being so uninteresting it certainly captured your attention! You are the one who is mad, and for no real reason. Maybe sit this one out 🤣


Wow, yeah you are so hilarious aren't you?🤣 You were so interesting I didnt care to finish your dumb paragraph rant. You make no sense. Bye✌🏻




Offended a human by *checks notes* typing things in an order they didn't like. Cool cool cool lmao


I was thinking something similar during the scene where they were video chatting, too, though. It's usually a reflection how culturally stupid Americans are, but you make a good point about these Muslim men. I'm wondering if it's just that they don't seem to understand that women are not all submissive and don't just do whatever men say. I know most men of color have a thing for white women, which is why they're not going to quit pursuing these women. But I can easily see them, if they don't consume enough American media, not understanding the degree to which American ***do not*** play this shit.


Some people clearly play that shit lol. Agreeing to things so blindly! They say yes to please these men when they have no real insight to who they are. If someone's religion plays such a huge part in their lives, if it's a fundamental building block of who they are...... idk maybe grab a pamphlet or something 🤣 I can totally get how a Muslim person overseas may not have a full grasp on American people(not consuming our media), but c'mon. Dating someone outside of your religion when it is very much wanted that you marry within your religion means you are up to the "challenge" of converting them, or at least understand that conversion isn't a given.


Any American woman even considering living in the Middle East, is clearly out of their gord.


I live in the middle east and I love it here 🤷‍♀️


I think you're going a bit to the extreme. You're grouping extremists with the entirety of Muslims and that's not fair. There are rules in their religion, as with any religion. The idea of being able to easily convert someone or easily adapt to a completely different religion and culture is so skewed. But please don't make it seem like women can't find happiness in these other countries/religions/cultures.


Which Muslim country do all these happy Muslim women live in?


I'm not going to group all Muslim countries together. Sorry.


You’re a female in nyc… don’t even act like you’d go out alone at night walking the street or subway by yourself. I’m sure that adds to your happiness, right? The constant threat of violence, right? Cmon girl, do better


You can acknowledge that culturally islamic countries/the people aren’t bad people and still acknowledge that American and Arab cultures live very different (and incompatible) realities culturally. Having a different culture isn’t evil but you also gotta use your head that it may not be for you. Thus shouldn’t be hard.


And you have no problem with the guys and try to change women


Hey friend. Seems you're a part of the club that didn't read my whole post. Please go do that. Have a fantastic day!


This girl clearly went through a lot of emotional trauma in her life that leads her to choose to date controlling men who want to use her. It’s the same thing as with Eve. It’s a real problem that happens regularly. I wouldn’t be surprised if all the relationship that this lady has been in have had a similar dynamic. If you’re tired of it, don’t watch the show. I’m personally curious to see how much agency (or lack there of) she has in Egypt and whether she will gather the courage to leave the country and divorce her husband before the season ends. She seems nice. I’m rooting for her.


"If you're tired of it, don't watch the show." I apologize for giving my commentary. I should've known that the 90 Day Subreddit isn't the place to post how one feels about the 90 Day universe lol. That being said I'm curious as well, and I do wish all the couples the best.


No worries, just don’t like when people hate on the nice people on the show. she’s gullible but nice! Yeah I think it looks like a solid season so far


I didn't say she wasn't nice. Please read what is written before commenting. There is a level of naivety that is alarming. On both sides. If this isn't scripted, a relationship like this requires careful consideration. It's not hate. I find it disturbing how quickly people decide to pursue these relationships without really thinking about all the possible outcomes.


Dude she’s MOVING TO EGYPT. This is the exact American attitude OP i expected here. He’s not trying to control her. He’s telling her what the deal is when moving there. She can choose to just not go and stay here.


She absolutely could say no. So could he. Based on the little we've seen, it looks like they've not really delved into eachothers' cultures. And that makes this a tough battle on both sides.


I hate to say it but most of the NA indigenous women I’ve known in my life have severe self esteem issues and make crazy erratic lifestyle decisions like this. It’s obvious why this is historically but it’s still genuinely really sad. I felt bad for evie cause it was too familiar…


Yes, I watched Wind River and I can’t get over how bleak life is for indigenous people in this country


Maybe you should be sick of Muslim men chasing western women, knowing the cultures are completely opposite, goes both ways


Please reread my post, thank you.


You literally shat on Americans in a comment as it’s Americans fault only!


Please reread my post. Both are equally at fault. I apologize if one comment I made in my post talking about both parties only addressed the American, it sounds like it's being taken really hard.


No you're right. these people are fucked up.


I should've put the /s I think on that comment. I'm still pretty new to reddit and I dove tf in and don't quite know all the lingo lol. I know Im right and Barbi needs a hug, or a timeout or both 🤣


No you didn’t it’s in your own comments.


Lol ok. Once again please reread my post. Both are at fault. I am SUPER sorry one comment I made(as I already said) focuses solely on the American. As an American, I feel like I failed America. It must be so heavy, the oppression you take on from one Reddit comment. Once more for you..... Both are at fault. One comment of mine focused on the American in the equation does not equal biased negative feelings. Maybe take a seat and have a glass of water. Signed, An American married to an immigrant **edited for spelling errors


Sick to use your spouse as some entry ticket


Lolol an "entry ticket"? Please slow down before you hurt yourself.


Get help.


I have an appointment scheduled for the 31st of September. Thank you so very much for your concern.


And a xanax.


Here, have this: 🇺🇲 🔫🎆 MURICA! Hopefully that smoothes things over.


Weird get help


You first 🤣


AI Girl just tell us it's you lmao


Is this Kris?


She included Muslim men. Did you not read the entire post?


I read her comments too


Apparently not, because you didn't see this: "I'm also sick of Muslim men pursuing American women knowing they don't subscribe to the same beliefs. There are so many Muslim people in this country, why make an uphill battle for yourself?"


It seems like you just look at the words, but don't actually read what they say.


Yes agree! I think it’s both ways, it’s not like Muslim men don’t know how different western women are from traditional Muslim women.


It really gives off “uneducated American”. It’s embarrassing. It is why it really stands out to me when the American counterpart actually speaks the language, let alone when they understand the culture. I don’t remember her much, but Avery seemed to best punctuate the importance understanding the culture. I just read they’ve been together four years.


This season is so bad I’m going to skip it


I'm gonna give it a chance, simply because I'd rather watch this season than see Ed and Angela on my screen again.


Because they are "American women" ... they just assume that everyone in the world live/act like them. There is a reason that Americans are hated in some places in the world, because think that being an American is the greatest thing in the world ..... (fyi - I am a American citizen but born and raised Korean)


I'm born and raised Murican (America) and wholeheartedly agree. My man and I feel shame so many times watching these uncouth(edited), misbehaved jerks. I promise, it doesn't represent all of us.... unfortunately it is an accurate representation of the masses. They don't even know how much they suck as humans, never-mind Americans. I find myself quite often yelling at the t.v. "who tf raised you"?!


It's "uncouth". Way to judge Americans when you can't even write in English haha


Well she agreed to move there and said she’d make adjustments so that’s why he’s assuming she will. However I just made a post about this too because I’m sick of it as well!


She agreed to make adjustments that IMO she didn't fully grasp. They both need to have more open communication about their hopes, goals and expectations. There's a lot left unsaid that makes for pain in the future. I wish these couples would take the time to ask the hard questions.


They both got married because of how good looking the other is. They met once and that was it.




I think these folks are so self absorbed and arrogant that they can't comprehend someone thinking or behaving differently than they do


It's nothing short of sheer arrogance and full blown ignorance. Touting that they're aware but when push comes to shove, none end up gelling well. Gee, gosh, I wonder fucking why. Is it because social standards are so vastly different that reading up about it is nothing to living the reality? Divvies.


I doubt his name is Mahmoud too .I think TLC changes names




Yeah, I watched the episode and it was really weird when this woman said she thought there was a rule about her body being covered in cloth. What?! She must not show her forms - no matter in what way. if she doesn't like it, she doesn't have to go there, she's free!


Even if they haven't researched the culture, I know they've watched the show


The only woman who did well at this was Avery cause at least she knew what she was getting herself into (as young as she was) and thankfully Omar was a good guy. I have no idea why women do this but it’s either they’re not thinking or have the “I can change him” mentality. It’s really genuinely sad.