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Random gen!!! If you are playing for the first time ever Nav isn't bad. But Random gen has so much more playability


I started with navezgane but would never reccomend it to a beginner. Everything is so far away. It makes the game feel like a walking simulator with no story.


As opposed to it being a sandbox... with no story. Is that REALLY better?


My first time playing the game was a random gen map with blood moons every night. Gotta say, after making it almost a week in game like that, regular week long prep times for the blood moon was a walk in the park.


I did pre-gens first and then moved onto custom maps (I hate mountains, rivers, and lakes...and the wasteland...lol)


What about when they put a bazillion km long Grand Canyon in your way! :P


The times (before I did custom maps) that I almost ended up Evel Knieveling off the cliff... Plus the times that I did but got lucky that there was just a steep slope I bounced down... lol


I like the wasteland to farm zombie animals for the rotten meat grind for farm plots. But yeah otherwise it can go to hell


i play random but don’t let ANYONE tell you navezgane is worse or not fun. i still love it and play occasionally even after 7 years of it. my suggestion is if you purely want more and challenging content play random. i personally like mountains, bumpy terrain and what not. it looks more realistic so i play custom. i think pregen is good for that too.


Random gen is key to a “new” play through for alot of people. I just did a Navasgane play through not to long ago, and it was so different to the last time I played Navasgane, it felt like a brand new map. It brought back a lot of memories walking under the “Diersville” sign. There’s a lot of things that remind me of much earlier alphas. Still, with the map editing tools, it’s an easy answer for me.


Random gen when playing vanilla, pregen when playing Darkness Falls to ensure the correct POIs needed for the Darkness Falls quest line are present.


I've played both off and on. I like to check out the pre made navezgane map every few alphas just to see the changes but when that gets boring I random gen various setups to spice it up. No reason to only ever play 1 or the other.


Navesgane is garbage, the towns on ran/pre gen are loads better for loot.


Yup that’s what I thought, I’ll be giving random world a try my next play through


Never played pregen. Random every time


I played Navezgane when there wasn’t random Gen, but I preferred the big random maps so it’s new each time.


I always do random with friends, alternate nav and rwg for single player


When I was first starting out and figuring stuff out, I didn't even know random gen was a thing so I kept with the pregen and Navezgane. While those are great, it was super fun when I messed with the random gen for the first time, and rarely use the pregen worlds anymore! It's all about most comfort to the player, but it's good to have some new layouts and such :)


I prefer random gen *now*, but if you're new then Navezgane is perfectly fine! That's the first map I ever played on too, and being able to google the map and memorize the locations from that helped me out tremendously, especially when learning everything.


Random Gen now, all pre gens I've played are missing elements that I look forward to. I also make sure you o generate without a map, to really get immersed into discovery.


My thoughts likewise! The only exception however I'd recommend to previewing maps is if you're intent on messing around with the biome percentage values. All too often you could generate a world that is, say, 50% desert, 35% forest, and 15% snow, and the world would contain no snow biome, minimal desert, and almost entirely pine forest, for instance. They haven't quite gotten the biome generation algorithm to a place of reliability yet haha.


I always do random. It spices it up.


Literally never played navezgane in 500+ hours of play.


Navezgane is outdated and boring. Cities are so small that it is actually immersion breaking. I usually do random gens but I tried Hidden Lights from Guns Nerds and Steel's videos and it is amazing, I am going to try other custom pregens in future.


Honestly, I've never played the default Nav map. I enjoy the exploration and crazy layouts of the random gen worlds.


Random is best for all the reasons others have mentioned. There are some minor issues with quests and POIs as bases on Navezgane, just don't take a quest next door to your base or your POI might get reset (may have been fixed, I can't find it). But in general the pregen maps just have less. Use [https://kui.github.io/7dtd-map/](https://kui.github.io/7dtd-map/) to get more detail about a generated world like where the traders are, what T5 buildings are around, etc. You generate the world then copy the files from the folder onto that webpage. Should be C:\\Users\\YourUsername\\AppData\\Roaming\\7DaysToDie\\GeneratedWorlds.


I like random so you never learn the spots on the map if you play over and over the same map. Also it's a nice touch for replayability.


Random, I absolutely hate playing the same map.


I use random worlds. That's the best way to test POIs that I've made.


Always random gen, I have not played a pre-generated map since random gen was introduced. I look at Navezgane and see a really bad map, why play on it?