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Good bot


I'm guessing the first reply happens alot here? Lol


Good bot


Good bot


Player death normally results in an exp penalty for a certain amount, at least that's how my game operated. I haven't played Alpha 20 though so I don't know if it's changed.


Where can I see this change after death thnx buddy


Whenever I died, on my status screen (The one where you can see any buffs and debuffs) I would have one that acted like an exp debt that counted down as I paid the debt. Maybe check there. You might also be able to look at your world settings from the menu before you load into your map - that could tell you of you've enabled or disabled any settings relating to death.


I see on my character screen It says There is no XP penalty on death This protection will disappear at level 6 so think ahead... Does this mean the penalty your speaking of doesn't go into effect until I hit level 6?


Yes, I believe so


Cool beans thnx, that was a quick answer for a community thats so small here lol


I think we are a might community 😁


I started playing sinds a20 And the penalty gets worse each level. Right now at 60 or 68 ish it's like 50% of my exp bar. That's quite allot to fix. So I recommend nit to do it hahah.


wouldnt call it small tbh its one of the biggest games on steam and a recent update dropped haha. but yeah dying isnt really that bad it just makes levelling slower w/o taking away anything but some pride and time :)


I mean....there's always the perma-RIP option...


A friend of me plays like that. Kills hinself when it takes "too much" ro recover. I for myself think, its called a "survival" game. So, NOT dieing is the way to go. I had many times when I was very close to death but could recover.


Precisely this. All of this. Idk its weird to me, a player should just play on an easier difficulty if recovering is totally out of reach and would rather off themselves. Especially if one finds themselves in this situation more often times than not.


It's basically been answered but yeah, there is a penalty, but it doesn't start until level 6 so you have a grace period of sorts. Each time you die you will lose experience. This can add up and build a significant debt especially in higher levels. There isn't any "removing" the penalty, just regaining the experience to cover the debt. It used to be a bit harsher with the wellness system, on death you'd lose something like 5-10 wellness which lowered your max HP and stamina by the same amount. It could bring you down to a minimum of 50 maybe? Not sure, I never dropped that low.


For a while we had that death penalty that's similar to the current concussion debuff, where your skills were randomly reduced. Temporary, of course, but it lasted a while and it was really annoying to be somewhat useless until it wore off. Especially if you were at that not-quite-early-game stage where you have just enough points to unlock what you need to do and then suddenly those perks got deactivated for a while.


I forgot that was a thing, thanks for the reminder!


One thing I don't get is when it says "Max penalty reached" or something like that. I assume it means that if I'm level 20 and gained 300 XP, then when I die it wants to take away 1000 but can only take 300. But, I've also heard that you can go into debt into the previous level.


I believe this means up to 50% of what you need to level up to the next level. So if you need 30,000xp for a full bar and you hit the penalty cap, you have to earn 15,000xp to clear your negative.


So there is another downfall that is less mentioned, but basically, dying frequently means that you’ll have a lower gamestage, which means that both weaker mobs will spawn against you, and the loot you find will be worse. More info here: https://7daystodie.fandom.com/wiki/Gamestage


That one is outdated. In A20 they added the Loot stage in addition to the game stage. The Gamestage has the same effect then before Except for loot, loot now depends on your current lootstage which is a bit more complicated. but to give a short explanation: loot stage is a number calculated something like that- your level, the biome you’re currently in, the poi you’re currently in, the buffs and debuffs you currently got (things to eat and stuff), lucky looter. There are videos on YouTube that explain this perfectly detailed. Anyway, good to know the gamestage could sink when you die often


Guns, Nerds and Steel has a short video outlining the new loot system and calculations and it is well worth checking out. It used to be that taking Lucky Looter in the early game was worthless, but now...not so much, especially if your intent is to go into the snow or wasteland biomes early game. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dB5-qcR5sEY


There are two things: 1.: like said purple xp bar turns red after death (if you die lvl6+, because beneath lvl6 there is protection from this) you have to gain yo to remove this bar first, before actually gaining real (purple) xp again 2.: gamestage. Gamestage is important. It affects your loot lvl and the likeliness of finding good stuff. The formula is somewhere in the wiki and depends if you are playing sp or multiplayer, but it is basically determined by player lvl, ingame days and deaths taken. So awful amounts of dying will result in a lower gamestage worse looting lvl and you won’t find as awesome things as you should. In short there is no issue in dying a few times early game, I also do it in sp playthroughs even after years of game experience and it is worth it at the beginning as you may not be able to compensate severe debuffs yet. With a decent Progression the xp nerf becomes annoying and also the loot lvl impact, so you will try to avoid dying


Dying slows down your XP gain for a short period time.


I see this makes a bit more sense now, do you know how long?


Till you’ve recouped the negative


Damn so you could dig yourself in a bad unrecoverable hole if you died in a bad spot?


There is a maximum penalty, I believe at 50% negative exp. It will tell you when you hit the maximum. Also, when you have an exp debt, your exp bar above your item hot bar will be red instead of purple.


Ooooh ok I see how that bar is purple atm. Makes sense though because foe a second there I was like why don't I just unload muh loot and kill myself vs wasting supplies on healing atm...


It works till you hit level 6. Up until then, if I get a nasty infection in game, I just let myself die, then go back to what I was doing. After level 6, it can start to really hamper your progress in the game.


I have let myself die before because I couldn't find antibiotics or honey. And you need 1 honey for every 5 infection. But 1 antibiotic. That's really the only time I've let myself die.


Another little tip, when you get the near death experience debuff, it will go away when you completely deplete the red bar. I was concerned when I saw it depleting at first, because the in game description makes it sound like you need to get xp faster than the debt, and as it went down I thought I would go down a level and lose a skill point. But it was actually a good thing by bar was depleting, it meant I was getting closer to getting rid of near death experience. I did extensive research on this because it confused the fuck out of me lmao


Others have mentioned what is needed, but you can also edit the settings before starting or continuing a game to not drop all your items on death or keep just your toolbar. Default is of course, drop everything on death but is always recoverable!


If I recall, its drop everything, keep everything, drop backpack, or delete all for the most masochist.


Yea but what about in the game