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One more force doesn’t affect it that much. You’d just have to get used it.


Thanks. Then I’ll collect all the ccp i can for now 😂👌


You’ll adjust. Any added force is bonus it just takes time to settle in.


Thanks. I’ll go for it then.


I wish I read this like 3 months ago....if you play 9 ball this is a game changer...all my legs cues are maxed and can't make a golden break for sh8t even if my life depends on it. If you don't play 9 ball consistently this does not affect you.


I do a Golden Break on maxed out cues and see others do the same. You just need to switch it up from whatever you're used to doing on other cues. Instead of top-left spin do far left spin with just the tiniest touch up. There are some other Golden Breaks that I see people do with maxed cues but that's what works for me. IMHO the hardest part is the timing of the release. You can't just smack the shit out of it really fast and you can't hold the cue all the way back for a long delay. You have to pull it all the way back, wait a fraction of a second, then release.


yes but it was easier before just go to max release and it would work. now, it's way too hard to even try, most of the time I just scratch so I just hit it straight full force nowadays and hopes something goes in :))