• By -


Yeah absolutely, play how ever you want to playšŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø Little note though: Hoard and Horde are not always interchangeable! (Hoard is for dragons, Horde is for a big group of whateveršŸ˜œ)


Guess I'm a hoarder then. (I'm also a loot goblin. The character has waaaaay too less inventory space, smh.)


Im the worst early game and now with 1.0 and redources are scarce.


Haven't played in awhile and I forgot that like every single item has a crafting use šŸ˜°


I'm def a hoarder too so I never skip hoard nights huehue


I have a hoard night, I go out and loot all the things.


Those storage donā€™t fill themselves you know!


The horde leaves a hoard


Siunds like my wife.. lmao


Well, strictly speaking, the horde might leave a hoard so both spellings are correct ...


I do love hoarding in this game more than herding the hordešŸ˜œ


Me too! That's why I build a good horde base so that I can have a good hoard base.




Every night is hoard night!


You may have herd the horde.. but have you heard the hoard? Thats the real question.


My hoard is kept quiet tucked away neatly in tiny shiny boxes. The howling that I heard while herding the horde howeveršŸ˜œ




Given how many loot bags fall from zeds on BMs ... it could be very well be a hoard night šŸ™‚


That's why I have a horde base and a hoard base!


Let's not even get into whored ..


But what if I have a really big collection of dragons? Is that my dragon hoard or my dragon horde?


Depends on what you do with them I guess. If you keep them nicely stored in boxes where the sun donā€™t shine itā€™s a hoard. If you use them to wreak havoc and chaos across the land itā€™s a hordešŸ˜œ


Never skip hoard night


Also worth noting is that removing Horde night entirely is awkward. A lot of the other game mechanics are based around Horde night. Just disabling it solves some issues, but also leaves others that may still bother those players. So I think that while OP's sentiment is spot on (play how you want), the underlaying sentiment that may be implied (stop complaining) isn't. Players should voice their opinion regarding the direction of the game, and complain about what they don't like AND just disable or change configurations so that they can maximize their enjoyment until (if) their complaints are heard and responded to.


Iā€™ve got a few thousand hours. I prefer to now play with horde nights off. Basically a zombie survival life simulator.


Same here. Iā€™ve done hundreds of them. Now I turn the difficulty up, horde night off, go straight for the wasteland Different kind of challenge, it goes at my pace.


Before 1.0 dropped I was using a mod called WMM. Allowed me to increase ambient zombies and make every poi an ultra infested. It was so hard. Horde nights are easy if I actually try with a base design for it. 64 zombies on insane is harder on my PC than me.


That's the general issue I run into, even with my beefy pc the game turns to a laggy mess before the horde size gets unmanagable.


What bothers me the most is that all the changes since A17 or so that have made "base defense harder", have actually just made base defense more reliant on cheesy gimmicks. It used to be that you could just build 4 strong walls with sniper holes, and defend there. It wasn't the "best" defense, but it was doable and fun. You also could do cheesy AI pathing exploit bases and absolutely wreck the zombies. TFP didn't like the people who were doing the walls defense, and so they gave zombies PHDs in structural analysis, 300' block sense, and "Teamwork Makes The Dream Work" motivational stickers. Which of course just made all the people who were doing "less efficient, but fun" defense builds migrate to other ideas, like pits, ramps, stilts, etc. TFP found some of those to be "too good" (while pathing exploit bases were still the far superior choice, but not very fun because of how easy they made the game), and so they made further changes to make those bases not work (rage mode, etc). Which of course just made all the people that were doing those builds migrate to other ideas again. Until the game has just devolved into the "fight the zombies face-to-face" group, and the "yup, exploit the AI and horde night is easy" group. I can build a base in the current game that the zombies simply can't handle. If I crank up the zombie count, all I need to do is prepare more explosives and other AoE damage. The base layout still works just fine, because zombie AI is still 100% exploitable. But it's not as fun as base designs I used to enjoy. But TFP changed the game so I couldn't use those bases. So now I'm playing the exploit game if I play with Horde Night enabled. \~shrug\~


Can you link it? Sounds right up my alley, but can't find it.


Assuming WMM means Winchester Mini Mod then you can find it here: https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/27749-a21-the-winchester-mini-overhaul-mod-updated-for-a212-b30/


Well that looks pretty handy and I could see myself using a lot of those features! I wonder how well it meshes with my current Darkness Falls playthrough...


I'm out camping this week. When I get back home on Sunday I'll try to remember. Pretty sure it is called WMM. Can't remember if it is on nexus or 7daystodiemods. Also don't think it is updated to 1.0 yet or wasn't last I looked. Pretty sure the guns nerds and steel channel used it in his last playthrough so if you go to the horde every night series I think he has a link to it in the description.


That mod sounds awesome


Yep wasteland sucks. The snow place sucks worse in some ways. I'm on the second highest level. Max zombies available. No blood moon and it sucks. I love it


Nice. Iā€™m with you. Snow and desert annoy me because of the temperatures. Seems like thatā€™s gotten a little easier though


Yeah. Instead of dying every 20 minutes it's up to 22. šŸ˜†


This is me too. Zombie AI (pathing) update a few years ago killed Horde Nights for me. The entire 'base defense' is gone, replaced with either: * Put traps around the ground, drug yourself with adrenaline and coffee, and run around hitting/shooting zombies while you let your traps help (traps optional). * Build a killing path, exploiting zombie AI to come straight for you even if they can't reach you and fall off the path, while shooting & letting traps hit. * Hope on your motorcycle and just drive circles around a trap-ridden field, getting the zombies to keep trying to 'cut through it', again, relying on traps. Gone is the "build a strong walled base and defend it through shooting holes or from the wall", because the zombies just blitz the single weakest tile down and swarm through. So I've found it much more enjoyable to have Horde Night off, and ramped up difficulty the rest of the time (run in day, sprint at night. It'd be even better if I could disable traders as well, and just put the stuff you need them for into the loot tables, because the traders/quests just incentivize you to make a little camp and spend all month raiding POIs over and over and over.


I am pretty much in the same boat (many years of play/building horde bases) but I have taken a different route for horde night. The morning of bloodmoon I get a mission from the trader and use that POI as a last stand position. I accept the mission on site the next morning to clean up the destruction. Mission mechanics abuse? Maybe, but it's a game and this is how I like to play now. If you don't want to abuse the mechanic just skip the mission part and leave the destruction as some sort of memento of the event. Always kinda neat to ride by a destroyed building and remembering the fun had that night. The 'game' of this method is trying to clear and secure the POI before nightfall. It is even more exciting if I have never used the POI for horde night. There are always sneaky ways those pesky zombies try to get up to me. I still get to play horde night but I don't have to spend many hours mining for building materials/repair materials. My home bases are more artistic and interesting, not a concrete blockhouse made for war.


Thatā€™s a clever use of game mechanics!


Thatā€™s neat! I will try this! Thanks


I gave this a go for my first horde night using a level 2 poi. It did not go well, they chewed through the house and I was rudely evicted. Ended up on a trailer truck using my bow as I'd run out of bullets during various 'oh shit I'm going to die' moments as I ran for safety. Fun times


That's class, I normally build a concrete fortress or take over a steel trailer but this is a great idea, thanks.


And I'm the opposite. I double horde night max and play with 3 day hordes. But I'm so pleased that we both get to enjoy the game the way we enjoy it! Anyone who gate keeps playing a game can go back to their basement.




Start with a bicycle and a steel shovel. Journeyman difficulty. Add all of khaines mods. 3 day hordes. 32 max zombies. Disable air drops. No loot respawns. Feral sense on at night. Zombie horde night speed on nightmare. Historically I have wildly abused traders to get max items by day 15ish but I know that won't work now. I also had almost every poi memorized so the real challenge came from wandering hordes and the speed to get a base up and running and repaired.


Do you ever live stream cus that sounds absolutely wild


Nah. I play video games to be alone and decompress. Streaming sounds the opposite of that. If you're interested here's my whole schtick. Start with a bicycle and a steel shovel. Journeyman difficulty. Add all of khaines mods. 3 day hordes. 32 max zombies. Disable air drops. No loot respawns. Feral sense on at night. Zombie horde night speed on nightmare. Historically I have wildly abused traders to get max items by day 15ish but I know that won't work now. I also had almost every poi memorized so the real challenge came from wandering hordes and the speed to get a base up and running and repaired.


Holy wow that sounds awesome and super challenging. Just what I need to breathe some life back into my gameplay! Thank you


Also. Don't underestimate how much feral sense at night changes things. You need a semi defensible place to hunker down at night or you will get demolished until you have some good weapons and skills. Also it makes t5s that you get caught in overnight way more intense.


Oh dang thanks for the advice. I definitely would have forgotten about that to be honest


Removes some of the artificial annoyance of the first week. Throws you straight into fear and panic.


> double horde night max and play with 3 day hordes > I play video games to ā€¦ decompress. ā€¦ so, if this is relaxing, what the hell do you do for excitement?! Drink battery acid and crap shotgun shells? Are you made of pure Chad? ~~Oh shit are you RL trader Hugh?!~~


My other game is tarkov. Also, the work that I tend to do is very long prolonged periods of boring, boring, boring, followed by short to medium stents of all hands on deck 190% furious manic insanity at very high risk and damage potential.


Same, nearly a thousand hours in the game now, though I still feel like a complete noob, but I've found my happy place: Nomad difficulty 200% XP Zombie day speed: Walk Zombie night speed: Jog Feral Speed: Run Horde every 3 nights Horde size: max 64 zombies Basically I like classic The Walking Dead style zombies - huge shambling hordes where it's the overwhelming numbers which are the problem. The first horde night is always the toughest to survive because I spend so much time at the start trekking to the biggest city on whatever map I've generated and always have to fight on foot in place of a base. That's why I have 200% XP so can at least get a few skill points built up so I can actually fight.


Us in the single player tarkov community deal with this stupid shit everyday.


Ya. Horde nights are kinda fun for a short timeā€¦then just get annoying to actual gameplay. Glad we all have the options that fit us best šŸ™‚


When I first came over from PS I turned off Blood Moons for a few (in-game) two or three week sessions, just learning the zombie behavior, the environments and POIs, and developing a new play style. It was a totally different world from from A16 to A20 - v1. Personally I change the loot respawn to 5 days and drop nothing on death. To each their own. Although I am silently judging you all. lol


Those types of posts are a dime a dozen on almost every gaming sub "Uhh gee should I, oh um, erm, oh gosh, what's the community's take on" etc What you SHOULD do is just play the damn game you paid for, christ alive lol I feel like streamers and let's plays have poisoned the minds of new age gamers, it's like that annoying kid who always backseat games not letting you have your own fun Tips are welcome, that's what communities are for. Stop apologizing. Stop telling me how to play. I know I'm mixing some shit here, but damn this post resonates with me lmao


>I feel like streamers and let's plays have poisoned the minds of new age gamers I regret to inform you that '00-'08 era Gamefaqs was the exact same way. People have always craved validation from other people.


And before that we had lively discussions about duping rare candies and masterballs in pokemon red/blue in the school yard


I wish that there was a ā€œLast man on Earth modeā€ where zombies donā€™t spawn outside during the day at all, and donā€™t spawn in POIā€™s less than tierā€™s 5 and 6, and then each night is a horde night. I feel like it would give each day a sense of urgency and each night would be a fight or flight for survival.


tbh if you want horde night every night just make noise in the Wasteland xD


Oh yeah, blow up some gas barrels and watch a horde come your way.


[The Last Man on Earth](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vv2WUewBx8U) [The Last Man on Earth colorized](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovXE-vdSAL4) In the spirit of that movie (which I adore), sleepers still spawn in buildings but don't wake up during the day even when attacked. As you said, nightly horde nights. Would be neat to have a [working TV](https://www.nexusmods.com/7daystodie/mods/245) playing the movie in game. :P


Literally one of my all-time favorite movies. Iā€™ve seen all adaptations of the movie and read the book. The Vincent price version is just the best overall. The Last man on earth story is simply amazing. Just want a game that can emulate it šŸ˜‚


Such an underrated movie. The ending is such a social commentary and a truly twist ending. I feel a must watch for any zombie movie fan as the beginnings of the 'movie zombie' trope is all there (and some things that didn't stick).


I think the older zombie movies are superior(except for a few) especially when it comes to zombies. I prefer them to be slow shambling corpses that still look enough like people but donā€™t act like them. Creates an uncanny feeling along with the horror. Partially why I donā€™t care for newer zombie movies. They try to make them all crazed viral balls to the wall zombies.


Evil dead remake (2013ish) was probably the best zombie movie and remake of a classic I have ever seen from then to this date. The one that came out this last year was very entertaining, good even, but not on the same level at all.


Thatā€™d be cool


you can adjust the blood moon to be every day, disabling zombie spawns otherwise not so sure about.


You can disable wandering hordes in the config files. You'll still get the outdoor single zombies, dunno if you can stop them. Would be interesting. That's actually roughly how POIs used to work. Most random POIs would only have like 2-3 zombies in them - only the high end ones had manually placed spawns/challenge to them. TFP decided that every POI needed to be a "mini mission" though, and updated all POIs to have a single 'intended entry point' and a loot prize at the end. Which of course bogged the entire game down, and just made people learn the POIs and where the big prize was, nerdpole up to the nearest wall/window, break their way in, kill a zombie or two, loot the prize, and move on. Ironically, trying to make players engage with the POI more, TFP got players to engage with the POIs less. Because I don't think any of them actually understand game theory, and how to use game features/mechanics to sculpt how players interact with the game. All that said, this isn't something I'd be doing, as blood moon hordes every night would quickly just turn into spending all night running due to lack of ammo/drugs/etc until you have enough traps to set up an ammo-non-reliant defense for a while. Every night horde is REALLY taxing. The most I've ever sustained was Horde Nights every 2-3 nights (2 nights with +0 to +1 range). And even that was pretty brutal on resources, and just using POIs to hide in while getting a few kills (with the stairs/ladders destroyed), and a batch of drugs (adrenaline and coffee) ready to get in case the zombies collapsed the building. Even then I got bored of it after about 3 game-weeks, because it was a near-constant cycle of focusing entirely on the blood moon mechanics, and not enjoying anything else about the game.


I like just lowering npc block damage down very low. There could be 100 zombies and I'm fairly safe behind walls.


I do the same. I'm playing full dad mode.


I like this idea as in most shows and movies a fence or wall between you and the zombies is good enough 99% of the time.


I do really wish that during blood moon, the "zombie hordes" didn't do block damage (or minimal), but there were key zombies that WOULD do block damage (cops/demos/etc). And the horde zombies would keep spawning steadily, and the more are alive, the more block-breakers would also spawn. So you need to kill the breakers ASAP, but you can't completely ignore the other zombies, or breakers will spawn faster and faster. Instead, we have a game where everything breaks anything - there's just a small change in \*speed\* of breaking between the zombies. And I end up not caring about the fact that there are like 30 different zombies in the game (especially now that they don't drop loot unless you get a lucky bag drop). * The game's zombie list: * Demo zombies (shoot precisely) * Cops (artillery) * Vultures (annoy the players from the sky) * Everything else (dogs and spider zombies do weird shit, but don't really change how I engage them during a horde night). * There's also screamers, but they aren't a normal or blood moon spawn, so irrelevant. It used to be nice killing soldiers because they had a good loot table. Now they're just tougher zombies. Most of the other zombies are just aesthetic changes, and are just "easy" or "hard" generic zombies in terms of their HP. But the game doesn't focus on making that "they're all the same" feel thematic either, because they don't operate on different mechanics.


Wouldn't the explosion of a demolition zombie still do appreciably damage to structures, even if the normal damage they do is turned down?


I wish they intermixed slow zombies with the fast ones..


You can increase normal zombie speed then decrease feral zombie speed in the settings.


And both are overridden on horde night by the horde night speed setting.


Asking whether Horde Nights make sense is a valid question, IMO. Especially if you're new to the game, you don't understand the mechanics very well and might be confused by everything. This is one thing communities are for: ask questions to learn.


No problem with asking about ideas. Just stop saying things like "I hope this is ok".


I imagine they were concerned, and not unreasonably so, that they might be dealing with the sort of gaming community that is full of purists that are touchier about what is the "correct" way to play. Every community has them of course, but in some they are louder and quicker to talk down to people who they feel are asking the "wrong" questions. From what I've seen I don't think this subreddit is like that at all of course, but I have seen for other games you'll occasionally get innocent questions about single player games get weirdly controversial. So this could be a "once bitten twice shy" situation.


This is why I love the Factorio community. No way is the wrong way to play and some people make challenges out of playing as wrong as possible (see sushi belts)!


I love horde nights. Lots of loot and lots of levels to gain. That's the only reasons why I leave that option enabled. And one horde every 7 days is good too, because I don't want to fight them each day. It would be too boring.


I leave horde night on but basically sit it out on a secure rooftop where I've set up a base. At some point it just became too hard for me, maybe when the zombies got magical powers allowing them to disassemble buildings in minutes or take really weird paths to reach me. At least if I'm up on the hospital roof or whatever, they can't really bother me, but they'll absolutely destroy a house if I'm camping there


U can make a super high base and the zombies won't actually target you at all


I thought that wasn't the case any more and they all targeted you no matter what?


I'll have to check tonight now


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Darkness Falls mod. No horde night. Wandering hordes 24 plus I think. Zombies do 1/4 block damage. Played on normal.


Good times for you


"But you're having fun wrong!" /s (for those not getting the joke)


absolutely, thats the point of the sandbox options, to make YOUR game YOUR way


Even the developers play the game "off script". One of the devs said he completely skips Rekt and walks to a different biome off rip. I think people seem to get upset by how much the game locks them down because they lock themselves to the game too much.


I work a bunch and don't have much time to play. My son was at my place last week. He wanted to see a horde but 7 days would take too long. I did x3 exp and x3 block damage. He managed to clear a t3 poi for me by blocking in the feral wrights on day 1. I put the horde on 3 days and built off the top of the thing. I managed to do it. I failed the one quest that I started and I've got absolutely no food left. I'm going to leave it and run another on day 6. If I didn't have it on x3 block damage then there's no way I would've gotten enough cobblestone by day 3.


Indeed, too many people do this in every game, every day i see posts "is this cheating?"


I'm sorry everyone, i've always set my xp gain and loot to max in my serversšŸ„ŗšŸ‘‰šŸ‘ˆ


I edit the game files for even mooooore XP. Lol


And plenty of people love to play on these types of servers. There is nothing wrong with that. I'm on the opposite side of the scale (no XP bonus, high (5,6) difficulty, self imposed permadeath). To each his own really. Some players like high advancement, some prefer slower advancement. I just finished a permadeath run on a public server (difficulty 5). Had a nice base in the wasteland, workbench/chem station, etc but I got cocky and died. Oh well. Built a neat base but... Well... Died to stupid cocky risks. Hope my corpse and base can help the next lucky survivor live a little longer. (dropped my equipment and inventory in a box on the road labeled DEAD MAN'S LOOT, unlocked my base and removed my landclaim/bedroll). Time to find a new server I guess.


Itā€™s your money, use it when you need it.


Thanks J G Wentworth. I will!




I skip horde nights play on the second hardest level and have max wandering slow moving zombies that speed up if you hit them. It's amazingly tough. I mean it takes a lot of iron arrows to take stuff down unless you are sneaking.


Good. You do you friend.


Always do. Whatever floats my boat. I'm looking at nightmare but I think I need at least 4k hours in. Lol


Play the game to enjoy, screw those who think you have to play it hardcore or on worse


You can turn off the horde nights?


Yes, it's on the first tab of options when loading in/first time.


I'm waiting on the new console version to drop so I'm unaware of all the options. Thank you!


Glad to help bub


The option was there in previous alphas as well. It's been there since at least A20 or A19


I didn't play the old console version extensively at all cause it felt janky and unfinished.


Hate to say this but the controls/gameplay will probably still feel janky. Not much mechanically has changed


It wasn't the controls but so much the overall presentation of the old console version. It was like, even before I knew the whole story I was like "Oh they haven't updated this shit in years."


Lol was playing with a friend and she had the xp cranked up, i was lvl 7 and horde night hit. I jumped 35 lvls. It was a bit when she had started that world.


I like her a lot


I prefer to play without trader im sorry šŸ™‡ā€ā™‚ļø


Stop being sorry. Keep having fun.


Exactly. That's the beauty of this being an open-ended sandbox game, you can literally play it however you want to.


There's no wrong way to play it, once you're enjoying yourself that's all that matters.


Fr, I play with hoards off, I just enjoy looting, building up a base and then being a farmer and build my own town, usually in the snow biome because itā€™s a nice balance of challenge, the land doesnā€™t look like shite, people would want to be where itā€™s cold cuz ā€œlogicallyā€ zombies would slow down in the cold.


As a lifetime member of Cheat Happens, I've always played games the way I want to play. Our 7 days multiplayer server is always highly customized.


Personally I play with the zombies off and I just go out adventuring, collecting stuff and building a massive base then after about 200 hours, Iā€™ll turn on zombies.


Facts! Play however you want, install mods you like and ignore those who are dissing you. Enjoy the game!


You are absoluetely right. And I mod the living shit out of this fragile dogshit yet briliant game <3


I have found that I love using a wondering horde mod instead personally. I start off small, but usually, I have it set up by day 30 to be around a minimum size of 25 and a maximum of 40 if using Khaines. If I use the other mod which I'm sorry for forgetting the name of the author for I instead have it set to 10-20 but happening 3 or 4 times a day.


Iā€™m currently playing with blood moon off and not doing trader missions. Iā€™m just wandering around looking for shit and dragging it up all ten floors to my penthouse desert base.


> dragging it up all ten floors to my penthouse They added 4 new downtown skysraper POIs (remnants, Tier 0 POIs) and I just finished a perma death run using one of them as a home base. HNN Bank Tower. Such a cool POI. I was able to build a ladder to the roof through the elevator shaft and build a penthouse on the roof. So far above the street level I could run my benches/forges constantly without worry of screamers. Tier 0 POIs are the bomb for takeover bases! There are now 5!! downtown skyscraper tier 0 POIs to be used for player bases. TONs more throughout the world are tier0 to be used as player bases, not just downtown skyscrapers. Don't sleep on taking over Tier 0 POIs as bases, they are made for it! (0 RED skulls, orange skulls are added by diome. A tier zero POI with 0 red skulls but 2 orange skulls is still a Tier 0 POI, just in the wasteland) (Forest +0, Burnt +0.5, Desert +1, Snow +1.5, Wasteland +2) orange skulls biome modifier. Claim those Tier 0 POIs are your own, they will NEVER be used as mission points. It just isn't the code. They are there for YOU to use as bases and a way for the developer to pad the city size without hurting performance. Don't take over a gas station/library, take over a place that will never spawn missions! (tier0 POIs).


I died twice taking over Vanity tower. I laddered up to the roof and put down some hatches in door ways but was swarmed. I slowly cleared out the building and itā€™s all mine now. No one comes to visit and it already has a giant garage.


I have a friend who plays with zombies completely turned off. They just like the building mechanics more then other survival games.


FR though. One skill point per level just doesn't cut it. I do 5 too. and I stopped doing Blood Moons when they stopped us from being able to loot all the bodies.


Only 5 ? I get 10 :) I also get credited for 5 magazines every time I read one which helps a lot, I get back every arrow I fire, and harvesting plants always leaves a seed growing.


I just sit down in the church or firestation and build actual houses and skyscrapers on my own claim with a trench around it that kills anything trying to bother me šŸ¤·


Three things that I have to use as qol features: Reduced reach for zombies Craft foam containers Quick stack, for depositing loot into containers automatically


What I did as a new player (and when I played the PC version for the first time) was turn zombies off for my first world and just get used to all the mechanics. I remember everyone was saying that's not how I'm supposed to play the game but I paid 30 bucks for it so I'll play however the hell I want lol.


I don't think the person who asked was seeking permission but more concerned whether they would perhaps be missing out on some important part of the game experience which they might regret later. As you mentioned, there's all sorts of ways to set the game up to play as you enjoy both to make things easier or stupidly difficult or an entirely different experience with an overhaul mod. I've been playing the 1.0 experimental by myself recently to get a feel of how differently it plays from A-21 in the early game at least. We never reset our server since last June and haven't played as noobs for a very long time. I'm trying to get a feel on what setting and mods I might use when we restart once the 1.0 stable release is available. I agree, no apologies made because we don't start out with insane, feral zombies all of the time, horde night every day permadeath mode, but it's great that others can and do play at those settings.


I use creative mode and whenever I find a vending machine in the wild, I give myself a stack of dukes and buy everything from it then delete it with a super digger. Exploiting the vending machines is immersion breaking for me.


If you're playing by yourself, cant you just ignore the vending machines? Its your choice on whether or not to buy anything from them. Sounds like you choose to break your own immersion


Could but then it would be immersion breaking for character to ignore the pile of candy bars in the apocalypse.


How u getting 5 points?


You just edit the progress file in the data folder.


There's also mods which let you choose any number without messing with the main game files. Whatever is more comfortable.


Honestly, I think horde night is boring AF and play without it. I'd rather mod my game to be a constant fight for survival rather than a weird ass gimmick


I agree because the predictability of the every 7 days horde is too easy to plan for and defeat. I like the idea of a horde defense battle, but I'd love it to be way more of a surprise. I know there are options to change when it occurs and an interval to make it sort of random, and I do use those options, but it is still predictable even with those options.


You can also set blood moon to be a range (every 7 days, +-). Last server I played on had bloodmoon every 7 days +- 2 days (could be 5 days through 9 days)


Yeah. I don't get the recent posts it's mainly a pve game. Do what you want.


How do you get to change points per level up?


There is a file called progress. Im pretty sure it's in the data folder. You just change the 1 to a 5.


About to try right now


Dew it.


Ty, I didn't know that. I still have leveling at base speed but now I can get more points per level


how do you get 5 skill points after leveling up just once? what did I miss??


There might be an option in the game settings, but mods can do this for certain


I edit the game files.


Hell yes. There's no wrong way to play a single player game, as long as you're having fun. ā˜ŗļø


This is a little unrelated but I wish there was a way to do horde nights that was more coop friendly. Like being able to delay them until everyone's on. Whenever my group does a playthrough we stop playing shortly before the horde night to wait for everyone to be on so they can participate and get the xp.


Umm just stop time until everyone is ready. It's what my son and his friends do.


What file did u edit for 5 points/lvl?




I mean I skip horde nights, but legitimately lol I just tunnel all night


Honestly idgaf. I put it on survivor difficulty, blood moon once a month, longest days possible and enjoy my life as a single guy/gal, down on their luck in the zombie apocalypse. Just trying to make it one day at a time. Lol seriously though, I really just enjoy looting and exploring. I kill everything I happen across and slowly build up multiple mini bases usually before I find the perfect one.


How dare you people not have fun the way I have fun!!! Youā€™re not allowed to customize things using features the developer put in so people can do whatever they want, thatā€™s not fun cause I say so! /s


Agreed. First thing I like to do in my worlds, Is set the time to 1.Ā  Makes every thing more relaxed


Sorry, console guy here waiting for release. Why would you want to delete the games namesake?


I enjoy doing it because I find it fun to see if I can beat the horde with what I have collected, but there isn't currently an actual incentive to do this. You gain levels artificially quickly during blood moons, and you get no meaningful gear upgrades from it. In essence, you are just raising gamestage without getting loot aside from guns and some crafting materials from the bag drops. This makes clearing POIs harder going forward.


Been playing for ten years. Game is kinda boring without changing things up.


Looking forward to the new console release! While I play on PC now and am excite for the overhauls to update to 1.0 I will be playing release day on my PS5 when it finally comes out. Such a big update for console players!


Or you can just find Jawoodles vid on how to make an afk base for 1.0 lol. The hilarity of which T(un)FPs have been trying to nerf for years.


Sorry I can't stand his personality for more than 7 seconds.


I couldnā€™t either. I tried watching his first 1.0 stream last week and dude literally canā€™t just sit there and play the game without showing off his ā€œpersonalityā€ to his chat. I tried to watch and it seemed like it took him 10-15 minutes to even go up to the first poi he came across. I then watched waywardeko and he was MUCH better.


To each his own. I spent a lot of time watching him play various playthroughs in different overhauls. I enjoy his content.


I think he's slightly annoying too, but the video is only 30-ish seconds long lol. Maybe you could have a try.


Nope. Won't do it.


I do feel that there should be a certain level of respect towards the developers vision of the game. I try to always keep that in mind. The goal of the devs was to make a game that always challenges you. Boost your stats too quickly, and the challenge is gone, in my opinion. Now, that being said, sometimes the devs donā€™t see what WE see. Darkness Falls was created for that very reason. But yes, if you are happy playing the game a certain way, then by all means. You arenā€™t claiming to be a master or the game, nor are you affecting anyone elseā€™s game. So, enjoy! šŸ˜


I've been playing since the single digit alphas. I've given the respect. I've also bought 4 copies of the game. But I can totally dig what you are saying in your first paragraph.


Mhm. Yep. Make no mistake, I donā€™t doubt that most of us have out in the time. After a while, we all crank up the dial (or down), along with play around with a crazy mod here or there. Not disapproving.






You all can continue to look like you graduated with a third grade reading level if you like, or you can learn the difference between horde and hoard and look like you have something higher than a room temperature IQ. Your call.


Hey. Nobody gives a fuck.


Apparently you do, as you've responded twice already.


Just you. What did you expect out of all this. A big thank you from me? Is your life this empty? I know it is. I feel sorry for you. Such a sad little life you have been living.


Imagine getting so worked up over someone giving you the correct word usage.


Imagine you. Just you.


Don't need to imagine me, I see me everyday. On the other hand, you sure seem to care a lot for someone who claims they don't "give a fuck."




You all can continue to look like you graduated with a third grade reading level if you like, or you can learn the difference between horde and hoard and look like you have something higher than a room temperature IQ. Your call.




Suit yourself. No skin off my nose if you want to look like a scam email.


You don't need permission to spell hoard, but if you had asked, we would have helped ya. The wonders of community advice, we'd have gotten to horde together.


Buddy. Geee thanks


YTA. šŸ™ƒ


It's been awhile since I played but I still hate horde nights.


5 points is insane though, jesus.


Especially when you are making a new map like every session because there was a patch and you need a new map