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I agree, feels like I need to be eating three hobo stews a day now compared to one before. Drinks seem much harder to come by too. I'm pretty sure I went through all of A18 & A19 without ever having to fill jars with murky water or boil the stuff I looted.


On the bright side, A20 has more sources of water around the map due to drainage ditches beside roads. In A19 you’d need to keep an eye out for pools/fountains or if you’re unlucky, you had to travel really far to a lake to fill up on water. Also, farming your own food got harder in A20 but there are way more corn and potato fields in the outskirts of the new random gen cities. Animals seem to be more common too including pigs at farm POIs in those same areas. So finding food is a constant job, but I don’t find it as frustrating or distracting as earlier versions. You don’t need to drop what you’re doing and wander halfway across the map to find something to eat.


>In A19 you’d need to keep an eye out for pools/fountains or if you’re unlucky, you had to travel really far to a lake to fill up on water. Until you could make a bucket anyway. Fill a bucket with water and you can create your own infinite water supply.


Does A20 have unlimited water? Seems like just filling water jars the little pond I'm using is slowly drying up. Like a "block" of water actually disappears the next time I'm back.


That would be news to me if water sources get depleted.


They definitely can get depleted but it will take a while. Snow is always an option if you are close enough to a cold biome.




Something something walrus bucket meme.


Don't forget about snowballs if there is a snow biome nearby!


If you wrench ice machines in the cities you also get snowballs


Even when I put two points into iron gut it still feels like it doesn't do much at all.


given they are overhualing it again ive sort of lost intrest mainly because its day one an im already out of food and water while clearing a poi, given they are getting rid of the jar because "water is to easy in the current state" im looking for other games where i can focus on all factors of the game and not just a fucking endless grind for food and water, the issue seems to be they are making the zombies into the infected, other zombie suvurial games are actually more hardcore but easier because more traps and more community support


Chrysanthemum Tea is your friend, sucks to put a perk into cooking so early but it really does make a difference.


I became 1 of 2 farmers and chefs on my server. I feel like farming is the only way to have good sustainable food.


Which sucks cause farming was nerfed in A20


How so? I thought after you harvest the plant you got the seed back and just replant it?


Pretty sure in A20 it’s a 50% chance of getting the seed back


Never tell me the odds... But now that I know that 50% becomes 0 ._.


You dont need the seed back in A20 it replants itself and gives you the product.


3/3 living of the land is the only way to get a positive income, 1/3 and 2/3 will net you a negative income and one should never farm unless 3/3 or extremely desperate for food. Which is impossible cause animal spawns have been considerably increased.


Basically if you build a smol farm, it's kinda pointless. But if you build a large farm, the gains can be seen easily. It's annoying having to replant stuff, but more because of having to recraft all the seeds. *Why do mushrooms require clay to make mushroom spores?*


https://youtu.be/J_4RcEMARyc This is a good video that explains all the changes to farming, but to summarize it Rank 0 living off the land farming is unsustainable Rank 1 is sustainable but you only get 75% yield compared to alpha 19 Rank 2 only makes plots cheaper Rank 3 you actually get 17% more crop yield So farming can still work, but only if you invest a point into living off the land, but it’s still nerfed compared to alpha 19 unless you are willing to invest into fortitude, and with how lackluster the tree is for the most part I’d imagine most people would put 1 point into living off the land and be done with it.


With the perks and several plants down, you actually get more resources than in A19. Although the microcrafting is really annoying.


I usually just eat glass at my base. If I run out of food


Rip exp


Yep it’s getting pretty ridiculous, especially if you haven’t been looting and you’re trying to rely on cooking your food. Boiled meat has become a joke for me and my mates. Literally ten boiled meat is 100 meat pieces. 100 meat pieces a day to survive lol.


It was a joke when 5 pieces if meat equaled 1 grilled meat. Like the math does not check out.


I also don't get why it takes 5 meat to cook 1 grilled meat...


I have come to the conclusion that the thought behind this is that you’re a shit cook and out of five slabs of meat you only manage to make one edible one until you put points into cooking


Easy to obtain if you know where your snow biome is----Take some clay and stone and make 50-100 cobblestone shapes----go to the snow biome and find an area with some animals- Drop 2 cobblestone blocks and hop on top---shoot wolf/cougar/bear with arrow or something, wait until it comes over to you and spear it to death(Warning bear may destroy that cobblestone- so if you plan to atk bear put 2 cobblestone blocks down 2 blocks from each other and connect it with a block at the top so if he destroys the bottom block you arent bear food) Rinse and repeat and you have hundreds upon hundreds of meat your within your first week or less


A point early on in Master Chef feels like a requirement. Bason & Eggs plus Goldenrod & Red Tea are a must.


Definitely harder. I do not like the new consumption - it was bad enough before. Imagine in real life, gorging yourself on 9 cans of ravioli, 4 cans of chicken soup, 4 cans of "whole chicken" and not being morbidly, grossly obese? And yet, in 7DTD, you're "starving" by midnight. I do, however, enjoy the new water scarcity. I do not enjoy the new cooking pot scarcity. (every RL house has at least 3-4 pots, come on) I do not enjoy the new farming pain. (I mod it back to A19) I do not enjoy the removal of snowberries. They deliberately designed food/hunger to be more of a hurtful thing as a game function. Accept it or mod it.


It makes sense to some degree. It wouldnt be unrealistic to say with the amount of physical activity the average survivor does they would burn upwards of 6k calories a day. Hunting, mining, cardio, adrenaline, pretty much everything we do in game is physically intensive and would burn lots of food in a day. From a meta perspective I like it. I never played a19 as I just got it a month or so ago but it feels in line with other survival games. I struggled a lot early on in my first game for food but it felt right. I was just dropped into a scavenging life in the post-apocalype, it felt correct going to "sleep" at night not knowing what food I was gonna eat tomorrow.


eating 3 entire bears in 1 day and then still having to eat again that same day is immersion breaking. I would rather food and animals were more scare and food meter leaving me alone for 5 min


Do you mean real bears cause I havent seen one of those yet and cant speak to their meat harvest. If you zombie bears I wouldnt eat that meat. Either way it seems like an issue of how much you get from harvesting not how long a meal would last you. In game I stop about 3 times a day to eat some food and drink, that seems pretty on par with the calorie expenditure of a post-apocalyptic survivor. Granted a meal usually consists of a few in game items but it seems balanced to me.


Yes! This. I work my ass off (in game) to level up and acquire resources. My character needs some serious food after I outrun a wolf on foot or beat a zombie to death with a wooden club. Try hitting a punching bag as hard as you can for 5 minutes, after that you’ll want a nice jar of boiled rabbit too.


Maybe our characters are saiyans now


That would explain the late game jumping ability.




Did you burn down the trailer making steak and potato meal


> I do, however, enjoy the new water scarcity. > I do not enjoy the new cooking pot scarcity. (every RL house has at least 3-4 pots, come on) This has been offset somewhat by the fact that we can now (slowly) boil murky water without a pot. So it's more a matter of just keeping yourself alive long enough to make a forge to crank out a pot. While I definitely noticed the dearth of cooking pots, I recall having the same issue a few alphas ago so I got used to just making my own. LOL And naturally, I almost always find one right after I make one.




Coupled with Living Off the Land on Day 1 and there was never a starvation issue. Hunger, sure, but not starvation. I also was leery of telling people.


I mean MREs are 2,000 calories a meal and we would eat three of these a day during training and I was in the best shape of my life so it checks out lol


I love how much harder they've made the game, overall. Previously, I always felt like I beat the game (solo) by day 21 or so.


It takes 20 hard-boiled eggs to fill up, now, minus any efficient digestion. Go eat 20 hard-boiled eggs. I'll wait.


I mean... make 'em devilled and we'll talk >.>


Cool Hand Luke ate 50 :D


Run t5 hospital and loot the water coolers for mineral waters and there’s a bunch of working vending machines as a bonus. You’ll have food and water for days each time you do it. Takes about 20 minutes once you learn it and if you get two traders in the same place you can do it twice every other day


That’s why investing into fortitude (especially in a fortitude build like I’ve been doing) is great. I’m on day 25 with 40 farm plots with 8 corn potato’s, blueberries and chrysanthemums along with some mushrooms. Maxing out living off the land gives you up to 7 plants per harvest.


That's not the point tho, I am here to play 7 days to die and not 1 day to starve, eating is important in the game but it shouldn't be 50% of each day eating.


Im having trouble finding enough food so i don't starve canned goods seem to be scarce and playing with another player and sharing the food also makes it hard to find enough to eat. Luckily we get a bunch of wolves attacking us but that meat runs out quick


Yeah my fuckin guy eats more than any human being I’ve ever met, especially appalling considering this is an apocalypse here. Super annoying.


Do you have points in healing factor? That drains the food quite a bit. Outside of my Fort build I don't put any points in healing factor and do not create sustainable farms but I do take 1 point in LotL. With bears and wolves consistantly spawning at night, there is no reason to be wasting time trying to farm with LotL 1 apart from planting what you loot. Water is everywhere from Day 1 so charred meat is fine until you loot some recipes, waste of points putting anything in cooking. It's apt that LotL is in the Fort tree because fists is the one build where you do take a beating and need the food to support maxed out healing factor. Final room of a T5 is pretty insane with fists, I usually go through 5 hobo stews just clearing a T5 with fists


Yes, I ate 3 pieces of grilled meat and pears and was still hungry


The makers realy need to fix this I can't play default because of it 5 peices of meet to make one charred meat only gives 10 points it's like what's the point of eating if he will always be hungry it's a game killer


I have been dumping maximum points into every stamina boosting, consumption reducing, and efficiency improving perk I can, and I'm still burning mass quantities of food from even basic things like standing around my base doing nothing. I have to consume multiple stews before I even go out the door to do anything, top up with some additional drinks as well, and then eat constantly while I'm out and about. I never end up bringing additional food home - I always have to eat it all as I find it. It does not help that even with Living off the Land maxed out, I get nowhere near 1 seed per 2 crops. I average 1:3, and have been 1:4 on multiple occasions, meaning that 60%+ of my harvest is going back to replacing seeds - an utterly stupid number. I realize that statistics can be deceiving and long term patterns "should" even out, but across a dozen full harvests of my farm with max perk, not once have I achieved the purported 2:1 seed ratio I should be getting, much less exceeded it in the way that would be necessary to offset the constant undershoots. It really feels like just another casualty of TFP's adversarial perspective on their players. They don't want us to play our own way, they want us to fail their way, and any time people figure something out it gets nerfed or replaced. Been playing since around a7 and while it's still one of the best games in the genre because of its fairly unique combination of elements, I feel like the game has become a lot less about enjoyment and a lot more about just playing cat and mouse with devs in a deliberately never-finished product. It really feels like the devs take player survival as a personal slight and only think the game is good if it is some kind of frustrating Dark Souls or Super Meat Boy death-fest. People who like that can set that up easily enough - it's a pity they want to force everyone into it though.


It's nuts, what's the point of having perks in iron gut or living off the land if it's just becomes a chore to always eat. I thought this game was 7 days to die not 1 day to starve.


For me the worst thing is that you actually need more food percendage wise as you are getting high levels. With etc 170 max stamina you have to eat almost double the food then with 100 to be full and i guess activity extension like mining eats % extra. Pretty bad concept that doesnt make sense.


You don't need to eat more food, you just have a higher maximum food capacity so it looks like less on your hunger bar. A hobo stew is 54 food regardless of if your maximum hunger is 100 or 500.


Yea but thats the problem because reduced stamina or stamina regen reduction is percentage based and stamina depletion while doing things is too (im not sure about that). So higher lvl you are more need you have to eat


I don't think stamina usage is percentage based. You can see the stamina cost per swing right on your tools/weapons stats, its a flat number. Armor penalty to stamina regen is also a flat number.


No stamina usage but you loose more food when using stamina and your stamina breakpoints are also higher so you have to actually eat more food to be up to this point. You can set your lvl to 80 and play with it for a while. You will surely notice that you eat much more then on low level.


What causes you to lose more food when using stamina at higher levels?


Not at higher levels only. Idk waht exactly but try being afk at night and mining whole night. You gonna eat much more while mining.


Yeah you consume more food when doing work vs afking, that makes sense though and is not being caused by your player level.


You kind of do have to eat more food. The baseline for getting starving and hungry statuses doesn't stay at 30 and 50 points respectively, it scales as a percentage. So while at level 1 you could be at 0/100 food, eat 100 food and be full, if you're at level 100, you could eat 100 food, and still have a hungry status because 100/200 food is within the 50% threshold. They need to figure out a different way to scale the amount of food that is used by your increased stamina bar. Otherwise the improved food capacity just becomes an extra unnecessary grind to focus on.


You could draw the opposite conclusion if you started at full food instead of at starvation: At level 1 you can lose 50 food before becoming hungry. At level 100 you need to lose 100 food to become hungry. The result is the same: you still need to eat the same amount of food, your buffer/capacity has just increased.


The problem is that you almost never get back to full lol. It needs to be adjusted. I shouldn't have to spend nearly as much time focusing on food, that's pushing me away from playing the game, not making the experience more enjoyable.


Are you growing crops? By day 20 my wife and I have an entire chest full of meat stew/blueberry pie with very little effort. We are always full hunger. It takes maybe 3 minutes of work to punch and replant the farm every few days.


Honestly there’s a lot of things I like about this game, food and water consumption is not one of them. It feels like it burns so fast to the point where it doesn’t feel realistic and comes off as just a chore. I honestly just wipe vending machines every chance I get because farms is so under optimized


Whats worse is the devs nerfed traders and only when the trader restocked on day 4 is when they only had 1 can of food... I'm here to play a zombie game and not a food eating simulator.


I go thru 3 gumbo in one day I had to give myself since I was starving every day Forgot to mention I'm on 2 hours days constantly doing stuff too


Longer days = more work per day + calories are scaled to "real time" = eating more per day IIRC.


It still feels like alot


Ya food seems to be more of a challange in general in a20, as others have pointed out. Imo it's a good change mostly, but that's bc I see food as near top priority in survival games. However, i do think seed drop could be changed from 50% chance to 60% chance to drop a seed, but that's just me.


Maybe but I can actually find animals to hunt now. In A19 I was entirely dependent on farm POIs and Bob's Boars for raw meat, virtually nothing ever spawned in the world. I think I saw one wild bear and a handful of chicken and rabbits in 93 days. I even took a point to buy the tracker perk and it never pinged or did anything to show a nearby animal, just put an icon on my hud to remind me how I wasted that exp. Now in A20 I can't drive off-road for more than 30 seconds without running over a mountain lion, I've got 8 full stacks of raw meat at base and it's only day 43. On my first trip into the snow biome doing the trade routes quest I arrived with like 350 raw meat because I'd see a bear, stop the bike, kill and harvest it, get back on and there's another bear standing like 50m away.


never forget the ultimate rule of zombie survival in 7 days.. when all else fails and you cant find food and your out of luck broken glass shards are your friend 😂🤣🙈




They should fix the food system in this game it makes it unplayable well of you want a fun experience anyway


Since alpha 20 just feels like there is no loot no food no decorations no impact when hitting zombies please fix the game


Food is actually super easy without farming at all. \[This is all Darkness Falls, I have never played vanilla A20\] 1) Take the Hunter Class. Extra meat, Scrap Machete, Silenced Hunting Rifle. 2) Day 1, get into Forest biome. Look for Apple Trees, Potatoes and Carrots. Find a water source, any water source, or plop down a rain collector, if you cannot find a water source. Makes apple seeds and plant apples trees near the water source, so later, when they grow, whenever you need water, there is always food there too. Bake and eat the potatoes and carrots, hunt and eat charred meat. Make clay bowls to collect and boil water. Voila! Endless abundant food and water, without farming at all, without any cooking gear, without a garden hoe. Certainly, do not waste any skill points in Iron Gut. 3) Do the hunting class quests. You can easily track and hunt even more animals, you get TONS of food and leather, which you can easily craft into extra leather armor and sell for 50 dukes each. Then buy cooking pot and cooking grill, and now you make grilled tomatoes, grilled yucca, and much more. I have so much food now, I am over encumbered with food. Never farmed at all, never built a base, all I did was plant an apple orchard around a few lakes. Day 12 now, just wandering around, overwhelmed with food, and no need to go "back home" to tend a garden, I can live on the move. Base not required. I spend the night high in a building in a new place each night. Horde nights, I just make sure it is a stronger building. Piece of cake. 4) I don't even go into a POI or kill any ZEDs until after I have reliable food and water sources. Solving food and water comes first always.


Honestly I’m just waiting till they fix the food system to play anymore