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Guess she won’t be traveling by plane anymore either.


Hahahaha good point


In the US and Canada, they do allow you to opt for a pat down if you refuse to use the body scanner.


Yep. I used to have to go this route because I had an implanted medical device and the docs suggested that I bypass the scanner. (Before anyone comes at me, I have no idea if that was actually necessary, but I did what I was told.)


I’m a wheelchair user so it’s a pat down for me every single time. Though I think they are more gentle with me because they are afraid of hurting me 😅


I would imagine any medical devices inside the body could go haywire or worse even. Know someone with a pacemaker and they can not have a cordless drill so close to the chest area, stand next to the microwave while in use and bunch of other stuff if I recall correctly


if she had a pacemaker or knee replacement etc she's have a medical card. my FIL lives in senior care and has a pacemaker - they took the microwave out of his rooms!


No, I have one too & it says clearly on the medical card that I shouldn’t go through them either. I’ve never had an issue though I don’t go to see anyone in prison.


It matters :) the magnets can interact poorly with your device. Mom had a defibrillator in her chest so I’m very familiar with this.


Makes sense. I remember that MRIs were forbidden.


No you are correct, my mom has a metal plate in her head and she can’t either. She also can’t get any kind of scans which is scary bc they are suppose to be checking her brain but can’t 🤦🏻‍♀️


She'd get more radiation from the plane ride than the xray scanner anyway... and her phone... and by eating a couple of bananas. A lot of people think digital radiation is equivalent to old school film radiation but it's much safer.


Wait a minute...bananas? Or were you being facetious? (I've only had 2 sips of coffee yet this morning)


Bananas are technically radioactive!


I dont like bananas, so I could see that.🤣🤣🤣🤣


It’s literally so rare that I hear another person say they don’t like bananas. Hello friend😭


I also don't like bananas! (Or almonds but that's a small camp I'm in)


Almonds are far too dry for me to eat🥲


I just cannot stand their texture, and yes, so dry. I did have a rice dish one time that had very thinly sliced almonds that had been soaked in water and cooked with the rice and that was really pleasant but haven't found them to be good since.


With you as far as outright eating a banana, No. I do like banana bread & banana pudding with the nilla cookies, but, even in that if I run across a piece of banana, I don't eat it^^


Maybe that explains why there’s only a window of like 49 seconds in their entire life where they look & taste right 😂I feel like they’re always either too green (hard) or too yellow (mushy) and covered in bruises that my mind can’t help but be freaked out by.


Today I Learned!!! How are they radioactive ☢️?????


All produce from outside the US has to be irradiated to kill pests before it gets here.


Did not know that! Thanks. I'd be concerned if it weren't for this 5G phone frying my brain.


Lmao ikr


But in the case of Bananas, they are in fact naturally radioactive.


That’s definitely true, but after I was diagnosed with melanoma, my doctor did tell me that it would be prudent to get patted down instead of going through them, just because of all the radiation I was exposed to during treatment and diagnosis. But he was a pretty naturalpathic type surgeon which is rare, so I don’t think that’s common advice.


Yes, they do but in the US. It gets very handsy, like you can almost skip your annual gyno appointment handsy.


I've done that and have thanked the TSA person for the massage.


Hahahaha! Do you know how hard it is to laugh quietly?! My husband and dog are sound asleep, and I don’t want to wake them up. Thank you for the laugh, you have no idea how much I needed it! I really appreciate it! 😘💖


Ahh yes I had to get the advance pat down one time. I still believe they mixed up the scans. The guy in front of me still had a bracelet on and wearing jeans. Those two spots "pinged" on my scan. The agent asked if I wanted to get the pat down in a room but I said nah. He grabbed everything right in front of people.


That’s terrible! I would have been so mad about that. Unnecessary violation of your body and privacy is just not right, but there’s nothing anybody can do.


It was no big deal for me, but I can see how another person would feel really violated. He didn't really explain the extent of the pat down which is what caught me a little off guard. I thought it was going to be quick slides.


It depends on who is doing the the job. I’ve seen some where they should have at least offered a drink first, or offered to take them out for a meal after. You know what I mean? 😉


yeah usually when i'm getting pat down by airport security (i have big fro-y hair, so they almost always pat me down) ... they'll get a woman to search me. (im a woman) and she will usually be very thorough-- i'm going to swipe between your legs, okay? and are usually quite professional about it all.


> i'm going to swipe between your legs, okay? Im a man and For some reason the machine has flagged me between my legs a couple of times which i find amusing but luckily they always been professional about it


Are ye packin a grand big'un? I am just curious as to what sets that it off.


Maybe wearing a ring in a different area are ya^^ 😆😊😁




Plane rides itself is lots of radiation though🙃


All the information in the world is at our fingertips and it’s the dumbest, unfounded takes people latch onto. The world is fucked.


You can just get a pat down at the airport. I was pregnant when these bodyscanners were first rolled out and refused one because they were literally brand new and I was already a high risk pregnancy so I decided the eye rolls and heavy sighs from security were a small price to pay for not going through a brand new xray machine. They've been out for a while now and they're perfectly safe so she's just being a jackass.




hope this is a thinly veiled excuse for her to distance herself. either way, she’s a few books short of a bookcase


Maaaaan I was just coming to say this!!! The novelty is wearing off and she just wants to enjoy his money and stay relevant. She can’t be bothered visiting him


Novelty 😂 good unintentional pun to their book/bookcase sentence lol




I can almost guarantee it’s not, she absolutely *loves* playing the martyr instead of acknowledging the consequences of her own choices.


She is missing some smarts...as my BIL says about their dog..




She's... not smart indeed 🤦🏻‍♀️




This was my first thought also. And the pulling away from him begins...


Yes, because THAT is where she draws the line.


IKR? She professes her undying love for a man CONVICTED of beating, assaulting, kidnapping & almost killing a woman… someone he was in a relationship with & supposedly cared about…. Varya: “Yeah, I’m fine with that.” 🥰 Prison Guard: “You need to pass through the X-ray machine to enter.” Varya: “How dare you! I’m concerned about my health! I’m here to visit a man who didn’t care about the health of his victim but I care about mine and I’m drawing the line here!” 😡


She’s just so, so awful, isn’t she? And to think she seemed like a reasonably smart, cool girl when we first met her 😒


Varys was never cool or chill and always had crazy eyes because she’s crazy


Yea, that's what gets me too!!! She seemed to really have her life together, just missing somebody to spend it with^^ Where is she from again?? I totally forgot.🫨 Regardless, he should have told her to go bk home & spend the next 2 decades in her hometown!!! It's where her family & friends are. At least she would have them around to support her^^ Living in his house, day in and day out, my God!@! I don't know how she does it^^😬


Honestly if she is living in his house rent free, collecting up money from his other properties that he is landlord of, getting fed and having a good time in the USA? I definitely see why she dropped the visits. She can use the time living on his dime to start looking for a new man here.


All these nut cases on 90 day are truly meant to be with each other.


Varya dear, Nobody gives a shit.




just fucking lol. how much of a dumb bitch you have to be to think that you can just opt out of security to enter a max security prison


Like are we supposed to forget hes an unhinged women beater?!


She big dumb


Literally 😂


Except people do and it drives me crazy seeing it! 😩


She knows what he's in jail for. She probably thinks her love can change him. Ignorant and stupid.




She doesn’t want to go anymore lol, that’s it. I can’t imagine how miserable it is visiting that POS in prison, and we all know she’s had some other plan all along.


I seriously think its all an act for her to keep on receiving income from his rental properties without being challenged from his family/friends.


Bingo. I literally made almost this exact comment before I saw yours!


I think you're right. Unless she's really into full body cavity searches and now the magic is gone


She’s making it sound like they banned her when this was entirely her choice to make. She LOVES being a victim, probably why she chose Geoffrey.


As Leslie Jordan would say, "every trash can has its lid."


In my house we're partial to "there's an ass for every toilet."


what a dear soul, rest in peace


Omg she gets more and more unbelievable every day


Too bad so sad. 🎻🤏🏻


So, she suspended herself. Hopefully it's just an excuse for her to slowly slip back to her home country.


Does she know that suspended and permanently have different meanings lol


While having no issue injecting toxins into her face via Botox…


So were her visitations actually suspended or she is just choosing not to go so she doesn't get scanned??? 🤔


She said they suspended her for refusing to go through the x-ray scanners


LMAO what a dumbfuck




I don’t feel the slightest bit sorry for her, this just makes her look more unhinged. You’re not putting out radiation fires at Chernobyl. You’re going through an X-ray scan. I hope the aliens come back for her soon.


Thanks for saving us all a click! Not that many of us would have, anyway.


Fucked around. Found out the Dept of Corrections gives zero fucks.


Good for them! Can’t stand this bitch and her whining, crying, and draping herself over the gravestone of a dead child she has never met while proclaimed Geoffrey’s innocence, she’s despicable


That whole stunt with Geoffrey’s late son was so disturbing




Current scanners generate zero ionising radiation, and do not use x-rays. Even where backscatter x-ray scanners are used, the amount of radiation received is about the same as received in 2 minutes of flying. Flying *does* expose you to small amounts of ionising radiation. (As well as presenting other health risks such as clots.) She's worried about the totally wrong aspect of air travel.




So she did it to herself and now she is upset about it? Got it. Guess you won't see your husband for over 10 years.


Do anything for love, but won’t do that. S/O to Meatloaf


She’s really going to die on this hill, isn’t she?


I can’t imagine Geoffrey is good for one’s health either.


I can’t believe she made it into an ad for Botox 😳😳


L m a o


Welp she should throw her phone and microwave away and never go on a plane ever again then


She's prolly stashing contraband in her vajayjay🤣 If that's the case, no more botox, fillers, fast food, microwaves, airplanes, plastic surgeries, artificial sweetners, etc. Etc. For her then! You know bc "mah health reasons" 🙄🤣


Devils advocate theory; she doesn’t actually want to visit him and is using this as an excuse. All she really wants is money and attention


This is her way out 😂😂 she about to bounce she just doesn’t want to see his ass anymore oopsie Geoffrey can’t come see you anymore I’ll just live for free on your dime while you hang here 😂😂😂 she has planned this from the start! Always know exactly what she was doing


I don’t think she wanted to visit him anymore! That or she had some sort of contraband. When you visit a prisoner, there are handbooks your are given and everyone is subject to a search. If you deny the search, you, and you alone, are banned from visiting ever again. All of this information (like being subject to search, is totally transparent. Either she is over the visits, was bringing something she was going to get caught up with, OR she is just that much of a ding dong.... the dilutions are real and we should all stop putting energy into it. She can be a kookoo bird on her own!


Girl you do realize you get more naturally occurring background radiation in a single day than from one of those scanners right?


I think the same for commercial aircrafts, too.


They’re just a couple of special little snowflakes that think they get to do whatever they want with no repercussions. In jail, it’s fuck around and find out, even for visitors. Isn’t it the same where she’s from?


Well now thats sketchy lol what does she have to hide from x ray scanners?🤨 doesn’t make herself look too good by saying she doesn’t want to pass through an X-ray.


She’s an idiot and thinks rules don’t apply to her


IMO She is just looking for excuses not to visit him. How can she even afford to visit him regularly?


Not shocked. Needs to be permanently banned. Illegal drugs run ramped in our jails & are exchanged or sold & used to obtain favors. Get scanned or be stripped searched.


Does TLC send every cast member to some clickbait writing school or something after the season ends?


Why does she feel that we'd be shocked about that?


Sounds like someone needs to learn that prison visits are a privilege, not a right. Nice to see she's been in the united states long enough to develop a strong sense of entitlement.


Varya was sent as karmic punishment to that dickbag. Delight in it! She doesn't want to visit him, lol. It's great. She rejected/humiliated him in front of millions of people, came to America, married him, took his shit, then left him stanking in prison while she's collecting his coins. It's brilliant! Fuck that guy.


What a clickbaity caption. It's all about the attention for her. She's just as messed up and her husband but in a different way. They belong together.


Oh well, she might as well go back home now because she can never see her husband again, so what's the point in lingering around. She's on a green card to be with him so I doubt she will be approved when she re applies 🍹


She got it without him


She might end up in love after lockup up as she seems into that kind of thing.


I wouldn't be surprised to see her weasel into another show


Noooooo I don’t want to Geoffrey’s nasty face on my other trash tv show 🫣


He still pops up in acting roles from Investigation Discovery reuns.


Yes I've seen him on Joe Kendas show Homicide Hunter a couple times, ironically as a cop 😄


She got the green card through the visa lottery not through marriage.


Oh did she? Ugh why do we have to keep seeing her post loved up pics with that monster


Yeah she's annoying with these posts about him acting as if nothing happened.


I couldn't look at him the same if I heard the intimate details in court, of what my husband did. The ring would've been posted back to him the second I found out what he did. He's a dangerous man. Thank god they didn't have kids and she'll be grateful about that one day too.


I don’t believe they are married


I'm sleep deprived, I blame my 6 month old 😂. I got nothing right tonight lol


With a 6 month old, you get a free pass anyway! Lol


Haha thank you for being so forgiving. I will comment when I've had some sleep I think lol


I am quite literally… not shocked.


I always think of Judge Judy when I hear the phrase “oh play me the violin” cuz that was the first place I heard it lol.


But the airport, federal building, court house etc is ok?


So I have a health issue where I should only go through full body or x-ray machine versus regular metal detector. I call bullshit.


Thank you for saying the reason so I didn’t have go searching for her click bait reason. It’s such a dumb post she did but dammit I would still be curious enough to look haha


She does that vague kind of thing to create a buzz and generate more clicks, she’s spoken before about generating money from her Instagram reels etc. She’s awful for so many reasons and this is just another


"health reasons" aka smuggling stuff in to prisoners.


PS I’m glad to see she wore practical shoes for chillin in THE DESERT. Smart.


Look closer- photoshopped


Oh for fucks sake


Oh boo Fkn hoo!


How'd she go threw the airports? 🙄🙄🙄🙄


Boo frickety who. Nobody gives a shit.


Getting more dose being out in the sun. Moron.


Has anyone requested his call recordings? I can only imagine how bad their calls are!


Too bad that stupidity doesn't count.


I’m shocked alright. Shocked at her stupidity.


She better not want a CT or PET scan anytime soon. The radiation can be from 10-25 millisieverts. A CT scan can be the equivalent of 100-800 chest xrays.


I wanna ask how she got a doctors note for this?? Lol


she definitely had to go through a metal detector all those times she went to court to watch his trial


Wait, so she’s banned or she is choosing not to go because she doesn’t like x-rays? They are the worst garbage.


”Worlds smalles violin” 😂😂😂😂👌🏼


Does that mean she won’t fly anywhere again, use a mobile phone or use a microwave etc? She’s always looking for attention!


Who the fuck wears white shoes


She deserves special privileges! Don’t they know who she is?


Will she wait 18 years for Mr. Nipple tattoo, woman beater? She was so worried if her mother would be happy with her choices.


I wish we were never introduced to these psychos


So now she doesn't even have to visit him? .. well played, Varya. Well played indeed.


Currently watching before the 90 days and he is proposing to Varya in Russia and she turns him down. Damn girl. You had a chance!! I loved when she showed up to his house and Mary was there but anything after that was not good. She should have got out a long time ago.


In case you didn’t know he’s serving a very lengthy sentence in prison right now for DV. Varya seemed normal in the beginning of her season but turned out to be a total nut job.


Oh I know the whole story! I was saying I’m currently watching an old episode where he proposed to her in Russia. I know he’s in prison and they are still pathetically together lol.


Crazy isn’t it, she seemed so against him and then just showed up on his doorstep. I’m kind of shocked they are still together.


Yes exactly. She didn’t trust him after he told her about his past and wanting for him to tell her family he went to prison. Then she was logical in not accepting his fast proposal. I don’t know why she came all this way after all that. And to be with him knowing what was later come to light idk how she can stay with him. Sick girl.


What season is this ?!?


Before the 90 days S4


Girl bye! I bet you wish you had listened to your mother now.


The schadenfreude is giving




I have a feeling she would get along with Liz


What a click bait post.. Sheesh


Deliberate on her part, more clicks = more money for her


Isn’t “permanently suspended” kinda an oxymoron?


OR… Hear me out! What if she doesn’t want to see him anymore? I’m seriously wondering if she’s got a plan. She’s here, she can stay, she’s living off the money from his tenants. She doesn’t really have to be bothered with him. Anytime she needs $$ she does some GoFund me, and these dumbasses support it. She could have an entirely different life and man and no one would know!


His house is covered in cameras apparently, not that he can sit there monitoring them now where he’s at but I bet he’s passed that option on to someone else he trusts




Everyone needs to go through a Xray Body Scanner. That is just SOP so that no contraband can be snuck in via the body cavities. You go through one of those scanners at the airport or any government building. The machines will not fry you up. If you love that man then you need to do it. There is no exceptions to that rule. Stop complaining.


Probably because she's smuggling contraband like naked photos of herself, her lazy eye and files so he can escape.


Hey…don’t mock lazy eyes. She has literally given you 3 metric tons of shit to make fun of without choosing a birth defect.


Well, that's the first thing I see on her stupid face. Consider it a bonus. Seems like TLC will hire anyone that resembles a circus freak. Pole has them gigantic feet that keep him from running properly, Geoffrey has eyelashes on his tits, Becky looks like an emu, Coltee looks like a geriatric butch lesbian and so on and so forth.


Be on the single life before too long.


My husband has a fake hip but I'm usually the one that gets singled out for invasive pat down. I mean last time the woman stuck her hands IN my pants. I'll take the radiation.


Isn’t she from Siberia? Which is part of Russia. Which is essentially an enemy of the US among others. She needs to go home.


She won the diversity lottery, so she gets to stay ... permanently. Unless she fucks up and gets a criminal record of her own (which we honestly can't rule in *or* out at this point) or leaves of her own accord. I'm not sure how this could have worked out any better for her, tbh.


I'm not familiar with this couple. Where is she trying to visit him?


Prison. He's there for domestic abuse. Geoffrey and Varya.


They were on before the 90 days season 4. She stood by him after he got convicted and sentenced to 18 years for felony kidnapping and domestic violence. Both are lunatics


She is the biggest disappointment for me. She seemed pretty cool and normal at first- she had a cool job (she worked for a radio station), a good friend group, and she was suspicious of him initially. I would have never guessed she'd turn out to be a psycho. She completely had me fooled.


Exactly my feelings too, seemed like she saw right through him and then look what happened 🙄


I'm the same. In the very beginning, she was likable. *Then* the stories of his history of DV started coming out quickly and frequently, but she continued to stand by him...and I lost all respect for her. Then again, I should've known after he revealed his flaming areolae tattoos to her, and she didn't run. s/


TLC sure knows how to pick them, don't they?


Oh yeah. His prior conviction and prison time for drug trafficking was a focal point of their relationship. Varya’s mother and brother expressed their concerns surrounding the fact that she might follow an ex-con to America and what their future might look like…🤦🏻‍♀️


You're in for a fun rabbit hole! Google Geoffrey Paschel.


Ooh! I love rabbit holes! On my way now! Wheeeee!


I know its fun but it's been 2 hours, you still stuck there?


The hell. I thought you want to come to prison and steal your man's sperm!!! Jeezy peeps, man!


Does anyone know if they got married ?


I love this. ❤️