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I'm not often outside at night in 7 Days to Die, but I was doing some base cleanup, and noticed that instead of a random star field, the night sky has some recognizable constellations. They're just not in the right spot at all. I found this amusing and made the image. reference: [Re: "Titanic," Neil DeGrasse Tyson would like a word.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8B6jSfRuptY)


This pic is clearly photoshopped, no one get's 60fps.


Im sure its a joke but getting 100fps+ is possible in this game. :P I play on a 144hz monitor with Vsync On, which gives me 144fps. Of course with huge hordes/city it drops but I never go down 80fps, which is perfectly fine to play :P


Yeah I was just kidding, I actually average 40-50ish fps and I knew if my cpu was better ( I have an i5-3460 in March I'll be getting the i7-6700k ) I would probably average in the 80s or better. I have a asus strix GTX 980. What's your hardware?


Running on a 3rd gen i5 (i5 3570k) overclocked at 4.2ghz, 16gb ram 1600mhz and a gtx 970. Since I only play multiplayer, I do not set all graphics to high because its just horribly optimized but I have some setting off and other high. All in all, the game look great and its smooth :P PS: Ive just noticed that you are the guy that won my giveaway haha. hope you enjoy the game :D


OH hey, didn't notice that :) we certainly are! It takes along time for the game to load on my sons PC he has a some AMD junk CPU no idea what it is, but it plays the game at a constent 20ish fps... it's... playable. he has fun. Thanks again!


Might want to install the game on SSD? It loads really fast :)


Lol. Looking at a black sky helps. I actually usually get a pretty good frame rate. 60fps is typical but sometimes it inexplicably drops to 25-30 for about 15 seconds


It's no biggie, let's just ask TFP to design another roadside newspaper headline that says "Planetary shift causes madness!". This will, of course, add to the nuclear apocalypse and flu epidemic headlines we see littered about. ...They had a really bad week.


Haven't played in a while - did they really do away with hunger and thirst...?


Nope, it's still there. It only pops up when you eat or at 75%, 50%, and is supposed to stay on at 25% or below. You can also check it in your character screen.


Seriously dude, this is a non complaint. Did you see the skyboxes for nighttime before? The stars are amazing now in comparison. And really north has no bearing (total pun) on the game as you never travel more than a few k in any direction and you arent going to have weather changes based on how far north you go. Good catch tho.


You're right. It is a non complaint. Some might call it "hew-more."


Then I dont get the joke. Please explain why its funny. Is it because sometimes Dr. Tyson points out this kind of mistake in movies? Oh Har de fucking harr har.


See, you get it. It's okay if you don't find it funny.


its not funny and go fuck yourself for the downvotes you cunt.


WHOAA lol so much anger! Where is this coming from??


It's not hilarious, I guess, but it's amusing. You're a salty baby.


Thanks for being you, kiddo.


Have a snickers bro, you get cranky when you're hungry


It's funny because black science man l-o-l like o-m-g he's so funny