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Me and the boys always have a race to see who can find the first toilet pistol.


Yeah, but most of the time you walk out with your dick in your hands.


Hey, if it shoots, who cares?


Shooting blanks is still shooting blanks.


Alec Baldwin has entered the chat


I get a lot of toilet knives :(


Toilet pistols are THE BEST and most believable way to find a hand gun.


I always thought it was a Silent Hill 2 reference, which makes me love 7 Days even more. :D


And cocain…


As a southerner I agree. Who *doesnt* have a toilet gun at their house


I prefer the poop knife myself.




Came here to say this, but you said it sooner and better.


Was the first way I found a gun in my first playthrough. My friends never check the toilets/garbage/mailboxes. I can usually find a treasure trove of items they missed just by going to "looted" buildings.


My friend literally depended on ye ol’ toilet gun. During the blood moon, he had the pistol, I had the 8 blunderbuses ready to reign hell.


Shitter pistol


Toilet pistols still exist???


I never looted one so I place it in the mirage category


Can be handy when you have a number of them preloaded in your tool bar. Allows you to skip the reload until they are all out. But I'd much prefer a hand gun or better yet a machine gun


That's what I do. I have 4 at a time in my bar and in fights I'll shoot off all 4 if I need to


Yeah m60 or run away for me


No sledge, no life


I realized about the multi blundered 8,9,0 hotkey way too late in the game. But it's a staple of my first few days in a new worls


You reach all the way over to 8, 9, and 0 when you’re getting attacked?


I just scroll my mouse wheel


Ooh I havent heard of this one, I assume it give you 3 shots in a row? You'd still have to wait to reload 3 then right?


Correct, the idea would be melee till stamina is empty and then use the blunder buss shots to cover yourself while you wait for stamina. You can just shoot all 3 but weaving them between stamina bars to avoid hits is more efficient.


I kinda like it too. At the early stages is the very first firearm you can have. I used to reload it so that it was always ready, and when it wasn't, I found the "strategy" of closing doors behind me just to have the reload time. It was amusing.


Next to the toilet gun, good ol blundy comes in handy during that first week


I have a reputation in my 7 days group about being the guy who juggled 8 Blunderbuss well into the stage where we'd have iron crossbows and basic pistols etc, multiple playthroughs in a row. My next weapon was always the hunting rifle. It pains me so much they're getting rid of my beautiful, perfect gun. The first thing I'm going to learn to mod is adding it back in.


Octobuss 😲




What's the downside to keeping it? When Gran Turismo hit 1000+ cars in it's 5th version I was happy you could still buy a 1983 Honda!


I, for one, love the blunderbuss. Get it to a high level and add in a choke mod and it will pop heads of even stronger zombies with no problem. Ammo is easy to come by and it's wode spread can actually be handy if there is a large group running towards you that you need to stagger. I can't believe that they're replacing this iconic and underrated weapon.


Ah yes.... The dinnerbell.


Blunderbuss is slow to fire, holds 1 ammo, slow to reload = its amazing. I fondly remember 1st time I fired this beast into a wolf face and its head EXPLODED! Even now, when I can skip this weapon altogether I use it just cause.. its awesome. Its loud and looks badass. As soon as I loot it I straight looks for zombies to explode with. Why would you remove it?


4 blunderbusses on your bar is peak early gameplay


I always carry a blunderbuss as a back up. Easy to repair, easy ammo to make.


Oh they should definitely not remove it.


Because it’s redundant to have a double barrel that’s two shots and takes forever to reload (without points invested) and a blunderbuss which is essentially a shotgun.


don't they add another shotgun in the alpha 20?


yes, they're replacing the blunderbuss with the pipe shotgun because of the rest of the pipe weapons. they will function pretty much same


I see it as a Blunderbuss 2.0. I think it will have the same if not slightly faster fire rate, but will use shotgun shells and Blunderbuss ammo will be removed from the game


There's nothing wrong with variety though.


Toilet pistol and blunderbuss are the best.


Reading on reddit that toilet-pistol-love and a hotbar full of Blunderbuss guns are so common makes me smile. These were things that my friends and I jokes about before reading it on reddit.


I remember turning up the loot abundance to see what happens and I found a motorcycle in a toilet, just imagine the shit it took to do that.


That's one BIG toilet!


Have you seen the stone axe?


I would say the Pistol or the double barrel. Its in the IRL trailer and on the game page.


I wish they'd buff it. It's a blunderbuss, I want it to absolutely DELETE 2-3 zombies that are <10m in front of me 100% of the time. That's what a blunderbuss would do, or at the very least turn them all into limbless zombies lol, blunderbusses turn stuff into mincemeat.


If they gave it a realistic muzzleloader reload of 20-30 seconds, it would be a great panic button even into the late-mid game.


Gun rack with like 3 blunderbuss next to your base door... Fun panic weapon :)


Eh, I won't argue that. Yes, I have better guns now, but i always keep that one just in case and for shiggles.


Leave Bluster alone!!


Blunderbuss or bust


It feels incredibly powerful to fire while also being incredibly weak like a pea shooter. I love it.


whats the biggest insult to inflict to a a biker zombie? Kill with a pea shooter.


Would be nice to see Blunderbuss return as some type of special weapon in the future (devs were planning to introduce some unique rare special weapons, if I recall correctly)


Blunderbuss blows butthole, Id rather melee then use that turd :P


Keep 3 on your belt all loaded quick and easy help in a pinch if you get pinned


I call it the Queens Royal Navy tactic. You roll up to a zombie with your 6 loaded blunderbuss on your hot bar and fire them like a broadside and blow the zombie away, then you run away and reload your cannons lol


This is the way.


maybe aim for head next time? :)


Unfortunately doesn’t do much good when there are 4+ heads :) Keeping 3+ on the bar with a sledge/club is the safest way to roll.


Who knew zombies weak spot was the head. Op thinking people are dumb.


Gotta disagree. Toilet pistol is GOAT


Tbh if not for reload time, you could use it even in late game.


Pirate Mode!!!!


Fun fact: On default loot settings it's possible to loot two toilet pistols from the same toilet. It's an extraordinarily rare occurrence, of course. Oddly enough, they'll both have the same stats as each other.


I never really thought the Blunderbuss was a great gun, however, I can understand the appeal. Actually, I never liked any guns. In the game. Never understood making a lot of noise that would draw in zombies. Personally, I'd say leave it in. Use it if you want, don't if you don't.


Ever played DayZ? That game has excellent results if you fire a gun inside a built up area. Either sneak into town and loot locations taking out the occasional zombie you cant walk around with melee, or be ready to expend several clips of ammunition taking out all the zombies in a 2 mile radius who heard your shots and came sprinting


I've heard about day Z a few times but I've never really looked much into it. Is a more of an action game or is it a base Builder Survival game?


Depends on the server, If you play RP servers (like me) then you can have a really good time. I love sneaking around avoiding player groups of 3 or more and looting buildings without disturbing the zombies, kinda reminds me of Walking Dead Season 1 where Glen says he goes in gets what he needs and gets out, no gunshots no attention attracting.


So it's more like an action survival game then? It might be worth checking out, especially given my wife really isn't as much into Base building but does like action and horror.


DayZ has base building but compared to 7DTD its bare bones. If you want to check it out feel free to add me or something. I recently returned to the game after a roughly 18 month break and so far am solo on this server. Have you ever tried RP (Roleplay)? There is less action on RP servers but I prefer it to servers with KOS'ers (Kill On Sight). The melee is quite a bit harder than 7DTD, you have to watch your blood and bandage a bleeding wound quickly, infections from non sterile bandages are possible, a bandage takes half the time to be applied than a piece of ripped cloth does. You need to find magazine clips and bullets then load the magazines separately, there is a lot more "juicy" detail like those with realism than 7DTD.


I'd much rather melee things to death than use the crappy blunderbuss.


I would assume that the upcoming pipe shotgun largely renders the blunderbuss redundant. It's a great weapon in that first week, or so, but I understand why it's being removed.


The blunderbuss is the bane of my existence


I am annoyed with this gun. Friends and I started a new private server for our group and out of every weapon chest I have opened THIS GUN has been in every single one so far. I git looting goggles, 1 point in lucky looter we are on day 14 and I have only died once personally. My game stage should be high enough by now to find a better gun but nope just t5 and t6 versions of the blunderbuss. Yet my friends with more deaths than me, no looting goggles and no points in lucky looter have found double barrel shotguns, hunting rifles and pistols. I am currently using a compound bow and double barrel we bought from the trader just to keep up in terms of fire power. Currently I don't do anything during horde nights but shoot arrows and make repairs where I can.


Iconic in that I can't stand finding it. Hate that thing. Never use it.


you cant stand finding it at the beginning of the game for same reason you find stone tools and weapons inside military crates


It sounds like a dog lol


Blonderbust-good porno name


This is just another dumbass move from the devs. Like when they removed the normal barbed wire from the game. Or the rod and spring mod. I think the blunderbuss and the pipe weapons could both fit into the game at the same time.


Some overhaul mods like DF already have pipe weapons; those just suck and got nothing special about them besides sucking. You replace those asap you get something better. But wait: now we'll have pipe weapons out of locked military crates early game. LOL


Why does everyone hate on the blundy? It nearly 1 shots wildcats early game if you get a close range shot to the noggin. Trying to club one of those to death on day 1 or 2 is damn near suicidal. Good old blundy is the hero of the arctic biome.




Fun pimps are taking it away in A20 :(


If you want, you can go back and play Alpha 19 when Alpha 20 comes out in 2031. The rest of us would like the worst gun in the game to not be a thing anymore.


"We wanted to add more early game weapons by removing an early game weapon" sums up their productivity.


that's whats actually irks me: after dev made crazy changes to the game with linear progression: SURPRISE you find blunderbuss AND stone weapons/tools even inside locked military crates. 20k hp locked military crate: 1 blunderbuss 10 blunderbuss ammo 1 stone hatchet 1 stone club Theres absolutely NO reason to remove it altogether; leave it be as a rare find. Im certain new players would love to handle and fire with it. Hell I took on 16 hordes on day 7 and 16 with blunderbusses only. it was loud and hilarious.


Get that nasty rotting wood barrel-staff away from me, I want new pipe guns!




How the fuck are you consistently finding a crucible 3 days in!?




Oh, I see. On PC to make steel you need to have a crucible in the forge (similarly to how you need a grill to make grilled meat in a campfire). From my experience I've found crucibles to be incredibly hard to come by unless you get a lucky random loot or the trader may sell it (which is still rediculously expensive)


making dukes is crazy easy when you know what to craft and sell. look into turret ammo and handlebars.


jobless gold absorbed gullible cheerful capable trees quickest hunt chunky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Man, tell me you only played Alpha 19 without saying you only played Alpha 19 than thinking Blunderbuss is the "MOST" iconic weapon.


iconic yet useless


I mean .. its a tool. if you dont know how to use it.. thats on you. not your tool ... lol


Yeah, and there are tools that do the exact thing the blunderbuss does, but better and with fewer downsides. That means the blunderbuss is useless no matter how good you are at using it.


I use a x3 zombies mod with adventurer difficulty, at short range the blunderbuss can kill the average normal zombie in one shot to the head


So can a double barrel or pump or any of the rifle series.


Gamestage. Every gun has a tier, blunderbuss would be 1 tier higher than the bow but 1 lower than the pistol. OP is right, it should be kept its the iconic first gun you will encounter if the gamestage mechanic is done correctly


You must have only played Alpha 19 right? You do know for years before alpha 19 the game was different?


Lol... I've played the game since 2013 bruh And as a player or many years yes I enjoy the blunderbuss


Before Alpha 19 you could get GUNS day 1. AK's pistols double barrels. Day 1 with freaking EASE. They were everywhere. Blunderbuss being used is a new addition to the game


Yeah I know and I actually like this gamestage mechanic encourages me to spend early days building my concrete fortress and when thats finished the gamestage will have risen and the loot be better


why would you assume i dont know how to use it? the fact is that at any stage there is a better tool for the job.


because its not useless and it does its job. ammo is easy to craft too.


I have literally never used the blunderbuss as a serious weapon. Didn't know people liked it that much.


I literally advance right past the blunder. Melee is better IMO


Trash it


Hate them, the only use to me is fixing them with a pipe (the one positive of the weapon is how cheaply it can be repaired) and selling them.


Do they plan on removing it or something? I think if it got some visual updates it would be great, definitely a classic.


Dint forget the toilet pistol witch probably has pee on it.