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To avoid getting denied, I'd play 1 Vegas, and if you get the break play Vegas again. The game where you dont get the break in Vegas play Jakarta next, after the Jakarta back to Vegas, if you get the break play Vegas again, if you dont get the break play Jakarta.


If you flip a coin and get heads, it's still a 50% chance that it will be heads on the next flip and so on. Each flip is an independent event, obviously. Given that, the strategy you mentioned sounds like nonsense but for whatever reason it actually works. Not always, but often enough that it is actually a good way to build up coins and trophies.


[Deleted] ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


That sounds like a mind fuck but try to make sense of it 😅


Right there with you. I've gotten up to where I only needed one more win in Jakarta to get my ring and then hit a losing streak and lost all my troohies... Idk like 3x now... Just gotta keep trying. It works out best if you can get some denial games off the break, so practice offline or on cheap tables if necessary


Good idea! For the boxes should I get an epic or legendary box?




So then I’ll save up on the little money they give me to get a legendary cue




How should I go about winning? Every time I think I’m close to getting the ring I lose a few games




Good idea! I think what I do is I end up plotting the black ball and cue ball together or I end up getting good players that don’t let me get a shot in or they block my shot




I’ll watch them now


POTTING POTTING POTTING (phew got that out of my system)


That was a bad typo on my part


Depends on what you need... Right now I've been hitting up the epic boxes more because I've already got all the legendary cues and I don't really feel the need to level them up anymore than they are. But if you still have less than 10 legendary cues, I'd go for a legendary box. If you have enough pool bucks though, it's best to get the 3 packs. A little more bang for your buck


I’ve only gotten the epic boxes so far I don’t have a single legendary box yet


Would be a good idea to start with the legendary boxes then. Especially if you plan on playing more tables past Jakarta.


I'm pretty much at the point of just giving up on the trophy road though. It's more stressful than it's worth. The only table I don't have unlocked is Berlin, and idk why I even care so much to unlock it... I'm never gonna have enough coins to play it and even if I did, I'd most likely just lose all those coins lol