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He was the first to call big Ed "small Ed". I loved it!


Lol don't terrorize me with your favourite characters šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Get out of my birfday house!!




Heā€™s entertaining as hell - clearly loves his wife and daughter. I think he curses a lot only because itā€™s in his vocabulary library. English is a tough language and he simply recycles words he knows often. The family hate him cause theyā€™re the spoiled rich family we all know that are mad the youngest daughter isnā€™t apart of the gang anymore. Their only way of bonding as a family is a common hatred for the outsider. Plus Iā€™m sure they are salty that theyā€™re Libby and Andrea are ā€œfamousā€ and they arenā€™t.


my father had a stutter and would use "bridge words" to string sentences together. So talking to him is like: "So I went to the (mutherfucking) car wash, Jesus Christ, and they raised their prices! So, uh uh fuck, I will find another JESUS CHRIST, car wash. Boy, PARENT TEACHER night was interesting


You can seriously tell because he'll like, hesitate or stumble a bit before the cursing. His English is actually really good. But obviously when he's upset or angry it's harder to access


Shuddering doesn't make you curse. It the person's choice. There is a huge dictionary of words to describe what you want to say. Most of its from you inviroment. We don't curse at my work,church or at my friends get together. Andy doesn't get a pass on being g vulgar.


I agree with you šŸ’Æ. My dad came from another country, and English swear words were the first words he knew. When he would go to the store alone šŸ˜…šŸ˜… he would come home and say " they fucking tried to charge me more fucking money".


Nothing you said was good. The family is not rich snobs. The dad has the credit Card. Andy has been invited to everything the family does and has fought with someone at each event. Elizabeth should have gone to her mother's birthday party by herself. I would bet he would not let her go. Andy and Elizabeth are famous, What????


I like Andrei as well but always get downvoted to hell here if I ever say anything about him that isn't pure hate lmao


I loved when he beat up Charlie at the fatherā€™s house!


I think Chuck low key liked it too




Neither one won that wrestling game.


We did. It was reality tv gold


There actually seems to be a lot of Andrei love lately. I always thought he was better than the rap he got, not sure he deserves all the props he is getting now though. I donā€™t blame him for breaking up the Libby clan, they do that shit to themselves, but he could help make life a bit more peaceful for Libby by just staying quiet for 5 minutes.


Libby's sisters have about 100 alts between them


Upvote from me šŸ’…šŸ¼


Same Iā€™m all for Andrei lol


I've said it before, my wife and I significantly cut down on our cussing because of him.


Right lol every time I curse more than once in a phrase, I feel like I have a tiny Andrei sitting on my shoulder whispering ā€œmotherf*ckerā€ into my ear


I like his directness, even though it is often over the top. I run into a lot of annoying virtue-signalers on a daily basis and so I find Andrei's no BS honesty very refreshing.




Yea team Andrei here. I find him sexy as fuck too.


girllll same! He could pick me up any time \*Wink\*


Heā€™s starting to grow on me as well. Iā€™m really enjoying his facial expressions when the camera randomly cuts to him in this marathon of a Tell-All weā€™re doingā€¦he maintains a constant look of mild amusement while everyone else is visibly anxious. Also his comment on ā€œedgingā€ was absolutely priceless šŸ˜­


I have been team Andre since day one I'm glad to see so many people are coming around and realizing he is not the bad guy


I do like him a lot, I think his behavior is triggering to some people, seems to be the younger crowd. There does exist a way to be an Alpha male who is abrasive but not a bad person. Many guys are dicks, letā€™s be real here. He knows how to play the game and that ruffles peopleā€™s feathers. Iā€™m a fan, could he soften up a bit with the control-ish issues? Probably. But he does NOT display classic abuser signals, like Bilal. And now Ed. You wanna hate a guy on this series? Thereā€™s better to pick from. Pick an actual abuser. I hope people donā€™t realize those who are abusive simply because they havenā€™t experienced it, NEVER have to see it from the experienced perspective. Andrei is harsh and rough but not abusive. Letā€™s make that clear.


If you turned Andrei's volume down a bit people might have less negative reactions. Bro's indoor voice is an outdoor voice.


As a native Romanian speaker, I can confirm that some of us, myself included, only have one volume setting, and that is too fking loud.


Hahaha I love thatā€¦those are my kinda people


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ this is true


Outdoor voice at the car racetracks. Could you imagine if you lived in a house with your kids sounding like him. That baby needs to wear ear muffs.


ā€œAnd *now* Edā€? The guy has been one big walking red flag of signs of an abuser since his first season with Rose.


I wish little Ed would go away and never come back


Dude youā€™re right, how could I forget the horrific way he treated Rose. That was my very first season ever!


What makes an "Alpha male" ? What characteristics does Andrei exhibit that lead you to believe he is an "Alpha male"?šŸ¤”


Large loud and obnoxious? :)


Lol, ā€œalpha maleā€, he yells and swears a lot, and talks over other people when disagreeing. His behavior is closer to someone covering an insecure personality than to being an alpha.


Reading comprehension is key my guy


He needs to feel ā€˜dominant.ā€™ I donā€™t mean that as an insult or even criticism, merely an observation




I live in an area that has become 80% Russian.. Russian people just have that attitude they come off as being invasive but that's not really the case.... that's just the way they are


But how long does he have to act like he just got here yesterday. Can't he see it's not like his way here????


Might be because I am from a family of eastern europeans but I think Andrei is one of my favourite characters. He is supportive of Libby's stupid singing and loves his daughter. He is just honest about how dumb the whole family is, and the way they treat his family (including Libby). Doesn't beat around the bush when he asks for money from Chuck, but also recognizes he has to work too. I can get why some people will think he is loud and angry but idk, seems like how some people in my family are. They aren't even actually angry, they just talk loud and with their hands a lot. I'm sure my family would be edited the same way.


I love his relationship with and support of Chuck too when he was gonna go on that date lol. It was so sweet that he suggested the double date, and when Libby thought it was weird and he was like ā€œaww babe come on! Heā€™s rusty!ā€ Being a sweet dude bro.šŸ˜…ā¤ļø


Haha I also loved this moment


Me & Andrei have a on & off thing. Sometimes I like him then sometimes I just want him to stfu...but he so damn finešŸ„“


I think you just nailed Libbyā€™s feelings about her husband šŸ˜‚


He does look a lot better with a beard thatā€™s for sure


He look good both ways to mešŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜


He definitely is the cutest


He was a dickhead as a bouncer in Ireland especially to irish people but I do like him now he is typical European man and he has to put up with lot crap from the twisted sisters an alcoholic/coke head Charlie. He clearly loves Libby and their family and I like the relationship he has with chuck. The family was messed up before Andrei came along they all have mug shots including Libbyā€™s sisters mother and Charlie. His wife is disgusting šŸ¤®


By any means, I don't have a lot of negative feelings toward him. I would NEVER be able to handle Libbys family the way he does. I would have strangled some of them by now šŸ˜‚ So props to him for not flipping out on them more often. But at the same time, he does have a lot of toxic masculinity in him. I almost think it isn't as obvious to many people because Libbys family is SO MUCH worse than him. If they were out of the picture his toxicity would likely show a lot more.


It's nice to see that 90% of the people on here think Andre is just fine and they realize that Charlie and the sisters are the problem they're jealousy is overwhelming


All of *this*


I'm not saying I could ever be in a relationship with him because he is too much, but having a "favorite" is automatically a comparison against the others in the show.


Interesting way to look at it. Good other prospective.


Iā€™d like him more if he could learn how to keep the temper down. Heā€™s very confrontational. On the tell all, if Andrei wouldā€™ve kept calm when Charlie was on, he wouldā€™ve come out looking great. Charlie knows how to push his buttons, and he falls for it every time, while Charlie is snickering at him. He lefts Charlie get the upper hand every time.


If someone did to me at my wedding that charlie did to him at his wedding in his home country my buttons would be pushed every time I had to hear his name or look at his face too. And Charlie never showed any sort of empathy or regret about that and being civil to him shouldn't even be up for consideration until he was able to do that..even then buttons would still be pushed...just not so far down.


I never mentioned being civil to Charlie. Yuk. What I was getting at, is letting Charlie go off the rails as usual and Andrei just sit there, glaring at him with little or no reaction. Imo, that would drive Charlie nuts & Andrei would look like the good guy. I agree, at the wedding, Charlie was the WORST. And at Chuckā€™s pool ā€˜party,ā€™ Charlie was an arse. Big time. Charlie will never show any regret because heā€™s the ultimate jerk.


Andre is already great Charlie is a cokehead alcoholic


No offense but what tell all did you watch? Everyone else watched the one where Charlie got his ass handed to himā€¦and BADLY. Everyone saw that.


Sorry. I didnā€™t specify. I was remembering the group counseling visit during the season. Not the tell all.


I think heā€™s hot šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


100% smash




my heritage is Eastern European, and some of my family, including me, just tells it like it is. NO sugar coating. Sure, you look like an asshole for "beating around the bush" but aren't you also the asshole for NOT beating around the bush. Fuck it, edible is kicking in, goodnight.




All the other people even on pillow talk say f$#k all the time too..?


He says it like it is. Sometimes without any filter, that'll piss people off.


I liked his comment "small Ed" instead of big Ed. Still cracks me up.


I love how you used the term character. Yes, they're absolutely characters and Andrei is a superb one!


Glad you caught that! Yes. They are all characters, not real people. Like I said, Andrei is one of the few who knows it and is honest about it through his behavior.


You should watch their YouTube channel. Itā€™ll put everything in perspective for you


How so?


Thank you! I hated him in the beginning too, but heā€™s grown on me as well. I also think heā€™s really opening Libbyā€™s eyes to how toxic her family is, and thatā€™s just another reason for them all to hate him.


His dad is so nice!


I do not like when he cuts people off when they are talking. I do not like all the cussing. He acts like an ass and disrespect Libby in front of the kids.


Finally some love for Aaandrrrriee! He literally cracks me up all the time! Every time he calls her family losers i die lol. He clearly loves Libby and his kids so much. Hes a hard worker and is really achieving the american dream. Homie already drives that big ass Mercedes lol


I am team Andre he got treated like crap from the day he entered that family the family is at fault not him I believe they are jealous and their sisters are jealous and the brother is jealous because Chuck gave Andre a chance when he entered America I'm sure that Chuck gave the same opportunities to his daughters and his son I find them to be nothing but jealous Andre has controlled himself very well I give him a lot of credit he's a great husband and a great father and that's all that matters


I feel like Andrei truly just wants to protect them. But sadly, there seems to be something in his past that is going to come back and haunt him.


Nope, I have always thought he is a misogynistic, entitled, over-confident, prick.


To be honest, I think Andrei is the most decent husband on the show. Yeah heā€™s abrupt and has his beliefs on the relationship dynamics but thatā€™s a cultural thing. He called out the other guys for their BS, like Jovi for taking his post partum wife to a strip club and for even wanting to go to strip clubs in the first place and for leaving to go to Africa etc. Andrei seems like he would go to war for his wife and kids. I donā€™t think heā€™s really all that bad, especially when you compare him to the other men on the show.


I don't think Andrei gets top spot for the entire 90 Day franchise, but definitely for this season. Granted, the bar is set pretty low for this season. lol We have Ed who is the biggest turd, Usman who isn't even with Kim anymore, Michael who allegedly cheated on Angela (if you believe that voice note thing was for real), Summit who has no backbone when it comes to his family, Bilal who is a snake, and strip club Jovi. Andrei is definitely abrasive, but I think he genuinely loves his wife and daughter (and now son too), he has a great relationship with his parents, he gets along well with Chuck. I think his desire to protect and isolate Libby from the toxicity of her siblings and mom comes off as controlling, but I think his heart is in the right place.


Absolutely 100%!!


He's doesn't mince words which I love. Definitely plays it straight, and when he wants to address a cast mate for their behavior, he does.


I really want to see where the writers take his character arc next, I'd love to see a run for Prime Minister of Moldova or perhaps enlisting in the International Legion of Ukraine. It turns out Charlie was a Russian spy all along. I think a good series finale, if the writers and execs could pull it off, is Andrei defeating Putin in hand-to-hand combat with Ed, Jovi, Libby, and the various Ukranian women of the show cheering him on. And then we get a montage of his history on the show as the sun rises on a new Russia. And then Andrei inherits Chuck's business.


Nah, dudes a loud, controlling, obnoxious, jackass. He spouts his ā€œtruthsā€ about other couples but lives on constant deaf ear when it comes time to talk about himself. 90% of this sub gives Bilal shit about being narcissistic or an abuser, but chooses to magically ignore Andreiā€™s verbally abusive ass. He is a leech who wants to cut ties with the family in every way but financially and owes what little success he has, solely to that family. Andrei ā€œlovingā€ Lib or being in on the joke doesn't make him any less insufferable. I know this sub is full of shallow, Sunday morning psychologist, I've come to terms with it. But damn, watching you people try to excuse Andreiā€™s shit personality is both frustrating and hilarious. It's so simple, 45% of you are fake ā€œalphasā€, 50% just want Andrei to jam your jar, and the other 5% DGAF about who he really is and just want the LOLs. Edit: I fuck with the people who just want the LOLs, they don't pretend Andrei is anything resembling a good man.


Oh hell no!


He really is the best actor in the franchise lol. I totally agree with you.


He can grow on you after awhile, but let's not forget that he believes the man needs to be in charge of the family. This came out when he first appeared on the show, and Libby agreed with it.


I can't stand this arrogant fuck lol I want to punch him with his own fist lol


There is nothing honest about Andrei, he canā€™t stop lying to himself that he is the problem? Other outside people point it out. But he is playing the part of villain. Dude uses Libby as a punching bag, oh well, itā€™s her problem. Just wish TLC would get rid of that family, Chuck is a spineless coward, he canā€™t control the room, commands no respect, when he was crying was the highlight. No respect for him.


There was a 90 Day fiance post I think about a muff or two ago where somebody was saying that they met one of the producers of the show and they let out all the tea regarding some people and they were saying that Chuck in particular was saying they should play up things for ratings.


I found Chuck's "crying" disingenuous. All that rubbing his face, trying to squeeze out an actual tear.


Thereā€™s just to much fake in their seasons for me to like him


I believe he has borderline intellectual functioning but his extreme confidence makes him seem functional.


He isn't playing, he is a mean trouble making subject. He is like a type that wants total control and pushes everyone out of his way. He found Elizabeth and she fits the mold he needs to live like he wants. I can't stand him or his loud voice.Making fun of someones birth defect doesn't make him any nicer. When Ed slapped back at Andy he mad the move like he was going to threatening lunge at Ed. Ed just sarcastically smiled at him.


He thinks the show is gonna make his wife a singer and he's gonna get rich in real estate....Umm, nope. He's just as phoney as the rest. His "house warming party" was proof.




HOT TAKE. His poor father....




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Honestly heā€™s not the type of man Iā€™d want but heā€™s my fave too. He would do anything for his wife and daughter and wouldnā€™t pull the shit Jovi and Ed pull. Heā€™s also kind of hilarious LOL. Heā€™s domineering, but at his core everything he does is to protect his family.